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05x20 - Rigby in the Sky with Burrito

Posted: 03/14/23 17:26
by bunniefuu
The reign of your clan is over!

For honor.


I thought we were ninjas.

I'm winging it.

Hey, this one is for me.

It's an invitation to our high-school reunion.

No way, let me see that.

It says it's in two days.


So soon?

We should totally go.


High school is so lame, why would we wanna go back?

Well, of course high school was uncool, I'm talking about how cool I was in high school and how awesome it will be to show everyone I'm even cooler now.

Here, follow me.

I can't believe you have this.

What do we have here?

Activities, art club, dodge ball, jazz band.

You played tha saxophone.

I signed up late, and all the guitar spots were taken.

That doesn't explain why you took your senior picture with it.

Well, yours can't be any better.

We'll see about that.

I'm surprise you even got one since you didn't get your diploma.

Check out that photo!

Oh right, it's your big to-do list.

A parting message for all you losers going to college.

While you chumps write book reports and do Math for four more years, I'm gonna be having all the fun.

Only jerks would choose more school.

I'm gonna do way more cool stuff.

I'm gonna meet cool people, go cool places and see cool things.

You're the ones who are gonna regret their choices.

I'll go our reunion and rub it in your face, then you will see.

You'll all see.

You're always making so much troubles for yourself.

Now, Don never gets in any trouble when he's at school.

Rigby out?

Then you have a long list stuff you said you'll do.

Oh no, did I do any thing on the list?

- Nope.

- What do you mean?

Is that I can't go without doing something from the list?

- Just don't go then.

- No, I have to go.

If I'm not there, they'll think I didn't do anything after high school and I'm just some loser in a dead-end job.

I can't let those guys make fun of me!

I got to do something from the list!

Well, you only have two days, let's see what you can get done.

None of time for you to become a famous heart surgeon.

Hamboning for pope won't work.

Get picture taken while mooning on all seven continents?

That's actually really cool.

But no.

What about getting a slam dunk in the Olympics?

- No.

- Killl a giant squid?


Having the world record for the largest feet in the world and then kicking the biggest butt in the world?

Sorry, dude.

There's nothing on this list I can do in time.

What about this?

Skidive while eating a burrito?

You can probably do that in two days.

Actually, that's the only one you can do in two days.

Okay, then I will do it.

The sky doesn't know what's coming.

- This is the place?

- This is the place.

It's the only skydiving school from miles.


Welcome to Jumpin' Jim's Skydiving Academy.

I'm Jumpin' Jim.

Are you boys ready to fall in love with skydiving?

Look, I need you to teach me how to skydive before tomorrow.

Oh, I see you got the real fire in your belly.

Well, you bet I can.

So let's get you straight to the fans.

Now I'm gonna strap us together tandem-style.

That way you'll get a feel for what it's like.

I have to be strapped to you?

No one goes alone on their first jump.

It just isn't done!

Alright, let's get you suited up.

Now I know what you're thinking, but don't look too down, son.

Not all suits can be made of Chinese silk, real Italian suede, and embroidered in Iceland.

But every jumper's got to start somewhere.

Dude, burrito.

Yeah, I gotta make sure I can get this right.

Hit me.

Alright, here we go.


when you're in the air, you want to stay focused.

There's only a limited timeframe.

Whoa son, what are you doing?

Eating a burrito!


No snacks on the fan!


Stay out of my school, then stay out of my sky!

It's over.

There's no other place to go skydiving!

You should just go to the reunion anyway, who cares if you didn't do anything from the list?

Who cares?


They're all gonna know!

I'll just be a loser who's done nothing since high school!

You know who else has done nothing since high school?


Okay, for real, bro.

If you got to go skydiving while eating a burrito, I've got this guy who owes me a favor.

What guy?

His name is Johnny, he's got a plane and has been known to take people skydiving from time to time.

I'll take you tomorrow after Starla and I finish brunch.

And by brunch I mean Ok, ok, we don't need to hear it.

I just need a ride to this guy.

Alright, fine.

I'll take you tomorrow right after Starla and I This looks like kinda shady.

It doesn't matter.

As long as I can jump out the plane, it's fine.

Yo, Johnny!




Yo, Muscle Man!


How's it going, man?

Oh, you know, it's all good.

- How you been?

- Pretty rad.

Still doing the plane thing.


I finally changed my last name to Skydiver!


Rigby changed his name to Trashboat once.

Stop talking!

Can we just do this?

Anyway, I'm here on business.

I'm calling in the favor.

Whoa, heavy, waht do you need?

My buddy Rigby here needs to sky-dive today.

I don't know, man.

I have to mow the runway, and then I've got this banner flying I said I'm calling in, Johnny Skydiver!

OK, OK, you're right, I'll take him up.

But I got to fix the plane real quick.

Alright, just about to ready.

How am I gonna make it?

There's only 20 minutes before the reunion.


That's where I'm headed with the banner!

You can do the stunt live and skydive straight into the reunion.


As soon as I grab my stuff, we're hitting the sky!

Alright, I got the parachute to live, got the burrito to eat, and the camera to prove it.

That should be everything.

Dude, this doesn't seem safe.

I don't think you should do this.

I mean, who cares what your old classmates think of you?

It's not important.

You don't understand, you were actually cool in high school.

This is my only shot.

Rigby, we're good to go!

Rigby, please don't do this!

Just lie at the reunion, and tell people you did it.

They'll never know!

You know, maybe you're right, maybe they wouldn't.

But I would.

Johnny Skydiver, let's get this bird in the air!

Dude, come on!

Let him go, bor.

Anyway, the jump site is coming up, so let me hit you with some skydiving 101.

You're gonna want to pull the cord on the right to release your parachute at anywhere between 3000 and 2000 feet.

If your chute got tangled, just kick your legs like crazy.

You can also grab the chute and throw it away from your body.

And if that doesn't work, cut the lose and pull the preserve cord.

What if that chute doesn't work?

You've got the rest of your life to enjoy the view.

Don't worry, you'll do fine.


You're not jumping with me?

No, man!

Someone's got to fly the plane.

Who's flying it now?

Oh, crud Perfect!

The Reunion Hall!

More perfect!

Dude, something is wrong with his chute.

Oh no, bor Go away!

Dude, he cut away his chute!

The preserve is his last chance.


What do I do?

What do I do?


Don't let me down, buddy!

Promise to save my life before I let go of you!





I don't know, man, I think that was his last burrito.

Wait, he's waking up!

Did I make it?

Yeah, dude.

You went right through the roof.

And you're not even dead.

No way I'm gonna die before all you losers check it out!

In your face!

You thought I couldn't do it, but I did What the I don't even need to skydive!

Just look how ugly everyone got!

Wait, dude, these people are just really old.

Guys, hello!

- Pops?

- What're you doing here?

You weren't in our class.

Oh, of course not, silly.

This is my class reunion.

I meant to tell you my class president accidentally mailed my invitation to you.

I guess I have time to get the slum dunk in the Olympics now.