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04x23 - The Road Not Taken: Part 1

Posted: 03/14/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
(theme music playing)


All right?

We'll shuffle it again,
all right?

Can I show you guys
a card trick?

Yeah, sure.

Go ahead.

Uh, could I have
a little room here?

Okay, it's
all right.

Okay, now.

Latka, pick a card,

show it to Tony and Alex.

And put it back
in the deck.

I got it.
All right.

Okay, here you go.

All right.

Now here comes the good part.

I'm gonna magically
make Latka's card

rise to the top of the deck.


What was your card?

The queen of spades.


Not only has your card
risen to the top of the deck,

but it has changed
into the ace of diamonds.

Oh, Jim.

No, no, he's right.
He was lucky.

Let me see you
do that again.
No, no, no.

Always leave them wanting more.

Thank you very much.

Guys, I need some advice.


I have a very important
decision to make,

and it's driving me crazy.

I was just offered a job
as manager

of this terrific new art gallery
in Seattle.

It-it's small now,
but it has potential,

and I can grow with it.

Seattle is
a great town.

I got friends there.

Well, that's one strike
against it.

But the other drawback-- here
I'd have to uproot my family,

you know, and leave
my-my friends and everything,

and-and reestablish myself

in a strange community
3,000 miles away.

So, what do you
think I should do?

I don't know.

I don't know either.

You know, but I had to make
a decision like this once.

It was the crossroads
of my life.

Maybe if I told you about it,
it would help you.

Oh, yeah.

Good, 'cause I'd love
to tell it.

(crowd cheering)

You remember our strategy
for the fight, don't you, kid?

Yeah, Jack, uh, don't
lead with my right,

uh, keep moving,

uh, work the body
and watch out for the left hook,

and, above all, flatter the bum.


Flatten the bum.

Flatten him.

Oh, that makes
more sense.

Makes more sense?

Why would go out and flatter
someone you were gonna fight?

Psychological ploy?

Oh, I guess if he's wearing
a particularly nice

pair of shorts, it couldn't hurt
to mention it.

Hello, Jack.


Like to talk to
your boy here.

Uh, no, Frank,
he's a good kid.

He's a good kid.

(door closes)

Heard a lot
about you.

Heard you have
real promise.


Gonna win a
lot of fights.

But you're not
gonna win tonight.

Wilkes is gonna drop you
in the third round.

Gee, no wonder Jack didn't
want you to talk to me.

You're so discouraging.

I represent
some people

who've bet a lot of
money against you.

Oh, no.

Are they right very often?

Oh, wait,
don't tell me, man.

This could
shake my confidence.

Think I better try a
different approach.

I want you to
take a dive.

In the third round.

In the ring.


You want me
to throw the fight?

That's what
I'm asking.

I thought so.

Well, you can forget it.

You cooperate,
we'll make things easy for you.

Money, training,
uh, good fight dates.

You know, a chance to move up.

Losing this
fight could be

the best thing you ever
did for your career.

But you cross me,
you're gonna be sorry.

Hey, you know,
you're the kind of guy

that gives Italians a bad name.

I'm not Italian.

Well, do they know
you're doing this?

Think it over, kid.

Don't be a sap.

I'm sorry, Tony,
but these kind of things happen.

It's okay. Just tell me
what round you're going down in,

so I can help you
make it look good.

Ah, forget it.

You ain't gonna have to do that,

'cause I ain't laying down
for that guy.

Tony, think about it.

Frank must have made
some good offers.

Money, fights, a better manager.

Better manager? What do I need
a better manager for?

I got you, Jack. When it comes
to training fighters,

you wrote the book, bud.

I know you think so,

but I'm not that great.

I mean, jumping rope
for timing,

I didn't really think that up.

How about, how about
running for stamina?

I hate to burst
your bubble, kid,

but, uh, that's older than
jumping rope.

How about improving
the speed of my punches

by shaving my forearms?

You mean,
my wind resistance theory?


The point is
you're a great manager.

And we're gonna go out there
together, and we're gonna win.

I'm proud of
you, Tony.

You got a lot of guts
standing up to those guys.

I'm gonna be with you
all the way, in spirit.

What do you mean "in spirit"?
I mean, ain't you

gonna be in my corner?
Don't you care?

Of course, I care.

And I want to hear
all about it after the fight.

You call me at my sister's
place in Union City.

Use a pay phone.

I'll call you.

See ya.

(door closes)

Yeah, well,
I'm glad you're gone.

I don't need your help anyway.

I don't need nobody's help.

I'll win this fight alone
with nobody's help.

Excuse me, somebody, please!

Banta, Wilkes,
no head butting, no low blows.

In the event of a knockdown,
go to a neutral corner.

Shake hands.

And good luck.

Hey, I feel sorry for you, man.

You're fighting an angry man
with a cause.

And I hope you bet
a lot of money

on your boy, 'cause you're gonna
lose it tonight, see?

I'm gonna pulverize him.

(bell rings)

You're going down hard
tonight, man.

Tony Banta don't take
no dives for nobody.

I know, man. That's why they
got me to take the dive.

You're taking the dive?

That's right!

You're a disgrace!

I know, man, but tag me a good
one so I can go down, okay?

Break it up!

No, man, I don't want
no part of this.

Come on, man,
I need the dough!
No, no.


Go to a neutral

Six, seven...

How do you live with yourself?

...eight, nine, ten!

You're out!
(crowd cheering)

Oh, Tony, that was a tough
decision you had to make.

I respect your choice.

It makes me want to hear
what you think I should do.

Well, I'm flattered.

I think you should ask Alex.

No, Tony.

Now, look, I don't want
that responsibility.

Thank you.

Tony, I want to hear
what you think.

Okay, here goes.

Think you should wait.

Think you should hang in there,
stay cool, and sooner or later,

even though he says
he's not going to,

Alex is gonna tell you
what to do.

Hey, come on, Tony.

Nardo, you're wasting
your time

listening to
Profiles in Sewage here.

You want some
real help?

You listen to a
success story-- mine.

I don't want
to hear this story.

Oh, I do, I do.

I have been looking for
something to fill the void

ever since my last canker sore.



Come on, Louie, tell.

I was at the lowest point
in my life--

toiling at a menial,

dead-end job,
far beneath my dignity

as a human being.

Hey, what were you doing, Louie?

I was a cabdriver.


Only $25 for an entire shift?

Oh, this is just terrible.

It's terrible.

I know how you feel, son.

I'll tell you what,
I'll give you a little something

that'll pick your spirits up
a wee bit.

A little slice of heaven.

A piece of my wife's
peach pie.

You know, I was saving it
for myself for lunch,

but I'm thinking that
you'll need it more than I do.


(blowing nose)

Oh, you still haven't
cured that cold yet,

have you, Phillipe?

Well, let me set aside
cab 512 for you.

It's got the best heater
in the fleet.

Thanks a lot.

Top o' the morning
to you, Louie.

Cram it up your bagpipe.

Well, it
so happens

I've got a little something here

that'll make you feel
a tad happier.

Forget it.

Your wife's peach slop
gives me the trots.

Anybody for a game
of strip poker?

A pair or better
to open, Lydia.


Uh, Louie?


Could I have a
word with you?

Ah, sure.

See, I-I've got to take my
sister to the doctor's.

Nothing serious,
mind you.

Oh, you don't know
how relieved I am.

Well, you see,
you're the only man

who knows this job
as well as I do, so if you

could take charge of the office
for a couple of hours,

I'd be everlastingly grateful
to you for the wee favor.

Are you kidding?

You want me to give up
two hours of tips and fares

to sit in the cage
while you're off goldbricking

at a doctor's office? Ha!

I'm sorry it has to come
to this, but, uh,

if you force me
to order you, Louie, I will.

Go on, go on.

Aw, come on.

(speaking indistinctly)

All right, all right.

All right, but don't think

you're gonna make
a habit of this.
All right.

How about letting them know
who's in charge here?

Uh, attention, everybody!

Hey, wh-what's the
matter with this,
it doesn't work?

Now, why would a person
want to blast their voice

over a loudspeaker when they
could talk to them very...

Now, hear this!

For the next two hours,

Louie De Palma,
totally against his will,

is gonna be squandering
his precious talent

sitting in a cage doing a job
a chimpanzee could do.

Louie, I'll be
back shortly.

Uh, I'm sorry,
but I'll be making it up to you.

I promise. In fact,
you know, I'll tell you what.

I'll get me missus
to bake a Brown Betty

for the company picnic--
how's that?

Yeah, who's gonna
bring the Bromo?

All right, all right,

let's get some butts
on the road here.


Rodriguez, cab 222.


Tom said I could have cab 512.

'Cause I got a cold,
and it's got the best heater.

Did he say he'd wipe
your nose for you, too?

Beat it! This job stinks enough
without being a baby-sitter.



Five bucks for a
cab with a heater?

(choral music playing)

Yeah, I was
around then.

It took Louie one week

to undermine
poor old Tom's authority,

shake his confidence

and drive him right
into retirement.

Thanks for spoiling
the ending, Reiger!

Aw, what the hell,
I'll tell you anyway.


Hey, hey, hey, hey!

I wasn't the end of the world
for that old geezer.

He became a crosswalk guard.

So, uh, what was
Louie's crossroad,

when he decided to crawl
out from under the rock?

No, it was, uh...

In fact, no, that's
what it was.

Oh, come on, you guys,
help me decide this.

Yeah, yeah.

Let's see, let's see.


e-excuse me, fellas.

I have a story
to tell Elaine.

Hey, Jim, does it have
anything to do with what
we're talking about?

One can only hope.

(clears throat)

It was...

long ago, a simpler time.

These brownies are great.

I'm really stoned.

(sitar music playing)

Oh, wow. (chuckles)

Far out.

Everything is just so beautiful!

I'm just embarrassed that you're
seeing me crying like a baby.


Gordon, you're not crying.

W-Well, what am I doing?

You're smiling and happy.

Great! Great.

I'm smiling.

I'm happy.

Jim, watch this.

It is psychedelic.

Heather, I have
seen a lava lamp.

They're very colorful
and amusing for
about five seconds.

Now, let's go to the library
and do some studying.

Jimmy, sometimes
you are such a drag.

Hey, I like to party
as much as the next guy.

(laughs): Yeah, if the next guy
is a Quaker.

Congratulations, Gordon, that
was almost a complete sentence.


Well, if you
will excuse me,

I have some studying
to do in the library.

Aw, Jim, Jim...

don't you understand?

Huh? I mean, all the studying,

all the books
and all the libraries

and all the gymnasiums...

I forgot my thought!

Jim, just sit down
for a while

and have a
brownie with us.

Oh, no.

Are those funny brownies?

Funny brownies?

Don't get cute, Heather.

You love it when I'm cute.
Oh, don't...

All right, come on,
stop it, stop it, stop it.

Come on.

Come on, I love it,
I love it, okay, I...

Now, come on, Heather,
what's in the brownies?

Sugar, eggs, chocolate,
marijuana, flour and walnuts.

You've been feeding us walnuts?!

I-I will study here,

but I can't have
any distractions

because I'm doing
my term paper on
Plutarch's Lives.


the music and the brownies
have to go,

and I'm pulling the plug
on the groovy lamp.


Oh, so what are we
supposed to do now?

I have a suggestion:
we could study.

Let's split.

Well, I'm taking
my lamp.


Heather, I think
we better have a talk.

I'll catch up
with you guys later.

GORDON (muffled grunt):
Okay, Heather...

You've changed.

Jimmy, I'm just
doing my own thing.

You should try it.

When are you
gonna realize

that it's not just
doing your own thing,

it's doing
the right thing?!

We're not here to party
or to protest,

but to learn.

Who is gonna be
the leaders of tomorrow?

How did you guys beat me here?

Gordon, this is our room.

I thought the ceiling
looked familiar.

(sitar music continues)

Really good band.

And you think Mr. Fog over there
is more fun than I am?

Jimmy, I like it that you're
a serious, motivated person

who wants so much to
realize his potential,

but you've got
to have some fun.

I know that!

Don't you think I want
to be a rounded person?

But I do have fun, though.

The glee club is great fun.

I don't need dr*gs to have fun!

I get high on life.

I very high on life.

As a matter of fact,
I'm high right now!

Jimmy, everybody's
doing marijuana.

It's something I enjoy,
and I want to share it
with my boyfriend.

Is that so terrible?

The best available
research indicates

that for some people
it's habit-forming

and leads to harder dr*gs.

And, who knows, I could
be one of those people.

You can't reject it
until you try it.

Come on, please?
Oh, Heather,

first you nag me
into premarital sex.

Okay, I'll give you that.

Come on.

For our relationship, okay?


If I try it once,

will you promise
never to bring it up again?



I've done it.

It's over with.

I don't want to hear
about it again.

And let's just hope
it's not habit-forming.


Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Now, let's go study.

(theme song playing)

Good night, Mr. Walters!

(man grumbling)