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05x33 - Gold Watch

Posted: 03/14/23 17:37
by bunniefuu
Guys, guys.

I'd like to propose a toast.

I know that I'm the one being honored tomorrow with a gold watch for showing up to work 1000 consecutive days in a row, but I want you to know, it's actually about you guys.

So thank you.

Thanks, Benson.

That's means a lot.

How do you do this?

How do you always get to work on time?

That is a great question, Thomas!

Did everybody hear that?

The guy knows how to think!

I got this far in life by doing one thing, and that's playing is safe.

I set three alarm clocks every night, including this one.

And then I leave my toast and coffee out the night before so it's ready for me when I wake up.

You eat stale toast?


And I don't like it, not one bit.

But I know that it'll all be worth it the moment that Mr Maellard honors me with that gold watch.

You must want that watch very bad, huh?

Oh, you have no idea how long I've wanted that thing!

But tonight, I can finally stand before you guys and say I did it!

Hey man, I don't mean to be a Debbie H.

Donner here, but don't you think it's a little bit early to celebrating?

I mean you still have to make it on time tomorrow.

Oh come on, Muscle Man, what could possibly go wrong between now and then?

Hey Benson!

You're not gonna believe this, these guys are celebrating 1000 something, too.

You guys are test pilots?

We sure are.

Hey, I'm Tango, and this is Stache.

Wait, you're not Stache?

No, I'm Tango, he's Stache.

Why don't you join us for some wings, then we're celebrating our 1000 together!

More wings?

Benson likey, and I am Benson!

I'm not sure more wings is a good idea, Benson.

You don't want to eat yourself into a food coma again.

Yes, perhaps you've done enough winging for one night.

Look, I can handle it guys, it's just one round.

It's just well, sometimes people do things they regret on a bellyful of wings.

That's all we're saying.

Don't worry guys, I got it under control.

Oww my head.

What happened to me?

What could possibly go wrong between now and then?

Hey Benson!

You're not gonna believe this, these guys are celebrating 1000 something, too.

Mordecai and Rigby!





Where am I?


I only have 3 hours to get back.

How am I ever.

Wait, a road, I'm saved.

Come on, come on, pick up!


Pops, it's Benson.

Oh Benson, are you ok?

I'm fine, Pops, listen.

Could you put Mordecai and Rigby on so I can screaming at them for ruining my life?

They're not with you?


They didn't come home last night, we're all worried sick.

What the hack happened last night?

I'm afraid I don't know.

Well, whatever it was left me stranded out in the desert.

Can you come pick me up?

Oh of course!

Where in the desert are you exactly?

Er hold on, let me see.


Oh, a car!

Hey, hey stop!

Can you tell me what road this is?


How about right after you tell me if this hurts or not?



What on earth you're arresting me for?

Benson, you're all right!



Heh, knock yourself out.

What did you do to me?


- Do you.


not remember anything?

- No!

Get off of me and I'll tell you!

Here's what happened.



The wings just kept coming.

Both of our engines were on fire, but somehow we managed to crash-land right in the middle of the hot-tub party.

I wish I was cool like you guys.

Instead, I'm being honored tomorrow for playing it safe.


Yeah, that's rough.

If you want to be honored tomorrow with some Grade-A-Guts, you should drive up to the ceremony in the mach infinity.

Yeah, it's the supersonic car we just test-drove.


I didn't know that car actually existed.

Nothing can drive that fast.

You'd been taking a big risk, but in a cool way.

I don't know, Benson.

You might be risking more than just that gold watch.

It's worth it!

Just make sure your lift-to-drag ratio stays level.

You don't want to go into a high-G maneuver.

High-G maneuver!

Alright, here goes.




That's crazy.

Yeah, you landed about a mile away but the car kept going and ended up on the road.

Yeah, when we went to go find you, The cop arrested us for speeding.

We even showed him our government clearance card which allow us to speed.

But he just ripped it up.

He was like, nyah nyah I'll go try to talk to this guy.

Huh, hi sir.

Huh, I kind of have to be somewhere by 9.

And Well, we wouldn't want you be late.

Now, would we?

No, we wouldn't.


Well, son, the soonest I can open that door for you is He didn't even look at anything.

He just make that time up to be a jerk.

Open your mouth again, pretty boy, and you're getting the hose.

That won't be necessary.

Pops, how did you find us?

Oh, it was quite simple.

While you were being arrested.

I happened to hear the distinctive mating call of a chubby-necked chicken vulture in the background.

I tried to use your computing device to look up its habitat on the Internet.

But I got scared.

So I called Thomas over and he found it without any trouble at all.

Well, Pops, that's amazing.

Now, officer, please allow me to pay you whatever fines they've accrued And we'll be on our merry way.

Are you trying to bribe me, sir?


Pops, you can't arrest him for no reason.

Yeah, you think you're above the law?

On this quarter-mile stretch of highway I'm the law.

You'll sit tight while I find the bigger hose.

Well, you ruined my life, again.


We have nothing to do with it.

I woke up in a military jumpsuit , strapped to an ejector seat.

Of course you have something to do with this.

Wow, Benson, nobody put those wings inside you but you.

Just because we partly like handsome maniacs doesn't mean you didn't have a choice.

Ah you are right.

I decided to take risk and this is the price I paid.

We've tried everything but this cop won't listen to reason.

Maybe you can't reason your way out of this one.

Maybe the solution is Another risk.

Okay, I got an idea.

What in tarnation happened here?

Oh, it was terrible.

They ganged up on me and beat me up before they escaped.


Nobody escaped from my I can't believe that worked.

Yeah, I figured Pops' head would only hide two or three of us, tops.

How much time until the ceremony ?

Less than an hour.

We can take carmenita .

She's too slow.

It's your only chance, Benson.

How bad you want that watch?

More than anything.

Prefect, let's go.

See you at the ceremony.


Come on Get out to the car.

It took me 30 years to grow this thing.

what the Where are you going, boy?

Yes, I made it.

Hey, how did you guys get here before me?

It's a miracle.

Well, I don't know about miracle, but.


Dude, where have you been for the last three months ?


What probably happened is that you went so fast.

that you actually traveled three months into the future.

We all thought you were dead, man.

That if this isn't my gold watch ceremony.

it's my Memorial service.

And who are all of these guys?

They're applicants for the Park manager position.

They're waiting until after the service to be interviewed.


Maellard, about the gold watch Uh, I'm gonna have to say no.

I've always been a stickler for the rules.

Hey, man, I wish you're not dead.

No, without that watch, I'm dead.

Benson, stop.

The infinity 's reverse gear could tear a hole in space time.

I have to take that chance.

Now, there goes a man who takes risks.

Come on.

I I never knew It's working.

Told you he make it.

You did it, my boy.

It's beautiful.

I brought us some wings to help us to celebrate.

Sorry, muscle man, not this time.

Come on, it's only one wing.

Oh, my head.


Ah come on.