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02x06 - Skip

Posted: 03/16/23 17:51
by bunniefuu
Tookie bah waba!


Iki bah bah.

Ha ha ha.

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Maka maka!

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Ha ha ha!

Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

♪ Gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

Ooocha! Chi-ka!

♪ Miki miki coconut ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

The fearless exterminator
has nearly escaped

from the hive of
the wasp mummies.

Oh, no!

A wasp mummy's
buzzing up behind me.


The dreaded lick
of a wasp mummy!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

If I can just make it

into that cloud of bug spray.


My only hope is to
engage the afterburner.

Uh, don't pull on...

ooge taka! Oof!

Jumba, the afterburner's
busted again.

Will put on evil to-do list.

Ooh! While you're at it,

can you install robot legs

so I can reach the pedals?

I want to drive!

No. You're too young
to pilot motor vehicle.


I promise I won't
crash into anything.


Little girl will have to
wait until she is bigger.

Kids never get
to do anything fun.

I want to grow up now!

We must also
install silent car horn.

Pleakley, will you take us
to see wasp mummies ?

No time, lilo. No time.

I've discovered my life's
ambition, thank you very much.

What is it this time?

I'm going to be a world-famous
earth fashion designer!

But it takes years of study

to become a fashion designer.


I'm locking myself
inside this room

until I've read everything
there is to know

about current fashion trends.

From Paisley to Paris."

Well, we'll just leave
you to your studies

and go see wasp
by ourselves.

Not so fast.

Nani says you're too young

to see pg movies.

Too young?



We'll just make
up our own movie.

Lilotron ,
extreme exterminator,

steels herself for battle.


Rrrawrr! Rrrawrr! Rrrawrr!

The king of the wasp mummies

wasn't counting on
her secret w*apon...

Bug zapper softballs!

Zap! Zap!



It's time for you to come in.

Aah, stupid curfew.

You know the rules.

: means you're in the house.

Wasp mummies are nocturnal.

I don't see what
the big deal is.

I just don't like you
being out after dark.

But you're going out after dark.

That's right, but I'm
also older than you.

When you're my age,
you can stay out late, too.

But that's, like, a
hundred years from now!

I can't wait that long!

Exactly how old
do you think I am?

Old enough to have all the fun.

I can't drive, I can't
go to the movies,

I can't stay out
late... lilo, slow down.

If you spend all your time
wishing you were older,

one day you'll find that
your whole life has gone by.

My whole life is going by now!

Maybe you should get some sleep.

Doesn't someone have a big day

of experiment hunting tomorrow?

Oh. Yeah.

Come on, stitch.

Obviously we're too
immature to do anything

except save the world
from certain destruction...


Dr. Hamsterwheel...
It's hamsterviel!

Veal, like the delicious meats,

thank you, bureaucratic
imprisoning person!

But here it's spelled

No, no! Get it right!
Change it, change it!

Very well. Dr. Hamsterviel.

The parole board has
looked over your files.

And you're releasing me
from this stinking prison

so I may rise up against you

and take over the universe?


Actually we're
doubling your sentence,

cutting your TV time in half

and removing the
free popcorn cart

from the break room.


Oh, and here's a note:

"Hope you're enjoying prison.

"Don't expect to get
out anytime soon.

Ha ha ha! Regards,
parole board."

So, that is the game
you want to play, huh?

Ach glach nach gaga!

Dr. Hamsterwheel detention code

override sequence activated.



Sir, yes, sir!

Speak up when I'm
talking down to you!

How many experiments
have you caught so far?

Uh, how many?

That is a good question.

You see, I've been telling him

he should do some
kind of inventory.

Oh, the brown one,

the pink one, the little
green guy... that's .

That one whose hair is
always clogging the sink.

Right. And the one with
the things that goes "gzzt!"

I've caught, uh... Some. Some?

Oh, and how many
does the little girl have?

Eh... uh, more.

I must have all,

or at the very least most!

I know it's taking a while, sir,

but I can do better.


You will capture
all the experiments,

even if it takes you
another years!

Brother, another
years of this?

Sorry, lilo.

No stray dogs this week.

They don't have to be just dogs.

Anything that breathes
fire or spits acid

or anything that maybe
reminds you of stitch.


Hmm... Well, it's not a dog,

but someone brought in
this little guy yesterday.


Weird enough for you?


How much longer
am I having to wear

this... this... ah... ah-choo!

Evil geniuses
allergic to taffeta.

So what exactly makes
this little fella so dangerous?

During evil days,
jumba too impatient

to wait for microwave
to reheat leftovers.

I make so I could
skip ahead minutes.

What happened?

Heek! Big mistake!

I put burrito in microwave,

activated experiment and boom!

years go by.

He skips years, huh?

Well, I guess we better
go find his one true place.

I look at it this way:

If I ask nani's
permission, she'll say no.

But if I skip ahead years,

I'll be old enough that I
won't have to ask permission.


Stay next to me,
stitch, so you'll skip, too.

Here we go.



Are you ok?

Da! Day!

It worked!

I'm a teenager!

Holy cannoli!

Uh! That's not my voice.


Testing, , , .

My name is lilo
and I am a teenager.

Ha ha!

Hmm... ichi nawa?

You look exactly the same.

I guess genetic experiments

age differently than humans.

Maybe you can grow a goatee.

That'd make you look older.

Wow. I kind of
look like... Nani.






You're back!



You are in years
of trouble, young lady!

Let me go! Oh, no!

I've been waiting
years to yell at you for this!

Yeah, you go to your room!

You are super extra grounded!

You can't ground me.
I'm not a kid anymore.

Yeah, but you're
still my little sister

and I still make the rules.

This is why I skipped
years in the first place.

You're always
treating me like a child.

I'll stop treating
you like a child

when you stop acting like one!

Lilo, I brought you some lunch.

You must be hungry if you
haven't eaten in years.

I'm old enough to
make my own lunch now.

I guess I forgot what it's like
to be in a hurry to grow up.

I spend most of my time

wishing I could go
back to being a kid.

There's nothing good
about being a kid.

You think that now, but...

Ah, you'll understand
when you're older.

I'm sorry I mysteriously

for years.

I'm sorry I treat
you like a kid.

I'm just not used to living
with an obnoxious teenager.

You'll get used to it.

I did.

Oh, is that right?

Can I please go out and
see what the town's like?

I suppose...

But you're not going out
dressed like that, are you?

I did it! I finally
finished reading

everything there is
to know on fashion.

And it only took me... years.


Pleakley, I need your help
picking out some trendy clothes.

Boy, did you come
to the right place.

Island casual is so passé.

Are you sure this is "in?"

You think I'd spend
years reading all these books

and not know what's in style?

- Oh, hubba hubba!
- Kacheefa!

Here are keys to buggy.

Make sure to activate
alarm when you park it.

Thanks, jumba. Come on, stitch,

let's go have some fun.

May I see your license, please?

My... license?

I guess I kind of missed
out on getting one.

Yeah, well, you're not
missing out on tickets.

That one is a repair order.

Your brake light's out.


Look, stitch!

Return of another
final chapter part ?

I guess we missed a few sequels.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

That is the ugliest
outfit I have ever seen.


It's me, lilo.


From when we were kids?

Well, that certainly explains
your ridiculous get-up.

For your information,

these are the latest fashions.

Yeah, from years ago, maybe.

Try picking up a current
fashion book once in a while.

Uh, myrtle?

We're going in to
see wasp mummies.

You want to join us?

Wasp mummies? As if!

Those movies are for babies.


By the way,

it looks like you got a ticket.

Another ticket?

Nani's gonna be furious.

Hey, parking guy!

You can't give me this.

We were... I am sorry,

but there is nothing
I can... let go!

Hamsterviel. What are
you doing out of prison?

Earth girl!

How did you...
but I'm on parole.

Who would be dumb
enough to parole you?

I am now a reformed,

member of society.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have a quota to
meet. Good-bye!

Phew! That was a close one.

Yes, sir, Dr. Hamsterviel?

The earthling experiment
hunter girl has returned.

Hmm. That's rather
pesky, but it's no matter.

I have virtually all the
experiments in my prison.

This is good.

Proceed now to phase
number the second!

Yes, sir.

So far being a
teenager is a drag.


Maybe we just didn't
skip forward far enough.

Maybe if I was even older,
things would be even funner.

Daba da!

Ok, skip, punch it.

Did it work?


It did!

I'm a full-fledged grownup.

Cool! Huh?

Hey... Is this your car?

Uh, no?

Well, I feel sorry
for whoever owns it.

It's breaking
about a million laws

in the hamstervielville
city code.


But this is kokawatown.

Miss, this place hasn't
been kokawatown

for at least years.

It's hamsterviel!

Stitch... I think we
skipped too much.


We've got to get home

and find out what's going on!

Ogi takka!

Oh, no.

These are all the
old experiments

I caught years ago!

Stitch, we've got to get
you and skip out of here

- before you get...
- Hold it right there!


Toobi chiba.

No! Stitch!

Stitch, look out!


If you want them,

you're gonna have
to get through me!


I'll be back for you, stitch!


Let her go.

The boss only cares
about the experiments.


Jumba? Pleakley?


Little girl?

Huh? Jumba!

It is you!

Not-so-little girl,

you're a sight for my eyes

to go sore to look at.

Jumba, what happened here?

Uhh, house was repossess-ed

to pay for unpaid
parking tickets.

Why didn't you
just move the car?

You had the keys.


I have been hiding in attic,

eating only canned
rutabagas and rainwater

ever since Emperor
hamsterviel took power.


He captured-ed all experiments

because you were not
here to catch them with .

Where is ?

They just arrested
stitch and skip.

We're gonna need
more help to rescue them.

Where's nani?

Eh, is not such happy story.

To pay off debt, bigger bigger
girl went to work for hamsterviel.

She is his personal
water bottle holder.

There were a lot
of parking tickets.

What have I done?


There is some good news.

Pleakley is international
fashion celebrity.


He has top ten TV show

on intergalactic
fashion channel.

So remember,
that's flannel gauchos

for the look that's all the
rage in Milwaukee this season.

Now let's take a few callers.

Hi, pleakley?

It's your old pal lilo,

and have I got a
makeover for you!

Well, if it isn't the
trog and the fugitive.

I've waited a long
time for this moment.

Gantu! Jakata quista!

Still abominable as ever.

Hey gantu,

we got a collect holocall
coming in from hamsterwheel.

Viel! Hamsterviel!

You want I should
accept the charges?

Do I have a choice?

I heard that!

I should have you turned
into Friday night fishsticks

served with many
tasty dipping sauces!

Emperor hamsterviel,

to what do we owe this pleasure?

My oh-so-sneaky spying spy

says has been caught, yes?

I wish to heckle him.

You thought you
could defeat me, huh?

You and that little girl

with her silly islander fashion

and language with
primitive vowels?

It is I who will laugh last.

Ha ha! See?

That was the last laugh.

Ahem, sir, if you don't mind...

Do you see this shiny
thing on my head?

How much bigger and more
expensive-looking it is than yours, hmm?

You can continue
when I am finished!

Ohh... ok, I'm finished.

Good-bye, abominations.

Hold it!

This is a fashion emergency!

Wait, I know you!

Well, you can't
have seen my show,

or you wouldn't be wearing
this awful all-yellow ensemble.

Ugh! You look like a
giant talking banana.

While my assistants
redecorate your room,

I'll see what I can do

for your personal
sense of style.

Well, so what you
think? Pink or blue?

Definitely the pink.

And... Voila!

Quelle parfait!

Oh, my work here is finished!


Open this door!

Perhaps best
escape is for little girl

to be using again.

But, jumba,

I don't want to skip
forward anymore.

I just want
everything to go back

to the way it was.

Conveniently, comes
equipped with reset button.

Now you tell me!

Now seems good.

Ok, see you guys later.

I mean, see you earlier...

Before. You know what I mean.

Yay! I'm back to myself again.

But what about... Nani!


What? What is it?

Nani! Nani! Nani! Nani! Nani!

You're acting as though
you haven't seen me in years.

I haven't.


Maybe I was a little
too strict last night.

You're growing up
whether I like it or not.

Forget about it.

I think I'm perfectly happy

being your baby
sister for awhile.

Who are you and what
have you done with lilo?

Don't worry. You'll
understand when you're older.

I just hope I understand
you when I'm older.