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04x17 - Ace Balthazar Lives

Posted: 03/12/23 15:20
by bunniefuu
Hurry up, dude!

The show's coming back on!

Hang on, I gotta get my oats.

Dude, use a bowl.

Shut it!

I'll eat my oats however my mouth feels like it.

And now, back to Behind the Bands with Adrenaline!

Here's Fesner!

John Moore!

Ricky Grant!

And frontman Ace Balthazar!

They were the most epic band of all time in 1984!


We were pretty up with our guests but it was Ace they came to see.

He was real, man.

I've got an Adrenaline rush, and I think I'm gonna








For Ace, crushing just wasn't part of the show.

It was a way of life.

I think I'm gonna








Where's Ace?




Come on, we've gotta get outta here!


When we lost Ace, we knew the Adrenaline Rush was over.

There'll never be another performer like Ace.


- True facts.

- Dude!

I wish we could've seen them play live.

It would've been the most epic concert ever.

Though he was presumed dead, Ace's body was never found.

Could Ace be alive and walking among us?

He ain't dead.

I seen him at the shop


My friend's brother saw him at the bus station.

I saw him on my Quesadilla.

A recent sighting has even been captured on film.

That looks like our house in the background.

Dude, that is our house.

Wait, is that.



Dude, it's that guy who thinks he's a knight.

Could this man be the real Ace Balthazar?


Ace Balthazar is in our park!

Dude, I bet if we get him back together with his band, They'll play live and we get backstage passes!

They totally give us backstage passes!

Dude, we got to get him back together with his band.

Now, to see what you are made of.

Dude, it's him!

It's Ace!

Yes it is!





Oh, natives of the new world!

Ace, oh man, it's a honor to meet you, Sir.


What is this "Ace"?

Dude you are Ace Balthazar from Adrenaline!



I am not Ace Balthazar!

I am Sir Gabelthorp of Kingdonia!

My quest is to discover the marvels of the new world!

For instance, to find the tiny artists that live within this printing device Dude, there's something seriously worng with Ace.

I know, I think that bus crush must had messed up with his memories.

Time to JOG IT then!

What is this music?

How do you have a whole band of man inside such a small box?

It's not just any band of man, It's Adrenaline!


I must meet this tiny band of man!

No wait!

Where did the tiny band of man go?

Dude,Ace Balthazar just trashed our boombox!

Ace, we wanna get you back together with your old band.

Yeah, we are huge fans.

And we wanna see you perform live!

If pretending to be Ace Balthazar will get them to accept me then so be it!

Friends, I just remembered that I am Ace Balthazar!

I knew it!

Now all we gotta do is get you back together with your old band.

Oh those were the days.

But I wouldn't get to see Ace walk through our doors right now There's a guy out here claiming to be Ace.

Alright, bring him in.

Hello all, It's I !

Ace Balthazar!

Jenkins, please just got these guys out.

No wait, he really is Ace!

Just look at him!

Eh Ricky, He just kinda look like Ace.

Maybe,but you don't dress right like him.

Besides, It's a known fact that Ace died in that crash.

Fesi, play track 4 of Adrena guiden backwards.

This is Ace Balthazar speaking, and I were totally dead in a crash.

Don't worry, Ace.

We'll change you back in your old self.

Then they'll believe it's you for sure.

First things first, we need to find you something that is cool to wear.

What is wrong with my armor?

Dude, burlap isn't cool.

You know what else isn't cool?

Not wearing pants.

If you want people to recognize you, you gotta start to dressing like your old self.

If it is as your culture dictates, then I will don the garb that is necessary to do so.

Whatever, just try the clothes on.

No, No!

I simply will not allow it!

I'll stand for this artisans to rouge my face.

But to remove my helmet?


I refuse!

A helomet is a knight's honor!

Well hair is a rock star's honor!

Yeah, man!

No hair, no honor.

It's the only way to be a rock star!

Well, If that is your custom, then so be it.

This's gonna take a while.

Presenting Ace Balthazar!

- Wow!

- Awesome!

Margret and Eileen, this is perfect!

Indeed, I feel thoroughly transformed into a star of rock.

Well, almost perfect.

This will help you remember who you really are.


From tiny band of man you can hear and see, what sorcery is this?

No, no more that knight talk man, just watch the screen.

Describe yourself in one word.


Oh, it's you blokes again!

Get out!

Aren't you gonna invite your old band mate inside?


I dunno about you guys,but I've got an Adrenaline rush, and I think I'm GONNA

- Crush!



So will you gonna rock out or what?

Dude, we did it!

We're gonna see the Andrenaline play live!




I wanna thank all of you for being here, and I wanna tell you that tonight, rock history will be made.

Because tonight, after years of silence, Andrenaline plays again!

I have longed for this moment!

Alright, let's rock!

Ah What?



This isn't the real Ace Balthazar!

I am!




You are a disguise!

But, but But, but But nothing!

I'm the real deal here, and this band is nothing without me No offense, guys.

Oh yeah, don't worry about it.

Now get off this stage poser!

-Wait, hold on!

-Stop, stop!

We're sorry we thought he was you,it's just,we really wanna see Andrenaline play live.

Please just let them play.


Now get off the stage!

Get off the stage!

Get off the stage!

Get off the stage!


Enough I say!

For years, I have been fascinated by your culture.

I've worked hard to embrace this as my own,yet this is how I am to be repaid?

Now hear this, Ace Balthazar!

I've got an Adrenaline rush, and I think I'm GONNA CRASH!

This crashingis Acetounding!

I was wrong about you, Never before have I seen anyone crushed that way.

That was better than anything I could have ever done.

Neo Sir Gabelthorp, I dub thee, the new Ace Balthazar!

Now, take the stage!

Forget it, I'll just do it.

Well at least we got to see Andrenaline play live!

This music is amazing!

It must be shared!

I have moshedpoorly.




Dude, Best concert EVER!