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01x31 - Ed's Solo Infiltration Mission

Posted: 03/14/23 14:31
by bunniefuu
Evil will never triumph in this world I have realized that to overcome the rules of this world, I must destroy the very world itself!

Soon, the Earth will die, the world will end, and its rules will crumble to dust!



Red Skull's terrifying "Earth Destruction Stratagem" Was to be carried it out at 0000 hours tonight.

The other Avengers and I split up to deal with all five locations Defending the bases are the Masters of Evil.

To deal with their Sphere power-up, Tony completed an awesome gadget!

And it's called: the Build Up Plate!


With your new special moves, smash Red Skull's ambition!

Here we go, Akira!

Time to finish it!

The time limit is 0000 hours tonight.

We'll split into groups and search for the Gaia Anchor.


It's okay.

Yeah, you're right!

I'm not alone.

As long as you're with me, Hulk, it'll be alright!


All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

Ed's Solo Infiltration Mission!

The Raft Maximum Security Prison It looks like Hydra is using the ruins as a base of operations.

Never thought I'd be coming here again Let's look for the Gaia Anchor.

There's no time to waste.


We've gotta hurry The map says it's here, but No good.

It won't open.

This door won't budge with my puny strength D-Smash me.

My strength would be more than enough for this You can't!

There's a Master of Evil guarding the Gaia Anchor.

If I D-Smash you now, I won't have enough charge when it really matters!




Chris successfully performed consecutive D-Smashes.

Consecutive D-Smashes?


It looks like he got to the point where he could D-Smash a second DISK without a full charge.

Ed, if you happen to find another DISK, give it a try.


But be careful.

The amount of time the second hero you D-Smash can fight is extremely short.

I understand.

I need to contact Hikaru too Do your best.

A consecutive D-Smash, eh?

It'd be great if we had another hero to bust down this iron door, but I don't have any other hero DISKs besides yours, Hulk.

Well, looks like this is a no-go.

How about we investigate the area a bit?


Go, now.


An intruder!

Isn't that What a scoop!

Looks like something saucy's about to begin.

This way!

That was close!

Try moving more carefully.

Okay But if there's this many guards, that must mean the Gaia Anchor is close by!

Of course!

It smells horrid It's reminding me of the last time I had to do this Are you okay?

You're not great with dark places, right?

Yeah It's because I hate ghosts But the others said I could do this and they're counting on me, so I need to give it my all!


The Gaia Anchor should be close-by Is someone there?

What are you doing?


Ed, run!

Intruder sight!

Come on.

Lemme go!


Where am I?

It's been a while WWho are you?

Does this help?

Wait, you're!

One of Loki's henchmen?


You're One of Loki's henchmen My hair's all bunched up.

This is definitely a lot more comfortable.

Oh my, it has been a while.

It's all of Loki's henchmen!

We have no choice.

D-Smash me!

I I won't!

I'll get through this myself!

I'm not gonna lose to you guys!

Calm down.

We have no intention of hurting you.

Then why'd you bring me here?

You came here to destroy the Gaia Anchor, right?

Why do you Know that?

We've been looking into the Gaia Line Disturbance Plan ourselves.

That Red Skull punk really ticks me off!

You didn't join Hydra to help Red Skull?

Red Skull took our biocodes and then forced us to work under him.

Without our ability to D-Smash, there's nothing we can do against Red Skull.

To make a genius scientist such as myself perform menial labor is a travesty!

We can't take any more of this!

Help us!

Pleeeeeease, go b*at up Red Skull!

We've already turned over a new leaf!

We'll live our lives on the straight and narrow, no more wild stunts!

We promise!

So that's it Yes, yes, yes!

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

" Well?


Here you go.

This is A hero DISK.

Having him on hand will help your infiltration mission, right?



Time Mode!

It'll be midnight soon!

I need to hurry!

But it looks like Hydra's beefed up security since that last skirmish.

Then how are we gonna slip past them?

Find the intruder at once!


How're things over there?


No suspicious persons sighted.

No incidents to report!

Continue the search!

I thought my heart was gonna give out Alrighty.

Let's get a move on.


I can walk!

Put me down!

I was suffocating in there!

If you continue down here, you'll hit the Gaia Anchor.


I'll definitely destroy the Gaia Anchor!

I hope you'll be free from Red Skull soon too.

Hurry up and go.


There he goes.

Yeah If he can destroy the Gaia Anchor and get revenge on Red Skull, that's a sweet deal for us.

Besides even if he fails and dies it's no skin off our noses.

That's for sure.

We played him like a fiddle.


Power Man As the name implies, you're a tough hero with a ton of power!

He's got a bit of a rough personality, though.

Uh, well A-Anyway, with Power Man, we should be able to bust down this door, no problem!

Power Man, D-Smash!

It's been a while since I had some air!

Where am I?

U-Um We're in a prison, but Speakin' of, who're you?

You're Hulk's partner?

Can you please lend us a hand?



If Hulk approves of you, I'm game.

What needs doing?

Thanks a bunch!

Well, you see I'd like you to bust open that iron door over there.

Okay, boss!


Here we go!

That's some power!

What's next?

Uh We need to hurry inside and get to the Gaia Anchor You can explain while we run!

Hey, you!


Those don't work on me!


Here we go!

This is the Gaia Anchor Looks like we made it, somehow.

Power Man, destroy this thing!

Well Don't look like it'll be as easy as that.

So you came Abomination!

Those who dare get in the way of Master Red Skull's noble plan Will get torn limb from limb!

Best get back, boss.

You're ignoring your footing!

Power Man, go!

Livin' on the streets and fightin' ain't just for show.

I ain't gonna lose in a straight-up fist fight.

Then how about this?


The Dimension Sphere's power Power Man!

W-What power!

My power my power is pushing past the limit!

You won't get the drop on me!

Get outta the way, boss!

You okay?


That att*ck was strong!

We can't get close to him at this rate!

And Power Man's Activity Time Limit is gonna I have no choice.

I need to D-Smash Hulk and use the Build Up Plate!

It's not there It's gone?


You looking for this?

The Build Up Plate!

I get it Back then I Now I can't power-up Hulk What'll I do?


I'll get it back.

But your time limit's about to If you give up, then it'll really be game over, boss!

Power Man!

What'll I do Power Man's time limit is up, and the Build Up Plate is You should keep a better grip on your precious belongings.

Isn't that right, Mr.


Ed, hurry up and D-Smash me!

I can't.

When you do a consecutive D-Smash, the second hero can only fight for a short amount of time Ms.

Pepper said so!

But still!

Not yet It's not time yet.

Hand over Hulk and Power Man's DISKs, like a good boy.

Do you think you can run away from me?

I could use a laugh.

What can a stringbean like you do?

It's true I'm frail and weak And I'm scatter-brained, and afraid of dark places But Hulk's helped me "power up" from the weak and timid me!

So now Now it's my turn to help Hulk power up!

You're a cheeky one.

I'll set you straight!

Sorry to keep you waiting, Hulk!



Hulk, D-Smash!

Impudent little Still, with the Dimension Sphere, no one can get close to me!

No matter how much power I have to face I'll always crush it with my own strength!

I'll show you what my power can do!



Build Up Smash!

I target the enemy with this, right?

Target Lock On!

Gamma Punch!

We did it Time Mode.

Mission complete!



I knew it I just knew that you'd be able to pull through somehow, Hulk!

You've gotten stronger.

You just Complimented me!


Hulk, Power Man my very own heroes I want to get even stronger with both of them!

Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: X-Men This week's spotlight is for: the X-Men!

They're a righteous Mutant team who fight evil to get rid of prejudice against Mutants and coexist with humanity.

There is only one Gaia Anchor remaining A shadow lurks over Hikaru as he worries about Akira Look out!

That power is!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

Hikaru, Tainted By Evil.

Let's end this!
