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01x05 - Revenge of the Evil

Posted: 03/13/23 15:46
by bunniefuu
Why can't we find one man?

No one wants to find your father's k*ller more than I, but those responsible k*lled him and scattered his atoms to the wind.

Then I want the DNA from his ashes to prove it.

I'd like to speak to T'Challa, please.

- Who is calling?

- It's Ororo.

Let's say I join your team.

What are my chances of winning this thing?

Pretty good.

There is no doubt in my mind that he will die by the hand of Klaw.

Hah! Ha ha! I've always wanted to try that.

This trip was worth it for that alone.


One less black rhino in the world.

They're an endangered species.

I didn't know you were such an animal lover, Frenchie.

We are guests in this country.

It's just good manners.


Like the way you frogs lifted your skirts to the Nazis before we had to save your butts.

Repayment for helping finance your revolution, imbecile.

Oh, yeah?

How about If anybody got a problem with me, step up! Got that, Frenchie?

I don't know if you can fight, Juggernaut, but you are certainly the most clever American I've ever met.

Ha ha ha! You got that r- Hey.

Is that a wisecrack?

I appreciate your restraint there, Petrarch.

Why is it that the muscle in any operation always has to be so stupid?

The Juggernaut fought the Hulk and walked away.

God help us all if he had a brain.


Good point.

Black Panther Black Panther, Black Panther Black Panther Black Panther Black Panther, Black Panther Black Panther Get out my way.

How's it going in there, Igor?

The toilet is backing up again.

Well, we can't send someone in to fix it now.

Radiation levels are too high.

Come on.

You've got the tech to spare.

It stinks in here.

Now the Russian's all hygienical.

Just shove another bottle of vodka in there.

Ha! Juggernaut, Igor is a key part of our plan, so shut up.

Igor: Klaw.

I'll see what I can do, Igor.

Uh, Klaw, I have to express my admiration for your operation, but I've studied our target.

Realistically, what are our chances of k*lling the Black Panther?


Pretty good, considering I've already k*lled one.

Klaw: The Vanderberg Conference some years ago.

An annual meeting of the world's top economic powers The kind of get-together that gives conspiracy theorists palpitations.

I was there to k*ll a man.

On a job?

I was hired, yes, but it was also personal.

I knew this job would make my reputation internationally.

Plenty of potential employers there.

Third world countries aren't normally invited to real meetings like this.

That's what the U.


is for: a place for the powerless to whine about the white man.

But they invited Wakanda to the big boys' table because everyone wanted a crack at their resources: untouched petroleum deposits, medical cures unknown in the Western world, and vibranium- the rarest, most valuable mineral on Earth.

Your Majesty, we will pay whatever price you set for your goods.

They are not for sale.

Until the spiritual advancement of the West catches up to their technological prowess, it would be irresponsible to share our scientific discoveries with you.

Are you calling everyone here irresponsible children?


More like sullen teenagers who feel more mature than their behavior warrants.

The fact that every conversation here is framed in terms of profit and power says it all.

You could have made half these breakthroughs yourself, but there's too much money to be made in misery.

Why cure a disease when people pay for medicine?

Why provide cheap energy when- Yeah, we get the point, T'Chaka.

I have never met a socialist with a crown on his head before, but I guess there is a first time for everything.

Who gave you permission to use my first name?

I- I'm sorry.

I did not mean to offend.

I understand your frustration in dealing with a black man who can't be bought with a truck full of g*ns, a plane full of blondes, and a Swiss bank account.

But please, hold on to what little class you have.

Your Majesty, I truly apologize.

This meeting is over.

Klaw: Once it was clear there was no deal to be made, my job kicked in.

This was not an easy gig.

A month before the conference, they shut the hotel down for security purposes, laid off any employee that had worked there less than a year.

Why do we have to leave immediately, Father?

You said we could go skiing.

Now this is why we have to leave! The children grow more insolent with each breath of European air.

Klaw: I knew the glass was bulletproof, but that didn't worry me.

The armor-piercing shell would blow right through that.

What I didn't know was that his security had applied a micron-thin layer of vibranium over the glass.

It absorbed the boring vibrations enough to stop the shot.

We had seconds to recover before we lost the window of opportunity entirely.

Time for Plan B.

I had been waiting beneath the floorboards for a week.

I was getting $10 million to k*ll someone I'd do for free.

There was no way I would fail.

Obviously, the point of an entrance like that is to create as much chaos as possible to keep an edge against an opponent this dangerous.

I got lucky right off the bat.

When that piece of debris took out the second in line to the throne, it- well, it really distracted the Panther.

k*lling the entire family wasn't part of the commission, but throwing in those little extras can really endear you to an employer.

Then came the most dangerous moment: right before the k*ll, when both sides are vulnerable.

He was so fast, I wasn't sure if those extra seconds I bought would be enough.

I don't know where the claws came from.

In his robes?

I thought he only had them in his panther gear.

Anyway, he was slashing my face, and I was about to lose an eye.

He had blocked one g*n, but the other one was right in position.

Black Panther, Black Panther Black Panther Black Panther Black Panther, Black Panther