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01x39 - The Ultra Gigantic Ultron Army!

Posted: 03/14/23 14:36
by bunniefuu

Pym's secret identity is Giant-Man.

He was a superhero who retired from the Avengers.

But Ultron, eh?

He certainly made something ridiculous.

Arrest Dr.

Pym immediately.


There's no way I'm rotting in jail!

What's going on?


Just leave me alone!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

The Ultra Gigantic Ultron Army!


Pym has gone mad.

Provoking him any further could prove danger!

Let me guess: you want to say, "Hank Pym, you're under arrest.

Turn yourself in nice and quietly.

" To that I say: No, I won't!

If you wanna bring me in, try and catch me first!

Pym Akira, how's the recharge?

We're good!



Iron Man, D-Smash!

It's negotiating time!

Jeez He really is a handful Giant-Man!

Well, well, well If it isn't Iron Man, one of the superheroes in the Avengers!

Release the chopper, now.

We won't let the World Security Council do as they wish!

We'll protect you!

Do you really think you can?


You gotta trust us!

We're friends, right?



That's easy enough for you to say But from the very beginning, you just selfishly ignore how the other person feels Tony Stark I never once considered you a friend of mine!

Calm down and listen to me.

We came here to throw off the World Security Council.

We're just buying time.

Any minute now, the Director's next move should Take us up!


If you put anymore strain on your cells, your life will be in danger!

Undo your transformation and return to normal size!

Shut up!

Just leave me alone!

Watch out, Jessica!


This is a grave error.

While it is true that we gave you the authority to dispatch and command the heli units The fact is that your decision to use them to engage Giant-Man was an unwarranted measure.

This was a terrible on-the-spot decision.

You will be held accountable for this, Fury.

This will be the last thing you do as S.







Restrain Hank Pym!




The politicians won't be happy What?

About the deposit you received on November 25th last year The Local Tax Bureau was never notified, correct?

What are you talking about?

Of course, there's also the deposit from February 6th this year, which the media speculated was a bribe.

You all are hiding a considerable amount of secrets.

For people so concerned with "Security", this is quite You were spying on us?


D-Don't think this will end here!

Destroy those documents, immediately!

- This is an orde!

- I refuse!







isn't here to protect your political standing, your reputation or your salaries!

It's for world peace!

Adapting to the situation is included in that, you useless slack-jawed idiots!

If you've got any complaints, I'm listening!




Well then, we will deal with Dr.

Pym's case.

Good job.

It wasn't even that difficult.

It was a great chance to put the nail in the coffin.

They'll behave, at least for a little while now.

Hopefully that's true.

Here's your next job.

Ultron still hasn't been dealt with.

We have no way of predicting how he will go about his counter-attack.

Be vigilant and keep your eyes out for him.

Roger, sir.

That's as much as I can do from here Avengers, end this incident peacefully I'm kinda hungry!

What's with the sudden outburst?

You a glutton or something?

I'll go to the store, so can I get you guys anything?

You okay?

This is all my fault.

I never could have imagined that Pym would beat himself up so much like that And because of that, Wasp was put in a difficult position "You just selfishly ignore how the other person feels" He's right I really hate myself I dunno, I like you, Tony.

Even if you have no tact, or have a word filter or that you're a total show-off.

Did you really need to say it like that?

But that's what makes you, you, Tony.

Everyone's got good and bad parts about them.

I mean, partners are supposed to accept one other wholesale, right?

Akira I'm sorry the dimensional hole gate device caused this whole mess.

When you said you were just thinking of me, I was pretty happy.


Having a kid worry about me I really have gone downhill.

Thank you, Akira.

What happened to my coffee beans?


Hulk drank it all.

You think I'm gonna drink this cheap stuff?


Listen here, coffee enriches and enables the human mind to do anything.

There's only one way to do it.

As the great Perigord once said, "Good coffee is black like the Devil himself, hot like Hades itself" Pure like an angel And of course, sweet like love itself!

" It's just muddy caffeine water to me That was an entire week's stock!

And you just gulped down the whole thing!

That's enough.

Are you really going to spoil the precious little off time we get?

I'm going back to New York!

Acting childish, I see.

If you're just going to fly over and buy it, just do so.

Then how 'bout you go?


I refuse.

Why would I subject myself to your whims?

I can't tell who's the kid here.

What's up?

We really are the world's mightiest team, don't you think?

To friends!



That memory If only I could delete it with the push of a button Like a program.

This has to be a joke.

Afraid it's too large to be a joke Once, I was known as the entity called Ultron.

Now, by my own hand, I have crafted the perfect body And I have been reborn as the new and improved Omega Ultron!


Accept Omega Ultron as your master.

Resistance is futile.

For you see, Omega Ultron is one of many.

In the other parts of the world, they are similarly seeking dominion.

A message containing his demands has been sent to the world's governments from Omega Ultron.

In the case that a reply is not made by tomorrow at dawn, Omega Ultron has announced that an attack will begin on every city.

The world leaders are doing their best to handle the situation.

"Relinquish your freedom of thought.

Relinquish your freedom of speech.

Relinquish your freedom of assembly.

" Relinquish this, relinquish that Is he joking?

There's no way we're accepting his demands!

It is simply the absolute authority of a dictator.

Omega Ultron seeks to bring about an era of darkness.

No way that's happening!

If the Avengers work together, there's no enemy we can't beat!

Even so, Omega Ultron is literally all over the world!

I'm trying to tell you that if they all went buck wild at once, we wouldn't have a prayer here.

T-Then we'll just work together with the other heroes around the world!

Not possible.

Pretty much all the other DISKs are scattered Then what're we supposed to do?


Cap, you've got any ideas?



Where there's a will, there's a way.

C'mon, Tony Stark, think.

That's right!

What did Ultron say?

Omega Ultron is one of many.

In the other parts of the world That's the ticket!

Ultron hasn't taken everything into consideration.

"I am one being.

" That is the basis of his thought process.

Omega Ultron is one of many.

In the other parts of the world, they are similarly seeking dominion.

Don't you think this is odd?

One program, handling all those Omega Ultrons around the world?

Supposing it's true, then if we just inject a virus program into one of the Omega Ultron bodies, the rest will drop like flies too!

You just need a virus program, right?

Let's do it.

You wouldn't leave me alone otherwise, right?

It seems we need more time.

I see Will you talk to the Doctor?

No Nothing we say right now will get through to him.

But I'd like you to relay a message.

Very well.

Go ahead.

"We believe in you.

" There's no point in destroying one body.

Even if it's just for a second, we'll buy however long Pym needs to complete the virus program After that, we need to hit him with it!

That's our current mission!


So Mr.

Glutton You didn't have anything to eat today.

Think we can do it?

What do you think?

With you?



Let's do this!

Iron Man, D-Smash!

It's party time!

Hey big boy!

Let's dance!

Or are you scared of me?


Provoking Omega Ultron is meaningless.

It is also meaningless to stall for time.

Saw through me, huh?

The possibility of Hank Pym trying to build a virus program has been predicted.

That aside, with him at his limit both physically and mentally, the probability of completing it is 0%.

For that reason, you should leave this alone.


You're definitely one of Pym's fun toys.


Omega Ultron is the creator of itself.

Oh, did I touch a nerve?


Shoulder m*ssile!

The defeat of the Avengers in front of the whole of humanity whilst they are in this desperate state Will cause irreparable damage to their morale.

Surrender your free will, give up your resolve And quickly prostrate yourselves to Omega Ultron!

Humans possess hearts, ergo they are a flawed existence.


Hidden Command: Activate!

Ultimate Unibeam!

What is your next move?

Or perhaps you are going to say you have no other plans?

Obviously, he doesn't seem the type, but There's still a guy with some fight left in 'im!

They believe in me huh.

They never change.

Pretty words, aren't they?

What is there about me to believe in?

There's no point in burdening me with those words Go away Go away!

Wake up already, Hank Pym!

The probability of Pym completing the virus program is 0%?

Don't make me laugh!

What do you know about him?


I've seen it countless times myself.

The times when he's turned the impossible, possible!

Tony This is the last chance you're gonna get!


It's up to you!

O steel titan who holds no heart I shall face you!

Now, come!

In the name of MjÃlnir and of my dear comrade, Hank Pym!

Hank Pym No, Giant-Man!

Reclaim your pride as a hero!

Does not compute.

The probability of Hank Pym completing the virus program is still 0%.

Lightning Strike!

I've reach my limit, eh?

Shield Throw!

This battle is meaningless.

What are the Avengers fighting for?

Does not compute.

Does not compute Does not compute Omega Ultron!

A virus program.

Does not compute Ultron There's no way you could understand where this power comes from.

Do it, Ed!

Destroy Omega Ultron's armor plating And open up a path for Wasp!


Build-Up Smash!

Target Lock-On!

Gamma Punch!


Jam that sucker into his CPU!


Pym's got a present for you!

Take it!





Your body's gonna!

I'm sorry when I said I regretted straining myself because of you I didn't mean it!

I know I know, Pym Now!

Put it in!

Does not compute The probability of Hank Pym completing the virus program is 0% Farewell my inner demon Does not compu te.

Thank you Everyone.

You all saved me.

So what?

You just saved the whole world!

Tony, what about doing a D-Secure?

Even with the DISK's healing system, curing him won't be easy.

It'd take some time Do you mind that?

Please do it Someday I'd like to drink coffee with you all again.


Awww, nothing's changed from before!

And I thought they were gonna make it cooler while repairing it Cooler, how?


Like making it so that the whole building turns into a giant robot with the push of a button!

I think we've all had enough of giant robots Wha Another robot?


Her name is Jocasta.

I need an assistant to complete the dimensional hole gate device, don't I?

What'll you do if this one goes on a rampage too?


It's okay.

We gave her the barest minimum to function.

May I serve you a drink?

Ah, thank you!

How's about my homework too?


I do not have the capability to perform that function.

You will have to perform it yourself.

It should be okay like this.

Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: Tiger Shark Class: Animal Finisher: Perfect Lock-On This week's Villain Spotlight is for: Tiger Shark!

He's part of the Animal class!

Injected with the genes of a tiger shark, he's the world's best swimmer!

He can swim at high speeds and perform powerful bite att*cks with his sharp jaws.

Whilst Iron Man continues his research, Hikaru is consumed with worry.

This isn't the time to be brooding!

Those guys pick now of all times to come back?!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

Hikaru, Thor and the Mysterious Voice!

Let's end this!
