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01x48 - At Long Last, the Gate to Darkness Opens!

Posted: 03/14/23 14:47
by bunniefuu
Get rid of the Avengers!

I'll smash you!

Looks like you don't have the power to smash me!


Wasp Sting!



Thank you, everyone!

Save your dad and the world!

I caught myself a fly!

A fly?

You're gonna pay for that one!

I'll take you on.

You think you can take us?


We won't lower ourselves to your level!

I hate that condescending attitude of yours!

I knock guys like you from on high!

Beast Hammer!

And I crush you from down low!

Repulsor Strike!



It's completely different from Iron Man's repulsor, see?


Different how?


Tony's the one who invented that beam!

Isn't that copyright infringement?

True, stealing ideas isn't looked upon favorably.

I'll make you clam up!

Take this!

Monger Beam!

Shield Throw!

Wasp Sting!

I applaud you for putting up an excellent fight.

But as I've told you before A human cannot stand up to the Dark Aura.

Because you couldn't discard your own heart, you've lost.

And the final victor shall be me!



This is The Dark Gate device!

Dad Dad!

Akira, wait!

This aura H-Hey we came to save you!

Answer us!

It is futile.

Professor Akatsuki's heart has been extinguished.

He has been completely reborn as Ronin!

Dad All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

At Long Last, the Gate to Darkness Opens!

Dad, get away from there!

I won't allow you to lay even a single finger on this device.

What're you even talking about?


Wake up already!



Sad how truly sad, yet beautiful at the same time.

I can't help but watch If we were broadcasting this, I'm sure it'd be k*lling it in the ratings.

Oh well, not like we need viewers anymore, right?

Soon, the Dark Gate will open and usher in a new age.

That's never gonna happen!

Don't get any closer.

Akira, D-Smash me!

Tony Fighting your father is not our intention.

If possible, we would have liked to avoid it.

I know I really don't want fight my dad either But we have to do this!

Akira Let's go.


As if we'd let you!



You cur!

What's the meaning of this?


Don't do anything unnecessary.



Iron Man!

Mighty Thor!


In the name of MjÃlnir!

It's boss battle time!


Dad The moment cometh.

The Dark Gate device is It's finally party time!

The Dark Gate Is opening!

What's with this sound?

It's coming from the way Hikaru and the others were headed!

The show time's gettin' started!

Impossible The Dark Gate device is active?


We're too late Not yet Bro?



if we destroy the device, then the Dark Gate itself will vanish.

If I remember right, didn't you say that the dimensional hole disappeared when the gate device was destroyed?

Oh, right!

Iron Man, Thor!

The secondary heroes, eh?

Shield Throw!

Your little throwing disc won't work on me!

Monger Beam!

Wasp Sting!

Repulsor Strike!

You're a stubborn one!

How's about you just quite messing around and give up already?


Back at you!

Oh yeah?


I'll beat you into the ground like manure!

And I'll grind you into stardust in the sky!

How's about neither!

Our Activity Time Limit's almost up.

How far can we go for with these Evolution Biocodes?

Bro Not yet.

Let's break him away from it in one go!


Now, Akira!


Falcon, D-Smash!


The wings of justice that dance in the skies!

Nova, D-Smash!

The up-and-coming rookie, on the scene!

Falcon, Nova!

We're counting on you!

Smash that Dark Gate device!


Sooo isn't this like a super awesome scene?

We are your opponents!


You got it, guys!

Just leave it to me!

I won't let you!

Falcon Arrow!

Not bad!

Time's running out!


Gotcha, gotcha!

Take this!

Nova Blast!


That's Nova, D-Secure!


Oh no!

Our time limit's up!

That can't be!

Looks like even your evolved biocodes still have limits.

You can't go save your friends who went ahead.

You've failed.

Just give it up already.

You think we'll stop and give up?

Akira and Hikaru aren't giving up!

Even now, I'm sure they're fighting as hard as they can!

That's why There's absolutely no way we can give up either!

Akira, Hikaru, Iron Man, Thor For our friends' sakes We'll make our stand here!

Whoa, hey!

How stubborn can ya be?


This is the power we Avengers And our partners Share together!

Let's finish this!

Iron Fist, D-Smash!

The fist of justice, forged in K'un-Lun!

Here, I stand before you!

Black Panther, D-Smash!

Prepare to face the wrath of the proud black panther!

Power Man, D-Smash!


This is bad We're screwed!




It can't be helped.

We'll have to take them all on!



Then there's no need for restraint.

We'll strike them down, at once!

What, you think you bozos can dance with me?

Loki, what are you scheming by calling Dormammu?


I thought that would be obvious.

With Dormammu by my side, I will defeat you Avengers and gain sovereignty over this world!

Now, brother dearest, I shall finally provide proof that I am the superior one!

You fool!

He really needs to get over that Say what you must, for in the end, it is simply the incessant barking of petulant dogs!


Hawkeye, you came!

Of course.

I can't very well ignore them, can I?

Thank you.

Having you here is like having a cavalry 100-men strong!

Don't let your guard down, we don't know where Loki is hiding.


Watch out, Falcon!


H-Hawkeye Why?



Falling from this distance would put you in dire straits, no?

I messed up Falcon, D-Secure!


How far do you intend to take your cowardice?


I'm simply waiting for the Activity Time Limit to be reached, and you and your compatriots to disappear!


Dad, didn't you tell me to Didn't you tell me to get stronger?


There There were times I lost heart, sure but I never gave up!

I'm a bit stronger than I was before!

There's no way you can lose to the power of darkness either, Dad!

Be strong!


Akatsuki W-What W-Why?

I Akira!

Akatsuki's heart isn't gone yet!

Your voice is definitely reaching him!

Just like it reached me in the Dark Dimension!

So sorry, but it seems your time is up!

Is that What's that?


Is Is that thing Dormammu?




We're being sucked into the Dark Gate!

Grab hold of something!


What am I Nooo!

Master Loki, why?


Loki, do something!

As a reward for all of your hard work, you five shall become one with the darkness.



Those who have sold their souls to the devil are far easier to bring into the Dark Dimension.


You traitorous snake!

w*r Machine?




What a foolish act Hoping to save an enemy?

He's not an enemy!

He's my dad!


Akira, you absolutely can't let go!

I won't!

I definitely won't let go!

Akira I leave them both to you Tony Stark.

Get Get even stronger Akira This time This time, I absolutely won't let go!

Hang in there, Akira!


Time to end this farce.





You cowardly worm!

Farewell and may father and son have a marvelous journey!



Ronin just No, that was Akatsuki!


Tony There'll be plenty of time for thanks later.

Curses Curses, curses, curses, curses!

Loki your ambitions are finished!




Build Up Smash!

Target Lock-On!


Final Repulsor!

Lightning Star!

You both did well Dad!



Professor Akatsuki!

Looks like he's back to normal, right?

Thank goodness!

I suppose this means you destroyed the Dark Gate device safely.


Not a trace left.

What about those other two?

That accounts for everything.

Or does it?



It seems the Dark Dimension is far stronger than your puny power.

But the Dark Gate is destroyed!

It's your loss, Loki!

The Dark Gate is destroyed?

You ignorant fool.

The purpose of that was just to leak a sufficient amount of dark power into this world.

Afterwards, Dormammu would open the Gate himself!



The time is upon us!

O Dark Gate!

Let the floodgates of despair burst open!

Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: Ultron Class: Tech Finisher: Optical Beam This week's Villain spotlight is for: Ultron!

He's part of the Tech class!

He's a robot equipped with an A.I.

that Doctor Hank Pym developed.

He rebelled against Doctor Pym and tried to eradicate humanity.

Dormammu's darkness is dyeing our blue skies If we're gonna save the Earth, we have no choice!

This is goodbye, everyone.

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

Complete Release from the DISKs!

Let's end this!
