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01x28 - The Earth Destruction Stratagem!

Posted: 03/14/23 12:28
by bunniefuu
You blew it, Hawkeye.

Intruders detected!

All Hydra soldiers, to Floor 126, south wing!

Furthermore, the intruder is attempting to escape the building with Professor Chan!

She has already served her purpose.

sh**t on sight, and make it clean.

When I give the signal, run for it.


Move it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

The Earth Destruction Stratagem!


Keep firing!

What's this?


Tripping an alarm?

Making a mistake like that isn't like you, Hawkeye.

That's not it.

They got wind of our plans prior.



The Professor is heading your way.

Take her and run!

I'll hold off the enemy here.

Don't be stupid!

Hurry up and get out of there!

Well if it isn't S.






's little lapdog.

Master Red Skull's plans are already in their final stage.

There's not a thing anyone can do about it now.

Hawkeye, what's wrong?



I have 2 favors to ask of you.

I leave the five kids with the biocodes in your hands.

Look after them in my place.

What're you saying?


Hold on, I'll be right there!

And the other thing And this is the most important one No matter what happens Hawkeye Are you the S.






agent Hawkeye mentioned?


My apologies for the wait, Professor Chan.

Let's leave immediately.

But how would we even You don't need to worry about that.

My codename is Falcon!

The skies are my area of expertise.

My apologies for calling you on such short notice.

We're happy to have your assistance.

I didn't say we'd help yet.

I'm just hearing you out.

For you to be unable to explain the situation over comm lines What on earth is going on?

I'll handle the explanations.

Who is this woman?

Professor Bridget Chan.

The founder and leading authority on the Gaia Line theory.

Gaia Line?

To put it simply, it's a school of thought that believes that the Earth is a single organism And that within it, there are lines of energy that keep the Earth alive, much like blood vessels.

So something like "chi flow" in feng shui?

Exactly correct.

The ideology behind the Gaia Line naturally comes from Ancient China's feng shui.

What's feng shui?

Keep quiet!

A month ago I was kidnapped by Crossbones and a band of named villains.

Sometime after they kidnapped me, they commanded me to perform horrifying research on how to use the Gaia Line theory Hawkeye did come to save me But because of that, he Hawkeye?


That can't be!

What's going on?


We're being hacked from the outside!

Red Skull!

Greetings, my dear Avengers.

And to you as well, Akira Akatsuki.

Looks like he was spying on us.

So he had a mole in S.








And because of that, your surprise attack on our research facility was no surprise at all.

You snake!

I believe I told you You all do not frighten me.

There is but one thing that terrifies me.

And that is the rule that governs this world.

Evil will never triumph in this world!

What are you scheming?


The Gaia Lines are the lifeblood of the Earth.

What do you think would happen if you were to inject a deadly poison into them?

This energy source shall be the poison to k*ll the Earth!

The Dimension Sphere!

Evil will never triumph in this world I have realized that to overcome the rules of this world, I must destroy the very world itself!

Soon, the Earth will die, the world will end, and its rules will crumble to dust!



That's insane!

If the Earth were to die, you would have neither subjects nor a planet to rule over!

What point does this plan of yours have?


Won't you all die too?


But you heroes would perish in the process.

And from the ashes of the heroes and villains shall arise a new law, above all the others!

"In this world, justice never triumphs.

" Such a novel idea!

How beautiful it sounds!

His heart's nothing but pitch-black darkness.

Red Skull took the exact same Super Soldier serum that Cap did and gained superhuman strength But despite that That serum warped both his body and his mind And, as a result, he's allowed himself to be led by these abnormal whims.

I'll defeat him.

That is most likely my duty to carry.

Let us proceed then.

Anything you wish to add, Iron Man?

Yes Fury.

I'd like you to tell me what Red Skull plans to do with the Gaia Line theory.

Red Skull has constructed five bases of operation all over the world.

He's been furthering his "Earth Destruction Stratagem" using these five points.

Red Skull plans to pour the power he gave the Masters of Evil from the Dimension Sphere into the Earth by using Gaia Anchors.

And it's happening tonight, at 0000 hours.

That will be when the Gaia Lines are at their most active.

If we fail to take down all 5 of the Masters of Evil, then it'll be gameover.

Roger that.

I'll explain the details of the operation en route.

We've got 8 hours left Pepper, the items please.

Wait, you finished them?


It's an instantaneous transport system for the Build Up Armor.

I've included a manual on how to use it.

Give it a good look over while we're en route, okay?


The enemy number stands at 5, and there are 5 of us.

We don't have time to waste, so we'll be acting independently.

However We're partners with the Avengers!

No need to start worrying!

We'll definitely give 'em one for Hawkeye!

You don't need to act cool.

Chris We do what we have to and come back alive.

That's the extent of our mission.

Don't forget it.

Got it?


Chris, you're kinda like Cap!

You don't need to say that!

Are you scared?

That's understandable, but Enough.

Hikaru's worry lies with Akira.

We have to do this I know that But for Akira to go alone It'll be totally okay!

How can you be sure?


I've got Tony with me!

I know that, but But what?

You can't go alo Don't treat me like a kid!

Pardon me for interrupting But it's time to move out.

I'm so totally NOT a kid Adults don't complain about things like that.

Like you'd know.

I leave the five kids with the biocodes in your hands.

Look after them in my place.

Hawkeye Ah, pardon me.

Let's begin the briefing.

The enemy location is in an inaccessible mountain pass, so approaching on foot would take too long.

We have to attack from above, but the enemy will be equipped with anti-aircraft firearms in preparation for that.

And that's where we use my armor's mobility to its advantage and escape the anti-aircraft weaponry.

That the plan?


The villains endowed with the Sphere's power will be formidable.

You both must conserve your energy.

So how're we doing this?

For that purpose, I will accompany you.

My name is Falcon.

The one who rules the skies!

Iron Man's team is approaching the drop-off point.

You ready?

Falcon, Akira.

You're entering anti-aircraft firing range.

3 2 1 They're in!

I'll do this I'll do it, not matter what!

Let's just stop.

There's no way human eyes can see th Hey Y'know, Hawkeye, not everyone can have the eyes of a hawk like you.

I feel the flow.


I read the air flow.

And feel the slightest change in it with my body.

Like a bird in flight.

Like a bird in flight You can do it.

The hawk and falcon After all, you're my partner, right?

Read the air flow!


I feel it, Hawkeye!

I feel the flow!

So they narrowly escaped, eh?

Fine with me!

Then I'll show off this Tech biocode that we stole from Loki's minions!

My Very Own: D-Smash!

Read the air flow Falcon's way awesome!


I can do that with my armor's trajectory prediction system.

And you're way lame.

I made him laugh!

The kids are safe, just like I promised Hawkeye.

I don't like being M.





's puppet, but if I get a biocode outta the deal, I ain't complaining!

Let's get sticky!

Iron Man.

Don't you think it's time we settled whose armor is superior?

Good grief.

Looks like we can't conserve our D-Smash.

Akira Wait!

I'll take them on.

Go on ahead!

But I promised Hawkeye at the end That I would protect you!

Hawkeye was my partner I wasn't able to save him, but I can keep my promise at least!

Now go!

Akira D-Smash me.

Are you daft?


Didn't you hear me?



While you have the chance!

I won't!

My friend said it best.

We do what we have to, then come back to the Helicarrier alive.

That's as far as our mission goes!

Are you planning on dying?

That's not what I Still, even if it costs me my life I'm telling you that's a no-go!

Hawkeye said to protect us, right?

But I'm sure if he had the time, he would've added this too: "And" And "No matter what happens, keep yourself alive!

" That's what partners are for, right?


Found you!

I'll take care of this.

Go on ahead!

Let's make sure to get through this alive.

I made a promise to him, after all.


I guess we can let him handle it.

We're counting on you!


Time Mode!

One hour left!

I've been waiting for this!

This is the moment when Master Red Skull's magnificent dream comes true!

I've only dreamed of this!

Dreamed of it!

The Sphere's power coursing through me is running rampant!







Listen, pumpkin head, we're not gonna let you do this!



Iron Man, D-Smash!

It's party time!

Well if it isn't the obsolete tin man!

I'll show you my improved power the Sphere has granted me!

It's party tim!

Have you forgotten?


I've already downloaded all of your combat data!

The Build Up Armor is a one-and-done power-up.

If we use it, it won't matter if the Activity Time Limit is up or not, I'll return to DISK form.

Until I give the signal, don't use it.


Not yet, Iron Man?








I thought I'd take at least some mobility from you, but Akira!

Now you're talking!

It's gone?


Wait, could it have dropped back there?


If I don't get it back!

You aren't running anywhere!

I'm going to engrave the sight of me turning your partner into scrap metal into your eyes!

Dimension Sphere Edition: Infinite Barrage!

It's useless!

Those missiles will track their target until they hit!

Iron Man!

That's enough!

Falcon Arrow!


It wasn't an easy fight, but I'm a man of my word.

Curse you, birdbrain!

Akira, take this!

The Build Up Plate!


I'm not through yet!

Redwing Mode!

What the heck is this?


Now's your chance, Iron Man!

Like I'll let you!


Let's show 'em what our Build Up Plate can do!


Build Up Smash!

I can use this to target the enemy?

Target Lock On!


Final Repulsor!


Are you alright, Falcon?


Yeah He's in bad shape No way!

Well we do have one option available The D-Secure.

The DISKs have a healing system installed.

So if you D-Secure Falcon But if I do that, then Falcon'll Do it, Akira please.


I'll follow Iron Man as your second hero.

So let me protect you as your second hero.



They've gotten to M.






We have other points on Earth.

Will the rules catch up with me or shall I destroy the rules first?