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01x47 - Tony's Waking Warning

Posted: 03/14/23 14:46
by bunniefuu
D Dad Tony!


Doctor Strange can you save Tony?

It would seem his heart is trapped within a realm of vile wickedness.


My title as the fantastic Sorcerer Supreme is not just for show!



A-Akira All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

Tony's Waking Warning I see I finally get out of the DISK for a good while and I spent the whole time sleeping!

But I'm super glad you're back to normal, Tony.

While I appreciated the short rest, as a babysitter I need to remember my kiddy needs his naps too.

Who're you calling kiddy?


However, Iron Man It would appear your mind was trapped deep within the darkness What happened whilst you were there?

Yeah I'd rather not remember.

It was a harrowing experience.

Where am I?

What on Earth happened to me?

I've been awaiting your arrival, Tony Stark.

I welcome you to the Dark Dimension.



Is this your doing then?


There is someone who is just dying to make your acquaintance.

What the heck is that?


What the!

Who are you?


Allow me to introduce him.

He who governs the Dark Dimension And who will assist me in conquering your world, Dormammu!

An excellent look for you!

Now pay close attention!

For he will be the ruler of your world.

The ruler?


Sounds lovely, doesn't it, Tony Stark?

What are you two scheming?


It doesn't concern you.

For you will be swallowed into the bowels of the Dark Dimension and disappear.

Hey now.

Saying you'll be the rulers of the world is a bit presumptuous, ain't it?

Sounds more to me like you're trying to convince someone your plan is worth something.

What was that?


Relying on a plan made by a proven loser is a foregone conclusion.

You worm Fine then.

I shall give you one last gift from the kindness of my heart.

Take it with you to the afterlife.

Our grand directive, that is Then you can vanish into the dark depths of despair, trembling in fear!

I shall have Dormammu descend upon your world from the Dark Dimension!

Using a dimensional hole?

Something as quaint as a dimensional hole is not enough for Dormammu's gargantuan power to pass through.

For Dormammu to cross dimensions, a much bigger gate is required The Dark Gate, to be specific.

The Dark Gate?

I see!

So that's why you've been gathering the treasures of darkness!

The power of the treasures of darkness will allow us to activate the Dark Gate device.

Then Dormammu will descend upon your world and conquer it!

I have destroyed countless worlds in an attempt to improve my own.

Your world will also serve to expand the borders of the Dark Dimension.

Listen well to the wails of those who have been swallowed into the Dark Dimension!

Wonderful, is it not?

You too shall be devoured into this world of sorrow.

You'll destroy the world?


Loki, is your goal the same then?


What would telling you accomplish?

You will be assimilated into the Dark Dimension and become Dormammu's servant from this moment on!


W-What was that voice?

You just told me you're gonna destroy the world.

There's no way I'm gonna vanish into the dark after that!

Struggling is pointless!

Give up!

You think you can make me give in?





Cane Blast!


What is this power?


Time for a counterattack!



I like that strong spirit you have!

I would love to add it to my Dark Dimension.

Begone, Iron Man!

I can't disappear.

Not now!

I I have someone I need to protect!



Iron Man is escaping!

Run, if you must.

Once the Dark Gate is opened, your world will become mine!

And then, I somehow woke up here.

Whelp, my safe return is all thanks to Akira and Doctor Strange.

But if Dormammu really does descend to the surface, what'll happen to the world?


He is a being of immense power that has never been seen before.

If he were to appear in our sphere It is likely that it would be sucked into his world and become a land of darkness.

We need to stop Dormammu from making land here, by any means necessary.

You said that Loki is going to call forth Dormammu to this world by using that Dark Gate device, right?

Well, we heard what Loki's scheming from Iron Man, so If we wreck the Dark Gate device, then Dormammu can't come to this world.

But I have to wonder where is that device?

Using my sorcery, tracking down the Dimension Sphere's aura is possible.

It is likely that wherever it is, the Dark Gate should also be.

Doctor Strange.

Is there a way to return Ronin I mean Akatsuki, to how he used to be?

It is possible, with my help.

For real?


However, should the Dark Gate be opened, the possibility would vanish.

If he falls further into Dormammu's influence, then Professor Akatsuki's heart will disappear completely.

And he will forever remain as the personality of Ronin.

In short: It'd be a good idea to find the Dark Gate device and smash it as soon as possible.

Please hurry, Doctor Strange.

Most certainly.

Dad Why do you suffer so?

Accept it.

You are Ronin.

That's wrong!

I You will defeat the Avengers!

Shut up!

I won't be your mindless puppet!

I I won't let you do what you please with my heart!

He'll definitely find it, right?

It'll be okay!

Doctor Strange will pull through for us somehow!

Accept it.

Once you abandon your heart, you'll be better off!

I won't discard myself!

Ronin, make yourself disappear!

I see In that case, suffer!

This There is a massive dark aura obstructing my vision.

It is likely Ronin's doing.

My dad?


Did Ronin completely take over Akatsuki?


No There are two minds at w*r within Ronin.

I would wager that within his heart, Professor Akatsuki is fighting against Ronin.

He is?


If Ronin's dark aura is not dissipated, then I cannot dowse the location of the Dark Gate device.

Now, more than ever, the power of the five of you and the Avengers are needed.


A human such as yourself cannot hope to stand against the Dark Aura.

If you do not accept me, then you shall taste hellish suffering for all of time.

I can't afford to disappear I I have to make it back to them!

Whatever you try is pointless.

Surrender yourself.

I can't do that My sons They believe in me!

So there's no way I can ever surrender!

Such foolish false bravado.

This light!

This is the same as when I guided Iron Man to the light and he escaped the darkness.

Akira Hikaru Let your thoughts of Professor Akatsuki And Ed, Chris, Jessica Your feelings of friendship As well as the Avengers' hearts of righteousness become light!

Dad Akira Akira.

Sorry The power just came It's fine.

That's right!

We're behind you.


After all, the five of us have gotten through all kinds of close calls when we work together!

Guys Our journey isn't over yet.

We'll keep moving forward together.

Akira, you always do your best for us So this time, it's our turn to help you.

Before you get too excited, don't go forgetting about us!


We'll definitely put an end to Loki's schemes!

It's about time we settled the score.

Whatever enemy comes our way, I'll smash 'im!

Everyone Thank you.

When When Dad told me to get stronger, I finally get what he meant.

I'm sure strength isn't just the power to fight.

It's about thinking about each other, and trusting each other That's how we can always stay tough, no matter what comes our way.

That's what true strength is!

I'm sure Dad's fighting and not giving up.

So I'll I'll believe in dad and everyone here, and never give up, no matter what happens!

I'll have faith in everyone and head forward!

W-What is this light?


I'll I'll return to Akira and Hikaru's side!

I've found it!

Thank you, Doctor Strange!

I need no thanks.

The location is a forgotten abandoned building in the far northwest.

I cannot elaborate further than that.

Be cautious.

For Ronin is also there.

I sense an ominous aura.

It would appear the Dark Gate device is this way.

Thank you, Doctor Strange!

Careful, my young friends.

It appears the final battle draws near.

So you came, Avengers.


You'll be in for a rude awakening if you go forgettin' 'bout us Celebrity 5.

You're gonna get in our way?


Don't you guys know what'll happen when the Dark Gate opens?


If Dormammu descends onto our world, the planet will be destroyed!

That doesn't make a difference to us!

We were promised a seat of power in Dormammu and Loki's new world order.

You don't care what happens to the world as long as you come out on top?


Ever the dirtbags, huh?

Say what you wish.

Ain't that Dark Dimension the best thing?


You get to go buck wild!

Kinda like this!

How's that?


These two are the best gatekeepers around!

Long time, no see Iron Man.

Iron Monger?


Another headache You know him?

Iron Monger was originally Mr.

Stark's business partner He stole and used the blueprints for that battle suit from Mr.


And he's Bi-Beast, an android possessing superhuman strength!

We won't let you get past us!

Hurry and make yourselves scarce!

This area's off-limits!

Come, if you dare.

There's no way we're getting stopped here!

Hold on!

You guys save your D-Smashes.

But We'll hold them off here!

Akira, when we give you an opening, you and Hikaru go on ahead!

Trust us!

We'll definitely break past them!


Captain America!





March onwards without fear!

Together we will sh**t down evil!

Get rid of the Avengers!

I'll smash you!

Looks like you don't have the power to smash me!


Wasp Sting!



Thank you, everyone!

Save your dad and our world!

I caught myself a fly!

Now she can't escape!

A fly?

You're gonna pay for that one!

I'll take you on.



You think you can take us?


We won't lower ourselves to your level!

I hate that condescending attitude of yours!

I knock guys like you from on high!

Beast Hammer!

Didn't hurt!

And I crush you from down low!

Repulsor Strike!



It's completely different from Iron Man's repulsor, see?


Different how?


Tony's the one who invented that beam!

Isn't that copyright infringment?

True, stealing ideas isn't looked upon favorly.

I'll make you clam up!

Take this!

Monger Beam!

Shield Throw!

Wasp Sting!

Hey, you jerks!

Hurry up and get up!

Akira Hikaru Get this right.

There's light coming from that entrance.

It's probably the light from the Dark Gate device.


I applaud you for putting up an excellent fight.

But as I've told you before A human cannot stand up to the Dark Aura.

Because you couldn't discard your own heart, you've lost.

And the final victor shall be me!




The Dark Gate device!

Dad Dad!

Akira, wait!

Dad This aura H-Hey we came to save you!

Answer us!

It is futile.

Professor Akatsuki's heart has been extinguished.

He has been completely reborn as Ronin!

Dad Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: Venom Class: Power Finisher: Dual Spiker This week's Villain spotlight is for: Venom!

He's part of the Power class!

It's a symbiote lifeform from outer space that hijacks the body and grants huge power and speed boosts.

I'm scared of seeing it again!

Loki and Dormammu's plan is finally achieved The heroes give their all to stop them, and as for Ronin The Dark Gate now opens Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

The Dark Gate Opens At Last!

Let's end this!
