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01x24 - Guardians of the Galaxy

Posted: 03/14/23 12:25
by bunniefuu
We've caught a UFO signal.

It's approaching Earth.

At this rate, it'll crash.

A disaster is inevitable.

The landing point?

We've projected it.

Techno Isle Tokyo I suppose that's a blessing in disguise.

Request the Avengers to dispatch immediately!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

Dang that Nick Fury Just because S.






's active again, he thinks he can act like he's on his high horse.

Target sighted.

Well, they want us to destroy that thing.

I swear, they treat us like dogs.


Let's go with an Ultimate Unibeam.

There are life signatures within the target.



Visitors from space, huh?

There's no way we can just destroy it then.

Fall velocity is decreasing.

Why won't he destroy it?

Is he planning to hold it the entire way?

The Activity Time Limit's almost up!

Iron Man!

I've slowed it down enough.

Take care of the rest, Hulk!

Hulk, you're awesome!

Crisis averted.

Be cautious.

There's still the matter of the life form inside.

Guardians of the Galaxy!

Don't get too close.

We don't know what could be inside that thing.

Maybe they're alien invaders!


No way.

No idea, but I really wonder what's gonna come out?

Hey, don't get close!

It's totally fine!

(I require your assistance) I AM GROOT.


What the heck is he?

He's an alien invader!

(Certainly not dear friends.

I am but a humble visitor who needs your help) I AM GROOT.


- (Alas life is a cruel mistress) - I AM GROOT Master Stark.

My sensors are picking up another, weaker life signature within the sphere.

Let's head inside.

There's still something in there?


Looks like it's for some kind of research.

Hey, careful.

This would be A raccoon?

Then this is a space raccoon?


So the life signature was his?

He's so cute!

I want one!

Jessica Did he faint from his injuries?

I wonder was that tree monster trying to save this space raccoon?

What is that?

An unknown energy supply?

Make sure everything is secured!

Don't forget to cover up the burn marks!

Frying that wood monster to a crisp was a loss But the very prospect of studying a space raccoon and that energy just makes me excited!

Both the raccoon and the energy supply are property of S.






Hey wait!

The energy that sphere's putting out is similar to Red Skull's Dimension Sphere!



If we check it out, we might find out some clues about how his Sphere ticks.

I'd recommend leaving it with me, Tony Stark: Genius Extraordinaire.

After all, I can analyze it way faster than anyone on S.






's payroll.

Say that again.

I'm just calling a spade a spade.

I've heard everything.

Then tell this blockhead to fork over the energy supply to us!

You may research the energy supply as much as you'd like in the Helicarrier's facilities.

In exchange, you leave the alien in our custody.

Do we have a deal?

So you want to put me under surveillance then.

It'll be fine, Tony.


It's been awhile and I kinda wanna ride in the Helicarrier again.

M-Me too!

I wanna go look!

I wonder what the inside of the Helicarrier's like?


Be mature about this, Iron Man.

Ah, fine.

I get it.

I'll work under your prying eyes for now.

We welcome you with open arms.

How cruel can you be Groot So Rocket's been captured too?

We have a lock on the Kree Mact.

It's in the sky this time.

Just as I thought This thing's hiding a tremendous amount of energy.

Can we use it to power up?


If we can use it well, we can go toe-to-toe with Red Skull.

Oh right!

I've got something I wanna show you, Tony!

What is it?

My "Iron Man Power Up" plan.

I thought about it too.

You see, right when the battle begins, I'll check the Activity Time Limit using my Bioband, then Right at the last second, I'll input the command!

Then you'll transform like WHOORL!

And then, you'll pull out some newly-developed weapons before combining them like WHOOSH.


You'll att*ck the enemy with a PEW-PEW!

And this att*ck'll be called Ultra Super!

Sounds a lot like a kid's rendition of ultimate mode Iron Man.

Are you really in middle school?

What's up with that?

You think it's stupid?

Not at all.

I'll give it some thought.

That's a promise!

We don't mind you having a look around, but I have to insist you don't write anything about this online.

I won't!

The fact I can see and ride an honest-to-goodness Helicarrier?

I'm completely grateful to you!

Isn't this It seems so long ago.

You've certainly grown up to be a fine young man.

I don't know about "fine" Have a bit more self-confidence.

What's wrong?

Why doesn't Iron Man get along with S.







We always try to look at the big picture, but heroes might not necessarily agree with us.

Having a lot of varied opinions makes a nice healthy balance.

Ah, but don't tell the Chief I said that.

Wouldn't want him lowering my salary.

Where am I?

We've got trouble, Chris!

The space raccoon's missing!

Who're you calling a raccoon?


Get your hands off Jessica!

Not happening!



The space raccoon's escaped!

And after I nursed you to health too!

Space raccoons are horrible!

My name's Rocket Try calling me a raccoon again.

You ain't gonna get mercy from me for being a kid.

Totally not cute.


What the There they are!

Release the girl.


Aren't you straightforward.

You surrender?

You wish.

All I was doing was buying some time.

We're under att*ck?


I'd say that was a good first impression.


They're rolling out the welcome wagon.

Star-Lord, don't you think you canceled Stealth Mode a bit too early?

It would've been boring otherwise.

Let's make this showy!

Guardians of the Galaxy!

We're here for Rocket and the Kree Mact.

Oh, but before that You were a bit rough with my guys We'll have to return the favor.

She's gone?


Where'd she go?


Behind you.

There's no way a human can compete with Gamora's speed.


You're like Robin Hood!

Robin Hood?

So you're an Earthling?


More or less.

Mother's side, anyway.

Nice face you got there.


Your sunglasses are pretty stylish too!

We've gotta do something!

Calm down.

We absolutely can't leave this room.

We aren't finished analyzing this energy supply.

It's the space raccoon!

Try calling me a soft and fluffy animal again.

I DARE you.

I'll fill ya with holes!

Scary Hand over the Kree Mact!

Kree Mact?

You mean this?

I don't got time to waste on a brat like you.

Just hand it over, nice and easy.

There's no way we're handing it over!

What's a pipsqueak like you gonna do?

Who're you calling a pipsqueak?






Iron Man, D-Smash!

It's party time!


No one calls me a rodent and gets away with it!




I guess you're not as bad as I thought.

I don't need your compliments, rust bucket!

Rust bucket?

Try saying that again, rodent boy!

You little I'm gonna turn you into scrap!

They're fighting again Though he does not seem like an enemy.

You Wasn't he b*rned to a crisp?



He looks weak.


My name's Akira.

Can you understand what I'm saying?


I get it!

You totally can!



You grew back from just that little twig?


You're pretty awesome!


They're communicating Indeed He's not too shabby.

What's up?

We're still revving to go over here!

Shield Throw!

You've certainly made quite the ruckus.

Looks like we've got a little challenge now.

Can you catch me?

Who are you?


Lower your w*apon!

Lower yours.

Of course.

But why?


Sorry, but we tend to be a sort of "outlaw team".



You're okay?






These guys saved you from the escape pod?



Rocket's okay too?



C'mon, don't be angry!

We were all kinds of desperate!


I see.

I guess this was a huge misunderstanding.

Do you understand now?

Sorry 'bout that.

You're annoyed, right?

You can sock it to me, I don't mind.

Ah, but not too hard, if you can?

It's fine.

Everyone makes mistakes.

You're a pretty nice guy.

What in the world's going on?


I ain't gonna feel satisfied until they're full of holes!

Let's explain ourselves.


We're the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Guardians of the Galaxy?

First off, let's talk about why Groot and Rocket were on an escape pod heading towards Earth.

We stole the Kree Mact from Ronan the Accuser, an intergalactic super villain.

We couldn't exactly leave it in Ronan's hands when it has the power to annihilate the entire cosmos.

We were a hairline away from shaking off our pursuers, but Groot and Rocket were delayed in their escape.

We managed to get hold of one of Ronan's escape pods somehow.

But then we were basically spent.

They're the ones who fixed you up, you know.


I was convinced you guys stole the Kree Mact.

If you let me cuddle you a bunch later, I'll consider forgiving you.


So what kind of guy is Ronan?

To put it simply: He's evil and he's tough.

How bad are we talking?

Bad enough to destroy all of space.


We're picking up a sudden distortion in space-time!

A new thr*at?


What is that?


Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

Name: Whiplash Class: Tech Finisher: Whip Cutter This week's villain spotlight is for: Whiplash!

He's part of the Tech Class!

He can cause damage using the energy of the whips equipped to his armor Cut through metal and even deflect b*ll*ts!

Fresh from space are the galaxy's 1 team of outlaws!

And now, they form a dream tag-team with the Avengers!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

Together With the Guardians!

Let's end this!
