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04x12 - The Christmas Special Pt. 2

Posted: 03/12/23 15:16
by bunniefuu
I can't let you do this, Quillgin.

You don't have a choice!

Rudolf, deine nase!

Merry Christmas, Santa Claus.

Man, these cookies are great!

You know who else makes great cookies?

My good bakery, on fifth and Western.

You been there?

Oh, my gosh.

That sweater is so cool.


You like it?

Yeah, you know its just fun, festive.

I like to get loose on holidays.

I mean, that's gotta be winner for ugliest sweater, right?


Oh yeah.


Isn't it funny how ugly it is?

I'm gonna get more soda.

Be right back.


We just wanna wish youse a Merry, Merry Christmas!

- Bells jingle!

- Kris kringle!

Wrap your gift like this, son!

Wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap.

tape, tape, bow!

Did you hear it?

Yeah, well you gotta see it with the moves.


All right, well have fun with your parents.

Merry Christmas, Margaret!

Did she like it?

Yeah, I think so.

Oh, are you leaving already, Mr.


It's Christmas Eve and I'm a busy man.

Six more parties to attend.

That sweater's terrible.

Good party, though.

Hey, I'll take it!

Merry Christmas, sir!

Well, alright.

Aw, man.


Oh hey, Thomas.

Could you get some more soda from Skips' garage?



well I'd love too but, uh Mordecai!



- Yeah!

We'll go!

We'll get the soda.


Okay, great.

This counts as your Christmas gift from us, though.

My gift is you getting me more soda?


Whatever Ha ha!


Tis' better to give than to receive!

Uh can someone give me a hand?

Man, don't you just love Christmas?

If you mean getting gifts, then yeah.

Dude, of course that's what I mean.

Christmas should be, like, minimum, once a month.



Dude, what is that?

Come on.


Are you alright?

Please take take the box.

Take Aw, man!

You two?


This box?

What's in it?


No, don't look into it!

You must destroy it!




Who are you?

I'm Santa.


Santa Claus?


Santa McMurphy.


Santa Claus!

Come on, you don't even look like Santa Claus.

Yeah, Santa's all fat and junk.

And he smells like gingerbread cookies.

He's got rosy cheeks.

Yeah, your cheeks are more bruised colored.

And you smell like you stepped in something.

Well, sorry to disappoint you.

But I was just shot at!

Fell 3,500 feet and crashed through a garage.

Besides, all that other stuff was just made up by advertising companies.

Trust me!

I'm the real Santa Claus!

Prove it.

Okay, look.

You're Mordecai and Rigby.

I've been getting letters from you two since you were little.

"Dear Santa, dude, give me an invisibility cloak.

" "Santa, dude, don't be a jerk, just give me an invisibility cloak.

" This is Santa!

Yeah, I know!

Hey, what gives?

How come we never got 'em?


It's against the rules to give magical gifts.

Whoa, even Santa has to follow rules?

You have no idea Okay, so, you're Santa.

But what are you doing here?

And what's in the box?

Actually its not what's in the box.

Its the box itself that matters.

It all started a few months ago.

I was approached by my lead toy

-designer, Quillgin, who is excited about a breakthrough he'd made on his life work.

The idea was simple; an empty box that when opened, would give the child what they desire most.

Little did I know that the key component was a dark magic.

We used a focus group to test how it would work in Christmas Morning scenario.

And things got ugly.

The box had a power over people.

It brought out worse in them.

I ordered that the box be locked away, and then any work pertaining to it'd be destroy.

I should've known he'd come back for revenge.

The box is in your hands now.

You must destroy it.

If Quillgin gets it back, he'd use its power to get what he wants most.

The destruction of Christmas forever!

Christmas gone forever!


Don't worry.

You can count on us, Santa.

Yeah, the box is in good hand.

Wait, where is it?

I thought you're holding it.

Oops, no.

Here it is.


Why do I have to land in this garage?

Alright, c'mon.

Let's get you outta here.

No, just go, leave me.

The box needs to be destroyed first and for

-most Quillgin won't stop until he gets it.


Aw, man!

He passed out!

We gotta find help!


C'mon, everybody.

He's in here.

Santa, huh?

You guys would make up anything to get out of work.

He was right here.

Maybe he was just hiding somewhere.

Weak prank, bros.

I agree.

Bad show.

It's not a prank.

Look, Santa gave us this box.

It can give people whatever they want.

But it turns them to evil.


Gimme that.

I bet this thing's empty.

What the


- I wanna see!

Aw, sweet!




Where'd you get that?

I told you.

Santa gave it to us.

Look, we need you're help.

We have to destroy this thing to save Christmas.

Then, what are we waiting for?


This box is made from dark magic.

It can't be destroyed by any normal methods.

必须把它带到地底深处 It has to be taken deep beneath the earth, and cast it to a fiery molten lava.

Where are we gonna find that?

I know a place.

Aw, here?

Did you konw these rival park guys are losers?

Quite, Rigby.

The lava pit's in an abandoned mineshaft on the other side of the park.

C'mon, let's go!

What're you doing?

Fixing their snowman.


Stay away from the snowman's carrot!

The box was here.

Let's move out!

I can't believe it.

I thought the prank w*r is all over, but here you come, to pull some sort of lame yuletide prank.

Look, we're not here to prank you.

We're just here to destroy this box in the lava pit.

Oh, sure, that makes sense.


Someone got you another horrible sweater for Christmas and now you wanna trash it?

You don't get it.

This box is dangerous.


It was given to us by Santa.

Oh, Santa.

Larry, open the box.

But what if it is a prank, Sir?

Well, that's what I wanna find out.

Now open it!



Give me that!

Give it back!


Let me have a look!

Stop it!

Now do you see what's happening?

This is why we have to destroy the box!

If it fell to the wrong hands, it could mean the end of Christmas forever.

What is it?

Unidentify men info trading the park, Sir.

What the


- Who is that?

That must be the elf who's after the box!

That dude?


I thought he'd be a small elf!

C'mon, Gene!

Help us!

The guy's evil, dude!

Dude, don't you care about Christmas?


Yeah, c'mon!

Christmas is at stake!

Oh no, it's here!

It's too late!

Geez, didn't you guys hear me struggling with the door?

You know, guys, speaking of the doors, there's some elf dude out there tryin' to break in and screaming about destroying Christmas.

Who wants Egg Nog?

Let's ride!

This as far as I go.

Thanks, Gene.

Save the thanks for when you actually destroy that thing.

I'll hold off that elf for as long as I can.

Oh yeah, and one more thing.

Watch out for the booby traps on the way to the lava pit!

Booby traps?

What booby traps?

Merry Christmas!

Maybe we shouldn't go in.

Pfft, it's probably another one of Gene's lame pranks I guess we just have to find out.

Come on.

Ah what?


It's dead end.

Now Is everyone OK?

Come on.

Let's keep moving.

Chill, bro.

It's just the skeleton.

Yeah, someone must put this to scare us.

Wait, there's a door right passed, we just have to go around.


This must be one of the booby traps.

There is a writing here.

What's it saying?

Crab the code, a door will open.

One wrong step, forever broken.

I get it!

We step on the tiles like the drawing to the door open.

I'm not stop on one of those things again!

Let's use that guy, he's already dead.

OK, dude.

Read me the instructions.

Middle, left, left, middle, up, right, down It's not working.

Hold on me this, my mom gave it to me.


Muscle Man!

Watch out!

- Woo, you did it!

- Well done!

That thing didn't even touch me!

Guys, I almost died!

Let's keep moving.

No, seriously, guys, did you see that?

I almost died!

I really almost died!



Zoom in!

There it is!

Hahaha, you never make it in time!

They proproly destroied the box We moving out!

It's another booby trap.

Record points, a bridge will float.

Lose a ball, watch out below.

Oh, man!

A pinball machine?

Dude, nobody plays these things.

Yeah, it doesn't even have a screen.


This thing is clearly before your time.


It's working!

Yeah, keep going, Benson!

Looks like it's before your time too, Bensen.

You got this, Benson.

Oooh, guys Give me the box!

Everybody go, now!

Get them!


Dude, that was close.

We made for the final trail.

What's it saying?

Wrestle a bear, don't lose.

Wait, what?

We suppose to fight that?

Oh, I look gladly participate.

But Pops, against a bear?

That's not a fair match!

All men are beasts on a wrestle match.

Good luck!

Dude, he's totally dead.


Alright bear, I accepted your challenge.

Oh no, bro, he's not make it.

Wait, look!

Good show, bear, but this is a match you can not win.


Pops, that wrestle was incredible!

It was no trouble.

Ahguys, he's getting up again.

You have completed all the tasks.

And have been proven worthy.

You may Loathy, bro!





Another slide?

Just go!

Finally, the lava pit.

Let's get this thing done, and go home.

Not so fast.



How did you?

I use the stairs.

- Oh what?


- Oh man You all had me going and quit the ghost chase, didn't you?

But it looks like your luck was run out.

Now, hand over the box.

No, don't do it, Mordecai.


It's mine, and belongs to me.

Don't make me do something drastic.

Mordecai, he has a g*n.

We did our best, just give him the box.

Sorry Santa.

That's it.

What the.

What the hell is that?

I don't know.

Haha, hey guys!


Oh my.

It's really him!

Hey, I thought you said you couldn't make a invisibility cloak.

We can totally make them.

I just said we couldn't give them as gifts.

No, you supposed to be dead, I shot you!

That's right.

Defend from you I was wearing one of these.

A bulletproof vast?

- That's smart!

- Yeah, really smart.

I was stunned for a while, but largely in my body was un Bro




Santy's got six


Or get live for surviving this.


We didn't have to end in this way.

But you ruined my dream.

We made a box for everyone, and no one would be fighting of them.

Did you ever think of that?

Ha, I bet you did.

If everyone had everything they wanted, then why would they need Santa?

It's not like this, Quillgin.


You ruined my life's work, Now gonna ruin yours.

Give me what I desire most, the destruction of Christmas forever!

Hahaha one push of this detonator, and it's all gone.



Rigby, no!

Get off!


Let it go!

It's done.

Hoorays, it is safe Thanks for the ride, Santa!

Goodbye, Santa!

I'll call you out go bowling sometime.

Santa, you like you're authority on Christmas stuff, right?

What do you think?

Beson, you should have thrown that thing into the lava pit.

I got be honest.

I wasn't sure of you guys should pull it all, but you really did it.

You saved Christmas!

It was no big deal.

Did this mean we finally make it on your nice


Hey, ho, craziest things will happen.


Bye, Santa!




- Dude, he said it just like in the movies!



That was awesome!

Alright, you two, you got the house to clean.

Aw what!


Don't worry, I'll give you a hand.

It's Christmas!

I'll be back with the cleaning supplies.


Hey, a present!

It's for us.

Sometimes you got break the rules.

OK guys, let's Best gift ever!




Merry Christmas!