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01x27 - The Forbidden Hero Appears?

Posted: 03/14/23 12:27
by bunniefuu
Who are you?



Bang, bang, ba-ba-bang!

He's S-Something else Hey!

Stop that!

You better give that back or!

A chimichanga to go, mi amigo!

C-Come again It's my time to shine, baby~!

(DISK Wars Deadpool) All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

The Forbidden Hero Appears?

That's awesome!

I call it the Build-Up Armor.

First, I'll finish my armor.

Once the preliminary testing is done, I'll work on Thor, Cap, Hulk and Wasp's.

The Kree Mact Our enemies don't know of its existence yet, but that provides little comfort.

About how long until the Build-Up Armor is finished?

If I had to give a rough estimate, I'd say 12 hours?

It's from my brother.

But why is he video-calling?

Akira, I'm in the foyer, but Welcome back!

We'll open up in a sec.


Wait a second!

Can you put Mr.

Stark on the phone?


Well, you see A man calling himself one of Mr.

Stark's associates has been loitering around Yooooooooo!


What's up Akira?







Ni hao!

Friend of yours?

Ah, Japan is soooo humid.

Who the heck is he?

Gives me the creeps.

Deadpool is a unique sort of hero.

He allies himself with the highest bidder.

You shouldn't talk about a person's dirty laundry in public, Glasses-Boy.

The kids at home watching this might get the wrong idea!

K-Kids at home?

Yes, the kids at home.

Allow me to explain: I'm a super sexy superhero who can talk to you guys and gals at home!

- All-American Survey Results - "Deadpool Is A Sexy Beast" With my unconventional skills and my magnificent bantering, I am now America's nr.

1 most popular hero by a long shot!

All American Survey Results for "Deadpool Is A Sexy Beast": YES 86% (Conducted by Deadpool) From Hollywood stars and celebrities To major league stars and even the President!

(Sign: White House) Everyone is a big fan of mine!

If I were to become an MC, then there's no doubt I'd get crazy popular in this "DISK Wars Avengers" show too!

And that, my dear Japan, is Deadpool!

I'm pooped.

Breaking the 4th wall is tiring.

4th wall?

Don't bother, you won't get an answer.

Geez, we're kinda busy here.

What do you want?

Sure you wanna take that tone?

You're gonna regret it~!


It's Iron Fist's DISK!

Iron Fist is a fisticuffs hero who learned sacred martial arts at K'un-Lun, deep within the Himalayas.

His finishing move is Gaaah!

Don't give these kids more screen time!

We should focus on the heroes!

I swear this show U-Uh "show"?

Deadpool, where did that DISK come into your possession?

Weeeeell, I was hankering for some chimichangas And I just happened to go into a villain joint, where I just happened to wipe the floor with them for a quick buck All by chance, see?

Want it?

Maybe I'll give it up Seriously?


Akira, don't.

Thank you!


It's up!

Is he a kid?

Doesn't look like he's here just to return something.


Same as ever.

Fine, how much?

I love me some money, but I didn't come to Japan on business this time.

Well you see I'm so embawassed!

Out with it man!


Make me the leader of the Avengers!

D-Did I say something weird?

And now, my very own eyecatch!


I thought this was the eyecatch.


What'll you do?

No way!


I did it!

Hulk's the best!

Deadpool sucks.


This game's nothing but shovelware, ain't it?


That special move's waaay too strong Attacking on the rebound isn't a great tactic, AND Hulk Smash can take out half my health?


No flippin' way!

I demand this game be tested more!

The developers just suck!

They suck, so it's okay!

It doesn't matter, so as long as it sucks, it doesn't matter!

He's baaaad.

That's telling when that's the first thing he says when he loses.

Why don't you simply try switching characters?

Spider-Man isn't a very beginner-friendly character.


I'd never play with anyone besides Spidey!

Never ever, never ever, never, ever, ever, never!

Shut up already, Deadpool!

Meeting's done?



How about it?

Before we give our verdict, I have one thing I wish to ask you.

Why do you want to be the Avengers' leader?

That goes without saying.

The Avengers are a top-class team.

If I'm the leader, I'll be popular!

That amazing position's too good to pass up!

And if I'm the MC for this show, then they'll start making sexy Japanese-crafted figures of me!

Iron Man.

Let's get this over with.

We'll pay you two to three times your asking price.


But on the matter of becoming the leader What in the world just Get out here, Deadpool!

You can't run away from me!

Hand over Iron Fist's DISK!

Wasn't he one of the DISKs during that battle with Loki?

He should've been trapped in his DISK and sucked into the other space!

If you won't come out, I'll just wreck the place!

He's not much of a threat Ed, D-Smash me.

Stand back.

I'll do it.



I can't let my precious followers risk their lives, now can I?



I am the leader of the world's greatest hero team: The Avengers!

Hold on a sec!

You can't be the leader!

That's fortified tempered glass.

It's very tough.



Hold everything!

I'm counting on you, writing staff!

I am the emissary of Hell, Deadpool!

You got the drop on me last time, but this time I'm ready!

How do you mean?



And I am King Cobra!

Serpent Society, assemble!

Making us your enemies isn't a bright idea.

You're pretty much a goner.

Now we will show you the terror of the Serpent Soc!

Hold it right there!

Iron Man!

Mighty Thor!

Captain America!




In the name of MjÃlnir!


March on without fear!

Together we will sh**t down evil!

It's party time!

The Avengers!

Don't tell me this is your base?


Hey, leader!

I didn't hear about this!

Do something, leader!

Even my own allies?


Idiots like always, I see.

I think going full force against these losers is overkill, but Eh, I've always wanted a chance to say that line.

Might as well take it.

Avengers, assemble!

Whoa, hey!

No way!

We don't know anything!

Red Skull just D-Smashed us and ordered us to become his servants!

Jessica, we're done here.

End it.

Thanks for waiting.

Good work.

So how'd it go?

Bizarre turn of events, eh?

The D-System hasn't picked up anything, and yet Red Skull is still steadily collecting DISKs.

He must possess some sort of method to directly access the other space.

Would you agree?

If that's the case, the key to saving Dr.

Akatsuki lies there.

That was a good soak!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

It's all yours.

We'll have to clear up his issue first.

So, do I have to sign a contract?


Are you talking about planning a welcome party?


Deadpool No need to be so stiff!

We're a team!

The bestest of BFFs!

You don't need to be polite to your friends!


We cannot allow you to join the Avengers.

We are currently in a rather delicate situation.

We really don't have time to deal with your off-the-wall shenanigans, got it?

I see.

After careful observation, you're telling me that it pains you to say you aren't looking to hire now.

And that you wish the great Deadpool well in all of my future endeavors, yes?



You sure?

I'd like you to think I'm not all that bad.

Think of me, every now and again.


I've been a real pain, eh, Cap?

Not at all I'll be wishing you luck from beyond the grave Later.

Deadpool This thing's a A fake?


He duped us!

Wait you don't think Pepper!

Check King Cobra and the other DIS!

All that "not so bad" stuff was a waste.

Deadpool, you sneaky devil!

This time it'll be my eyecatch for sur!

Look, I said it was my eyecatch, dangit!

Jeez are they doing this on purpose?

"Deadpool teh best!

" "They fired Deadpool, I'm gonna stop watching this week's DISK Wars, like now!

" "The writing sucks.

I could do better!

" Waiting long?

You the one who called me, Tiger Shark?

Sooo who gave you my e-mail address?

You shouldn't underestimate Master Red Skull's information network.

It's a bit forward, but let's talk business.


These peons are disposable.

No, who I want is Him?

How much do you want?

If you get money out of it, you don't mind even making deals with villains, eh?

I hear you're the lowest piece of trash around.

More or less.

I guess a guy like that can't be the leader of the Avengers But y'know Y'KNOW I don't appreciate being bad-mouthed by a fish-freak!

I'm in a real bad mood today, so I'm gonna make ya into sashimi and sushi!

Try this!

Too slow!


Then I'll just blow that pool you're hiding in sky high!

You're mine!

Whelp, another bore bites the dust.


Getting full of yourself for such a pathetic performance?

I'll show you the power of the Sphere!

What kinda cheat code is this?


Marvel doesn't do scenarios like this!

Don't do things all willy-nilly!

Writing staff!


I give!

I'll give up and join Red Skull's team starting today.

I'll even change my name to "Deadskull"!

Your ability to be over-the-top is easily seen through.

I am not stupid enough to give you time to recover.


Anything but that!






Wasp Sting!

Lightning Strike!

They're here!

Avengers, assemble!

You okay, Deadpool?


Totally fine.

Uh, well Sorry about the whole "Don't give these kids more screen time!

" thing.

You guys are the best.

This show is so based!

So uh what "show" are you talking about?

How did you find this place?

While Deadpool was taking a shower, we put a tracking device in his costume.

We didn't trust him from the word "go".

I'm a little hurt Master Red Skull told me to "Ignore them, they don't matter", but I can't help it if you stand in my way.

What happened, cat got your tounge?

Too scared to say anything?


And that is?

The Build-Up Armor transport system.

It is my latest work as a genius inventor.

Once I press this button, Iron Man's gonna power up in a flash!

He'll totally kick your butt!

If you had something that convenient, you'd just shut up and use it!

The whole thing is just an overblown bluff!

For a shark, he's surprising smart.

Honestly, it's literally hot off the presses.

I haven't had the time to test it yet.

The possibility that the energy runs wild and levels this entire area exists.

Wait, wha?


I doubt you have the grapes to use such a dangerous w*apon.

The world of science moves at a break-neck speed.

What's high-tech today will be obsolete junk tomorrow.

In such a world, why do you think Tony Stark continues to stand on top?

Because I hate losing!

You'd never endanger these brats.

Oh yeah?


We're the Avengers' partners!

We're ready for anything!

The Build-Up Armor isn't complete yet If he figures out this is a dummy, we're done for!

But there's no way we can give up Deadpool and Iron Fist!

I believe I told you to leave the Avengers alone?

This voice Red Skull?



Listen well, my dear Avengers.

What I fear is neither you nor your new gadget.

But rather the rules that govern our world.

What are you talking about?

Up to this point, I have cornered many heroes on many occasions.

Perfect tactics, perfect execution However, when victory is close at hand, I am always thwarted.

Why is that?

Though I regret to admit this Evil cannot flourish.

That is the rule of this world.

You're the only one who hasn't realized that, Red Skull.

The forces of evil are no match for our feelings of justice!

If you've uncovered the truth of this world, then what is it that you're scheming?


Is it over?

I guess?


How was my acting?

Passable, I guess.


Hey, Deadpool.

Got us again.

Now then, what should I do with him?

Maybe a present for the kids at home?

Just kidding!

Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: Sabretooth Class: Animal Finisher: Super Healing This week's Villain spotlight is for: Sabretooth!

He's part of the Animal class!

He's a super dangerous Mutant with blade-like claws!

He's incredibly bulky and can heal super fast!

Red Skull's scheme has silently come to fruition.

Against this menace stands two heroes!

We leave the skies in your hands!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

The Earth Destruction Stratagem!

Let's end this!
