02x20 - The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bones". Aired September 2005 - March 2017.*
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A forensic anthropologist and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes. And quite often, there isn't more to examine than rotten flesh or mere bones.
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02x20 - The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House"
Episode 2 x 20
Written By: Stephen Nathan
Directed by: Caleb Deschanel
Transcribed by: ziggystarduzt

Disclaimer: The characters, plot lines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.


[Helicopters fly overhead; camera pans down to a large group of varied law, military, and medical officers milling around and doing their jobs.]

[DR. TEMPERANCE BRENNAN and SPECIAL AGENT SEELEY BOOTH have just arrived at the scene. As they walk, they are briefed by MAJOR.]

BRENNAN: So no one touched the body.

MAJOR: Hell no. But we're gonna need an ID ASAP. We could be dealing with a group that's acquired nuclear material.

BOOTH: It's actually glowing?

MAJOR: Oh, yes.

BRENNAN: I'll need a video link with my lab.

[A HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT approaches from behind. He is speaking on a cell phone, as he approaches he lowers it and addresses Major]

HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT: Excuse me, Major? The reactor at Kensington is secure. All transports carrying radioactive material have been halted.

MAJOR: Dr. Brennan's gonna need a... video link up to the Jeffersonian.

HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT: As soon as possible. The rain's really slowed things up.

[Homeland Security Agent raises his cell phone again, turns around, and returns up the path.]

BOOTH: (To retreating Homeland Security Agent) Okay, thanks! (To Brennan and Major) See, uh, bodies, they don't usually glow.

MAJOR: Yeah well, that's why we're taking all these precautions.

[They arrive at the back of a van, in which there are radiation suits. Major pulls a pill bottle from his pocket and hands it to Brennan]


Alright, this is Potassium Iodide (He gestures to the radiation suits), these are your suits.

[Major grabs a kit from the back of the van and leaves]

BOOTH: Pills?

[Brennan hands Booth some pills from the bottle]

BRENNAN: Yeah. It helps the...

[Brennan swallows some pills, as does Booth]


... thyroid block the absorption of radiation.

[Booth and Brennan take the radiation suits from the back of the van and begin to put them on.]


You know, Angela turned down Hodgins again.

BOOTH: What?

BRENNAN: Hodgins proposed. Angela turned him down.

BOOTH: You really wanna talk about that now.

BRENNAN: Why not? There's been no confirmation of danger yet.

BOOTH: It's just, you know, weird, you know, talking about uh, marriage when we're, you know, trying to avoid radiation poisoning.

BRENNAN: No, what's weird is Angela thinking about marriage at all.


[Brennan and Booth, now fully dressed in their radiation suits and rejoined by Major (also in a radiation suit) approach the Stone House.]

BOOTH: People fall in love and they get married. That's what people do.

BRENNAN: I thought you didn't want to talk about it.

BOOTH: Look, I'm just saying! You know, you believe in love, don't you?

BRENNAN: I believe that dopamine and norepinephrine simulate euphoria because of certain biological triggers like scent, symmetrical features...

BOOTH: Symmetrical features.

BRENNAN: Yes, it's an indication of a good breeder. You appear to be a very good breeder.

MAJOR: (laughing) How long have you two been going out?




[Brennan and Booth accidentally knock the helmets of their radiation suits together, pause, and glare at each other]


We're partners.

BRENNAN: That's it.

MAJOR: Huh. Me and my partner talk baseball.

[Major and Brennan lower their radiation suit helmets and enter the stone house.]

BOOTH: (Calling after Brennan) You might not want to admit it, Bones, but there are some things like love that just can't be measured in your lab.

[Booth lowers his radiation suit helmet and follows Major and Brennan into the house. It is dark inside; the three shine their flashlights about. Major's radiation monitor emits strange noises.]


Oh! What's that mean?

MAJOR: Three hundred millirams. Oh, that's perfectly normal. We get a reading of three thousand or more, then we worry. It could be a w*apon.

BOOTH: Nuclear?

BRENNAN: The suits would be useless against that.

BOOTH: Oh. Great. Thanks.

MAJOR: (Gesturing) Body's in there.

[Brennan walks towards the body as another HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT agent enters the house. We see the body is a brightly glowing skeleton. Insects swarm about the skeleton, and rats scatter as Brennan and Booth approach]

MAJOR: (Looking at radiation monitor) Anybody getting an increase?

HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT: All clear! Doesn't make sense.

[Brennan kneels down beside the skeleton]

BRENNAN: Female... Mid-twenties, early thirties. Caucasian.

BOOTH: Looks like she's been there awhile.

BRENNAN: No, probably not that long. Rats and weasels work pretty quickly.

[Major removes his radiation suit helmet and steps up to Brennan and Booth]

MAJOR: There's no radiation in here.

BOOTH: Then why the hell's it glowing?

MAJOR: I don't know. But it's your problem now. All right guys, we're outta here.

[Exit Major]

BRENNAN: Multiple s*ab wounds...

BOOTH: Why? Is she glowing?

BRENNAN: ...I have no idea...No idea at all.


[Brennan, DR. JACK HODGINS, and DR. ZACK ADDY are examining the skeleton]

BRENNAN: The nicks on the ribs and haemorrhaging in the adjacent intercostal muscles are consistent with stabbing. Repeated stabbing. Someone was angry.

ZACK: Incise cuts on the left radius and ulna are congruent with defensive injuries.

BRENNAN: Still no answer for the luminescent bones?

HODGINS: It's not like we get a human light bulb in here every day. (Looking at computer) I've got mature first-instar Phaenicia Sericata about to molt. Indicates she's been dead approximately fourty eight hours. I gotta take more scrapings from the bones to analyse for luminescence.

BRENNAN: (Indicating skull) You can scrape this area.

[BOOTH enters and steps up onto the examination platform.]

BOOTH: (clears throat) Okay, squint squad, why does she look like a glowstick?

HODGINS: Why does everyone think my job is so easy?


CAM: Wow, you weren't kidding. If we twirl her around, we can pretend we're at a rave. What's the good word, Hodgins?

HODGINS: Hey, I am not a party trick!

CAM: Are you okay?

ZACK: The bones probably remind him of Waitomo Cave.

HODGINS: Not. True.

BRENNAN: I've been there! In New Zealand. It's filled with tiny glowing worms, and in the darkness it looks like thousands of stars. Very romantic.

ZACK: Yes, that's where he was going to take Angela for their honeymoon. If she'd said yes. Which she didn't.

HODGINS: Okay, look, people, Angela and I are cool. Okay? But she's... complicated. I will figure her out though. Just like these electric bones. Let's just go back to work. Okay?

CAM: All right.

BOOTH: Okay...

CAM: (referring to the skeleton) Nice bracelet. Do you need the left hand?

BRENNAN: No. Too fleshy and, no s*ab wounds.

CAM: Just how I like 'em.


[Cam has taken the skeleton's hand and is severing one of the fingers. Enter Booth.]

BOOTH: Oh, God, what are you doing? Plugging a dike or something?

CAM: The left hand was lodged under the body. A lack of exposure preserved some of the dermis. We might be able to get a print.

[Cam places the severed finger in a petrie dish]

BOOTH: From that. It's all...shrivelled.

CAM: Can you pour fabric softener?

BOOTH: Yeah. Sure. My mom used to use this stuff. I didn't know it was so, uh, scientific.

[Booth begins to pour fabric softener into a jar]


Say when.

CAM: That's good. Do you think Hodgins is okay?

BOOTH: No, not at all.

CAM: Well, they seem to be jumping each other like rabbits.

BOOTH: Well, he wants more.

CAM: How sweet.

[Cam drops the severed finger into the fabric softener]

BOOTH: Oh, you think all a man wants is sex?

CAM: No, of course not. Beer too. Chips...salsa...

BOOTH: Aw, come on, Cam. I mean, when we were together, you didn't think that we could, you know...

CAM: Get married? No.

BOOTH: Nah. Nah, me neither. I mean, but wasn't there a moment, just a moment where you felt...

[Booth notices Cam removing the finger from the fabric softener]

BOOTH: Woah! Look at that! It's a finger again! Huh!

[Cam beings drying the finger off]

CAM: You want to know what I felt, Seeley? I felt... satisfied. Very satisfied. And grateful that I had my own place, my own single life... and you were too.

BOOTH: Why are we even talking about this?

[Cam exhales and walks over to a fingerprint analysis computer]

CAM: Check this out.

[Cam scans the finger, a fingerprint loads on the computer screen.]

BOOTH: Whoooa.

CAM: One perfect fingerprint.

BOOTH: Unbelievable. All from fabric softener.

CAM: Rehydrates dead tissue, and fights static cling.

BOOTH: (Examining fabric softener bottle) Eh. Geez. Puffy soft, huh? Twenty-one loads. Look at that.


[Booth and Brennan are watching as ANGELA MONTENEGRO finds a match for the skeleton's fingerprint.]

ANGELA: Okay. Carly Victor, twenty-nine. Carly Victor?!

BOOTH: Do you know her?

ANGELA: Yeah, she's that celebrity chef.

BRENNAN: Carly's Table over on Calvert. Chef would explain the cuts to her left hand, and the burns.

ANGELA: All right, this is her MySpace page.

BOOTH: Wait a second, is that the place with the famous mac and cheese?

ANGELA: Yeah. It's like, impossible to get into.

BOOTH: Totally impossible.

ANGELA: You too?

BOOTH: Well, mac and cheese- that's God's best handiwork.

BRENNAN: She puts leeks in it, and- and little bits of pancetta. It was delicious.

BOOTH: How'd you get in?

BRENNAN: I'm a best-selling author, Booth. I get in anywhere. I took Sully.

BOOTH: ...Did he have...

BRENNAN: He said it was the best he ever ate. Why are all those pictures on her page? (Brennan points to the MySpace page on the computer)

ANGELA: It's friends, different communities she's joined...blogs, her husband, cooking videos...

BOOTH: Lot of knives in the kitchen, easy grab for one of these uh, friends to s*ab her, why don't you check the pages and see if anyone had a problem with her.

BRENNAN: I can't imagine anyone wanting to k*ll Carly. (From Angela's confused look) She came out to see if we were enjoying our meal. We talked for a while. I was... supposed to go back and see her next week.

ANGELA: Are you okay, honey?

BRENNAN: Yeah. I'm just used to victims being strangers... We should tell her husband, Booth.

BOOTH: Sure.


[Booth and Brennan enter a very busy, very trendy restaurant. They come to the front podium, where a HOSTESS is seating patrons.]

HOSTESS: Welcome to Carly's Table. Do you have a reservation?

BOOTH: Yeah, like that's possible.

HOSTESS: Oh, Dr. Brennan! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.

[The hostess begins leading Booth and Brennan into the crowded seating area]


We're very crowded tonight, so you might have to wait a few minutes.

BOOTH: (To Brennan) You can walk in here without a reservation?

BRENNAN: We need to talk to Dan.

BOOTH: Carly's husband.

HOSTESS: Oh, just a moment

[Exit hostess]

BRENNAN: She knows he's Carly's husband.

[A waitress walks by carrying a plate of macaroni and cheese]

BOOTH: Bones, Bones, Bones! Mac and cheese! Mac and cheese!

[Booth grabs some of the macaroni and cheese from the plate the waitress is carrying, and eats it]


[Brennan smacks Booth's hands]

BOOTH: (Licking his fingers) Wow. That's amazing.

[Behind Booth and Brennan, a CUSTOMER praises the food to DAN, Carly's husband.

CUSTOMER: Dan, the truffles were awesome. We'd love to tell Carly!

DAN: Uh, she's a little slammed right now, but I'll be sure to pass on the compliments, alright? Alright, take care!

[Dan walks over to Booth and Brennan]

BOOTH: So. Carly's in the kitchen?

DAN: Yeah, she's back there 24/7, you have to drag her out... Dr. Brennan, right?

BRENNAN: Yes. This is my partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth.

DAN: Hi.

BRENNAN: We know she's not back there, Dan.


[Dan has evidently been told of his wife's death. He is crying and visibly upset.]

DAN: I just can't imagine that she's... she's gone.

BRENNAN: I'm so sorry, Dan.

BOOTH: When was the last time you saw her?

DAN: Friday night. A lot of the restaurants around here have been getting robbed, so Carly didn't want to leave the cash here. She and Abby took the cash and drove it to the ATM.

BOOTH: Who's Abby?

DAN: Abby Singer. She and her boyfriend Ben are our business partners. Well, they're our friends first. Abby organises Carly's endorsements. I... I mean it's... it's not Abby as well, is it?

BOOTH: No, we... we only... we only found Carly. Has Ben heard from Abby?

DAN: Ben's uh... he's in the guard, and um, he's been gone for the weekend. He should be back in a couple hours.

BOOTH: Help me understand something here, Dan. Your wife disappears and you don't report her missing?

DAN: She would take these spur-of-the-moment trips to Atlantic City with Abby to kind of blow off steam.

BOOTH: She wouldn't tell you first?

DAN: No, she wouldn't tell me 'cause she didn't want me to say no.

BOOTH: Listen, what- what kind of car did they leave in?

DAN: She um, she had an old Volvo.

[Dan pulls a photograph of himself, Carly, Ben, and Abby with the Volvo from his wallet and hands it to Booth]


The picture was taken just before we opened.

BOOTH: I'll get a search team on it.


[Angela is examining Carly's MySpace page on her computer, when Hodgins walks in]

HODGINS: You find anything?

ANGELA: Yeah. Jealous chefs, vicious critics, fans that were a little too in love with her... fame is creepy.

HODGINS: They say chefs are the new rock stars.

ANGELA: Huh. They do deal with knives and fire and food. It's pretty sexy.

HODGINS: (Flirtatiously) Yeah?

ANGELA: Mmhmm.

HODGINS: Well then tonight? I'll take a knife and fire... and make you an orgasmic grilled cheese sandwich.

ANGELA: Oh, suddenly I am starving...

[Angela and Hodgins begin kissing. Enter Cam]

CAM: Oh good Lord, you have to stop mounting each other in the office. Doesn't marriage destroy sex? Please Angela, say yes.

ANGELA: We were working.

CAM: You were working it. A little professionalism would be nice, people.

[Cam holds up a small bottle]


I found some organic material in a cut on her left hand. Need to know what it is.

[Hodgins takes the bottle]

HODGINS: I'm on it.

[Hodgins begins to leave]

CAM: (To Angela) And you? Anything?

ANGELA: Yeah, I found out how to make braised beef, I found out that Carly loved sushi, I found out that...

[Hodgins, hearing this, stops walking away and returns to Angela and Cam]

HODGINS: Oh my God, sushi, yes! That is it. You are brilliant!

[Hodgins kisses Angela]


You're my muse. Check out all the sushi restaurants on her site.

[Hodgins turns and leaves. Cam and Angela, confused, shrug at each other.]

CAM: At least he didn't jump you.



[Booth and Brennan are interviewing BEN MICHAELSON]

BOOTH: So you were with the reserves all weekend?

BEN: Yeah, Fort Eustis, survival training. You're sure Carly was m*rder*d?


BEN: I mean, isn't there anything I could be doing? Helping you look for Abby? I mean, I can't just sit here.

BOOTH: We're doing everything we can to find her.

BEN: And you're looking for whoever's been robbing the other restaurants?

BOOTH: Mmhmm, we just don't have a description yet, that's all.

BEN: Why didn't Dan report them missing?

BRENNAN: He said that they would take off sometimes, go to Atlantic City.

BEN: Yeah, but still. The restaurant was booming. I mean, he should've known that she wouldn't just leave.

BOOTH: Listen, do you, uh... you and Dan, you havin' problems?

BEN: What? No. No, he just doesn't think sometimes. I mean, we're not in school anymore. I just would've done something. That's all. Look... Here's Abby's picture. If you need it.

[Ben pulls a photograph of Abby from his wallet and hands it to Booth]


Just find Abby. Please.


[Hodgins is examining bacteria on a computer screen, and is showing it to Cam, Zack, and Angela.]

HODGINS: The sushi got me thinking. P. phosphoreum: a bacteria that grows in seafood.

ZACK: A luminescent bacteria?

HODGINS: Exactly. Vibrio bacteria. Which, when catalysed by luciferase, causes the bones to glow. So if the knife that was used to s*ab Carly contained P. phosphoreum, it would've entered her bloodstream.

CAM: (Understanding) And it would be left on the bones as the tissue decomposed and was stripped by the rats. Seafood.

ANGELA: So that narrows it down. To...every restaurant in the area.

HODGINS: No, the tissue Cam found? It's "uni" - sea urchin. A specialty in one of Carly's favourite sushi restaurants.


[Angela has Carly's MySpace page on her computer. Cam, Booth, Hodgins, and Brennan are gathered, listening to Angela's findings.]

ANGELA: Carly's blog mentions an old friend... who's the chef at a sushi restaurant.

HODGINS: "Sushiguy23." How imaginative.

BOOTH: "Executive chef at Sushi Beat Restaurant."

ANGELA: And when we link to his page...

[Angela pulls up a picture of 'sushiguy23' and Carly making sushi together]

BRENNAN: That's Carly!

CAM: With sushiguy...

ANGELA: Yeah. And his knife.


[A line of sushi chefs, among them ERNIE SUMMERS- aka Sushiguy23- are all preparing sushi, and placing it on a bar. As Brennan and Booth enter, they all look up and greet them in Japanese, in unison.]

BRENNAN: Can you believe this place?

BOOTH: Yeah, fresh toro today.

BRENNAN: They've cherry-picked the most marketable elements of a very complex and vibrant culture and then repackaged them to turn a profit. It's awful.

BOOTH: Yeah, well, so is m*rder, okay? So just stay focused.

[Booth walks up to the bar and shows Ernie his badge. Ernie looks up, but continues preparing sushi.]


Hey Ernie, have a minute?

ERNIE: I guess... can I get you anything?

BRENNAN: No, we're just here to ask...

BOOTH: (Cutting Brennan off) Well, sure. I mean, if you have some of that, uh, fresh toro left, that would be great. (From Brennan's horrified look) What? Might as well eat lunch while we're here.

BRENNAN: You and Carly Victor were high school sweethearts, right?

ERNIE: Why, what's goin' on?

[Ernie places a plate of toro in front of Booth, who commences to eat.]

BOOTH: Uh, when was the last time you saw her?

ERNIE: Uh, Thursday of last week. What, somethin' happen to her?

BRENNAN: Do you serve sea urchin?

ERNIE: Uni, yeah, it's one of my specialties. You want some?


BOOTH: (At the same time as Brennan) Sure.

ERNIE: Is this about Dan? Did Dan find out she was with me?

BOOTH: Why? What's goin' on between you and Carly?

ERNIE: Nothin'. We reconnected on MySpace. She wanted to learn about Japanese cuisine, so I was teaching her how to make sushi.

BOOTH: Secretly? Why, because Dan hated Japanese food?

ERNIE: Because he's so jealous. Everybody loved Carly. It drove him crazy. Carly even left him once.

[Ernie places a plate of uni in front of Booth]

BOOTH: Why'd she go back? (referring to the uni) Delicious.

ERNIE: Thank you... What's goin' on? Is Carly okay?

BOOTH: Carly's dead.

ERNIE: Dan? That son of a bitch.

BRENNAN: We don't know who it was. But she was stabbed, Ernie, and we found bacteria associated with sea urchin in her system. It can only enter the body through the bloodstream.

ERNIE: What, you think I k*lled her? Why would I k*ll Carly?

BRENNAN: Well, that's more his area (nods to Booth)

BOOTH: You love her, she says that she'll leave Dan, she doesn't, you get mad. She's got the fishy virus, you got all those fishy knives...

ERNIE: Wait, wait, wait, last time Carly was here, she cut herself. And I wanted her to get stitches, but she wouldn't.

BRENNAN: I'd like to borrow your knives, Ernie, and compare them to the injuries we found on Carly.

ERNIE: You know, a lot of people have knives like mine.

BOOTH: Are you saying no? Because that really wouldn't look too good. Can I get a spicy tuna roll?


[The skeleton is laid out on a table with several computer screens around. Angela is explaining her findings to Brennan and Zack, using a computer as illustration.]

ANGELA: I fed the measurements of the knives into the computer. Angles of the blades, thickness... and compared it to the injuries we found on the bones.

BRENNAN: None of them match the damage evident on the cortical surface of the ribs, or the defensive wounds.

ANGELA: No. But, we do have one match. This knife

[Angela points to one of several knifes laid out beside the skeleton, which Zack then picks up.]


And the cut on her left hand.

BRENNAN: The knife they use when preparing the uni. That must be how it entered her bloodstream.

ZACK: Sushiguy23 was telling the truth.

ANGELA: So he's not the m*rder*r. We can still eat at the restaurant. (From Brennan's irritated look) What? Booth said the toro was fantastic.


[Angela and Brennan, having left the examination table, are now walking towards Brennan's office. As they walk, Brennan is removing her lab coat.]

BRENNAN: Are you still torturing Hodgins?

ANGELA: He loves it.

BRENNAN: Just tell him no. Put him out of his misery.

ANGELA: What if I want to say yes?

BRENNAN: You get married?

ANGELA: Sometimes your brain just shuts off, because you're... in love.

BRENNAN: One can't logically base a decision on momentary happiness.

[Brennan and Angela enter Brennan's office, where Brennan hangs her lab coat on a coat stand.]

ANGELA: Haven't you ever just looked at a guy and said, "Screw it"? ...Well, maybe not the best choice of words, okay, but... Like, when you were with Sully. Don't you regret letting him go?

BRENNAN: I made a decision. Regrets serve no real purpose. If you want to be impulsive, why don't you just say yes?

ANGELA: Because I've also got you in my head, telling me that marriage will hobble my personal and legal freedoms.

[Brennan's cell phone rings]


You're a very difficult best friend to have.

[Brennan answers her phone.]

BRENNAN: (Into phone) Brennan? (Brennan pauses to listen) I'll grab my things.

[Brennan closes her cell phone and moves back to her coat stand to grab her jacket.]


Ernie's story checked out. Carly took out a restraining order on Dan, and Dan took out a two-million-dollar life insurance policy on her. See? Marriage! It...

ANGELA: (Cutting Brennan off) Oh, just go.

BRENNAN: I'm going.

[Brennan leaves.]


[Booth and Brennan are interviewing Ben and Dan, who is looking over financial papers]

BOOTH: You guys had to shut down, huh?

DAN: Yeah, Carly's without Carly doesn't make much sense.

BOOTH: Yeah, that's gotta be rough. I mean, you know, absorbing that kind of hit financially.

BEN: Look, man, his wife was m*rder*d, and my girlfriend's missing. Money is the last thing on our minds.

BOOTH: Yeah. Right, right, yeah. I understand. It's just, I mean, here you guys are just, you know, pouring over the books.

DAN: Most of our staff live paycheque to paycheque, you know? We have to pay them.

[Brennan indicates a rack of knives on the wall; one is missing]

BRENNAN: Where's the other knife?

DAN: I don't know. It's been missing for years. Carly actually got it as a gift from the first chef that she worked for.

BOOTH: Or maybe it's just been missing since you found out about, uh, Carly and Ernie Summers.

BEN: Ernie Summers? The sushi guy?

BRENNAN: I'd like to take this set of knives.

BEN: Sure.

DAN: No.

BEN: Hey, relax, man, just let them take the knives.

DAN: (Talking overtop of Ben) These bastards cannot come in here and start accusing me.

BOOTH: Alright, Carly was meeting up with Ernie secretly. You assumed the worst...

DAN: It's not true.

BOOTH: ...Confronted her. One thing led to another...

BEN: Carly was involved with him?

BOOTH: ...Maybe Abby heard you fighting and she tried to get in the middle of...

[Dan runs at Booth]

DAN: You son of a bitch!

[Booth grabs Dan and slams him forward onto the table, then holds Dan there with one hand held behind his back]

BOOTH: She got caught up in the middle...

DAN: (Struggling) Get off of me!

BRENNAN: You know, you know I'd back down if I were you, he shot a clown once!

BOOTH: You're good?

DAN: Yes, I'm good.

[Booth lets Dan up]

BOOTH: We know about the restraining order and your drinking.

BEN: What'd you do, Dan?

DAN: Nothing, okay? We had some problems. I went into rehab.

BEN: You were drinking last week, Dan, before I left!

DAN: A couple glasses of wine, okay? The stress of everything...


DAN: Yes, and Carly.

BOOTH: Why didn't you tell us about that insurance policy?

DAN: That was Ben's idea.

BEN: This restaurant would be worth nothing without Carly. We have investors, we had to protect them.

BOOTH: But if you had a problem with Carly, I mean. You wouldn't need the restaurant. You'd still get your payday.

BEN: Take the knives. Take anything you want.

DAN: You son of a bitch. You think that I...

BEN: (Cutting Dan off) Where's Abby?

DAN: For God's sakes, you people crazy?

[Booth's cell phone rings, he answers it]

BOOTH: : (Into cell phone) Booth.

DAN: : I loved Abby. I love Carly. It was...

BOOTH: : (Into phone) Thanks.

[Booth hangs up his phone]

BOOTH: : (CONT'D) Helicopter spotted Abby's car.

[Booth, Brennan, and Ben get out of Booth's SUV and run towards where Abby's Volvo is being towed out of some bushes. There is a flurry of police activity around the scene.]

BOOTH: (To Brennan) Tell him to stay back.

BRENNAN: (To Ben) You should wait here until we can determine if she's in the car and... If she's alive.

[Brennan gets Ben to stay back. Booth runs towards RESCUE TEAM MEMBER #1]

BOOTH: You find her?


No one's in the vehicle, Sir.

BOOTH: How about the trunk?


I haven't checked yet.

BOOTH: Get me a crowbar.

[Rescue Team Member #1 grabs a crowbar for Booth. Brennan comes running towards them.]

BOOTH: Come on!

[The Rescue Team Member hands Booth the crowbar, he proceeds to pop the car trunk open. Inside is ABBY SINGER, curled up and unconscious. Brennan checks her pulse.]

BRENNAN: She's alive. Get an air evac here right away!

[Another RESCUE TEAM MEMBER #2 calls back to her]


I'll call it in!

[Ben approaches the car and leans down to speak to Abby.]

BEN: Hang on, baby, please. You're gonna be alright.


[Hodgins walks into a large tent where FBI agents are swarming Abby's Volvo for evidence. Cam is already there, also looking over the car.]

HODGINS: I don't understand. Why wasn't Abby k*lled too?

CAM: Funny, but I haven't found a written confession yet.

HODGINS: Yeah, but she's a witness.

[Cam leans down to investigate the passenger's side of the car with a small flashlight. Hodgins investigates the driver's side.]

CAM: Blood traces on the dashboard where the vinyl split. Lots of blood on the seat, floor mats... Looks like Carly was definitely k*lled inside the car.

HODGINS: Maybe whoever did this saw what he'd done and lost the stomach for it when it came to Abby.

[Cam moves around to the rear passenger's side.]

CAM: Hello, possible semen and vaginal contributions.

HODGINS: Because this wasn't nasty enough.

[Cam cuts out the portion of the rear passenger's seat with the seminal and vaginal stains. Hodgins goes around to the back of the car and opens the trunk. Cam joins him.]

CAM: Whew! Smells like a urinal.

HODGINS: She was locked up for thirty-six hours. I tell you, all she was worried about was surviving.

CAM: (Wincing) Sorry. I forgot you were buried... Look, if this is too difficult, Hodgins...

HODGINS: (Cutting her off) If I can help lock up the bastard who did this... at least someone gets justice, right?

[Hodgins lowers his microscope goggles and notices some particulates on the blanket inside the trunk.]


Woah, woah, woah, waaaait a minute...

[Hodgins picks up a particle with his tweezers]

CAM: What is it?

HODGINS: Ahhh. Unidentified particulates. The two sweetest words that I know.

CAM: I don't even wanna think about your pillow talk with Angela.


[Angela is showing her findings on the missing knife from Carly's wall rack to Brennan.]

ANGELA: The missing knife from the set is an eight-inch hollow-edge utility knife. But sharp or dull, it couldn't have made those injuries you found.

BRENNAN: So the edge was even sharper.


BRENNAN: How much can you magnify the cut to that rib?

ANGELA: I can go about six hundred times before degrading the image.

[Angela magnifies the cut]

BRENNAN: Most blades are irregular and pitted, so they show on the bone... This is a knife without imperfections on its edge.

ANGELA: Do you really think her husband k*lled her? I mean, it makes sense he would spare Abby...

BRENNAN: I don't think I'm the person to ask about psychology of relationships.

ANGELA: Mm. You know, when I said before that... you were the difficult friend inside my head... it's not necessarily a bad thing.

BRENNAN: Yeah, I know that sharing a strong emotional attachment with another human being can be a good thing. But there seems to be a disconnect between my mind and...

ANGELA: You know, I... I shouldn't have brought up Sully before. I'm sorry.

BRENNAN: It's just... If a relationship seems more than casual, I feel that I need to posit the potential problems. Probabilities of success and failure, or...

ANGELA: You get scared.

BRENNAN: (Nodding) But I miss so much, don't I?

ANGELA: I want to say no, but... yeah. You do. And so does whoever you're keeping yourself from.

[Enter Zack]

ZACK: I compared the hairline fracture on Carly's skull to the damaged dashboard. The fracture was the result of her head smashing into it. Haemorrhaging indicates it was antemortem.


[Hodgins is showing his findings on the particulates in the trunk to Booth]

HODGINS: These white shards were found in the trunk and some were caught on her socks. FBI techs also found similar shards in the old house. I'm running a chemical analysis, but I'd say this is some kind of ceramic.

BOOTH: What, like pottery?

HODGINS: Actually, ceramics are used in everything from semiconductors to medical implants. This is a very hard ceramic. It's probably eight Mohs.

BOOTH: Yeah?


BOOTH: What's that mean?

HODGINS: That is was most likely used for industrial applications. Do..hmm.

BOOTH: What?

HODGINS: No, I'm not gonna ask you again.

BOOTH: About the ceramic stuff?

HODGINS: No. Angela. No more, I'm done.

BOOTH: Oh. You're done with Angela?

HODGINS: No. But...Hey, I fell in love with a free spirit, and if getting married makes her feel trapped or something, then I'm... I'm just gonna have to deal with it.

BOOTH: Right, so you don't wanna get married anymore.

HODGINS: Sure I do.

BOOTH: You know what? This whole ceramics stuff was making more sense to me...

[Booth begins to walk away]

HODGINS: But Angela doesn't. And I don't want to drive her away like you did with Rebecca.

[Booth turns back to Hodgins]

BOOTH: Whoa, I did not drive Rebecca away. We both agreed that it wasn't right.

HODGINS: After you asked and she said no.

BOOTH: Well, when you say it like that it's...

HODGINS: If it had been right, it wouldn't matter if you were married or not, would it? Because you'd have a life together.

BOOTH: Great. Then why not get married?

HODGINS: Because then we wouldn't be able to be together, see this is all coming so clear now!

BOOTH: Not really.

HODGINS: You put on that macho front, but inside you understand.

BOOTH: I don't understand HODGINS That which the mind can't grasp...

BOOTH: Alright, you know, I'm just trying to catch a m*rder*r, but you seem to have gone way past that.

HODGINS: It means a lot, knowing that you get it, man. Most guys... not secure enough to admit that.

BOOTH: Hmm. I have a headache.

[Booth's cell phone rings. He answers it.]

BOOTH: (Into cell phone) Booth... Yeah. I'm on my way.

[Booth hangs up his cell phone and turns to Hodgins, who is walking towards him]


Abby just...

[Hodgins throws his arms around Booth's neck in a bear hug.]


(Uncomfortable)...Woke up... I need you to figure out what that stuff is. Okay. Um. It's so much easier just to fight and sh**t g*ns.

[Booth pulls Hodgins off of him, then turns and calls to Brennan]


Bones, she's awake, we're goin'!

[Booth leaves; a very happy-looking Hodgins turns back to his work.]


[Booth and Brennan are interviewing Abby, who is lying in a hospital bed, covered in bruises and cuts.]

ABBY: Uh, we had a lot of cash. There had been robberies. Carly wanted to take the money to the ATM. Her and Dan fought about it, but Carly always did what she wanted. He ran outside yelling. I...I didn't want to get in the middle of it. You're- you're sure? She was stabbed?


BOOTH: What happened when you got in the car?

ABBY: We didn't suspect anything. He must've been hiding in the backseat.

BRENNAN: Did you get a look at him?

ABBY: No. He was wearing a mask. I panicked, I uh... I tried to get out of the car. And, and he must've hit me, uh... cause the next thing I remember... is waking up in the dark. And, uh, I... I thought I'd been buried alive. Do you have any idea what that feels like?

BRENNAN: Actually, I was buried alive in a car just a few months ago with a colleague. We were able to use the air bag cannis...

BOOTH: (Cutting Brennan off) Bones. It's a rhetorical question.

ABBY: I tried to fight.

BOOTH: It's not your fault.

ABBY: Was it... (Abby sighs) Did she suffer?

BRENNAN: It was very quick.

ABBY: The, uh... The four of us were planning on taking a vacation together. After the cookbook came out.

BOOTH: We're sorry.

[Abby nods and begins crying.]


[Zack is showing his findings on the skeleton to Angela, Cam, and Hodgins.]

ZACK: I took a second look at Carly's cervical vertebrae. The damage matches an acceleration flexion-extension neck injury.

HODGINS: Whiplash.

ANGELA: Abby's car stops suddenly. Carly doesn't have her seatbelt on, she's propelled forward, slamming her head into the dashboard and injuring her neck.

ZACK: Exactly.

ANGELA: (To Cam) What about what you found in the backseat?

CAM: The vaginal secretions are consistent with Carly's DNA.

ANGELA: So she was r*ped before she was k*lled?

HODGINS: Any match on the semen?

CAM: I ran the seminal DNA through CODIS and the military database, and found a match.

[Cam turns to the computer and pulls up the seminal match profile.]


Ben Michaelson.

ZACK: Abby's boyfriend?

CAM: It would explain why he spared Abby.

HODGINS: Carly's husband said Ben was with the reserves when Carly was k*lled.

CAM: I wonder how hard it is to sneak off base.

HODGINS: He wasn't on base. He was alone in the woods doing survival training. He could go r*pe and k*ll Carly, and no one would even find out he left.


[Booth and Brennan are interrogating Ben]

BEN: You spoke to Captain Gerard? Why didn't you just talk to me?

BOOTH: Your reserve unit spent last weekend reviewing survival skills.

BEN: Yeah. We were each dropped off at isolated locations and given rudimentary supply and navigation kits.

BRENNAN: So basically, you were alone for two days. No one to corroborate your whereabouts.

BEN: What are you saying?

BOOTH: You spent two tours in Iraq. The Captain says you're one of his best men.

BRENNAN: Someone as well trained as you would've easily been able to leave your assigned location and return to your rendezvous point with no one the wiser.

BEN: But I didn't.

BOOTH: See, first I was wondering, why would a carjacker k*ll one of his victims and let the other victim stay alive? That doesn't make sense. Hey, unless...maybe there's no carjacker.

BEN: Wait, do you actually think that I-

BRENNAN: The insurance money would've given you over half a million dollars.

BOOTH: You've k*lled before. I've been in the service, some guys, they're just numb to it.

BEN: Wait, this is insane!

BOOTH: Then again, k*lling your meal ticket is one thing. And then, k*lling your girlfriend, that's another.

BRENNAN: So you locked Abby in the trunk.

BEN: No!

BOOTH: See, the one thing I don't understand? The r*pe.


BEN: What?

BRENNAN: We have your DNA from the backseat of the car. Yours and Carly's.

BOOTH: So what was it, then? Did you get turned on, thinking about k*lling her?

[Ben stands up from the table]

BEN: I want a lawyer.

BOOTH: I'll bet you do.


[Booth and Brennan are in Booth's SVU, discussing the case]

BOOTH: You know, we'll get him, Bones, alright? Don't worry.

BRENNAN: We do this all the time. You know, I should be used to it. It shouldn't bother me.

BOOTH: No, it should. Was she, uh, really gonna teach you how to cook?

BRENNAN: Yeah. I've always understood the basics of cooking, the physics of it, but... Carly said she was going to show me what it was really about. To her, she said that it was a way of... well, she said "loving," but then, she was prone to hyperbole.

BOOTH: Well hey, I mean, that's what family dinners are all about, right? Those are some of my, uh, my best memories.

BRENNAN: I'm not as cold as everyone thinks, Booth.

BOOTH: Okay, that was a leap.

BRENNAN: Just because I think marriage is an antiquated ritual doesn't mean that I don't want Angela and Hodgins to be happy. I have an appreciation and a need for emotional and physical intercourse, just like you.

BOOTH: Yeah. Sure. I mean, okay, good for you with that.

BRENNAN: Did I make you uncomfortable?

BOOTH: No. Not at all. I just wanna focus. Let's just focus on the- on the case.

BRENNAN: I did make you uncomfortable.


[Booth and Brennan are interviewing Abby again]

BOOTH: Listen, Abby, I know it's hard for you to go through this again, but do you remember hearing the carjacker's voice?

ABBY: I, I must have.

BOOTH: Close your eyes for me, okay?

[Abby closes her eyes after a moment of reluctance]


I want you to try and hear that voice again. Can you do that for me?

[Abby nods]


Does it sound familiar? Someone you might know?

ABBY: What are you saying?

BRENNAN: We're just asking, Abby.

ABBY: Why?

BOOTH: Ben's story that night, it might not check out.

ABBY: What are you talking about? Ben would ne- we're like a family. It's not Ben.

BOOTH: Abby, it's just a question we have to ask.

BRENNAN: Do you remember the car making a sudden stop?

ABBY: No. But I- I was unconscious in the trunk.

BOOTH: (To Brennan) Could that be how she broke her wrist?

BRENNAN: Possibly. Or when she was dragged, or thrown into the trunk. Abby, may I have permission to review your medical records? They could help us identify Carly's k*ller.

ABBY: But... do you think it might really be Ben?

BOOTH: It's just a possibility we have to pursue, that's all.

ABBY: Okay.

BOOTH: Thanks.

[Exit Booth and Brennan]


[Hodgins jogs up the steps of the main platform towards Zack and Angela.]

HODGINS: I did it! I found the m*rder w*apon! Or, what's left of it, anyway. I used the G.C. mass spectrometre to analyse the ceramic shards in the car.

[Hodgins comes to the computer and pulls up a picture of Carly stirring something in a large bowl. Beside her, Abby holds up a large knife to the camera.]

ZACK: The m*rder w*apon was a ceramic bowl?

HODGINS: It's not just the bowl that's ceramic. The knife is too. Booth mentioned that companies are sending her their products to endorse.

ANGELA: Wait, a ceramic knife?

HODGINS: Uh-huh.


[Brennan's cell phone rings, she answers it.]

BRENNAN: (Into cell phone) Brennan.

[Camera cuts back to Hodgins, Angela, and Zack at the lab. Throughout the following conversation, we cut back and forth between the lab and the SUV.]

HODGINS: The m*rder w*apon was a ceramic knife.

BRENNAN: (To Booth) Hodgins found the m*rder w*apon.

HODGINS: Zirconium oxide: super sharp and easy to shatter. In this case, you shatter it into a million pieces, no one knows it's a knife. Except me, of course. Using Angela's program, I matched the wounds to the blade.

CAM: Either that trunk was packed with invisible pillows, or Abby's lying to us.


CAM: Booth?

BOOTH: Yeah. Booth. Talk to me, squints, as close to English as possible.

CAM: According to the medical report, Abby's got bumps and bruises, yes. But they aren't at all consistent with the way she would've been thrown around in that trunk. She should've had more broken bones.

BRENNAN: Is there any evidence of Carly being r*ped?

CAM: None that I found.

ZACK: Me either.

BRENNAN: But... the wounds on the ribs, the directionality of impact was left to right.

CAM: Of course.

ANGELA: I fits the scenario I was working out.

HODGINS: So obvious!

BOOTH: English! Remember? Okay? How does Ben figure into all this?

BRENNAN: He doesn't.

ZACK: The injuries fit if Abby was driving when the sudden stop occurred.

BOOTH: Abby?

BRENNAN: Yes, Abby.

BOOTH: Why Abby?

HODGINS: Look, I'm Abby. (Gesturing to Zack) You're Carly.

ZACK: Why am I always the m*rder victim?


BRENNAN: (Chuckling) Zack's always the m*rder victim.


[Zack and Hodgins are now seated side by side in chairs, Hodgins imitates driving a car.]

HODGINS: I'm just drivin' along. I undo Carly's seatbelt, slam on the brakes, she goes flying into the dash. Go. Go! Fly into the dash!

[Hodgins whacks Zack on the back, Zack imitates flying into a dash.]

ZACK: The concussion disorients me.

[Zack mimes disorientation.]

HODGINS: Okay, don't overdo it, sport.

BOOTH: Okay, what are we missing here?

CAM: The Stooges?

BRENNAN: Abby's scaphoid fracture was right to left, which means she could've received that break while stabbing Carly.


[Hodgins mimes stabbing Zack. Zack raises his arm to block the stabbing motions.]

ZACK: I was wearing a punk bracelet, lots of metal.

HODGINS: Uh huh.

ZACK: That could easily fracture the scaphoid.

[Hodgins mimes a broken wrist]


BOOTH: Oh, okay, look. We know that Ben had sex with Carly in the backseat of that car. But you didn't find any evidence of r*pe.

BRENNAN: So the sex they had was consensual.

HODGINS: Thiiiis part will be left up to the imagination.

[Hodgins stands and walks away from Zack.]

BOOTH: And since there's no way to pinpoint the time the sexual activity took place...

ANGELA: Ben and Carly were having an affair.

CAM: And they did it in Abby's car? No wonder she was pissed.

BOOTH: Abby is in charge of uh, of all the equipment Carly is sent for endorsement, so she knows about the knife... so, Abby kills Carly.

HODGINS: Yes! Abby kills Carly, pulls her out of the car-

[Hodgins resumes miming the actions; grabbing Zack and throwing him to the floor]

CAM: Oh boy.

HODGINS: Drags her into the old stone house...

[Hodgins starts dragging Zack across the floor]

ZACK: (Plaintively) I don't think this is necessary.

HODGINS: ...Destroys the m*rder w*apon, leaving us little tiny shards to find!

CAM: Drives the car into the ravine, where she expects it'll be found quickly...

BOOTH: And locks herself in the trunk. Wow. But, there was no hikers in the area to find her, because she didn't count on the rain.

BRENNAN: Let's go back, Booth.

[Booth starts the siren and the SUV pulls a u-turn]


[Cannonball by Damien Rice plays over a montage of Abby sobbing in her hospital bed while Booth and Brennan stand over her.]

ABBY: (crying) Carly was my best friend. She was my best friend FADE TO: INT. MEDICO-LEGAL LAB - MAIN PLATFORM - NIGHT

[While Cannonball continues to play, Hodgins is alone in the lab arranging raw shrimp on a tray. Angela walks up behind him. The music fades.]

ANGELA: Hey, what are you doing in here? I thought we were gonna go for sushi. Ugh, it smells like sushi in here.


[Hodgins takes Angela by the arms.]

HODGINS: (Clears throat) Look, Angela. I've been thinking. You're not like anyone I've ever known. And I don't want that to change. So I'm taking you the way you are. No strings.

ANGELA: And the smell?

HODGINS: P. phosphoreum.

ANGELA: Oh, the fish bacteria?

HODGINS: Close your eyes.

[Angela places her hand over her eyes, Hodgins leads her to the tray on which he was arranging the raw shrimp.]


Be careful.


HODGINS: Okay, careful. Keep 'em closed.

[While Angela keeps her hand over her eyes, Hodgins turns to a computer and lowers the lights in the lab.]



[Angela lowers her eyes, she sees that Hodgins has arranged the shrimp on the tray to spell out "BE MY LOVE" with hearts around "LOVE". The bacteria is causing the shrimp to glow in the dark.]

ANGELA: Yes. Yes. Let's get married.

HODGINS: No. No, no, no, this is- this is not a proposal.

ANGELA: I know. That's why I'm asking you.


ANGELA: What you said here... that we're enough... just this, no pressure for more... (Angela's voice breaks) that's all that I ever wanted. Hodgins, say something.

HODGINS: You're insane.

ANGELA: Is that a yes?

HODGINS: Absolutely!

[Hodgins kisses Angela]


Okay. Okay. Um. Alright. How- how about, uh, Italy! Italy in the spring? Um, Umbria?!

ANGELA: No. Right away. Next week.

HODGINS: We cannot get a wedding together in a week.

ANGELA: We have to. One week.


ANGELA: I could change my mind. It's up to you.

HODGINS: Okay, yeah, just a small little thing then.

ANGELA: No. Big. I want a big one.

HODGINS: Totally. Insane.

[Hodgins and Angela kiss again]


[Booth is sitting at Brennan's kitchen table while Brennan finishes cooking at the counter. Soft rock plays in the background.]

BOOTH: You know, you should let me help.


[Brennan brings a bowl in from the kitchen and sets it in front of Booth.]


Cleaning up. You can do that.

BOOTH: Great. Wow! (Booth giggles) Mac and cheese!

[Brennan returns to the kitchen, gets a bowl for herself, and joins Booth at the table.]


Wow! Bones! This- this looks fantastic!

BRENNAN: Yeah? Really?

BOOTH: Oh, I mean, you shouldn't have, I mean, all this work just for me?

BRENNAN: What? No, I mean. It wasn't that much.

BOOTH: (Eating the mac and cheese) Mmm. (He gazes happily at Brennan) This is unbelievable.

BRENNAN: You like it?

BOOTH: I'd like to be alone with it. (He laughs)

BRENNAN: She said I could go with my instincts, so I put in a little fresh ground nutmeg.

BOOTH: Well, she taught you well. Thanks, Bones.

BRENNAN: Yeah, well, you know. We have to eat, right?

BOOTH: Yeah. Gotta eat. Always gotta eat.

[Music swells, camera fades out on Booth and Brennan enjoying their meals.]
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