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01x19 - Stolen Heroes

Posted: 03/14/23 12:22
by bunniefuu
Hikaru you told everyone?

I didn't!

I No No I didn't want anyone to find out Why don't you understand?!

This is for the good of the world!

Using your powers, you can probably save tens upon thousands of lives!

Who cares about that?!

I don't need a power that can save the world!

I I just want to be the same as everyone else!

Back off!

It's okay now.

This is for the good of the world You've never known what it's like to be discriminated against!

Noriko isn't a tool.

She has a heart like the rest of you!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!


Get away from me!

Let me go!

I get it!

I get it already!

Everyone acts that way at first.

Being unable to trust anyone.

Even those around you.


If they're a fellow mutant, they can understand you.

Stay away.

At our school Stay away!

At our school, you'd have plenty of friends.

Friends who could emphathize with you better than anyone.

Is there anyone that you can rely on?

Think about it very carefully.

Someone I can depend on from the bottom of my heart Hikaru?



The Stolen Heroes!

I'm sorry.

You didn't want anyone else to find out And yet I probably don't understand how you're feeling But even if people treat you a bit differently now, that doesn't change that fact that you'll always be Noriko to me.

I'll convince Mr.


Until you can settle your feelings, we'll wait.

But that's It's okay.

The most important things right now are your feelings, Noriko.

Hikaru I Ah, pardon me for a second.


Hikaru, we've got a problem.

Chris said he's leaving!

Chris, are you serious about this?

This is going a bit too far for a joke.



I'll talk to Chris.

Just a bit of a problem with my friends Go ahead.

But I'm fine.


At our school, you'd have plenty of friends.

Friends who could emphathize with you better than anyone.

DISK Mode!

Thor, it looks like Chris is leaving.

I see.

Shall we fly then?



Mighty Thor, D-Smash!

In the name of MjÃlnir!

Okay, okay!

Break it up!

Break it up!

Calm down for a moment, Chris.

If you leave the team now, we won't have someone to D-Smash Captain America!

That ain't my problem!


Right, I forgot about this.

Would you listen to me one last time?

What should I have done?

Where have I gone wrong as your mentor?

As a mentor?

You don't know anything.

Not even what to say.

Chris, I!


Hey Chris!




Honestly Akira, hold on!



You gonna stop me with force?

I was worried!

It's like you and Cap haven't been getting along very well recently What happened between you two?


Why do we have to hide, again?

It's one of those things where doing things bit by bit is more effective than everyone causing a scene.

I cannot find fault with Captain America.

He is respectable as the leader of the Avengers, and an excellent mentor.

An excellent mentor?

Sorry, but I don't need that.

What I wanted was someone who could share their thoughts and feelings with me A partner!

What's wrong with you, Chris?



Why you Chris, weren't you at least a little concerned for Cap?


You were curious about Bucky, right?

Cap still has Bucky in his heart So I was curious That's enough, isn't it?

Then shouldn't you have just ran with those feelings?


Isn't that what a partner does?


Don't talk like you understand Dangit, Chris Just cuz you had a fight doesn't mean you have to up and leave!

You really don't get it, do you, Akira?

It's not as simple an argument as you make it sound.


But now, what will we do without Cap?

If Captain America can no longer battle, our forces would be at a disadvantage.

Indeed What will we do, Iron Man?

Yeah If we can use Noriko Ashida's power to free us from our DISKs, then Mr.


I know, I know!

We have to respect her feelings!

Ain't that right?

We absolutely can't coerce her.


That's important!

We absolutely won't coerce her!


I told you I got it.

Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted.

How many times do I have to apologize?

Akira, don't you think your big brother reminds you of someone else these days?

Like who?

He's just as naggy as Pepper is!

You think so?

Who's naggy again?


Ah, no uh Akira!

We were just talking about Japanese natto, right?


More importantly, we have a guest.


You're leaving Japan?


I decided to go with Wolverine.

I just wanted to stop by and say goodbye to you all.

And after we just became friends too Is that okay with you, Noriko?


What about you, Hikaru?

Are you okay with Noriko going to America?

You might not be able to see her again.

If it's fine with Noriko, it's fine with me!

Thank you, Hikaru.

Uh by the way, Noriko Before you go on your way Can you Mr.



I know!

I just wanted to ask!

We should at least respect the other party's wishes too!

I understand.

Are you serious, Noriko?


I'll try, at least.

Are you sure?


Is over here okay, Noriko?


Thanks, Ed.

Do your best, Noriko!


It's all about spirit!

Uh, Akira, if you say it like that you'll just put pressure on her.

You really have no sense of tact, do you?

Um would it be alright if I did this alone?

Ah, sorry.

You can't concentrate with all of us watching you right?

If I can, I'd like as few people as possible to see.

Well, of course!

Okay, guys!

Everyone out!

I wanna watch!

No complaining!

Well, if anything happens, let us know immediately, okay?


I'm sorry, Hikaru.

Noriko wanted me to stop her?

You really are dense sometimes, Hikaru.

So that's it Wait, so Noriko likes These two brothers are dense.

They're hopeless Well, crushes on that level are a pretty delicate matter, I suppose.

But I think, at least for her, there's no one she counts on more than Hikaru.

What's this?

Ew, this stinks Some kind of experiment?

' Noriko!



Akira, anything over there?

She's not here either!

B-Big trouble!



What happened?


Iron Man and the other DISKs are missing!

Was Noriko att*cked by a villain?


A villain in this base?

Isn't the security fool-proof?

Even if you ask me, I wouldn't know!

Noriko's missing, the DISKs are gone what's going on?


Oh no!

Tony and the others' DISKs aren't the only ones missing.

All the villain DISKs we've kept under lock and key have gone missing too!

All of them?


The electronic lock on the DISK vault As well as all the monitoring equipment in the building are coming up with errors!

How could this have It couldn't be Did Noriko You brought what you promised?


They're all here.

Your abilities are as impressive as the rumors say.

Now keep your promise.

Get rid of my powers!

Those powers Won't you regret giving them up?

I don't need them!

Hurry and get rid of it!

It's all because of this stupid power If only If only I didn't have it!

Unfortunately, I can't remove those abilities from you.



That's not what you promised!

You see I don't know how to remove a Mutant's abilities.

No Noriko!


Hey, have you seen Noriko?

Haven't seen her today.


Knew it.

Looks like she's not at school.

Nothing on this end either.


Pepper, I haven't found her yet either!

Did you recover the surveillence camera data?


I'm sorry.

I need a bit more time.

Couldn't grab a ticket for the last flight Noriko's room is If you're looking for Noriko, she ain't here.


Strangely unsettling, isn't it?

You came to see how she was and see this mess.

Professor X has located Noriko.

An old dojo in the outskirts of town.

It seems she's been captured by Loki's g*ons.



As of right now, it seems she's not hurt, but With those guys, who knows what they'll do.

Hold on.

Don't panic.

What happened to your DISK?

The DISKs are And what can you do without a DISK?

Besides, their main goal Is us.

I might not be able to do anything right now But at that moment If I had only realized her feelings I just can't stand by And do nothing for her!

Do what you want.

I wonder if Wolverine will really show up?

Oh, he'll come.

If his boss, Professor X, uses his ability Finding this place wouldn't be any trouble at all.

Well looks like he caught the scent The scent of a Mutant.

Kid, you're an Energy class user, right?

This is A Mutant DISK?


He's a bit of a stick in the mud and rough around the edges But he's a reliable guy.

Cyclops Down to business They should be showing up any time now.

I have spotted the enemy which stands before me.


Cyclops, D-Smash!

Here we go!

Yo, Cyclops!

Had a nice nap?

I'd like to know the situation, Wolverine.

Lots of stuff happened and we're in Japan now.

But right now, we need to beat these guys down.

Roger that.


Optic Blast!

Damage to starboard!

Let's shut that mouth too!



Hey, your right arm looks pretty dang lively to me!

A soldier who is lead by false information deserves certain death!

I have successfully diverted the enemy's attention!


This is bad!

That fluid is Please look below!

I wonder when the Avengers will show up?


Fighting the villains are Wolveine and Cyclops of the X-Men But there are no signs of the Avengers showing up just yet!

What are Akira and the others doing?



Is everyone listening?

Hikaru got in contact with me.

He said the enemy's captured Noriko.

They probably manipulated her They what?


They're gonna pay!

What's going on here?

My body's numb and I can't move well Covered in Predator X's poison, it seems that Wolverine can't use that healing ability he's so proud of!

This is bad!

And Cyclops is under pressure from Baron Zemo's relentless as*ault!

Did she say Baron Zemo?


The same guy that k*lled Bucky?


Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

This week's villain spotlight is for: Absorbing Man!

He's part of the Power class!

He can copy the characteristics of anything he touches through magic!

He's a really amazing guy!

The DISKs: Stolen.

Chris: Left.

At this rate, Baron Zemo will do whatever he wants!

Someone, help us!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers!

In Danger: Wolverine!

Let's end this!
