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01x01 - Richter

Posted: 03/15/23 09:18
by bunniefuu
Tookie bah waba!


Iki bah bah.

Ha ha ha.

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Maka maka!

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Ha ha ha!

Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Iki tookie nee hi! ♪

♪ Aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ aka tiki bah bah ♪

♪ gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

♪ Gabba ika tasoopa? ♪

Ooocha! Chi-ka!

♪ Miki miki coconut ♪

♪ I Laila 'o kaua'i la ♪

♪ no malihini ohana ♪

♪ welcome, cousins,
a-come on by ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

♪ aloha, e komo mai ♪

Aw, man. The ice
is already melting.

I'll still take a soda.

Look out! Earthquake!

Ha ha ha ha!

Geologists are
still looking into

the unusual quake
centered at lihue beach

that rocked the
island this morning.

, turn that thing off!

I'm trying to get this
communication relay back online,

and you're not helping!

Aww, what's the matter?

Can't handle plugging
in wires by yourself?

At least I'll be ready in
case of a sandwich shortage.


♪ Boop boop be boop ♪

Newsflash from the
crab nebula, space whale.

There was a quake today.

I'm not taking chances.
I'm stocking up.

Gantu! You land-locked cetacean,

why have you not reported?

I hate my life.

Dr. Hamsterviel, the
communication relay was down.

I pay you for results,

and all you do is disappoint!

If you do not bring me
an experiment soon,

I will abuse you physically
as well as verbally!

Understood, sir.

Experiment activated.

Primary function...
Geological disruption.

Ahh, a quake-making experiment.

Excellent! Bring
it to me at once!

I've called you all together

for an emergency
earthquake readiness meeting.

Now, planetary shaking is measured
on what is called a "Richter scale."

Today's quake was a . .

Quite moderate
and perfectly normal,

but a good reminder to us all...

Be prepared and don't panic!

Repeat... do not panic!

I'm thinking you are panicking.

Me? Of course not!

This planet is composed of a
system of geologic faults and plates

that are all in constant flux,

which can lead to
mass destruction!

Aah! What are we doing?
We should all be panicking!

Waah! The sky is
falling! The sky is falling!

Duck and cover!
Duck and... thanks.

A faceful of cold bonded hydrogen
and oxygen always calms my nerves.

Now, where was I?

You were telling us not to
panic when you started panicking.

Oh, right. Ha ha ha! Right.

I just want to make
sure we're all prepared.

That's why I put together
these special earthquake kits.

My research shows
that these kits contain

all the items one needs
in case of a quake.

Such as... Dehydrated
protein supplements,

rehydration container,

incandescent illuminator,

and with my outside
expert experience,

I've added a few
items of my own.

Anti-shaking belly buffer,

metallic cranial protector,

braided fiber
quadruped restraint,

modulated frequency receiver,

emergency ouch reducer,

and plenty of
banded cloth adhesive

to keep loose items in place.

Any questions?

David, knocking: Nani! Nani!

Hey, lilo. Is your sister home?

Yeah, but I don't
think she's feeling well.

She said something
about having a big zit.

Lilo! No, I'm fine.

Well, what were
you popping when...

Ugghhh! Heh heh heh.

What a darling.

Yeah. Oh, Mr. Wong wants
you down at the rental hut.

What? I'm not due in today.

I know, but that
quake this morning

was centered near the beach.

It did some damage.


I need you to get
everything back on the shelves.

Luckily, the new shake
machine wasn't damaged.

It's the only thing around
here that makes us any money.

But, Mr. Wong,
today's my day off.

Hey, you like your job, right?

I'm all about surf
shop rentalling.

Good. I'll be back later
to see how you're doing.

Looks like the hut threw up.

Lilo, you and stitch
clean over on that side.

David and I will start here.




Bllb! Ooh. Oochaba.

Oh, no! Not the shake machine!

Mr. Wong is gonna explode!


That's it! You're going home

where you won't get
me into any more trouble!

No, stitch! Ahh...

You gotta learn
to be more careful.

You can't just break
things all the time.

If you like something,

you gotta take care of it.

Otherwise, you
won't have it anymore.

Earthworms, did you notice

any unusual creatures
after today's quake?

Just you. Why are you so big?

I'm from the eighth planet
in the kreplot system where...

I mean, I'm from Samoa.

Well, all right. Now we know.

He must be looking
for an experiment.

I wonder if it has anything to
do with the weird earthquake.

Ha, yes, that
would be experiment .

Is earthquake maker.

It just shakes things?

Just shaking? Ha ha ha!

Little girl is not

Quake today was
teensy little jiggle to .

Is programmed to locate
weakest geologic point on island

for to make one big gi-normous
evil earthquake! Ha ha!

Most likely,
will head for big fault

at base of volcano.

Is imperative
not get underground.

Unless you are
wanting evil quake?

Is there any way to stop it?

These cartridges will
help to capture experiment.

Are filled with very sticky
substance to hold .

Like a booger!

Hold on! Nobody's
going anywhere!

Not without their
earthquake kits.

Now, come on, jumba. Time
for another earthquake drill.

Ack! No more with the drilling.

Remember... duck,
cover, and scream! Aah!

Duck, cover, and scream. Aah!

Come on. Ducking,
covering, screaming. Aah!

Sometimes I get really
embarrassed for him.

Let's get him sticky!

Hold it right there, shaky guy!

Aah! Ooh! Yow! Oof!

Out of the way!

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Oof!

Oof. Ohh...

This abomination is mine! Ha!

Jumba said don't let him
get underground, didn't he?



We have to go after him!

We gotta! Rrr! Ichaba!

Rrr! Huh? Ohh!

Oh, did you drop
your little blaster?

Well, I didn't.

Here, stitch!


It's sticky!

Oof! Unh!

I hate sticky!

Could it be any darker in here?


Ooh! Aah!

There he is!

And there he goes.

Aah... unh! Oof! Ow!


That could have gone better.


Ah. Ahh. Iki bachuta.


There! Finished with latest
genius buggy modification.

Is one giant drilling machine

with super twisty
burrowing attachment

and adjustable
lumbar support. Ha!

Cool! I feel like
a giant dentist.

Let's go, stitch.


, what are you playing with?

Huh. Looks like citrus orb.

Hukata! Bleah! Pbbt!

He doesn't like people
touching his orange ball.

He's learning how
to take care of things.

Shaking! Not good!

We need another quake drill!

Duck, cover and waah!

Duck, cover, and waaah!

Duck, cover and waaaah!

Rock 'n hula!


Yaah! Aah!

At last!

What in the horse head nebula?


, I'm going to...

Toasted bacon and raisin?
Just like mumu used to make.


Oh, blitzna!



Ok, the earth's a decayed molar

and we're the
dentist. Let's drill!

Heh heh heh. This
is going to be easy.

He's gotta be around
here somewhere.


Follow the cracks
and the shaking!

Up there!


He's back!




Oh! Oh... ooh... um...

Nice catch!

You need a time-out, mister!


No, mine!


Unh! Eh! Unh!

Give him back, you big dummy!

You earthworms are so pathetic.

Uh... aah... ow!

Enough! Mmf! You
made me bite my tongue!

Woo... aah!

This should keep
you off my tail.

Looks like when pleakley
tried to light the barbecue.


Duck, cover, aah!

Raah! Raah! Raah!



Pleakley's right! It works!

This, on the other
hand, is toast.


Canjijiba! Zzz zzz!



Ooh, the tourists
get uglier every year.

and little girl!

What are you guys doing here?

Getting more quake supplies.
Aren't these fascinating?

Personal wind power generator!

Where is experiment ?

Gantu got him.

And what is wrong with ?

He's sad 'cause
took his orange ball.

Is just citrus orb.

Why to make with
the salt-water eyes?

Stitch is learning how
to take care of things

and the ball was his.


Aww, he's just got a
case of the grumpies.

Who's a grumpy-wumpy?

Don't be a pouty pumpkin!

No frowny clowns allowed!



Hey, that was a
highly specialized

piece of quake
readiness equipment!

Quake! Duck, cover, and waaah!

I thought you were
saying was captured.


Then why is there still shaking?

Is very curious.

Ohh! Is very bad.

has begun chain
reaction of quakes.

Oh, no! We are
going to get bifurcated!

Oh, goody!

No, is bad!

Means if we are
not stopping crack,

planet will split in two!

What can we do?

Pack bags for leaving.

And don't forget
my slippers this time!

No packing. Saving planet.

Hmm. A billion-to-one
chance, but...

Another crack in ground at
exact right angle to first crack

might be blocking bifurcation and
stopping chain reaction. But how?


Another quake. That's it.

Is worth a try.

You want to make another
quake... On purpose?!

Are you mad?

We gotta hurry and
find gantu's ship!

Unh! You will get
transported to hamsterviel

and you will like it!

Have an unpleasant trip.


You have selected
the ship's auto-clean system.

Thank you.


You! Stitch: Chupi chiba!



for molecular transport.

Uh-oh! Stitch! Help!

Transport in seconds.

Unh! Yow! That
can't be sanitary.


Thanks, stitch!

No! That tingles!

Ha ha ha! Yeah.

Oh, great... company.

Aagh, I'll go make some more.


Relax! I took care of it.

Perfect! This kit
does come in handy.

Ooh! Da-boochibu!

Receiving transport.

Maybe we should play safe
and abandon globe altogether.

Yeah! I'm getting hoarse from
all this dropping and screaming.

But it's our planet!
He's just gotta fix it.

If the world is destroyed,

there'll be nothing
left to care about.

Not even for him.

Shibito! Igota!

Uh... oh... ohhh...

Ih. If you do that, bebu.

Ah, has offered a deal.

If proves he can take of
things by fixing crack in planet,

stitch will give him
precious citrus ball.

Stitch's language
is very efficient.

Aaah! Aah!

Rowr? Ih!

He'll do it!

I'm warning you,
can be very sneaky.

I am not trusting him.

His name is Richter!

You gotta have a little
faith in people, jumba.

Sometimes, they'll surprise you.


Whoa! Ohhh!

We are bifurcated, for sure!

Ha! Lookie! is saving
earth globe! Ha ha ha!

Ahh, for once, evil genius
is happy to be wrong. Oof.

But what about Richter?

Ha ha ha!


Thanks, Richter. You rock.



And I totally know the
one place you belong!