02x09 - The Coming of Shadows

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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02x09 - The Coming of Shadows

Post by bunniefuu »

Is everything ready?

Yes. The royal liner is standing by.
We have adequate warships...

...for protection, and they're prepared
to set forth as soon as we arrive.

As soon as I arrive. You will remain here.

I must protest, Majesty.

As I expected. But someone has to
remain here, in case there is a crisis.

And you, as my prime minister,
are the first in line of authority.

I wish you would change your mind.
The doctors say your condition...

...is very delicate.
The least amount of stress...

All the more reason why
I should go now, while I still can.

What I must do cannot wait any longer.

No need for that now.

When you get to be as old as I,
the trappings of status...

...are not as important as they used
to be. I think our women are right...

...when they shave their heads
and rise above these things.

- Majesty...
- I will go among them as I am.

There's no need for further discussion.

You have always served me well,
old friend...

...and sometimes I think I do not
thank you as much as I should.


It's absolutely intolerable.

This visit by the Centauri emperor is
unacceptable to my government.

He's a monster, an aberration, a criminal!

His family is directly responsible
for strip-mining my world.

His father personally ordered
the execution of 100,000 Narns.

- But he himself did nothing, am I correct?
- A technicality!

In fact, unless I'm mistaken, the current
emperor has gone out of his way...

...to offer your world concessions
and return lost territory.

- Stolen territory!
- Whatever!


I appreciate the fact that 100 years
of blood isn't something...

...you forget overnight.
But the bottom line is, G'Kar...

...that is not my problem.
This station is open to everyone.

Now, if the emperor wants to come
and visit Babylon 5, I think it's great.

It raises our visibility, and
it helps the folks back home...

...think that maybe
we're doing some good.

So you're going to allow this,
even over my objections.

What, did I suddenly turn
invisible or something?

Yes, ambassador. The emperor
is allowed to come aboard.

Now, if this bothers you,
I suggest you stay in your quarters...

...stick your fingers in your ears
and hum real loud until it's over.

Unless you'd like to try something
as breathtakingly rational...

...as trying to open up a dialogue.

G'Kar, you are in a position
to negotiate directly...

...with the head of the Centauri Republic.

And you're wasting it on a tantrum.

I shouldn't have expected you to
understand, captain. My mistake.

I will not make it again.


Don't do something we'll both regret.

It's too late for that, captain.

Too late by far.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

A self-contained world, five miles long,
located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy...

... for a quarter of a million
humans and aliens.

A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind.

The year the Great w*r
came upon us all.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2259.
The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Back again?
That's three times this month.

- I do a lot of business here.
- Anything I can help you with?

No, thank you.
I've found what I'm looking for.

And after the emperor has made
his speech, I've arranged for him...

...to give you an audience.

- The whole thing will be recorded.
- Does he know what it's about?

He believes it's nothing more than
a progress report on your situation here.

We've taken the liberty
of writing your speech for you.

I've had experts in psycho-linguistics
working on it for weeks.

It's perfect.

Fiery but dignified, elegant but strong.

It outlines the decline of our government
and our need for change.

It also makes a few predictions
about what will go wrong next...

...with the economy and the military.

And these predictions,
they will come true?

Already arranged.


A word or two in the right ear,
a critical food shipment delayed.

The method is unimportant. What matters
is that when it comes true...

...the emperor will look weak
and shortsighted...

...whereas we have our eyes
on the future.

Well, you...
You're asking quite a lot of me.

After I make this speech, I won't be
in favor with the emperor and his court.

True. For as long as he's alive.

Which shouldn't be much longer.
I'm told his health is fragile at best.

When he passes, all that will remain
is the memory that we were right.

We must position ourselves
to move in when the time is right.

Well, I will leave you
to study the speech.

If you have any questions,
you know where to find me.

This conversation
makes you uncomfortable?

Yes. Yes, it does.

Then, for once,
we have something in common.

On behalf of the Centauri Republic,
I offer the hands of friendship.

On behalf of the Earth Alliance, I accept.

This is my second,
Commander Susan Ivanova.

Chief of Security Michael Garibaldi.
Dr. Stephen Franklin...

...the chief of staff
of our Medlab facility.

It's an honor. News of the work
you're doing here has reached...

...even the Royal Palace
on Centauri Prime.

I'm deeply moved by the knowledge that
you'd choose to stand in harm's way...

...in the interest of peace.
- Thank you.

If you'd like to come this way,
we can begin your tour.

Doctor, have you seen much of the
Vorlon? I believe his name is Kosh.

No more than anyone else sees.

He's always in that encounter suit
of his. Why?

I've never seen a Vorlon before,
in or out of his shell.

But over the centuries, we've sent
many expeditions into Vorlon space.

None of them returned. I've heard
many strange stories about them.

The first circle of the Kha 'Ri
have concluded their deliberations.

After much debate,
they have endorsed your plan.

When does the Kha'Ri feel
would be the best time?

The reception, just before
he gives his speech.

There will be greater exposure. Are you
still prepared to go through with this?


It is a strange feeling, Kha'Mak,
to know suddenly...

...that all the decisions in your life
have brought you to this place.

That there is no longer
doubt or uncertainty.

The future now consists
of only three probabilities:

In the moment that I strike,
the emperor and I will both die.

Or he will die, and I will
spend my life in prison.

Or I will fail and be k*lled.

For the first time in my life,
the path is clear.

Your Majesty, you asked to see me?

Captain, may I ask you a question?

Depends on the question, I guess.

Why are you here?
In this place, in that uniform?

Was it your choice,
or were you pressed into service?

It was my choice.

The planetary draft didn't start
until the w*r, a few years later.

I guess I wanted to serve something
that was bigger than I was.

Make a difference somewhere, somehow.

You seem interested in why people
chose to be here.

It has occurred to me recently
that I have never chosen anything.

I was born into a role
that had been prepared for me.

I did everything I was asked to do
because it never occurred to me...

...to choose otherwise.

And now, at the end of my life,
I wonder what might have been.

That's why my father taught me
to live each second...

...as though it were
the last moment of my life.

He said, "If you love,
love without reservation.

If you fight, fight without fear."

He called it "the way of the warrior."

- No regrets, then?
- A few. But just a few.

- You?
- Enough to fill a lifetime.

So much has been lost,
so much forgotten...

...so much pain, so much blood.
And for what? I wonder.

The past tempts us, the present
confuses us and the future frightens us.

And our lives slip away
moment by moment...

...Iost in that vast, terrible in-between.

But there is still time to seize
that one last fragile moment.

To choose something better.
To make a difference, as you say.

And I intend to do just that.

I want this whole section cleared.

Every entrance and exit checked and
rechecked. They'll be down any second.

From now on, nobody
gets in without proper ID.

I don't care if you recognize them
by sight or not.

I take this action without the knowledge
or permission of my government.

Neither should my aide Na'Toth
be held accountable for my actions.

The responsibility is mine alone.

I ask that my remains and my personal
property be sent back to Narn.

To my family.

My copy of the Book of G'Quan
I leave to Na'Toth...

...in the hope of her
eventual enlightenment.

What's the deal on those veiled Centauri
women who follow the emperor around?

Londo says they're telepaths,
raised together since birth.

They're linked 24 hours a day,
no matter how far apart they are.

What one sees, the others see.

Traditionally, when the emperor leaves,
two go with him and two stay behind.


Guarantees that he knows what's
going on back home, and keeps...

...the Royal Court up to speed
on what he's doing.

Did the emperor say what this
speech is about?

No, he just said it was important.
I was hoping that would be enough...

...to bring out Ambassador Kosh.
Looks like I was wrong.

That's too bad, considering what
the emperor said about the Vorlons.

He might not get another chance
to see one.

But I guess it was too much to hope for.

Well, speaking of too much to hope for,
look what just walked in.

Excuse me.

- Ambassador.
- Captain.

I see you've changed your mind
about opening up a dialogue.

I make no promises, but I will
hear what he has to say.

Okay, pal, you've got 10 seconds
to explain why you're following me.

- I need to talk to you.
- About what?

Relax, I got him. So talk.

That's what I figured.

Take him down to Holding and keep
him there until the reception's over.

Your Majesty.

I wish I'd known of your condition
when you arrived.

I could've done something,
tried something.

Your government is asking to have
you transferred to your warship.

Moving you right now could be fatal.
I want your permission...

There is something more important
than where I die.

A message you must give for me.

Well, if it's important, perhaps
one of your people should deliver it.

If I did that, the message
might never be delivered.

Now listen to me, doctor.
Listen carefully.

I hear word of this has already
reached Homeworld.

Our competitors are moving into position,
setting themselves up...

...to ascend the throne
the moment he dies.

Before that happens,
we have to rise above the others.

We must do something extraordinary.
Something unparalleled.

He said, "Just pick a target."

I'm sorry?

I believe there is a Narn colony on the
border of Centauri space. Quadrant 14.

- Londo...
- A colony? It's a listening post.

They've been using it
to spy on us for years.

By all rights, that entire
planet should be ours.

Well, then, let us take it back.

We couldn't take it
without a major as*ault.

- We would lose thousands of lives.
- I will take care of it.

Have your contacts in the military
send an expedition to Quadrant 14.

- I can only guarantee a few ships.
- It will be enough.

I hope you know what
you're doing, Mollari.

Find Mr. Morden. Bring him here.

- Londo, don't do this.
- I have no choice.

Yes, you do! Londo, please,
I know you don't listen to me...

...but I'm asking you just this
one time, don't do this!

There's no turning back
once you start down that road.

Do I have to go find him myself?

No. No, I'll go.

I'll go, and I'll bring him back.

And someday I'm going to
remind you of this conversation.

And maybe then you'll understand.

I understand just fine.

By this time tomorrow,
we will be at w*r with the Narn.

May the Great Maker forgive me.

I was ready.

I had prepared myself. I had made
my peace with the universe...

...put all my affairs in order.
I had the dagger in my hand!

And he has the indecency
to start dying on his own.

Never in my life have I seen
a worse case of timing.

Well, you'd think he could have
waited a few more minutes before...

- Who is it?
- Dr. Franklin.

Maybe it's good news.
With luck, he's feeling better.

All they have to do is prop him up
for two minutes... I'll call you back.


Just came from seeing the
Centauri emperor.

How is the poor fellow? I was so looking
forward to meeting him and opening up...

...a dialogue.
- Funny, he was looking forward...

...to meeting you too.
He had a message for you.

Given his condition, he asked me
to relay that message for him.

I have no time for threats.

He wanted to say he's sorry.


He came all the way out here, risked
his health and endangered his life...

...so that he could stand beside a Narn
in neutral territory and apologize.

For all the things the Centauri
have done to your people.

For all the things his family did.

He said:

"We were wrong. The hatred between
our people can never end...

...until someone is willing to say,
'I'm sorry'...

...and try and find a way to make things
right again. To atone for our actions."

Said it was the only choice
he ever made in his life...

...and now that's been
taken away from him.

I had... I had no idea.

No, I'm sure you didn't.

Maybe that's the biggest tragedy
of the whole damned story.

Keep this up, G'Kar, and soon you
won 't have a planet to protect.

The time. What is the time?

It has begun.

Attack. All wings attack!

Where are they coming from?
What are they?

Keep them away from the colony.

Can 't let them get past us!

You're sure it's done?

Yes, the Narns should hear about it soon.
Our forces can move in at any time.

Then I'll have to move quickly.

There's still one more thing
I have to take care of back home.

- An obstacle to remove.
- What's that?

Better you don't know.


- You!
- No, I can explain everything...

- I'm going to get you... a drink.
- I don't know...

Sit, sit, Mollari. It's not every day
I have a revelation, you know.

Two of your finest.

I've heard something, and it makes me
think there is still hope for us after all.

I'd believed your people capable
of only m*rder and pain.

But apparently there is still...

...a spark of decency
in your genetic code.

It's not much of a foundation,
I'll grant you that, but...

...it's a start.

I never thought I would be saying this,
Mollari, but...

To the health of your emperor.
And, perhaps, to your health as well.

To the emperor.

And thank you.

It's destroyed?

All of it's gone.

Who could have done this?

Centauri warships detected.
Closing fast.


Alert the Homeworld. Prepare to attack.

Who is it? Who's there?

Guards! Guards!

Chief, the prisoner's asking
to speak to you again.

Come on, Zack, give me a break.
You know the kind of day it's been.

He says it's important.

Okay, fine. Send him in.

All right, you've got five minutes.

I was sent to find you. I have a message.

I believe it will explain everything.


Hello, old friend. It's been a while.

I'm entrusting this message to
an associate of mine, who has sworn...

... to bring it to you at any cost,
including his own life.

My job on the Minbari Homeworld
is more than just representing Earth.

The president doesn 't know about
that part yet, and...

... I don 't think it'd be wise
for you to tell him.

There's a great darkness
coming, Michael.

Some of the Minbari have
been waiting for it a long time.


We intercepted a message from the
Narn Homeworld to Ambassador G'Kar.

I thought we didn't eavesdrop
on ambassadors.

We don't. This was on an open channel.
I think they wanted us to hear it.

The Centauri have launched a full-scale
as*ault on a Narn colony in Quadrant 14.

Damn it.

The bearer of this message
is one of my Rangers.

Some are Minbari, most are humans.
They've been drawn here to learn...

... to work together and prepare for
the fight ahead.


We've been here for almost two months
now, keeping an eye on things.

We are an army, Mr. Garibaldi.

- We're small, but we're growing.
- An army needs weapons.

- Are they coming through here?
- No, but we do have friends here.

And that's all I can say for now.

- Resume.
- Their job for now...

... is to patrol the frontier.
To listen. To watch.

And return with reports too sensitive
to entrust to regular channels.

They are my eyes and ears.

Where you see them, you see me.

The first reports from Quadrant 14
were confused.

They weren 't sure who was attacking.
But the returning fighters confirmed...

... that Centauri warships
were leading the as*ault.

What about our people? There were
over a quarter million of us there.

There were heavy casualties.

Most of those k*lled died in the
first few minutes of the as*ault.

As for the survivors...
You know how the Centauri are.

Now that they've taken control,
I doubt that we'll see any of them again.

I don't understand how they could have
destroyed our defenses so quickly.

I'll report more when I learn of it.

I reached out my hand...

...and he betrayed me.

He knew and he betrayed me!

In the name of our friendship,
I ask that you give them...

... every courtesy and cooperation.

I wish I could tell you more,
wish I could warn you...

... but the others don 't think it's time yet.
Stay close to the Vorlon.

And watch out for shadows. They
move when you're not looking at them.

Well, I'll be a son of a...

- Yeah?
- Yellow alert in the ambassadorial wing!

We need help fast! It's...

Zack... Zack!



That's far enough. Go to your quarters
and no charges will be pressed.

I mean it, G'Kar. You will go
to your quarters, and you will go now.

They're doing it to us again.

Step aside, Sheridan.
I won't let this happen, not again!

Then you're gonna need
all the help you can get.

Set one foot in Ambassador Mollari's
quarters, you'll be either dead or gone.

Either way, you won't help your people.

They'll k*ll everyone,
don't you understand?

They've done it before.
They'll k*ll everyone!

Then you're gonna have to decide
what's more important to you, G'Kar.

Revenge or saving the
lives of your people.

No, leave him alone.

Just... Leave him alone.

It's okay. Easy.

You should try and save your strength.

Is there anything you want?

I would very much like
to have seen a Vorlon.

How will this end?

In fire.

What makes you think you can trust
this source of yours?

Let's just say he comes
highly recommended.

- You're holding something back.
- Yes, sir.

- Why?
- I gave my word.

You're asking me to accept
sensitive information...

...without any idea
where it comes from.

I could order you to tell me.

If I told you, you'd never trust me
with anything confidential...

...knowing that someone above you
could order me to talk.

All right. Go on.

Since New Year's, we've been hearing
about another major race on the prowl.

My source tells me the rumors are true.

There may be some link to the Centauri
government. Who or what that link is...

...I don't know. But they're
definitely getting support.

And you think this other race was
behind the as*ault on Quadrant 14?

- It's possible.
- Lf it's true...

...they won't want that
information to get out.

All we have is supposition.

Sheridan's rule number 29:

Always make your opponent think
you know more than you do.

Now, if your source is right,
we may be able to play a bluff.

Majesty, we have wonderful news.

We have retaken the
Narn colony in Quadrant 14.

It fell within a matter of hours...

...and not one of our people
was hurt or k*lled in the process.

All of Homeworld is rejoicing.
We are again what we should be.

All we lack is your blessing.

He's dead.

What did he say?

He said,
"Continue. Take my people...

...back to the stars."

Mollari. What did he say, really?

He said...

...that we are both damned.


It's a small enough price
to pay for immortality.


We think we have an idea
of how we can help.

I've called a Council meeting.
I hope you'll come.


I will attend. Thank you.

For stopping me.

Ambassador Mollari, what about
the Narn civilian population?

I'm told there are over a quarter
of a million of them at the colony.

Now, will you let them return
to the Narn Homeworld?

I'm afraid we can't do that, but I am sure
that my government will find...

...some productive activity for them.
- Forced labor camps.

Simple retraining. We have no
desire to misuse anyone.

I should mention that I have just
received permission by my government...

...to send observers to the colony.
Their job will be to monitor...

...the treatment of civilians.
- They are not welcome.

We're sending them anyway.
Unless you'd like to try...

...sh**ting down an Earthforce transport.
Personally, I'd advise against it.

My people aren't looking
for another w*r...

...but they don't take kindly
to being shot at.

The observers will assess the situation,
interview the survivors...

...and put together a full report,
including as much as they can find out...

...about how the colony
was conquered so quickly.

I'm sure we'd all be interested
to find that out, ambassador.

And trust me,
if those observers do go there...

...they will find out.

I believe...

I believe that I may be able
to convince my government...

...to allow the colony's civilian
population to leave the area...

...and safely return to the Narn
Homeworld as a gesture of goodwill.

That would remove
the need for observers from Earth.

Wouldn't you agree, captain?

Under those conditions, yes.

I'm sure your gesture of goodwill...

...will be appreciated
for what it is, ambassador.

Ambassador G'Kar?

Before coming here, I received
a communiqu? from my government.

For a hundred years, the Centauri
occupied our world.

Devastated it.

We swore we would never
let that happen again.

This attack on our largest civilian colony
has inflicted terrible damage...

...and loss of life.

They have crossed a line
we cannot allow them to cross.

As a result, two hours ago my
government officially declared w*r...

...against the Centauri Republic.
Our hope for peace is over.

We are now at w*r.

We are now at w*r.

And the unfortunate death of the prime
minister so soon after the emperor...

...has had the effect of tilting
the balance of power back home.

Several competing families
have been neutralized...

...leaving the emperor's nephew
to claim the throne.

A young man who feels
as we do about the future.

For the first time in
a hundred years, ambassador...

...our people are on the right track again.

And we have you to thank for it.

You will find the new emperor's
gratitude most rewarding.

- Good day, Mollari.
- Good day, Refa.

I'm surprised. You could've asked
to be named to the Royal Court.

It would've put you in a position
to become emperor yourself someday.

That's what you want, isn't it?

I have no desire to be emperor.

No, I prefer to work behind the scenes.

The reward is nearly as great...

...and the risk far, far less.

I want to thank you
again for your help.

You may have saved the lives
of a quarter-million Narns.

So then you will give us
the cooperation we need?

On one condition.

I want you to keep me informed as to
what you and the other Rangers hear.

We've got a w*r on our hands, and we
can use all the information we can get.

Consider it done. As long as you
keep our presence here a secret.

You got a deal.

One last thing.

Aside from me, does anybody
else know you're here?

Just one other.

Hello, old friend.
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