01x18 - Evil Creeps Closer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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01x18 - Evil Creeps Closer

Post by bunniefuu »

What are you doing
to my best friend's subordinates?

Damn, I'll never forgive her!

Just who does she think I am?

I'm Phobio, the Black Leopard Fang!

We can't do anything
against Demon Lord Milim.

Even Lord Carrion is no match for her.

You moron!

If Lord Carrion was here,
he would not have embarrassed himself!

I was just too immature.

However, returning with no results in hand

is something that my pride will not allow.

Those monsters created a city
by themselves.

I may have called them
low-ranking monsters,

but they possess skills far advanced
than we do.


Instead of asking them
to submit to our kingdom,

we should ask
to establish diplomatic ties with them.


Even if Lord Milim wasn't there,

I was being too rude to them.

Trying to assert my dominance

would not have made them trust me at all.

But it's too late.

The humiliation I've received...

The wound may have healed,
but the scar remains.

I want to exact my revenge on them somehow

without causing any trouble
to Lord Carrion!

Even if you say that,

-revenge is unrealistic--
-I know that!

Even my brain tells me
that it's impossible.

But it's all nothing but reason!

Show yourselves!

Well, that feeling of anguish,

it truly resonates with me!

Good day, gentlemen!

My name is Footman.


Known as The Angry Pierrot,

I, Footman, am a member
of the Harlequin Alliance!

Pleased to meet you.

Please don't be so cautious of us!

I am Tear!

We're not your enemies!

What do you want?

You see, I was summoned here
as I felt a presence of anger and hatred.

Anger and hatred?

I felt waves of extreme anger.

I would be pleased to hear
what has made you so angry.

I am certain that I will be of use to you.

Lord Phobio.

There is no need to listen
to people of their likes.

Shall I remove them?

We are the Beastketeers,
the loyal retainers of Lord Carrion.

Did you think that we would entertain
the likes of you people?

You wish for power, right?

We have it.

A power that far exceeds
your expectations.

Of course, there is a huge risk to it.

However, if you manage
to overcome the danger,

then the power you attain
will be greater than you ever imagined.

I see.

Lord Phobio?

You want to win against Lord Milim, right?

If that's the case,
you just need to become a Demon Lord!

Demon Lord?

Becoming a Demon Lord?

Did you think that you could trick me
with your words--


Do you know about it?


I'm sure that the demonic power
that evil fish possesses

will be on par with a Demon Lord!

If you don't want it, we'll offer it
to the others, so we'll be on our way now!

Come on, let's go!

What a pity.


Lord Phobio, you must not!

I was never satisfied with their decision.

Why should a small fry
like the Orc Lord be a Demon Lord?

Screw that!

If they need a new Demon Lord,
I'll be one!

If I become stronger,

even Lord Carrion
would smile and forgive me!

Lord Phobio...

Tell me more about it!

As expected of Lord Phobio!


There is no one but you
that is suited to be a Demon Lord!

Those that are weak have no right
to be a Demon Lord, after all!

That's what I think, too!

In that aspect, Lord Phobio
is the most suitable candidate!

What do you guys gain from this?

What's your motive?

Once you become a Demon Lord,

we want you to give us
some special treatment!

Of course, we want you to help us
with something as well.

After all,

it is impossible to tame Charybdis
with just the two of us.

We made all the effort to locate
where it was sealed in,

but it'll be all for nothing
if we can't tame it!

And right then,
we happened to find you, Lord Phobio!

I see.

However, it's impossible to know
if I can tame Charybdis or not.

It's possible if it's Lord Phobio!

No need to worry!

Once I become a Demon Lord,

they want recognition for their merit?

I'll take that up.

You guys will return.

Lord Phobio!

Relay everything to Lord Carrion.


I cannot cause any trouble
for Lord Carrion.

Please tell him that
I am leaving the Beastketeers

and will not be able
to serve him any longer.

I thank you for serving me thus far.

Lord Phobio...

I shall become carnage itself,

and I shall make Lord Milim
recognize my prowess.

I understand.

I will inform Lord Carrion.

However, the power of Charybdis
is unpredictable.

Please take care of yourself.

Lord Phobio is no fool.

Even if Charybdis does truly exist,

I believe that he will be able to tame it.

Well then, let us proceed.

If I were to successfully
combine my powers with Charybdis,

I'm sure I'll be able to even put
the Demon Lord Milim's strength to shame.

-That's the spirit!

I'll be cheering you on too!

How's that?

I win!

I held my breath the longest underwater!

No, I won.

You're wrong!

It was by a hair's breadth, but I won!

Not admitting defeat?

How unfair, Shion and Shuna!

All right!

We'll have another round, then!

We must have a winner!

Very well. One more time!

It's usually not good
to soak in the bath for too long,

but let's do this!

-Ready, set, go!
-Ready, set, go!

They seem to be having fun over there.

Maybe I should have went there.

All I see here is

an old geezer.

Hey, how long are you staying in town?

Aren't you convinced yet
that we're harmless?


I'm already certain that you
and the rest harbor no ill intentions.

Then, why are you still here?

This place is too comfortable for me.

I never really had a break anyway,

so I wanted to relax here,
as much as possible.

You know...

"I believe we have to ascertain
if you are truly an ally of humans."

Or so you said, looking all cool.

You're not even listening!


And how's the matter with Youm going?

You promised that you would help us make
Youm and the others look like heroes!

Don't act like you just remembered that!

Youm and the rest have already
started to travel around.

They've already started to spread
their names across the land!

No need to worry about that.

Everything is going according to plan.



I've already pulled some strings
to spread the story

that they are the heroes
who defeated the Orc Lord.

And also, Mr. Rimuru and the others

are harmless monsters
who aided in their victory.

That's how the story goes.

I see.

That's fine, then.

He sure is relaxing,
but he does get things done.

Well then, I'll be getting up now.

Oh, right.

I was thinking about creating a route
to the Kingdom of Blumund.


Wait, what?

That will be a great thing,

but it will be
a large-scale national project.

It will require a vast amount of funds.

And that is where I need you, Fuze!

Without the formalities?

When you call my name like that,

it makes me a little uneasy.

Don't worry about that, Fuze.

It will be useful as a trading route
if roads are built, right?

This is a given,

but we'll do the paving work.



We would like to sell
our own products in your country,

so I'd like you to introduce me to someone
that I can consult with such matters.

I got it. That'll be easy!

All right.

Maybe I should go to the other side.

So it's here?


It has not revived yet,

but you can feel
the desire for destruction surging out.

And it's precisely because
we have fondness for such emotions

that we were able to find its location.

That's true.

I can feel an abnormal demonic power.


In order for Charybdis to revive,

one would usually require
a large number of corpses.


Charybdis is a type
of spiritual life-form.

In order for it
to exert its power in this world,

we have to present a physical body to it.

I see. And so?

Your role is to...

Don't tell me...


By taming,

I meant that Charybdis
will be taken into your body,

and you will be unified with Charybdis
into a single being!

In my body?

Now is the time to back out
if you're afraid!



The seal will probably not hold out
for much longer!

And what happens if the seal wears off?

It will probably revive on its own,
I guess?

But it needs corpses, right?

That's true.

But even if it's sealed,

I'm guessing that it's able to procure
the corpses it requires

to revive by itself.

If that happens,

we'll all be squashed flat!

That's right!

If it revives on its own,

it'll probably be impossible
to control it.

And since its only purpose is destruction,
it won't listen to anyone!

So that means that we must revive it
before the seal wears off

and take its powers for ourselves, right?



As I expected from Lord Phobio!

Very well.

I shall take Charybdis' power for myself!

I'll do this.

I'll subdue
and let Charybdis enter my body,

and show that cheeky Demon Lord Milim
what I'm capable of!

He went in, right?

I guess!

As expected from Lord Carrion's retainer.
They have muscles for brains.

That was easy!

Is that all?

All Clayman said was to revive Charybdis
and lure it towards Milim!

I guess all the lesser dragon corpses
that we prepared

were unneeded after all.

However, it's always better
to be safe than sorry, right?

This was heavy.

There's a ton of them again today!

Milim was amazing!

She's able to locate the demons easily,

so our hunting today was easy as well!

Locating demons is easy!

We're going to have a feast tonight, too!

Yes. Thank you for your hard work.

It was really hard work.

Let's have a bath and get some drinks!

We're going to have a drink!

Lord Milim.

Who's there?

-Oh, no!

This aura is...


Wait, she seems a little different.

It's a dryad!

It's my first time seeing one!

My name is Trya, a dryad.

I am Treyni's sister.

She has a sister?


In any case, what's with the menacing aura
and your appearance?

This is an emergency.

A disaster is soon approaching.


A calamity-class monster,

Charybdis, has revived!


It is a force equivalent
to that of a Demon Lord's.

My sister, Treyni, is attempting
to stop the monster in its tracks,

but she couldn't do anything against it.

Eventually, Charybdis' destination

is this land, or so it seems.


Against Charybdis, the Ruler of the Skies,

land forces are ineffective.

I am here to forewarn
that defenses should be strengthened,

and aerial troops
should be prepared in advance.

Born from a very long time ago,
Charybdis has lived and died,

repeating its course over and over.

Known as the Ruler of the Skies,
it is extremely blood-thirsty.

You can expect no less from the child
of the Storm Dragon, Veldora,

ruler and guardian of the Jura Forest.

A child of Veldora's?

Charybdis is a monster
that was created from Veldora

using a cluster of its Magicules.

So does that make me
and Charybdis siblings?

So it's coming here
because it's aiming for me?

Maybe it realized
that Veldora is inside of me.

If Charybdis is revived,

it is surely more dangerous
than any Demon Lord!

That is because
as compared to Demon Lords,

we are unable to communicate with them.

Simply put,
it is a monster without intelligence.

Using its intrinsic skill Summon Monster,

it is able to summon shark-like monsters
known as Megalodons

from another world to join in its rampage.

Or so I've heard.

What's that?

It sounds more troublesome
than the Orc Lord.

Things cannot be any disastrous.

The summoned Megalodons have occupied
corpses belonging to lesser dragons

that were found near the cave
for unknown reasons.

The total amounts to .

So we have one monster equivalent
to a Demon Lord,

and summoned sharks that can fly?

Sounds like a joke to me.

Lord Rimuru, what should we do?

What to do?

Haven't you forgotten
something very important?

Something like Charybdis

is no match for me!

I'll just give it a little twist!

We could do that!

I cannot allow you to do that.

This problem concerns our town.

Hey, secretary, don't reject offers
without my permission!

But I'm his best friend.

She is right.

It is wrong to rely on you just because
you are Lord Rimuru's best friend.

We will request for your assistance

when Lord Rimuru is faced
with no other alternatives.

But I don't really have
any alternatives here!

They are right, Milim.

Well, just trust me.

Just when I finally thought
that it's time for me to shine.

Well, it seems like it's aiming for me,

I shouldn't rely on Milim for this.

We'll defeat Charybdis.

Make preparations!


-I only wanted to show my best friend

-what I'm capable of.
-Are you sure?

You're up against a monster
that even a dryad is helpless against.

I think we can rely on the reinforcements
sent by King Gazel,

so we'll just do what we can.

Aren't you escaping?

What's going to happen if I escape?

I'm the strongest in this nation.

If it looks like I'm going to lose,
I'll escape and think of an alternative.

But if not,

it's best that I see what the monster
is capable of with my own eyes, right?

I see.

That's because you're the leader
of the monsters, right?

That's different from humans since
everything's over if they lose their king.

However, you know...

You seem to have similar thinking
as that of humans, Mr. Rimuru.

You don't feel like a monster to me.

Maybe you're right.

This may sound like a tall tale,

but I was once a human.

You know about Shizu, right?

I'm probably an Otherworlder,

just like her.

However, I died in my own world

and reincarnated here as a slime.


Shizu is from the same country as me,

and she has entrusted me
with a duty to fulfill.

In exchange for inheriting her will,

I have received this form.

I shouldn't do anything dumb
with Shizu's appearance, right?

I see!

Rimuru is someone we can trust, after all!

Also, I promised her.


That I will break the chains
that bind her heart.

My prey is the Demon Lord Leon.

Demon Lord Leon?

Is that true?

You can't really call
someone as powerful as that a prey!

Well, if you compare it
to the Demon Lord Leon,

Charybdis would be a lot easier
to handle, I think?


The Demon Lord Leon comes later.

First, we deal with Charybdis.


A battle was about to begin.

It would occur between the Capital City
Rimuru of the Jura Tempest Federation,

and the Armed Nation of Dwargon.

Our opponent is...


the calamity-class monster, Charybdis.

Next episode, "Charybdis."
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