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06x130 - A Faint Hope in Sight! The Warriors Wake Up!!" / "Found! A Faint Ray of Hope - Awaken, Warriors!

Posted: 03/12/23 08:08
by bunniefuu
Narrator: With his overwhelming power, Majin Buu has destroyed cities one after another.

Narrator: He even used magic to turn living things into clay and built his own house.

Narrator: Meanwhile, Goten and Trunks continued training.

Narrator: However, Goku's time limit expired right in the middle of training.

Narrator: Goku entrusted his hope to Goten and Trunks and returned to the Other World.

Narrator: There Lord Enma told Goku that Gohan is still alive.

Goku: That's... Gohan!

Goku: Yeah, it's gotta be! {Yes, there's no mistake!}

Goku: It's Gohan's Ki!

Goku: Okay!

Gohan: Dad.

Goku: That was close!

Goku: W-What's with those clothes?

Gohan: Ehm... Uhm... there's a reason behind this...

Goku: Oh, Kaioshin-sama. And the something-or-other old dude is here, too.

Kibito: H-How could this happen? A-another human has... C-come to this holy land...

Goku: Anyway{Nevertheless?}, what is this place...

Gohan: I'm curious too, Dad. Why are you here?

Gohan: hours still hasn't passed, right?

Goku: Yeah, about that...

Gohan: I see. So Majin Buu has destroyed the Earth that much...

Shin: Damn you, Majin Buu!

Goku: Let me see that sword for a sec.

Goku: You said it's called the Z sword?

Gohan: Y-Yeah.

Gohan: Be careful, it's heavy.

Goku: You're not kidding!

Goku: It's really heavy!

Gohan: Right?

Goku: This sword is supposed to give you amazing power?

Goku: That's so cool.

Kibito: T-This can't be!

Kibito: This man is also waving the Z Sword so lightly...

Kibito: What kind of race are these Saiyajins?

Goku: Say, Kaioshin-sama. Is it okay for me to stay here until Gohan goes to fight Majin Buu?

Shin: Uhm, y-yes, I would not mind that...

Goku: Then, sorry to ask you right away, but do you have something to eat?

Goku: I'm starving.

Shin: T-Then, why don't you take a break as well, Gohan-san?

Gohan: Right.

Shin: I'll show you the way. Please follow me.

Gohan: But Super Saiyajin sounds really amazing.

Goku: Yeah, it is! After we eat, I'll show it to you, too.

Narrator: Elsewhere, one day has passed.

Piccolo: Wake up!

Piccolo: How long do you intend to sleep!?

Piccolo: Now, hurry and wash your faces. After you eat, we're going to continue training!

Piccolo: Got it?!

Goten/Trunks: Yeah...

Piccolo: Hey, you have just one more day to master the Fusion.

Piccolo: Put some spirit into it!

Piccolo: More spirit!


Trunks: You don't have to b*at us, you know!

Piccolo: You're not fully aware of how dangerous this situation is!

Piccolo: You two are the only ones that can save the Earth!

Piccolo: Start taking this more seriously!

Kuririn: Piccolo sure is in high spirits.

Piccolo: Okay, we're resuming your training.

Trunks: Hey!

Piccolo: W-What is it?

Trunks: All this training is fine, but before that show us the proper way to do the Fusion pose again. {hahahahahh Giku XD}

Trunks: We've only seen it done once before.

Goten: That's right! If you don't show us the pattern, there's no way we're going to remember it.

Trunks/Goten: Well?

Piccolo: Kuririn, lend me a hand.

Kuririn: M-Me?!

Piccolo: You were watching yesterday.

Piccolo: Surely you remember the pose, right?

Kuririn: W-Well, that's true, but...

Kuririn: Why me?

Kuririn: If it's just the pose, then anyone here{\fscx }-

Kuririn: What?! That's dirty!

Kuririn: Hm? Where did everyone go? Hey!

Piccolo: Kuririn!

Kuririn: Okay, I'll do it. I just have to do it once, right?

Piccolo: Listen up. Watch closely and remember this.

Trunks/Goten: Okay!

Kuririn: I'm sure it went something like this...

Piccolo: Let's go, Kuririn.

Kuririn: Yeah.

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks: W-We're supposed to do something so lame?

Goten: That's embarrassing!

Kuririn: It's embarrassing for me, too!

Piccolo: We did this because you two said you wanted to see it.

Piccolo: Now, we're resuming the training without any complaints!

Trunks/Goten: Okay...

Oni: U-Uhm... Lord Enma-sama...

Enma: What is it?

Oni: Can we go home-oni?

Enma: WHAT?!

Oni: Everyone has been working without sleep and without a sufficient meal...

Oni: If this keeps up, we're also going to end up in this line-oni.

Enma: I also want to rest.

Enma: But we can't just leave these dead souls alone.

Oni: Oni...

Enma: To pass judgment on wandering souls,

Enma: and guide them to their appropriate place is our MISSION!

Oni: Lord Enma-sama! This is bad-oni!

Enma: What is it?

Oni: A-Another one million five hundred thousand deceased has come from the Earth-oni!


Oni: Oni...

Enma: Just what is happening on Earth?

TV: Unbelievable!

TV: Two-thirds of the cities and human population have already been destroyed by Majin Buu!

TV: If this continues, the Earth will become a death star within a day!

Man: W-What's that?

Buu: Next!

Buu: I'm not letting anyone escape.

Boy: Ah! Hello.

Boy: Who are you?

Buu: Can't you see who I am? I{\fscx }-

Boy: I'm sorry. I can't see.

Boy: Say, who are you?

Boy: Someone famous?

Buu: You're a dummy. Your eyes are closed.

Buu: Open them up.

Boy: I couldn't see, even if I did open them.

Boy: That's what it means to have this illness.

Boy: Had it since the day I was born.

Buu: I see. That's why you not scared.

Buu: Okay!

Boy: W-What did you do!?

Buu: Dummy. Open your eyes. {BUU DOES JESUS!}

Boy: But, even if I open{\fscx }-

Buu: Just open them already!

Boy: Okay...

Boy: I can see...

Boy: I can see. I can see!

Boy: With my own eyes!

Boy: This isn't a dream!

Boy: I can really see!

Buu: Now, look at me.

Boy: Thank you!

Boy: Thank you, Oji-san!

Boy: Truly, thank you!

Boy: I can see!

Boy: I can see!

Buu: He's not scared...

Boy: Say Oji-san, are you a foreigner?

Buu: Foreigner?

Boy: Because we don't have such things sticking out of our heads.

Buu: Hey!

Boy: What?

Buu: Am I cool?

Boy: I don't really get it, but why wouldn't you be?

Boy: After all, you cured{healed?} my eyes with magic!

Buu: Cool, cool!

Boy: Oh yeah! I'll give you some money as gratitude.

Buu: Money?

Boy: I was supposed to buy milk, but the shop was closed.

Boy: Ehm... Here!

Buu: Not tasty!

Buu: Wait here.

Boy: Amazing! Foreigners can fly!

Man: M-Majin Buu!

Buu: Turn into milk!

Boy: Oji-san sure is late...

Boy: He's back!

Buu: Hey, money taste bad. Milk is much better.

Boy: What? Uhm...

Buu: It's ok to drink it.

Boy: Thank you.

Boy: U-Uhm, Thank you.

Boy: Really, really thank you!

Buu: Money is bad, milk is good.{x }

Buu: I am cool!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Piccolo: One more time!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Piccolo: No! Not good enough!

Piccolo: Why can't you two get it?

Piccolo: Match your timing.

Piccolo: Listen. Fusion is a unifying technique.

Piccolo: No matter how good you are at making the pose, you won't be able to succeed unless you match your breathing!

Trunks: But Goten is too slow!

Goten: No I'm not! You're too fast!

Trunks: Huh?! What?!

Goten: What?!

Piccolo: Oh, geez, stop it you guys!

Piccolo: We don't have time for this!

Piccolo: If you want to fight, do it after you defeat Majin Buu!

Main: Got it?!

Piccolo: Okay! We're continuing the training!

Goten/Trunks: Okay.

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Piccolo: Again!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Piccolo: Wrong! Once more!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Trunks/Goten: Fusion! Ha!

Overlaps,Kame: Geez, can't they just finish that thing already?

Kame: There.

Main: Koi.

Kuririn: But, can they really unite?

Bulma: It'll be fine. They can do it.

Bulma: Son-kun wouldn't lie.

Goku: Woah! That was really amazing!

Goku: And you were able to master it in only a day.

Goku: You're amazing, Gohan!

Shin: He is right. It certainly is splendid, Gohan-san.

Goku: Moreover, that Z Sword really looks sharp!

Goku: Hey, let's put it to a test!

Gohan: That's a good idea.

Goku: Let's see... Okay!

Goku: Let's try this rock first.

Goku: Okay. Let's do this, Gohan!

Goku: Try cutting this cleanly.

Gohan: I'll cut it easily like tofu, for sure.

Gohan: With this Z Sword of course.

Shin: You did it, Gohan-san.

Gohan: Yeah.

Goku: It's amazingly sharp!

Shin: Goku-san.

Shin: Next, why not try something more solid?

Shin: Goku-san, take this.

Goku: What's this?

Shin: (カッチン Kachinko, Klangite)

Shin: It is Kachinko, said to be the hardest known metal in the universe.

Goku: Woah! It's hard!

Shin: Since you insist, please try it with this.

Goku: This should be good.

Goku: Okay! Let's go!

Gohan: Leave it to me!

Goku: Ready! Set!

Goku: Go!

Gohan: N-No way!

Gohan: I-It broke...

Shin: I-I-Impossible! The Z Sword has...!

Kibito: T-T-The ultimate sword has...!

Goku: Now, look what you did. Kaioshin-sama, you were the one that said to try it against something so hard.

Shin: B-But it is said that the one wielding it shall attain the greatest power...

Kibito: T-The Z Sword is a legendary sword of this holy land!

Gohan: It seems the legend was exaggerated a bit...

Gohan: But, thanks to it, my pure strength has increased a lot.

Gohan: Due to the Z sword being so heavy.

Gohan: See?

Gohan: Maybe, when you master the sword, you gain the greatest power in the world?

Shin: I-I see!

Shin: If you've gained this much power in your normal state,

Main: then you'll gain an even greater power up in your Super Saiyajin form!

Shin: Yes, that's it!

Shin: That must be the legendary greatest power in the world!

Goku: But is it more than Majin Buu? I dunno...

Shin: B-But, Goku-san... Other than that...

Old: You're wrong.

Goku: Hm? What's with that Jiji-cha?

Shin: U-Uhm... You are?

Old: Me? Listen and be surprised.

Old: I am a Kaioshin from generations ago!

Shin: What?! A-A generation old...

Kibito: K-Kaioshin-sama!

Narrator: The legendary sword, the Z Sword, has broke.

Narrator: And just who is this old person that claims to be the Kaioshin from generations ago?

Goku: Hey, I'm Goku!

Goku: Hey, hey, a strange Jiji-cha came out of the Z Sword.

Goku: He says he's the Kaioshin-sama from the past...

Old: If I cast my super esper power on you, you'll be able to defeat Majin Buu.

Goku: Next time on Dragon Ball Kai!

Goku: Birth! Combine Super Warrior His Name is Gotenks!!

Gohan: It looks like the kids have finally mastered Fusion.

DBKai: Birth! Combine Super Warrior

DBKai: His Name is Gotenks!!

Title: Found You, Gohan!

Title: Found You, Gohan!

Title: Harsh Training in the Realm of the Kaioshin!

Title: Harsh Training in the Realm of the Kaioshin!
