04x32 - Family BBQ

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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04x32 - Family BBQ

Post by bunniefuu »

- Here you go.

This one's on the house.

- Thanks.

Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow?

My family is having a barbecue.

Wanna come?

Family function?



I can't stand my own family barbecues, why would go to someone elses?

She's not talking to you!

So, how 'bout it?

- Sure.

Sounds like fun.

- Awesome!

I'm really excited for you to meet everybody, especially my dad.

I think you'll really like him.

He pilots the traffic Helicopter for the local news.

- What?


- Your dad is Chopper Six?


That dude rules!

This is Chopper Six now flying over a ton of traffic.

Bet all of you losers wish you were in this Chopper!

And then he flies over some burning truck in a fifty car pile up!

So cool.

He is really cool, but don't let your guard down.

Margaret's dad can be a pretty aggressive guy.

It's common in such a male dominant profession.

He even refuses to shake hands with any guy Margaret brings home.

Oh, come on!

He's not that tough.

He's super sweet when you get to know him.


I'm sure we'll get along fine.

Well, we gotta get back to work.

- I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?

- Later.


See ya.

I have to shake that guy's hand.

What, why?

Dude, it's a huge deal!

I'm finally out of the friends zone, and now she's taking me to meet her parents.

So what?

You wanna date Margaret, not her dad.

You don't get it, dude.

If Margaret and I are gonna date, I need her dad to like me.

I have to get that handshake.



- Hey mom.

- So good to see you.

Mom, this is Mordecai.

Hi Mordecai.

I'm Denise.

Margaret's told us so much about you.

I hope good things.

Well, she mention something about you wearing a diaper.

- Mom!

- Oh, I'm teasing.

Mordecai, let me introduce you to the family.

We have Margaret's cousins, Ricky, Tommy, Marcie, Robby, Ronnie, Susie, Stacey, you know John.

Sup, Mordo.

Uncle Tim, Uncle Dave, Uncle Bill, Aunt Theresa, Aunt Mary Beth, Aunt Kathleen, Nana Smith, Grandpappy Jack, and over by the grill is Margaret's




Is that my little hug


Give me a hug, hug



Look at you so grown up.

How am I gonna hug my hug

-bug if I can't even recognize her?

Dad, I was here last weekend!

Hey, you bring that mix tape I let you borrow?

Daddy's gotta have his rockin' tunes for Chopper Six.

What a coincidence.

I love rockin tunes too.

- Daddy, this is Mordecai.

- Nice to meet you, sir.

This the diaper guy?

I better russle up some more burgers on the grill, put some meat on diaper guy's bones here.

You told him too?

Oh relax.

He's just messing around.

That's when you know he likes you.

I got to get that handshake.

I'm gonna go swim for a bit.

you coming?

Oh, I didn't bring a swim suit.

Why don't you ask Little Susie to borrow a swim diaper?


Alright, alright.

I've got a suit he can wear.

Wow, you guys really spend a lot of time together.


Why is the front like that?

That's the back.

Maybe I'll Skip the pool Skip the pool?

What are you?

Ashamed of your body or something?




I A real man does not get ashamed.



Just give it back, I'll wear it.


I'll wear it.


You think you can handle it?


It's cool.

Not a problem.


Frank, I thought you threw that suit out.

Hey I try to stop him but the kid wanted to wear it.

You said this is what a real man would wear.

I don't know what you are talking about.

But You calling me a liar?




It's fine!


Thanks for the suit, Frank.

It's Mr.

Smith to you!

Get that thing away from me!

You trying to get a handshake from old man Frank?


He's a tough nut to crack.

There's one way he will shake your hand.

You have to beat him, at a cannonball contest.


He's the best cannonballer around.

Really respects the craft, you know.

He'll shake the hand of anyone who can cannonball better than him.

Hey Mr.


I heard you are pretty good at cannonballs.

Yeah, I'm the best around.

How about a little contest?

You are challenging me to a cannonball contest in my own home?


Recess is over, skinny bones.

It's cannonball time.


Beat that, small fry!


Just as I thought.






All right, Mordecai!

Had enough, diaper boy?

You kidding?

I can cannonball all day.

That's so.

But can you do a mannonball?

A what?

Fred, bring Chopper 6 around.

It's mannonball time.

Frank come on!

Just let it go!

Stay out of it Denise!

This is mannonball business!

I'm gonna port this punk in this place!

We'll see about that!



Come on!

He always does these stuff!

You know your father.

Always sticking with his chopper.

And that's why I love him.

That's a fifty foot jump.

You mess this up, it's gonna take more than a pool boy to clean it up.

You really to calling quits?


Have it your way.

Fred, more altitude.

And don't be afraid to shake things up!

Roger that.

It's time to give up, skinny bones.

You're out of your element.

I'm not giving up!

I'm winning this mannonball contest!

Fred, take us higher!

But Frank!

It's not stable!

Do it now!

Give up!

You can't win this!

What's your deal, man?

I only did this contest because I wanted you to like me!

It's not the contest!

It's about losing my baby girl!


Margaret is growing up so fast.

Every time she brings one of you yahoos to the house, I am afraid you're gonna take her away from me!

I can't bear to lose my hug bug.

Dude, Margaret thinks you're the coolest dad ever!

She's always talkin' about how great you're!

No matter what happens, you are always gonna be her dad.

She loves you, man.

Fred, take us down.

The winds are too strong!

I'm losing it!



I am coming!



What are you doing?


Saving you!


I treated you like garbage!

It doesn't matter!

The only person I care about is Margaret!

And she cares about you!

So hold on!

Well that's it, we are gonna die.

I'm sorry about all this.

Hey, at least you tried.

Not a lot of guys will risk their lives like that.

You got guts, kid.

It was nice knowing you, Mordecai.

You too, Mr.



Call me Frank!

Thank you!

Fran Best mannonball ever!

Would they be alright, doctor?

Oh they'll be fine.

That handshake hadn't broken their fall, they'd be dead.

We'll be able to separate them in about six weeks.

Dude, Mordecai!

I heard what happened!

So awesome!

I wanna jump out of Chopper 6 next!




You know this bozo?

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