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07x152 - One Time Only Miracle... Will the Super Combination With That Guy Come About?" / "Miracles Happen Once... Will

Posted: 03/12/23 09:08
by bunniefuu



OpacaThoughts: Majin Buu, while searching for Goku and the others,

Thoughts: was wandering through space, and finally arrived at the Grand Kaio's world.

Buu is planning to destroy the Grand Kaio's world too!

We're the ones he's after!

We'll raise our Ki and let him know that we are here!

T-That's it!

Thoughts: At length, Majin Buu appeared in the holy region of the Kaioshin Realm!

Thoughts: A battle with the entire universe on the line now begins!

Do Your Best, Kakarrot!

You Are No. !!

It's all over!

Not even Goku is a match for him!

Buu will wreak havoc on the entire universe!

Look, don't worry.

OpacaIt looks a little like Goku is considering something.

OpacaHe's measuring Buu's power.

OpacaThat's the sort of fighting he was doing.

It's the end of this world! It's the end of the Other World!

It's the end of Mister Satan!

Majin Buu, you are one dense guy,

but your power, speed, and powers of recovery are all incredible!

You're on a whole different level from all the Buus up to now!

You're ridiculously strong!

There, look! Goku is finally getting serious!

So then, the fight starts now!

Hmph, so Kakarrot has finally decided to get down to it?

Hang in there, blond big brother!

Don't be in such a hurry. The fight is just getting started.

T-This is a fierce fight, huh? E-Even more than fierce...!

Hang in there, Goku!

W-What an awesome fight, oni!

If I missed this, I'd regret it the rest of my life, oni!

That blond guy looks like that guy who fell from the Serpentine Road before, oni.

You're right, oni! As I remember, he was named Son Goku, oni!

I hate him! Shatter my cherished dream of ruling the universe, will you?

Lose! Get yourself beaten!

You know, this is surprising.

To think that there is someone who could put on so much more incredible a fight than I!

- Who is the other one, oni? - I've never seen him, oni.

He was, you see, my subordinate, Majin Buu!

Buu adored me like I was his older brother,

and anywhere I went, he came with me.

I gave him his first lessons for those techniques he's fighting with now.

However, he's kind of slow on the uptake, and I couldn't do much with him, really.

Babidi-san, you're some incredible guy, huh, oni?

Well... you might say so.

And, if you see Buu the way I do, he's still just a child.

Damn! Buu, make a fool of me, will you? Lose! Lose! Get beaten to a pulp!

Goku, hang in there! Hang in there!

The Kaioshin Realm is being destroyed!

Hey, it will still be fine after just this! Hang in there, Goku!

Get him! Get him some more! Go! That's it! Give it to him!

There, there, don't worry.

Even if we are in the middle of a dream, I'll be sure to protect you!

I am the hero of Earth, Mister Satan!

Thoughts: Where are you, Buu?

Hold on...!

Watch out!

Thoughts: Where the hell is he going to come out from?

Thoughts: Where are you?

So, it was there, huh?

Thoughts: Dammit! Not even at Super Saiyan can I keep up with his movements!

Thoughts: He's able to read every movement I'm going to make!

Thoughts: That miserable Majin Buu! He has terrifying strength...

It's all or nothing! This ain't the time to be thinking about exhausting my power!

Thoughts: Goku!

W-W-W-What's this!? Huh? Does Majin Buu have that many children!?


Switch out, Kakarrot!

You rest for a little bit!

V-Vegeta... he has... ridiculous strength... You need to be prepared!

I know.


Thoughts: What quick, heavy att*cks these are!

Thoughts: Kakarrot was fighting an opponent like this!?

How can this be? How can Vegeta be absolutely no match for him?

This is bad!

Thoughts: D-Dammit, he's toying with me!

Thoughts: I am the warrior Saiyan people's prince, Vegeta-sama!

Bastard! This is having no effect at all!


Thoughts: I-I'm no match for him... I'm simply no match for him...!

Thoughts: I-I'll be k*lled...!


Switch out, Vegeta. Majin Buu is strong.

Stronger than anyone else I've ever fought before!

But I ain't lost yet!


Thoughts: Kakarrot, you are one incredible guy...

Thoughts: I was absolutely no match against Majin Buu.

Thoughts: You're the only one who can fight him.

Thoughts: Kakarrot... the first time I met you was when I came to Earth

Thoughts: as I was conquering planets on the frontier.

Thoughts: So, you've shown up?

Thoughts: What have you come all this way for, Kakarrot?

Thoughts: Don't tell me you've come to say you're going to defeat me,

Thoughts: or some other absurd joke, have you?

Thoughts: D-Damned if I'm about to let something like this happen!

Thoughts: I-I am the Saiyan prince! I am ultra-elite!

Thoughts: There's no way I can be beaten by a lower-class warrior like him!

Thoughts: I am the greatest in the universe!

Thoughts: Ever since then, I lived with the goal of surpassing you, Kakarrot.

Thoughts: It's said that the legendary Super Saiyan

Thoughts: can only appear in one out of a thousand...

Thoughts: Even if the legend were true,

Thoughts: the capacity to become a Super Saiyan lies within me alone!

Thoughts: There's no way that lower class warrior Kakarrot

Thoughts: could become a legendary Super Saiyan!

Thoughts: He's clearly surpassed the Saiyan fighting level.

Thoughts: I-Is the legend really true? Is he... really a Super Saiyan!?

Thoughts: From my own self-anger, suddenly I was awakened... to being a Super Saiyan!

Thoughts: I was trembling with the joy of it!

Thoughts: Finally, finally, the time when I had surpassed Kakarrot

Thoughts: and returned as the Saiyan prince had come!

Thoughts: However, in the end, I was unable to surpass you.

Thoughts: At first, I thought it was because you had something to protect...

Thoughts: that having a strong mind towards defending something gave rise to some mysterious power...

Thoughts: That certainly may be true, but if that were it,

Thoughts: then it would have been the same for me, now.

Thoughts: It was to have my own way,

Thoughts: it was for my own enjoyment, it was to k*ll my enemies,

Thoughts: and it was for my own pride that I had fought...

Thoughts: But, Kakarrot, you were different. You don't fight in order to win,

Thoughts: you fight in order to be certain you do not lose,

Thoughts: and in order to keep reaching your limits.

Thoughts: That's why you don't worry about taking your opponent's life.

Thoughts: In the end, you never did k*ll me.

Thoughts: It's as if you knew that I would now come to have the slightest bit of a heart.

Thoughts: It's so maddening! That there should be a Saiyan who loves to fight, yet is kind!

Thoughts: Hang in there, Kakarrot! You are Number One!

Please, anything but that!!

T-This is a considerably powerful dream!

Not again!

Stupid punk! That was a genuine Kamehameha.

Thoughts: Even the highly proud Vegeta has at last taken off his hat!

Thoughts: The battle between Son Goku and Majin Buu continues.

Thoughts: Goku, hang in there! Protect the universe's tomorrows!

Subtitles by: Gon-Sensei/UNISON FANSUB

Thoughts: Hi! I'm Goku!

Thoughts: Dammit! That bastard ain't lost any of his resilience!

Thoughts: I have to gather Ki for about a whole minute.

Thoughts: If you have one minute,

Thoughts: you can gather enough Ki to annihilate him, right?

Thoughts: Next time on Dragon Ball Kai:

Thoughts: "A One Minute Battle. Vegeta's Life Risking Stall Tactics!"

Thoughts: Vegeta-san, hang in there!