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01x50 - The Hero Alliance, On the Verge of Defeat

Posted: 03/14/23 14:48
by bunniefuu
As soon as the adjustments are complete, we move to the next phase.

Just a little more now!

"We need to find a way to power ten laser cannons from the Kree Mact without losing any firepower.

" A tall order, indeed.

It would not have been possible for me to do this myself.

Thank you.

Never pegged you for a nice guy.

It might be because of the Avengers and your sons that I'm able to be honest with myself.


All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

The Hero Alliance, On the Verge of Defeat The kids are coming along?


This is about to turn into the most dangerous place on Earth.

Fury, all we have now are ten Kree Mact Cannons and fifteen superheroes onboard.

Your point being?

When fighting a battle, there is always someone with an ace up their sleeve.

And they are our ace?

What are you thinking?


Okay then!

With completely sound and reasonable logic, I will now convince you beyond a shadow of a doubt why this is a good idea.

And that is to say Jessica and the others give us courage when they're here.

Everyone feels the same way, right?

They are our beacons of hope.

M-My reason isn't as illogical as that!

Listen, I!

With such a compelling argument, I guess there's no harm.

Dad, you're okay with this, right?

Akira, I understand how you feel, but What is that?


Life signs from within the Dark Gate!

So they arrive the ones without minds Dormammu seeks to end us before the Kree Mact Cannons are complete, I see.

The totality of the world's hope is aboard the Helicarrier.

In other words simply toppling it will cause despair to sweep through the world.

You've dug your own graves, Avengers.

Where are you off to?

You aren't aware of their resourcefulness.

I will ensure our as*ault will be as perfect as possible.

Still a child, I see.

One of your usual tricks, then?

No holding back now!

Get ready to taste w*r Machine's full arsenal!

Micro Launcher!

My name is Falcon!

The skies are my domain!

And you won't be getting your way!

You're in for a world of hurt if you go forgetting about me, Nova!


Falcon, you so don't have a monopoly on aerial dogfights!

We'll have a chat about your manners later.

Now come, Nova!


These vast skies Are our domain!

Let's get out there too!

Not yet!

The main Avengers need to conserve their power for the showdown with Dormammu!

Isn't that what we decided on with Falcon and the others?

Endure it, Hulk!

Let's believe in them.

Persistent little w*r Cannon!

Oh no!

Shining Fist!

Iron Fist!

Power Man!

You're good at fighting long-distance, right?

Relocate and focus on ranged att*cks.


Power Man and Iron Fist Most folks take one look at us and run for the hills.

These guys must have some guts.

We have been stuck in those DISKs for a while Our fame may have been completely forgotten by now.


Well then, we'll just have to beat our names into them.


Energy Daggers!

With this suit crafted out of the mightest metal, vibranium, and a soul that carries the pride of Wakanda Try to break them, if you can!

You shall not go past me!

Hurry, Dr.


Still not yet?




O light Seethe!

Right on cue!

Time to regroup!

That was awesome!

Flow of enemy activity through the Dark Gate has been compromised.

It's just like Dr.

Strange said!

Those creatures couldn't bypass the barrier of light!

And on top of that, the enemies inside the barrier were all eradicated!

Everything's clear.

Dispatch the other S.







Good work.

I'll have the medical team on standby.

Take care of any injured.

What's the damage, Rhodey?

I've been outta action so long, man My whole body's aching.

Not you, the armor!


Thanks for supporting and having faith in us.

As a representative of the second hero team, it's been a blast.

Thanks, Avengers!

Dear friend, the burden of gratitude lies with us.

Your own actions are deserving of praise!

The barrier of light is strong, but it will not hold long.

How are the adjustments going?

Won't be long now.

Want me to lend a hand down there?

Yeah, no.

I'd rather you didn't.

You show up down here and the morale will take a nosedive.


Aren't we former partners?

That's exactly why I'm saying this.

I feel his pain.

Yeah, true Behave yourselves Okay?

Aye-aye, sir!

Now then let us sow the seeds of despair Stabilizing Kree Mact Cannon output.

Time until the Dark Gate is in firing range: 13 minutes and 20 seconds.

I don't think Dormammu will stay silent until then.

Everyone, prepare for combat!

I was born ready!

Should we really be firing this?

If we're just going to die, maybe we should beg for our lives What's wrong?

N-Nothing, sir!


Is it is it true that the Kree Mact Cannon has a design issue where There is a high likelihood that it'll explode upon firing?



Humans are such weak-willed creatures Hey, did'ja hear?

There's a rumor going 'round that the Kree Mact Cannon has a fatal defect that'll cause it to go wild when it's fired.

You serious?

Keep your doomsaying to yourself.

But it's true!

I heard it straight from the head of the Kree Mact Cannon's development himself!

It's true, man.


Pym told everyone to keep quiet about it, so no one said anything.

If it goes wild, the Helicarrier would be blown to smithereens.

Once a small lie is whispered into their ears It is only a matter of time before they will fall into despair's hellish embrace all of their own accord.

The stage has been set, now for the actors to play their parts.

And I've also heard the Dark Gate's impossible to destroy!

Who did you hear that from?

Everyone is talking about it.

I sense a dark power rapidly growing within this vessel's heart.


Where'd they come from?




Do you remember the DISK unveiling party?

The villains used the DISKs as a way to infiltrate the ship then!

So, it could be the same method?


What manner of man could have Strange rumors filling the ship A plan to transport villains using DISKs The one behind this could only be Black Panther?


B-Be careful They're regained their powers No it's even greater than before Repulsor!

Fall back!

Look for a safe point and hide yourselves!

Don't be stupid!

There's no way we'd run!

Everyone's confused.

We've gotta take charge, got it?


This way!


Doctor Strange!

Ah, Loki.

Up to one of your childish games, I see.

Go forth, my servants!

They have us beat in units.

What, you're scared or something?

Are you seriously asking that?

Just a joke.

But if this keeps up What What'll happen to us?

I don't understand anything anymore!


That despair will give those monsters more power.

You're complaining now?


With everything going wrong, is it that hard to imagine I would?


Getting on the Helicarrier without our biocodes was stupid!

Enough, Ed Ed's absolutely right!

We allowed them to infiltrate our ranks Our loss was a forgone conclusion.


Pepper, say something!

No Tony!

Akira I'm sorry Akatsuki I tried to protect him But it was too late Cap Thor Hulk Wasp they k*lled them all.

Time to face the music We lose this figh You're Loki, dude.

The schemer, caught by his own scheme.

It had to be you.

You could change into anyone using your favorite transformation magic and sneak onboard.

Sooo, we knew if we pretended to be upset, you'd just nonchalantly strut up and show yourself.

Plan Lure Out the Idiot: Total Success!

You really should grow up.

I mean, you're worse than a kid.

W-What're you talking about?


Drop the act already.

Tony would NEVER admit he lost at anything.

No matter the game, if he's losing, he's the type of guy to flip the board over!

Then I'll just shut your mouths myself!

So sorry!

But this is all being streamed in real-time on every monitor on the ship.

What did you say?


Everyone on the Helicarrier, see that?

All those horrible rumors you heard were Loki's lies!

All of your despair is feeding those monsters power!

Y-You cowards!

You're the last person we want to hear that from!

Lame send-off, as always.

Even if his lies were tactless, they still easily swayed a human's heart.

Our true enemy was the weakness in our own hearts.

Okay, guys!

Don't you dare lose!

We don't have the barrier, or any functional anti-aerial weapons, and we're being over-run by monsters But if you give up, then it really will be game over!

Let's fight together to the bitter end!

Soldiers, you heard the man.

The key to humanity's salvation is not greater numbers, but rather our own dispositions!

Don't fall to despair!

Turn hope into your w*apon!


That's right That's what you'd call a hero's mentality!

It's the Milano!

But that means Star Lord!

You came to help us out?



We picked up an emergency SOS from Nick Fury a little while ago.

We would've been here a lot sooner, but we had a lot of things to take care of.

We kinda had to save the galaxy like 30 times from bad guys.

You're outta your league!

Waaay out!

Finally about time we paid them back!

No objections, right?


Let's make a show of it, Guardians of the Galaxy!

Shield Tackle!

MjÃlnir Throw!

Wasp Sting!

You did well, Akira!

So this is the power of hope, then Destruction of all enemies in and outside the ship confirmed!

Dark Gate now entering firing range of the Kree Mact Cannon!

Giant-Man, how are the preparations over there?

No problems here.

Ready to fire!

End this one on a bang!

To think it would come to this I do not have the luxury of waiting for the world to fall to despair any longer!

All Kree Mact Cannons, aiming and locking on to the Dark Gate!

Energy loading commencing!

Five, four, three, two, one Energy loading complete!


Dark Gate, destruction confirmed!

Dormammu confirmed to be damaged.

It worked!

Not yet The battle isn't over yet!




He D-Secured Dormammu?



Now then!

It is time to bring everything to an end!

Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: Blade Class: Fight Finisher: Katana Slash This week's Hero Spotlight is for: Blade!

He's part of the Fight class!

He's a half-human, half-vampire vampire hunter!

He uses his sword, throwing stars, and martial arts to k*ll vampires!

With the time you've spent together, the fights you've had, the friendships you've made With the memories awakened with your biocodes Use that power to defeat Loki, everyone!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

Farewell, Heroes of My Heart!

Let's end this!
