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04x01 - Exit 9B

Posted: 03/12/23 11:01
by bunniefuu

Benson, hello?

Is anybody here?

Hey, mom.

Yeah, it's my first day at my new internship.

No, I'm looking for them right now.

Yeah, yeah, I met everybody yesterday and they all seem really cool.

Yeah, it's gonna be a really easy way to get three credits.

Mom, hold on!




You won't gonna get away with

- Dude, hurry!

I'm trying!

You should have sold it to me when you had the chance!

com/kresent Let's see Pops?

We got a Pops here?


You Pops?


Car's ready.

Sign here.

I hope she wasn't any trouble, Mister!

Mister Skips.

Not really.

Just an oil change.

Oh, splendid!

We got a Marcy Stevenson here?

Come on!

What the heck, old man?


I'll find out who you are.

Hey mister.

Do you know the way to the park?

Uh, hello, I almost died.

Besides, I don't have time to tell you, I'm late for my lecture on Quantum Mechanics.

Pff, brainiac.

I'm new.

That will be $12.


The pizzas have arrived, sir.


Thomas, come.

Sir, do you think I could have some pizza?


Pizza's for winners.

You're not a winner, Benson, you're a slacker.

Now get back to work!

Yes, sir.

Intern, pizza.

Agh, my chest.

Are you ok?


Agh, man.

Where are we?

Dude, it's the park.


Aw man, the freeway's almost done.

This is bad.


That was too close.

What are we gonna do?

It's not too late.

Come on, we can still fix this.

But the space time thingy's busted.

We don't need it.

Do you still have the document?

All right, we have to find Skips.




It's hopeless, dude.

He's gone.

What now?

We can't pull this off without Skips.

There has to be a way.


I'm Skips.

Who's askin'?



Who are you?

Dude, it's us, Mordecai and Rigby.

I don't know you.

Dude, he's been brainwashed.

Remember, we were co

-workers at the park.

Nah, I never worked at any park.

Do you remember that evil bearded guy?

He must have scrambered your brain.

He was gonna scramble our brains, too, but we escaped through a hole in space time.

We think about two months has past since then, now he's building a freeway on the park, our park.

You got to help us stop him.

Exit 9B is gonna make a huge difference in people's lives.

How else are people gonna get from South I

-85, to South West 85B?

You need some help with your car, I'm your guy.

Otherwise, get out of here.

That's not the Skips we know!

I don't know you!

Skips, you're in there somewhere, snap out of it!

What's your game?

You gotta remember, Skips!

Who do you work for?!

Well, technically, you're one of our bosses.

You lie!

Wait, we know why your name is Skips.

Remember the only woman you ever loved!?


Tell me everything.

That bearded guy tried to take out the park out for months, but then he took it by force.

And we're the only ones left who can take it back.

Uh, do we have a plan?

Rigby, show him the document.

It declares the park a historical landmark.

We just need everybody that worked at the park to sign it, then it will be against the law to build Exit 9B, decreed from City Hall, yo!

Easier said than done.

If that bearded guy gave you a new identity to hide you, then there's no telling where everyone else is.

I know where we can find out.

Get down.

Go, go!

There's gotta be thousands of these things.

Is this what we're looking for?

Yeah, this is it.

It's a case of everybodies new identities.

Looks here like Benson's the only one that still works at the park.

Benson, why didn't you lock this door?

But, I did lock it.

Oh, you locked it?

I guess that's why the handle's turning.

And I suppose if I push it right now, it won't open, huh?

Well, what did you know?

You forgot to lock it.

I could have sworn I locked it!

I won't let it happen again.

Next time it happens, you're fired.

Got it?

Thomas, get me some coffee.

I'm pretty sure I saw him lock it.

Nobody asked you, Thomas.

I could fire you anytime I want.

Just like I can fire Benson anytime I want.

Isn't that right Benson?

Why's that opened?

He knows.

Break time's over.

Welcome to the City Butterfly Sanctuary.

Admission is free, although donations are greatly appreciated.

Will you take a Butterscotch Ripple?

I remember.

Jolly good show!

And as you can clearly see, C=8.

Any questions?

Yes in the back.

Yeah, we were just wondering, do you know who else's C=8?

Well actually, yes I do.

It's my mom.

Eat it, eggheads.

Class is dismissed.


Looks like my John Hancock's the biggest.

Now give me a high five, cause I got a huge signature!

But seriously, how do we save the park?

We have to get Benson's signature.

The problem is he's always with that bearded guy.

Who is that tool anyway?

A contractor.

He's tried to buy the park countless times, so he can build a freeway there.

But why must it be the park?

Why is it so important to this beard?

That doesn't matter now.

What matters is that we get Benson back to sign this contract.

But we could get k*lled.


This sounds pretty heavy, bro.

Look, Skips is right.

It might be risky, but we have to try.

This isn't just the park we're talking about, it's Benson too.

You're right.

Let's do this thing.

On three.

One, two, three!

-For The Park!

-Jolly Good Show!

-Will Stop The Contractor We could have planned that better.

All right guys, Benson could be anywhere.

We just need his signature and this will all be over.

Skips, you take Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost and go around back.

Me, Rigby, and Pops will go that way.

And remember, whatever you do, don't get caught.

What are you guys doing here?

Thomas, what's your problem?

You trying to give us a heart attack?

I have to be here.

I need the credits for school.

You guys gotta go, the new manager's crazy.

We're not leaving.

You gotta tell us where Benson is, so we can get his signature.



Thomas, where's Benson?!

Uh, right behind you Get all of them.

Benson, no!

You can't do this!