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02x02 - Frenchfry

Posted: 03/16/23 17:49
by bunniefuu
Tookie bah waba!


Iki bah bah.

Ha ha ha.

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

♪ Gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

Ooocha! Chi-ka!

♪ Miki miki coconut ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Tookie bah waba!

♪ Aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Hurry up! Time for breakfast!

Uh-oh. Where's pleakley?

He had to drop
jumba off at the airport.

This is food?

It's oatmeal. Very healthy.



Where's the chocolate frosting?

Or the marshmallows
in the shape of robots?

Marshmallow robots are not
part of a nutritious breakfast.

Pleakley lets me eat

chocolate macadamia nut
candy bar crunch for breakfast.

Lilo, I don't
have time for this.

I have to go to work.

Well, I don't have
time to eat yucky food.

Life is too short.

Here. Put a little honey on top.

I said a little!

My sensitive taste buds need
to be excited to work right!


I can't wait till pleakley
gets back tomorrow.

He let's me eat junk.



Jumba is appreciating
ride to airport,

but do not, I am begging you,

walk me all the way to plane.


You act as if I'm not going!

You have known for
weeks you are not going.

Conference is for
scientific geniuses only

to discuss new and
exciting permutations

of genetically
engineered house pets.

I'm just doing it the way it's
always done in the earth movies.

This is the painful
parting scene.

Riding to airport with ugly wife

already plenty painful.

Bon voyage, jumba!

Don't invent any pets
that could multiply,

possess our bodies, and
take over the entire planet!


Sorry I'm late,

but that airport
had great shopping!

What are you
doing in my kitchen?

It looks as if
you're... Cooking!

Look, pleakley,

I appreciate you helping
me take care of lilo,

but she's been eating
too much junk food.


I beg to differ!

Lilo eats only the finest
and most expensive

breakfast on the market...

Light sugar-frosted
pineapple pops!

Cocoa nutty sugar roll-ups!

Choco maca candy bar crunch!

Just look at the faces of
the happy, healthy children

on the box.

All of that stuff is junk!

Lilo's a growing little girl.

She needs to eat right.

So from now on, I'm making her

nutritious meals in advance

and leaving them in the freezer.

All you have to do is
make sure she eats them.

From now on we're
all eating healthy!

I won't eat it!


But you have to eat it!

It's so delicious
and nutritious!

We want frosted cheese blobs!

Yeah. Enh!

Lilo, your sister
was very clear.

You have to eat this
delicious vegetable loaf

that she made for you.

Later on, as a treat,
you can have an apple!

A sugar-coated candy apple?

No, an apple that
grows on a tree.

Well, then, stitch and I are
going on a hunger strike.

Enh. Yeah.

Not one morsel of
food will pass our lips

unless it's covered
with frosting,

chocolate glaze, or
powdered cheese!

All right. Suit yourself.

That means that all this
nummy-num food nani left for you

is now for me! Yay!


Oh, could have used some salt.

But still pretty good.

It won't work.

Stitch and I are
solid like a rock.

Right, stitch?


I'm home for lunch!

Hello! Anyone here? Unh!


What are you doing on the floor?

Stitch and I need
to conserve energy

because we're
on a hunger strike.

I've written down my demands.

Mega choco maca
candy bar crunch cereal

every day for breakfast.

Easy cheesy
macaroni and bacon bits

every Tuesday and
Thursday for lunch.

Super spicy potato
chips for dinner.


Nani! What are you doing here?

I came home for lunch

to make sure lilo
was eating right.

It's not my fault!

She won't eat that
food you made,

and frankly, I don't blame her.

It lacks oomph... Pizzazz.

But it doesn't lack nutrition.

What's that noise?

Uh, well... Potato chips!

Uh... Hey! You're
eating potato chips

while we're starving
ourselves in protest?

Ok, that does it.

This family is getting healthy.

From now on, no more junk!

Pleakley, where's your stash?


I'm sure I don't know
what you're talking about.

See? Nothing under
the sofa cushions.

Nothing under
the stairs, either.

I'm telling you,
there is no stash.

Oh! Huh?


Candy bar!


Proves nothing.

There was a stash!



I'm gonna take all
this stuff to the trash.

When I get back
from work tonight,

I expect a nutritious
meal for dinner.

No more junk. Got it?

This is getting serious, stitch.

We're gonna have to do
something before we all starve.


Ha ha!

An experiment pod?

Huh. Guess he had his own stash.

I wonder what it does.

Experiment .

Primary function,

prepare delectable
and irresistible meals!

It's perfect!




Hey, little guy.

Do you think you
could make us a snack?

Something delicious and greasy?

Mm-hmm. Ha!

Bon appétit!

Wow. He speaks French.

Food! Glorious food!

Deep fried!

Let's eat!


These are the best
French fries ever!

I'm gonna call you French fry!

Hey, sport... Why the long face?

I know what's wrong.

You thought I forgot.

About what?

About your birthday!

It is not my birthday.

Aw, come on, now. Don't be shy.

I promise not to
make fun of your age.

Or your lack of accomplishments.

Man, on P.A.:
Experiment activated.

Primary function,

prepare delectable
and irresistible meals.

Or how few experiments
you've captured.

Uh-uh, not today.

Thanks. I appreciate that.

Aw, now, don't go away mad.

Not on your special day.

I can't believe I ate it all.

Bon appétit.

Again? But I've had
like burgers already.

. pizzas, sundaes,

and crispy, crunchy
fries, fries, fries.

I'm so full.

Except... I'm not.

Well, I say we keep on eating.


Mmm... Bon appétit.

Now... more?

Oh, no. I couldn't. Really.

Bon appétit.

Well, it's a little
late for breakfast.

But it looks so yummy.

Late... I'm late for hula class!

Wow. I'm so... Round.

You look a little rounder, too.

Could it be all that food

that French fry made?


Your planet's sun is emitting

an unusual number of
highly charged particles today.

I heard about it on the news.

Ok, I gotta go! I'm late!






Lilo, have you been eating ok?

Because you're
looking kind of round,

and you're rolling over people.

It's not nice.

French fry is turning us all
into gigantic bowling balls!



We need to warn pleakley.

Pleakley! It's not sun
spots making us puffy!

It's French fry!

Pleakley, wearily: Go away.

Pleakley? What's
wrong with your voice?

Please go away.

I'm coming in.

I told you to go away.

Pleakley? What happened?

It's some type of allergy

to that little monster's
delicious food.

Bon appétit!

Oh, no. Not the corn dogs.

I can't resist the corn dogs!

We need to find out a
little more about French fry.

Hmm. Experiment .

Can take any foodstuffs,
blah, blah, blah...

This is all the same
stuff I read before.

There has to be more about
these side effects somewhere.

Wait a minute...
Journal of j. Jookiba.

Let's see if we
can find something

about experiment .

No... no... aha!

Here we go.

Experiment is
very handy experiment.

My very own personal chef.

Ha! Makes tasty treats for
late-night evil genius snackings.

Hour one...
Experiment 's meals

are truly delicious.

I can not stop eating them.

Curiously, I am
never feeling full.

Never feeling full...

Hour ... It is almost
as if I have no control.

I must eat!

Yet still I am
never feeling full.

However, I have
outgrown all my clothes.

Hour ... Belly swelled
to size of space ship.

makes food delicious,

but removes all nutrition,

resulting in empty calories!

Must halt 's program!


That's all it says.

Bon appétit.

Uh-oh. He wants us to eat.

We really shouldn't.




This is even better
than the last batch.

Mmm... mmm.

♪ La la la li li ♪

♪ lo li li li li ♪

♪ la la la... ♪

Oh, sacré bleu! Wa ha!


Oh, no!

French fry!

Ha ha! Got one right
out from under you

using the new trog
call I've been practicing.

La la la la la la la!


We gotta do something.

Roll, stitch! Roll!


Put on a little
weight there, trog?



We can still beat
you, dummy head!

Please, stop! It's my birthday.

Bon appétit.

Why, thank you.

I'm not usually into sweets,
but it looks so tempting.

What's happening to me?


We better call jumba.

My colleagues in the
scientific community,

I present to you

the future of genetically
modified pets.

Uh... Let me just
get rid of this call.

Jumba, I need to
ask you something.

Not now, little girl. I am
making important presentation.

But... so... Sorry about that.

Now. As I was saying...

Telephone for jumba jookiba.

Jumba, it's lilo again.

Look, I'm sorry, but this
is really, really important.

Very well. Make
it quickly, please.

It's about experiment .

I know he was designed
to be your personal chef.

But something went wrong.

You have to tell
me what happened.

Tell me you did not
reactivate experiment .

Well... listen to me!

It's very important to resist
eating experiment's meals.



Once you are
properly fattened up,

he will try to eat you!

Jumba? Hello?

I don't think I
heard that right.

It sounded like you said
experiment would try to eat me.



Stop it!




Whee! Ha ha ha ha ha!




He's building a fire.

Oh, stitch, I never thought
we'd end up like this...

Eaten by one of your cousins.

Aloha, nani.

Oh, aloha, kumu.

You here on a date?

Well, yeah.

So how's hula class?

Ok, except lilo rolled over myrtle
edmonds and her friends today

and knocked them over.

She... rolled?

Like a bowling ball.
Has she been eating ok?

'Cause she's about this big.

Even junk food can't do that.

♪ Ba ba ♪

♪ ba ba ba ba ba ba ♪

♪ ba ba ba ba ba ba ♪

Uh, I should warn you,

stitch and I are very... Tough.

Maga ta!

And... gristly.


Jumba... lilo has bloated up

like a giant bowling ball!

If this is more of your
evil experiments...

Jumba, on phone: Yes, yes.

Little girl is under
influence of .

Bloating caused by
over-snacking will wear off

after hours, you must
get home immediately

too save little girl and before
they are becoming snacks themselves!

Get your hands
off my little sister!


Well, she used to be little.

I don't know what you are,

but you're about
to get whooped...

Hawaiian style.

You get him, big sis!

Hey! Oh! Ah! Unh!


Oh, no, you don't.

Nani! We can help!

Let us out!


Aah! Uh-oh!



You saved us!

You're a superhero!

That's because I eat a
nutritious breakfast every morning.

You should try it some time.

Well... Ok. But
almost getting eaten

has made me pretty tired.

Will you roll me to bed?

You got it.

... ... . Unh.

Hey, sport. You in there?

Go away.

Listen, I know I was
a little mean to you.

On your birthday, no less.

But I'm here to
make it up to you.

I told you to go away.

You see, I figure you're sad

because you're trapped
on an alien planet

so far from home, right?

So I made some phone calls...

What are you blabbing about?

Uh-huh. And I invited
your college buddies

to come for a visit.



Happy birthday, g!

Oh, boy. He really
let himself go.

How many times
do I have to tell you

it's not my birthday!

Look, I'm all better!


Here's your
nutritious breakfast.


I know, I know.
You don't like it.

But that's ok.

It's really not for
people, anyway.

It's not?

Nah. It's mummy chow.

They love the stuff.


Want some ectoplasmic
slime to go with it?

Who wouldn't?

Wait till I tell everyone

I ate mummy chow
with ectoplasmic slime!

Should have tried
that a long time ago.

Experiment is eating
foods besides peoples.

That's never happened.

Maybe he's never had
good, nutritious food before.

Is that true, French fry?

If we feed you mummy chow,

will you stop wanting
to eat people?

Yeah! Oui!

Now that French fry
isn't eating people,

he can feed them instead.

And he's using
healthy ingredients,

so they don't turn
into giant bowling balls.

Mmm. These are so ono.

I know. I can't
believe they're low-fat.

I guess healthy
food can be delicious.

Right, stitch?

Yeah. Eh.
