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02x12 - Belle

Posted: 03/16/23 17:55
by bunniefuu
Tookie bah waba!


Iki bah bah.

Ha ha ha.

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

♪ Gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

Ooocha! Chi-ka!

♪ Miki miki coconut ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

And so, the innocent
flower maiden

stepped onto the Ali'i trail

well knowing the impending doom

but desperate to
find her lost love...

uh... luigi.

Trespasser, you dare
to cross the Ali'i trail

home of the huaka'i po...
The deadly night marchers?

My ghost warriors
and I will destroy you!


The innocent flower maiden

tries to keep from looking
into the night marcher's eyes,

but it is in vain.

She begins to turn to stone!

Look, lilo's actually playing
with that ugly doll again!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!

Scrump's not ugly.
She's one of a kind.

Wanna play night
marchers with us?

It's real scary!

Ha! Everybody knows there's
no such thing as night marchers.

It's just a dumb story.

Yeah! Yeah!

It's real Hawaiian legend.

First it starts raining,

and then you hear
drums and moaning

and screaming.

And then the night
marchers come out

and turn you into solid stone!

How could anybody prove
the night marchers really exist

if they're all turned to stone?

They are real.

Prove it. Bet ya can't.

Bet I can, too.

How 'bout if we walk the
Ali'i trail tomorrow night

and then you can
see they're real.

Fine. See you at the
trailhead... : sharp.

And if they don't
exist... which they don't...

It'll just prove to everybody

how extra-weird you are.

It'll be sad when myrtle
gets turned to stone.


I gotta ask nani about tonight
before she goes to work.

Oh, I'm sure nani
will be fine with it.

Going on a walk at night

is a perfectly
reasonable thing to do.

Except for the part where
you get turned to stone!

Maybe we don't
tell her that part.

I made waffles!

Thanks, pleakley,
but I'm really late.

My alarm clock
didn't go off... Again!

My keys. Has anybody
seen my... hatatha!

Jumba could fix alarm clock.

The last time I let
you fix something,

the garbage disposal ate
the neighbor's palm tree.

Unfortunate accident.

Here you go! Coffee.

Extra milk, extra sugar.

Ok. What do you want?

A nighttime hike to look for
legendary local spooky guys.

You wanna hike the Ali'i trail

to look for the night marchers?

Don't worry. She
might not get petrified.

And why should I say yes?

Myrtle says the night
marchers aren't real.

So I made a bet
to see who's right.

A bet? Oh, lilo, you don't
need to prove anything to myrtle.

But the night marchers are real!

I know it! Please?
Stitch'll go with me.

And I'll be extra
really careful.

Ha ha ha. How can I resist?

Ohh... ok, ok...

I did the same thing
when I was about your age.



But here are the rules.

Jumba and pleakley go, too.

And they have to be
with you at all times.

You have to be home by : ,

and please, don't
do anything stupid

just to win a bet
with myrtle. Promise?


And I'm counting on
you two to be responsible.

No problems!


Fresh fruit. Flash lights.


We're ready for anything!

Well, I'm certainly
prepared for an evening out.

After hours of planning,
I've got on the perfect

Hawaiian myth-hunting gown.

And I'm wearing sensible
shoes in case I need to run in fear.

Just don't look in their eyes.

You'll be fine.

And, uh... How will we
recognize these night marchers?

It's easy. They pound
drums. They moan,

and their feet don't
touch the ground.

I just hope they don't have
anything against well-dressed aliens.

Having no fear, my friends.

Even though is
scientifically not possible

for spectral non-living
persons to be existing,

just in case,

I have prepared genius
ghost distiller machine.

It captures night marchers,

squeezes out essence
of pure ghost evil,

and concentrates for use in creating
terrifying new genetic experiments.

Also good for
juicing grapefruits.

I can't wait to see the
look on myrtle's face

when she sees a
real live night marcher!

Hello, Mrs. Pleakley.

Thanks for taking the kids.

Oh, my, what a lovely gown!

You're... going hiking in that?

Oh, just ordinary eveningwear
for an evening hike.


Uh... I guess so...

Ok, sweetie, have a good time!

Aloha, myrtle.

Well, I'm here. Where
are the night marchers?

Oh, that's right...

In your brain! Ha ha ha ha!

You won't be able
to laugh so hard

when you're turned to stone!

Ok, everybody,
let's hit the trail.


Stupid dog!

It's pretty dark around here.

Yeah. Too dark to see
any night marchers, right?

That's not what I meant!

We'll see 'em. You just wait.

It'll rain and we'll
hear drums and...

Bark. Bark.

Bark. Bark.

Stitch saw something!

Did not!

Save me!

You are all a bunch
of scaredy-cats.

We've been out
here for half an hour.

I haven't seen a
single night marcher,

haven't heard a single drum,

and the weather report says
it's not supposed to rain all week!

Ohh! I wanna go home!

Lucky I packed another
pair of jumba's boxers!

They make a perfect -man tent.

Yes, lucky I wear large
plus extra, extra, extra.

Did you hear that? It had
to be the night marchers!

No, it had to be the wind.

Then why are you trembling?

I'm just shivering

'cause I'm cold
'cause it's raining!

Well, I'm scared, and
I'm not afraid to admit it.

You were admitting it
before we left house, even.

Well, I'm not afraid
to re-emphasize it.

Gabanja! Night marchers.

Yeah! Let's go find
the night marchers.

We are not going
anywhere until the rain stops.

These shoes are already ruined.

Look at them!

Maybe we should tell scary
stories until the rain stops.

That is the dumbest idea ever.

Ok. I'll go first.

My story's about a heroic and
legendary figure in kauai's history...

Mrs. Emily pritchett,

the founder of my mother's
ultra-successful real estate company.

One evening, Emily was showing
the famous lelani cliff house

to prospective buyers.

Little did they know of the
horror that awaited them inside.

Why is price so low?

I didn't want to
say this in the ad,

but the house is
a little bit haunted.


But don't worry.
The ghost isn't scary,

just real super weird.

I am so weird!

Sooooo weird!



The potential buyers
were so frightened,

Mrs. Emily pritchett
almost lost the sale.

But she was not going to let

a ghost girl stop
her from her goal...

No matter how weird she was.

Weird hula girl ghost,

only unweird people belong here.

Why don't you and your
smelly dog move into

this ugly old house?


And the ghost hula girl knew
that Mrs. Emily pritchett was right

and bought the ugly house.

And no sooner had
they signed the contract

than they melted into
giant puddles of poi.

And Mrs. Emily pritchett got
a commission on both sales.

Now, that's a scary story.

If a scary story makes
you wanna do this...

Then, yes, it's scary.

That was not scary story.

Jumba has a
truly terrifying tale

about tragically
misunderstood evil genius.

Once ago in a very long time

there was evil genius named
Dr. Yorga Von jumbanstein.

And deep within his castle,

terrifying horror
was about to awaken.

Wake up, my monster.

Time to make distraction.

Heh heh heh!

Hoo hoo hah hah hah
hah hah hah hah hah!

Welcome to life, my evil one.

Let us go terrorize some
innocent and helpless villagers.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

[Crowd commotion there he is!


You laugh-ed at my evil genius!

Now you shall feel his wrath!

Get them, my
terrifying experiment.

Get them!

Where did he go?

I guess I must do
terrorizing myself.



Hah hah hah hah hah hah!

Now perhaps they will
appreciate my evil genius!

Hah hah hah hah hah!


That story wasn't
even scary one bit.

I thought it was scary, jumba.

Oh! Oh! It's my
turn for a story!

Even though it
might be too scary!

It's called the stain
that took over the world!

In a restaurant far, far away,

there once was an innocent
and neatly dressed busboy...

Who worked for
a very messy chef.

Who made dis sauce?

It's terrible!

Too much sugar. Not
enough tasty herbalisms.

And the carpet
is ruined, too, sir.

Who cares about stupid carpet?

Who cares? Well, buster,
the guy who cleans it cares!

And that's me! You
sloppy, temperamental

chef you!

Oh, no! Look!

The stain!

It's growing!

Oh! Oh, my!


My -star restaurant
is in danger!

Someone... help!

I know what to do. Baking soda!

Take that, you nasty stain!

Here's some club soda, too! Hah!

Unsightly sauce be gone!

How can I ever repay
you, noble busboy?

By not making such a gosh
darn mess all the time, sir.

No more messes ever. I promise.

And they all lived
happily... And neatly...

Ever after.

That was the worst scary story

I've ever heard!

Miga, miga!

It's stich's turn.

But... he's a dog.

With a story to tell.

Akatchu... eekay!

Rraaah! Danke!

Mika patuki!


Oh! Aah!


He's still looking for his hand.

Ta da!

I don't know what he just said.

I'm sure that was a...
Very scary story, stitch.

Thank you.


Ok, weird-lo, it's your turn.

Try not to put us
to sleep too fast.

Ok. There once was a girl

who didn't respect
her ancestors...

Or the Ali'i trail.

She was walking
along the trail one night

when suddenly it began to rain.

Then she heard the
loud beating of drums,

then moaning and screaming.

She knew they
were coming for her...

The night marchers.

She tried to run,

but the flicker of their
torches got closer and closer

aah! And closer!


It was too late.

She couldn't stop herself from
looking directly into the eyes

of the chief night marcher.

She looked down...

And saw her body
slowly... Turning...

To stone!

And that was the
gruesome end of the girl,

cursed and petrified
for all eternity.

The chief night
marcher and his warriors

screamed their
terrifying cry of victory!

The night marchers got myrtle!

Ok. Don't panic.

The night marchers have myrtle.

We're going to
have to rescue her.

I hope she remembers
not to look them in the eyes.

Do you think she's
already turned to stone?

What am I gonna
tell Mrs. Edmonds?

How 'bout...

Your daughter will make
most useful birdbath?

This is serious!

Do ya think they'll
come back to get us?

I wanted her to believe
in the night marchers,

but... not like this.

Aah! Aah!


Ha ha!

Myrtle! Did you escape?

What did they look like?

Did they say anything?

Yeah. They said lilo is a dodo
for believing in the night marchers.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

That is evil! But
not in a good way.

You should have seen your faces.

I got you guys so bad.

Well, they probably heard you

and they're coming
to get us right now!

Face it, lilo. There
are no night marchers.

♪ I was right, I was
right, I was right ♪

Yes... she would have
made very nice birdbath.

Uh, lilo, tell your weirdo dog

to quit trying to scare us.

But... stitch is right there.

You know what that means?

I'm too young to be
a lawn decoration!

And they sound super-close!


Somehow this loud type of scream

is familiar... No! It can't be!

It is! Experiment !

Design-ed to terrify enemy
with piercing screams!

I recognize
ear-splitting decibel!


Oh, no!

Not another one of
your weird dog thingies!

We've gotta find stitch's cousin

before the night marchers do!

He doesn't know he's not
supposed to look them in the eyes.

Give it up, lilo. We haven't
seen the night marchers,

and we're not gonna
see the night marchers.

I bet you they
weren't real, and I win.

So there. I'm leaving.

Technically, dear, you haven't
finished walking the whole trail yet.

Now, according to
intergalactic wagering rules,

if you leave now you
forfeit, and lilo wins the bet.

She does not!

You and your bubble-brained family
can walk to Honolulu for all I care!

Got it!?

She doesn't hold
things in, does she?

lilo wins the bet."

Hmph. Boy, are they
gonna look like dopes

when they get back...

Hey! You're that giant guy

who's always after
lilo's weird dogs!

Yes. In fact, my sources
tell me one is on the loose.

I'm looking for it right now.

So out of my way,
small freckled earth form.

Wait! I know where it is.

And I'll take you there...

In exchange for one small favor.

Over there!


I'm gonna call her belle...

As in decibel.

Belle! Wait!

Where'd she go?


Come on! Over there!


We finally found
the night marchers!

This is gonna be great.

Tell me when it's over!

Trespassers, you have
crossed the scared path

and now must pay the price.

If you wish to survive,

send the screaming abomination
into the cave as a sacrifice!

This must be
something new they do.

You can't have belle!

Do not disobey me or I
will turn you all into stones!

Belle! Wait, come back!



I'll just stand guard
out here... aah!

Up there!

It's... gantu?

What are you doing here?

Make it stop! Make it stop!


I can't take it anymore!

Ok. So maybe is
not night marcher.

But even so, I think I try to
squeeze evil dummy head juice.

Oh, blitsnak.

Since we're at
the end of the trail

and we still haven't
seen any night marchers,

technically, I win the bet.

Ok. See you in hula class.

Ok? Aren't you upset
that you didn't win?

No. Just 'cause I couldn't prove

the night marchers
are real tonight

doesn't mean I still
don't believe in them.

And I guess I don't have to
prove it to anyone else anyway.

Aloha, myrtle.

Fine! Night marchers!

What a laugh! I'm laughing!

Har har har!



Drive, mom!

Drive, drive, drive!

See? I told you belle would
make a great alarm clock.

Yes, you did.

I'm just gonna
get a little more...

Oh! Ok, I'm up! I'm up!