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04x04 & 04x05 - Terror Tales of the Park II

Posted: 03/12/23 11:04
by bunniefuu
Man, I can't wait to get to the party.

It's going to be all like "What's up, Mr.


" You know who else is like "What's up, Mr.


" My mom!

Muscle Man, enough.

Do you think they'll have snacks?

It's the biggest Halloween party in town, Pops.

They'll have all the candy you can eat.

Yeah, but all the good stuff will be gone before will get there!

This drive is taking forever!

The map says it should be right around here.

Stop reading the map wrong, Thomas!

You're gonna get us lost!

I don't even have the map!

You shut it, Thomas!

What did I tell you about talking to me?

Leave him alone, Muscle Man, he's just an intern.

It's bad enough he doesn't get paid.

Wait, you guys are getting paid?

Benson, you sure you know where we're going?

I haven't seen a house for miles!

It's fine, I know what I'm doing.

I'm dying of boredom back here.

We could pass the time with a game of "I Spy".

No way.

You got carsick the last time we played that.

I know!

How about some scary stories?




Pops can't handle it.

Oh nonsense, I'll be fine.


But if he gets scared, you two are in serious trouble.

Yeah, yeah.

All right.

It all started at the Bowling Alley on a dark and stormy night.

That's game!

Yeah, you show them how you roll them, Mordy.


Yeah, thanks, Uncle Steve.

Man, forget this!

You already won three games in a row!

Plus, your weirdo uncle is making me uncomfortable with his lame tie.

Just dressing for the occasion, man, don't act like you're jealous of this.

Come on, Fives, let's bail.

Yeah, let's go, Mordecai.

Aw, come on, one more game.

Or are you guys afraid to lose?

No way, bro.

Oh, it is on.

Uncle Steve, you down to play another game?

I don't know Mordy, I'm kinda low on fundage.

This tie wasn't cheap, you know.

It's cool, Uncle Steve, I got five bucks.

Oh no, Mordy, I couldn't.

Don't worry about it, you can pay me back later.

I know you're good for it.

Okay, I promise I'll get you back.


-a, game on!

Oh no, my tie!

Uncle Steve!

I can't believe he's gone.

This is all my fault!

If I hadn't pressured everybody to play that extra game, my uncle would still be alive.

Ah, don't talk like that man.

Life just does its thing, you know?

If I were you, I'll be more upset about losing the five bucks.

Not helping, dude.

My fault It's all my fault.

Uncle Steve!

Mordy, why did you have to play another game!



Get a hold of yourself, Mordecai, all the guilt is making you see things.

It's not real, it's not real Rigby, I can't stop seeing my dead uncle!


Me either.

Mordy Dude!

I thought your uncle was dead!

He is!


Did we lose him?

Mordy, hey I bet you thought I forgot.

Well here you go.

Dude, it's your five bucks!

Hey, a promise is a promise.

Uh, thanks, Uncle Steve.

Ah, no problem.

Take care now.

The end.

What's wrong with you!





Just look at Pops!

Oh, it's all right, I'm fine really.

Pops, chill.

It's just the phone.

I'm gonna take this.



Oh, hey Margaret.

We just got to the party.

Are you inside?

No, actually we're still driving.

We got a little lost.

Ahh man, that's a bummer.

It's cool though, we've been telling scary stories.

Hey, I've got a good one, put me on speaker phone.

Hey, Margaret's gonna tell a story.

It'd better not be scary!

Don't worry, it's a funny one.

It all started we were getting into the cart to go to a Halloween movie.

Aw yeah


Halloween movie time.


What do you think you're doing?

Going to the movies.

No you're not, we need that cart to patrol delinquents T.

P'ing the park.

But Margaret's car is in the shop.

How are we gonna get to the theater?

Not my problem.

Trick or treat, losers.

Yeah, trick or treat, losers.

Let's roll.

I guess that's it.

There's no way we'll make it there in time now.


We can't give up yet.

Yeah, I'll call a taxi.

There's still some time.

We'll probably just miss the previews.

Thank you.

They said ten minutes.

That was fast.

I thought you said you called a taxi.

Need a ride?

Uh, could you takes to the movie theater downtown?

We'll take you wherever you need to go.

Climb aboard the party bus, and join the party.


See, nothing to worry about.


Welcome, fellow citizens, to the party bus!

Party bus!



This is crazy!

I know, right?

Come on!

There's some great costumes in here!

Yeah, there must have been a huge sale on white wigs or something.



Mordecai, look!

Are they all right?

Oh, yeah, they're cool.

Just partied a little too hard, I guess.

Party bus!

Party bus!



Isn't this great?

You're right.

Party bus!


He's passing the movie theater.

Driver, stop the bus!

Let us off!

Stop the bus!


Mordecai, the bus isn't stopping!

You can't stop now, the party's just getting started.

You don't look so good, man.

Yeah, how long have you been here?

Fifteen minutes.

Those weren't white wigs, everybody's getting older!

Mordecai, your face!



You're getting older!

So are you!

We need to get off this bus now!

Stop the bus, stop the bus!

You can't stop the party bus once it's started.


What's that saying again?

Party till you drop!

Help me with the door.

It won't open!

Stop the bus!

The brakes don't work!

Try the emergency break!

Well, at least we still



Why did you put it in reverse?

It was the only thing I could think of!

Guys, look!

We're getting younger!

We gotta get off this bus!

Guys look, an emergency hatch!

Come on, everybody up!

Now what?

We gotta jump!

We did it!

We got off the party bus.

Uh, was that supposed to be funny?

Yeah, "The party's k*ller".

Get it?


You there?

Um, I gotta go.

I'll see you there.

That's it, no more stories from anyone.

Aw, what?

Come on, Benson, don't act like this is our fault.

If you haven't gotten us lost, we wouldn't be telling stories, now would we?


Skips, don't make Benson make you turn this van around!

I have to go to this party, I just have to!

Hey, knock it off or I'll



I hope you two are proud of yourselves, look where your "scary stories" got us now!


Skips should've watched where he was going!




Listen, there's a party we need to get to, do you mind dropping us off?

No problem, chief.

This is going to take forever!

Anyone got another story?



Are you kidding me?

We just got in an accident, Pops is scared half to death, and you want to tell more stories?


Actually, I wouldn't mind hearing one more tale.

Yeah, they've been pretty good.

I'm down.

It would be nice to hear one while I'm not driving.

See, Benson, even Skips wants to hear one!




You all just have to hear one more story?


But this time I'm telling the story!

Aw, what?

Now pay attention, you just might learn something.

Whoa, watch it!

What's all this?


You two are re

-wallpapering the house today.

Aw, what?




Because of that!

Wait, how do you know it was us?


Okay, okay, fine, we'll just patch up that one spot!

No, you can't, because that wallpaper is discontinued, so you gotta do the whole house with this new stuff so it all matches!

But we don't even know how to wallpaper walls!

Just follow the instructions, and make it nice or you're doing it over again.

You didn't have to throw the equipment at us!

Yes, I did!

No, no, no!

Step 5A Smooth the glue paste before applying the paper, Wait, what?

I don't know, man!

These don't make any sense.

I hate wallpapering!

I just wish we could get someone else to do it.

Do you hate wallpapering, trying to do it yourself, but the instructions just don't make sense?

Did you turn on the TV?


Hi, I'm Jan, the wallpaper man.

I'm here to do away with all your wallpaper problems, and believe me, I've been there.

Nobody likes wallpapering, not even me!

I've just been doing it for over 40 years and have gotten pretty darn good at it, so let me deal with all the headaches for you.

Yeah if only we had a million bucks!

Now you're probably thinking "Yeah, if only we had a million bucks!

" And normally, you'd be right!

But with Jan the wallpaper man, the first job's free!



That's right.

I'll wallpaper your whole house for free, but in return I only ask that for your next wallpaper job, you call old Jan here first.

A free job for first dibs on your second job, now that sounds like a good deal, right!


So call 555

-01WALLPAPERMAN and I'll wallpaper your house, I really will!

Why is the TV in the hallway?

Hey Muscle Man, do you ever order stuff off the TV?

Oh for sure!

Especially if it's a local business.

I once bought some sweet old

-replica hand grenades from this old army dude off the TV, and it turns out they were the real deal!


No way!

Remember when the shed exploded last week and I told you it was lightning?

Yeah it wasn't even raining.


I'm getting a second shipment today.

I'm telling you, local TV dudes always come through for you.

Hi there.

Jan the wallpaper man.

Oh great.

Come in, Come in.

Well okay.

So this is it, you'll do the whole house, right?

For free, right?

Yes, yes, the whole house for free.

We don't even have to tip you?

Nope, nope, nothing like that.

I promise.

Ha ha, great.

And it's just you two here?

Ah, no, there bunch of people out of this place.

Should we clear everyone out?

Oh, no, no, that's fine.

I'll deal with them device even.

Well, we got some important video games to play.

So we'll leave you to it.

Okay, thank you, sirs!

I'll be done in no time.

Let's take a break.

I can't feel my thumbs.

Let's go check and see that wallpaper guy's done.


Check out this new wall shine.

Dude, this is the best idea we've ever had.

Let's check out the rest of our house.



What are you doing?

Are you okay?

What happened?

I don't know!

I was just heading to the kitchen for an ice lolly when that man fell upon me.

This guy must be nuts!

We gotta get him outta here before Benson sees.


What did that guy do?


Come on.


Come on.

We gotta go back.

Go back!




Okay, you and Pops go find Benson.

I'm going after the wallpaper man.

Come on, Pops.





Oh, I don't like this at all.


Quiet, Pops.


Benson, we're coming!

Whoa We must be getting close.




What the We're getting nowhere!


I think it wants us to go this way.

Come on.

I think we're growing.


The hall's getting smaller.

What the?

It's an optical illusion.

Go back.

No, no, no!

I can't stand small spaces!

Okay, just calm down.

I need air!

I can't breathe!

You can breathe.

Don't panic!

I need to get outta here!

Aw, stop!



Hold on, Benson!

Come on, let's go.

Are we still in the house?



Are you guys okay?

Do we look okay?

Hurry up and get us down from here.

Who's that guy?

I was just trying to deliver a package to Mitch Sorrenstein.

I don't wanna die!

Don't worry!

we'll get Let our friends go, and then get out of our house!



Watch it!

I'm free.

Eat on that, you eight



- Whatever.

That didn't even hurt.

If your job was to k*ll people, you'd probably get fired.

Heh heh.




Don't even think about eating me, bro!

Muscle Man!

Help us!

What are you waiting for?

My ankles!

Uhh My arm Great rescue.

You're gonna k*ll us before that spider gets the chance.

Come on, let's go!

We gotta get outta here!

No, you don't!

You two are staying here!


You hired that thing.

You fire it.

That spider's gonna k*ll us!

Not my problem!


Listen up, Jan!

You're fired!

Dude, that was a metaphor!

We need to stay and destroy him!



Now what?

Dude, Muscle Man's package!


Muscle Man's package?

He was expecting a package of grenades!

Just go get the box.

I'll cover you.

Got it!

Open it!

Open it!

I can't I can't this stupid tape There.


So, what's the plan now?

And aren't these just replica grenades?

No, Muscle Man said they were the real deal, remember?

Oh, yeah!

Quick, pull out all the pins!

Special delivery.

Time to redecorate.

Time to redecorate.

Wait, what?

Time to redecorate.

Because of all the wall


- ahh, just throw it.

Eat it, Jan!

Hey, hold on.

How far away are we supposed to be before these things go off?

Wait, what?

The end.

Dude, that story was lame!

Yeah, Benson, we're not even that dumb!

It's my story!

I'll tell it how I want it!

Listen up, everyone.

I got a story about Benson.

No, you don't!

No more stories, Rigby!

Party is just up ahead, chief.

Ha, great, see?

We're almost there.

Yeah, totally great.

That means there's enough for me to tell the story to chose how dumb Benson is!

No, there isn't!

Story time is over, Rigby!

Once upon a time, Benson's so dumb!

No stories!

Are you okay?

Yeah, we're fine.


Aw, what?


We didn't survive the crash?


I guess not.



You can't fire me, I'm dead!


Why do I even bother?

You're coming in?

Yeah, I guess.