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02x04 - Shoe

Posted: 03/16/23 17:50
by bunniefuu
Tookie bah waba!


Iki bah bah.

Ha ha ha.

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

♪ Gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

Ooocha! Chi-ka!

♪ Miki miki coconut ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Oh, forget it. I always
have bad luck on this course.

Let's go.

Experiment activated.

Negative event generator.

Sounds like this
one makes bad luck.

Bad luck, eh? Ha ha ha!

I smell a big bonus.

Yes, you do smell, gantu,

but not a big bonus!
A bad luck experiment?

Ha! You are about as
funny as you are useful,

which is not at all.

Don't be a waster of my time,

you time-wasting waster!

But, sir, I thought you
wanted all the experiments...

"But, sir, I thought..."

Blaah! I'm sick
of your attitude,

you squinty-eyed trout face!

Only contact me if you find
something truly destructive!


Whoa, whoa. Wait a
second. Look at this.

Quiet! I do not want to hear
anything more about .

But... but nothing!

Go make a sandwich.

Well, gee, you don't
have to be jerk about it.

Yeah? What are you
gonna do about it, trog?

Look, I'm trying to tell you...

I'm not listening!
Nah-nah nah-nah nah nah.

Ok. Have it your
way... Trout face.

Oh, no!

I just put batteries
in that clock.

How come it's slow?

It's not slow.

Stitch set it for
planet turo time.

They're hours behind.

I can't be late for work again!

I'll... I'll just tell them
my car broke down.

What next?!

I'm so sorry,
Mr. Jamieson, but...

Wait. You're who?

My car? I owe how much?!

But I sent my payment!

Repossess my car?!

Ugh! Guess I'm walking
to work... Forever!

Lilo, I'll help you later
with that homework.


That's not
homework. That's bills.

More bills? What?

The car payment?
But I mailed this.

The postage changed.

Oh, I hate when
they raise it one cent.

I can barely make
ends meet as it is.

I gotta go.

Poor, nani. There's
got to be some way

we can help make
those bills go away.

Besides eating them.


Aloha, myrtle. We
need more rain.

So I'm taking pudge his
special Thursday sandwich.

Keep walking, weirdlo.

You're gonna scare
people away from my house.

Your house?

What did I just say?

But you already have
a house down there.

We have houses.

They're beds and breafastses.

What about lunch and dinner?

We wouldn't make any money

if we gave lunches and dinners.


Mom says tourists pay big bucks

to stay in smelly
old run-down houses

and eat stinky mangoes.

Hmm. Come on, stitch.


You want to do what with our
smelly old run-down spaceship?

Make it a bed and breakfast.


Absolutely not!

I was thinking
about calling it...

Jumba and pleakley's
bed and breakfast.

I'm all for it!

Let's get started!

I thought you'd agree,

so I got a few
friends to help us

whip the place into shape.

Thanks, guys. It's perfect!

You can stay here anytime.

Except holiday
weekends. Right, pleakley?


♪ Over here ♪

I am le host pleakley

and this is jumba, le handy man.

Why is it I'm one who must
wear scratchy dungarees

and you get that
frilly comfy thing?

Because I'm pretty.

Pretty annoying. Quiet.


When are the tourists coming?

Any time now.

You sure we are bedding
and breakfasting properly?

Mmm... Hold the mop up more.

Mmm! Aka tooka.

What is it, stitch?



Of course!


The earth custom
designed to trick the public

into buying things
they'll never need.

Like your slipper radios?

Hey, I need them.

Anyway, Mrs. Myrtle's
mom made fliers.

All we do is write stuff
about our bed and breakfast,

then hand it out to tourists.

How about this for a slogan?


Jumba and pleakley's
bed and breakfast.

We've got a bed, and
we serve breakfast.

But we didn't get any
stinky mangoes yet.


Oh! Then what about this?

Jumbo and pleakley's
bed and not breakfast.

As soon as we get
some stinky mangoes,

they're all yours.

What else?

Well, we've got
a pool heated with

an aluburnium coil, a
good cockroaches...

And ugly one-eyed maid.

We are not having
much luck in this, are we?


Our first customer!

Welcome to jumba and
pleakley's bed and not breakfast.

Can I get you a cold
soda? Extra cost.

Warm towel? Extra cost.

More pillows? Extra cost.

Ooh! How about a
relaxing foot massage?

Extra cost.

Wow! This is the nicest
welcome I ever got anywhere!

Yeah, I'm here to
repossess the car.

And you rubbed his feet!

Oh, yucky!

Ugh. The only customer
we get and he takes the car!

What luck!

You mean unluck.

What is this?!

Oh, no!

No wonder we have
such bad running luck.

Be staying back!
Experiment ...

designed for making
very, very bad luck.

Uh, I think. Must make
check of original design notes.

All I'm remembering
is at the exact moment

I invented , my laboratory,

for no reason, go kaboom!

When didn't your lab go kaboom?

Yes, but was
especially unlucky.

Kaboom insurance
had just run out.

He doesn't look so bad.

Eesa orto taka!

Careful, stitch!


It's true! It is bad luck!

What? That could've
just been an accident.


The fridge just happens
to break the same day

I bought the -count box
of ice cream sandwiches.

Out! Get rid of the
horrid little beastie

before anything else goes wrong!

Hi. Is this pleakley's bed
and, um, not breakfast?

You better not be here
for taking another car.

Oh, no, no. Just looking
for a place to stay.

And some stinky mangoes. Ha.

Right this way, Mr. Reader
of the advertisement.

♪ Keep that unlucky little
monster away from us ♪

We gotta hide him.

No. Freeze!

glowed and
made bleepy sound.

No matter what we do, no
matter what path we take,

bad luck will happen.

We must be careful.

Put him in a container pod.

That way he can't
cause any more trouble.

That was teleporter pod.


Where'd it send him?

To other teleporter pod.

Well, where's that?

Eh, hee hee.

You'll find the
room very spacious.

Check out the closet space.

Aah! Uh, the bed here is, uh,

the bed part of the
bed and not breakfast.


We cater to severe insomniacs.

Oh, is this the bathroom?

Don't go in there!
It's radioactive!


Don't worry. That glow will
wear off in million years.

Give or take.

We're gonna see if we can
counteractivate your unluckiness

with some luckiness. Ready?

We found this.

It's a lucky -leaf clover.

You hold it, and we'll
see what happens.


Uh, let's try this, too.

It's a lucky rabbit's foot.

Oh... All right, hold these.

They're my luckiest
lucky number.


Guess that didn't
work too well, huh?


Lilo, can I speak to
you down here, please,

about a certain
someone with you?

Lilo, you do realize
that this thing is a jinx.

A curse. A walking
disaster zone!

He's not a thing.
He needs a name.

A name. Oh, how about,
I don't know, unlucky?

Or Mr. Unlucky? Or unluckifier?

How about shoe?

Because of that horseshoe
shape on his head?

Because he needs shoes.
He doesn't have any.

You're missing my point, lilo.

Get rid of it! Out! Now! Go!

Lygin gegagegow.

That's how I feel, too, stitch.

But I suppose this
one's too much trouble.

We just have to tell him
that nobody wants bad luck.

And that he's
gonna have to leave.

Icky bowbow.

But we can't
just get rid of him.

Because then gantu will get him.

We have to find a
way to turn him good.

Ihh! Shoe?

Little girl, good news.

I found something in
original evil genius notes.

It's too late. Shoe
heard me talking

and ran away.

Oh, but we must be finding him.

's powers can be reversed.

To be exact opposite.

Shoe's bad luck can
become good luck?

Yes! Simple adjusting of cranial
horseshoe from down to up

equals jackpot! Heh heh heh heh!

Like winning lottery
and galactic sweepstakes

and free soda on
return visit all at once.

Jumba, you're a genius.


Good luck.

Jumba! Jumba! I've had
an advertising brainstorm.

A surefire way to
bring in customers.

You wanna hear it? Do ya? Do ya?

Do ya wanna hear it, do ya?

Not in this lifetime.

Fine! Don't read it.

But all the tourists will.

It's the most perfect ad
in the whole wide world.

Everyone will want to stay here.

Hee hee hee hee hee!

Hey, my car just died.

The postage went up again?

What's wrong with
this lolo refrigerator?

I just bought ice
cream sandwiches.

We must be close.

Maka maka.

That's gotta be him.

Wow! Look at that storm.

Must be that good
luck experiment, huh?

Good luck? I thought the
computer said it was bad luck.

It is, but you can
switch it to good luck.

Why didn't you say so before?

Ha ha! Caught it all on tape.

Quiet! I do not want to hear
anything more about .

But... but nothing.
Go make a sandwich.

You can't talk to me like that.

Yeah? What are you
gonna do about it, trog?

Insolent device, silence!

I'm not listening.
Na na-na na-na-na.

Wow! Whoever said fish
is brain food never met you.

Oh, and you're buying
me a new tape recorder.

All we gotta do is turn
that horseshoe on his head

the other way
around. I'll wait here.

Oki taka!

Don't get bad luck.

Out of my way.

Oh, no!

Stitch, look out!

Ha ha!

Looks like your
bad luck has run out.


Give me that containment
pod with the abomination inside.

That's $ . , brah.

But I only have $ . .

Unh! Oof!




Welcome to our first annual
skeet pullers convention.

I guess that's our
target. Let 'em fly!


Huh? Aah!


Yow! Ohh...

Another victory for the...
retired... galactic commander!

Please don't let him know
how to make shoe lucky.

Ok, little fella, let's see about
making things a little luckier.


Mr. Gantu! Lucky you!

You've just won $ , , !

Me? But I never win anything!

Just sign here.

Aah! What do you
want? I am exfoliating!

Hamsterviel, you
stink and I quit!

I'm rich! I'm rich!

I'm sorry for
what I said before.

I always liked you, even
when you were bad luck.

Wow! My new ad did even
better than the previous one.

All right, everyone, alphabetical
order, please! Quickly... whoa!

Hey, we've been
waiting long enough.

Your ad says you're
giving away free gold.

Each guest gets their
weight in free gold!

Oh, that? Hee hee!

That's just a little ad
campaign I came up with.

Silly people. I'm not
really giving away gold.

That would be
ridiculous. Ha ha ha!

I mean, come on! How
gullible can you be?

Each guest get their
weight in free gold? Ha ha!

Like that's gonna happen!

Boy, you earth people
will believe anything in print.

Well, the real reward here is
that you get to give me money

to stay in this lovely
bed and not breakfast.

I'm not gonna give
you guys anything.

Nada! Nil! Zilch!

So line up, Mr. Sucker
and Mrs. Patsy,

and make your reservation.

Uh... I've got ice
cream sandwiches.

In the freezer.

Get him! Aaah!


Hide me! They want
gold and all I have

are melted ice cream sandwiches!

This is that bad
luck monster's work!

You brought him back?!

Yeah, but shoe's lucky now.

He is? Yep!

Stitch fell into a skunk
farm and really stunk,

but then on the way home
a perfume truck broke down

and spilled
perfume all over him!

Ooh, stinky!

Well, where's my
good luck, then?

Ah, forget it.

I'm going home to listen
to my slipper radios.

Whew, look at them go!

Bye-bye, misled public.

Aw, but now my b&b is D.O.A.!

What kind of good
luck do you call that?


Look! Here comes the guy
with the million-dollar checks!

Congratulations! You've
just won a million dollars!

Wow! How's that work again?

Not to be doing that!

You're under arrest for
passing phony giant checks.

Oh, darn.

We've been after
this crook for years.

I'll be in touch about
the reward money.

Do I want to know how
you got this reward check?

Uh, probably not.

We just wanted to help
you make ends meet.

Thanks, lilo.

Oh, it's all I've ever wanted!

Repo man! Sorry, pal.

What? But how?

Submarine sandwich,
skipper? Ha ha ha!

Mission accomplished!

Now to put you in the one
perfect place that really needs you.

Hole in one!
That's more like it!

We're playing here all the time!