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01x04 - Re-enforcement Hawkeye

Posted: 03/14/23 12:12
by bunniefuu
Caught up in a mass villain jail break, we somehow installed biocodes in the middle of the fight.

This "biocode" gives us the power to release the heroes sealed in DISKs.

Wait, "installed"?


Am I gonna be okay?


I just wanted the latest info on our heroes!

Hulk, D-Smash!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

Strike 'em down cleverly, let it look like you were deceived.

The world isn't simple anymore.

It's on a countdown to chaos.

Leave that never stopping snooze button alone!

In despair, I'll finally notice it!

All of our slumbering feelings are gathered Quickly wishing for tomorrow.

The light that calls us all together Is waiting to be set free!

"You won't be alone", if you make that promise Firmly believe in it, and your pulse that wishes for it Will go towards a forgiving future And break through!

Sunc and corrections by masaca Hawkeye the Supporter We couldn't find a trace of Dr.

Akatsuki in that wrecked research facility.

In all likelihood, he was taken off the island.

Probably Loki's doing.

But don't worry about it!

Samurai Boy.

If we track Loki down, we'll find the doctor.

Though I guess it's not convincing if I say it as a mini-me Iron Man.

I don't think so.

You're much cuter this way.

So the Holographic Projection System was originally going to be used to converse with the captured villains in the DISKs?


Never thought I'd be using it myself, heh.

I could laugh!

Don't hold back.

C'mon, guys, laugh!

What about the inside of the DISKs?

Well, my stomach isn't growling and I'm not sleepy Honestly, it's not too bad thanks to the healing function.

But it'd be kind of bad if I don't find a way out of this pronto.

We have to save my other friends who fell and turned into DISKs around the world.

I have no idea what Loki's next plan of attack will be.

It'll be okay.

I'll help out too!


How's that?

You gonna put a mask on too?

Hailing from Japan, the new superhero, Samuraiman, wielding a mini-Iron Man!

Akira My name's Akira!

Call me by my actual name!


You actually hurt my brain.

I wonder if those three made it back home already We couldn't even introduce ourselves, let alone say "goodbye" I wonder if we'll meet again Now then What to do with these It's not just Akira.

Hikaru also has a biocode installed!

I wish I had a biocode installed too.


I'd be able to work you hard.

Take a look at this, gentlemen.

It would seem that the biocode installed within you is an incomplete form of it.


The biocode installer was heavily damaged.

I cannot believe that the installer was running correctly.

It is far more likely it was running due to something akin to a malfunction.

So the biocodes installed in your bodies We've decided to name as "Limited Biocodes".

Limited Biocodes?

A person with a formal biocode installed Can use any DISK to D-Smash as they like with the shown procedure But someone with a limited biocode can only D-Smash for a limited amount of time.

That'd be the "Activity Time Limit".


We should be able to figure it out by checking the video recording.

About how long did I stay out?

333 seconds.

So 5 and a half minutes?

Afterwards, 334 seconds, but it might have been 333.

Regardless, it's not stable.

The fact is, the second D-Smash failed.

It's likely that you need time to recharge after one D-Smash.

Soooo, how much time passed?



six hours, I think.

Somehow, my body just knows.

I think I can do a D-Smash now.

Should I give it a shot?


I love me some experimenting.


Iron Man - D!

- Wait.

Tch, it was a good idea too Akira, you're under the direct authority of S.






I ask that you refrain from unauthorized actions.

Don't play yourself!

I'm not letting S.






take command.

I'll take care of Akira and Hikaru myself!

W-Wait a sec!

Taking the circumstances into account, the possibility that the other children On that rooftop also had biocodes installed in them is very high.

Can you manage to provide for all them?

Manage them, huh?

Well, I was a manager.

This isn't the time for your word games!


We're in the middle of something.

After What's wrong, Maria?

Greetings, Director Fury.

And you might be?

Senator Robert.

If a member of the World Security Council introduces himself, would it be too much to offer a bit of coffee?

What's a "senator"?

It's like a National Diet member.

Then what's this "World Security Council"?

First I've heard of it too.

To put it simply, we're the ones who monitor S.






's activities.

Checking to see if the appropriate budget is being used.

And the appropriate actions being taken.

In other words, doing exactly as we tell them to.

Tim Gilliam.

I saw him around during the development of the DISKs.

He was a member of S.






's scientific development team before joining Loki.

Isn't that right, Director Fury?

There seems to be a defect in our management system.

It is imperative that we investigate this thoroughly.

Nick Fury.

I hereby strip you of your authority as director of S.






Don't be absurd!

This is a conspiracy!

All S.






activities from this point on are hereby suspended indefinitely!

We shall take you into the World Security Council's custody soon.

Agent Hill.

You will be deputy director from now on.

Even if it's cleaning floors, do a good job of it.

Fury isn't the type to help the enemy.

You were just bad-mouthing him!

It's a love-hate thing.

Love-h I'm just saying the man takes his job seriously!

For argument's sake, there is someone with a good reason to try and frame him.

And that's where the problem lies, right?

Exactly correct!

What now?


I'll take a look!


Activating Emergency Lockdown Mode.


Please stand by.

I repeat The Lizard!

He's one of the villains who escaped from the Raft!

They need assistance We are already cooperating with the police.

Senator Robert!

Regardless of the consequences, S.






will not act!

Do you hear me?

You know what you're doing, right?

I know, I know!

Don't treat me like a kid!

It's dangerous.

It's weird to ask but why do you fight all these dangerous villains Mr.


That's obvious!

It's because I'm a superhero!

I've got the power to fight the villains, that's all.


Oh, you're good.

I can be pretty cool.

Okay then!



Iron Man, D-Smash!

It's my time to shine!

Hang on tight, Samurai Boy!


What are they doing acting by themselves?


Man, can't even catch a nap around here.

Being a hero's a real tough job.

But New York's my home turf.

"If Spider-Man won't do it, who can", right?



Ah, hello!


Weren't you at the Raft prison?

W-Why yes!

It looks like the News Goddess just loves me.

Sorry, in a bit of a hurry!

The interview will have to wait.


You better make this look good for my show.

Now then!

Let's get to filming!


Back off!

Once I finish this job, I'll be free from that DISK for good!


Those DISKs that scattered all around the world from the dimensional oscillation.

There are some in the ocean's depths There are others in the desert's sands And then there are some In banks!

Hang on a sec.

Source, please?

How did you even find that out?

Lemme guess: your Horoscope said so!

The time for talk is over!

He's surprisingly quick.

Don't get too close to the battle area!

Roger that!

Jarvis, you keeping time?


Master Stark, I have locked onto the Lizard.


Time to get in there!

Pretending to struggle to make the main character's arrival even more dramatic, eh?

Something like that.

So if you're here, Akira is too?


Now, I don't speak Lizard, but I'm guessing he's pretty ticked.

Go get 'em, Iron Man!

You can't even restrain one child What has happened to S.






's management?


Use a Repulsor!

I'm not your servant, don't bark orders!

I am terribly sorry.

Okay, Samurai Boy, we're gonna do a DISK hidden command!

It's a special trick!

Now input the following exactly as I say it: Here we go!


H-Hold on!


Whoa, whoa!

What're you doing, Samurai Boy?



Are you sure you want to activate a hidden command?

Activate it!


Ultimate Unibeam!

You were hiding this kind of attack?



No, please.

Give me more compliments.

No one gives me any when I'm a mini-me.


We got some great sh*ts!

Now then Time for my other job.



D-Secure, done and done!

Nice job.

Not that you did much.

Are you gonna start?

Jarvis, how many seconds?

330 seconds.

Assumed activity in T-2 1 Ciao!

Well, looks like we proved that our Activity Time Limit is 333 seconds on the dot.

Looks like it.


Now for that DISK in the bank Lizard mentioned My Spider-Sense?

Something dangerous is coming.

Hurry up and get outta here!

A bit late for that.

My, my.

You shrank down to an adorable size, haven't you?

I wanted to avoid being seen like this so I wouldn't have to hear that kind of teasing Hey, can you hear this?

Iron Man's in a DISK.

That's what you get for installing an unstable biocode.

If you have a weakness, you'd try not to let the enemy know.

But This is great for me!

I'll go and secure the DISK in the bank.

I leave you in charge of handling them.

A pleasure to work with you, Diamondback.


I guess I'll help myself to Iron Man and Lizard's DISKs then?

You think I'd let you?

Then how about we D-Secure you too Spider-Man?


Forgive me for imposing on your leisure time.

I am Agent Barton of S.






What business do you have?

Time is of the essence, so I will keep this brief.

The villains are after a DISK held within a bank.

We can open the doors via hacking from here.

If the DISK inside is a hero as well You can perform a D-Smash and thwart them.

Are you daft?


Putting this child in that kind of danger You have to go, or It couldn't be Akira is I have plenty more!

Watch out!

This is an unofficial strategy.

More simply, it's my individual choice.

Something I've been doing on the down-low.

Even if we're successful, you won't get a reward for it.

But with that said Will you lend us your power?

Don't overlook that figure in the distance.

Your feelings are the only thing stopping you.

You might just attract All the wrong kinds of attention.

Soon, they'll disappear.

Without anyone remembering them.

If we want to remember their touch, We can't let this blooming miracle pass us by!

We'll twist fate itself To get to know them.

Turn two truths into A single entity And head past the open door.

This week's villain spotlight is for: Crimson Dynamo!

He's part of the Tech class!

He can fire missles from his arms, and the electric current running through his red armor makes him a tough enemy!

Iron Man's Activity Time Limit is only 333 seconds.

Can Hikaru save his little brother Akira when he's in trouble?!

Next Time!

DISK Wars Avengers: The Mighty Thor Descends!

Let's end this!
