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04x21 - Beginning of the Holy w*r

Posted: 03/10/23 10:54
by bunniefuu
Seeking the Holy Sword, Excalibur,

Arthur attempted
to infiltrate Camelot Castle.

Standing in his way were Meliodas,
Zeldris, and two other Demons.

Just as Merlin foresaw,
Arthur was chosen by the Holy Sword.

With the numerous sword skills
of countless previous heroes,

he began to show signs
of being the king of kings.

I will take back my kingdom!

The Holy Sword Excalibur.

The sword that a long line of Human heroes
imbued with their souls.

And Arthur was chosen by that sword.

Hey, Merlin,
if Arthur got his hands on that sword,

can't he defeat
Meliodas and the others by himself?

Reality is never that simple.

You're still alive?

You're still alive?

I'm sorry to say this,

but the truth is,
your att*cks were ineffective.

No way!

But you two were definitely…

We just got a taste
of how formidable that sword is.

And since we were quite bored,
it was a great way to k*ll time.

I should thank you.

Napping One, it doesn't really matter,

but your mustache…

What about my mustache?

My mustache,
the most stylish in the Demon Realm!

No way.

Arthur, your magical power
hasn't awakened yet?


It has to awaken.

Or else, there's no point.

Why would you say that?

Even if my magical power doesn't awaken,

as long as I have Excalibur,

I won't be defeated!

Arthur is going to die!

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

Meliodas has awakened as the leader
of the Ten Commandments,

the Demon Clan's elite troops.

To save Britannia,
now enveloped in darkness,

and to save her beloved from destruction,

a princess makes a decision.

The immortal order of knights,
the Seven Deadly Sins…

now rise again.


The sword is suddenly heavy.

Please lend me your strength…

just a little longer.

Boy, you've made two grave mistakes.

The first is your fatal lack of power.

That sword most likely has the souls
of Human heroes dwelling within it,

and they've been lending you their power.

But to wield such devastating power,

both your body and spirit
must be strong enough to master it.

I'm sure you think
you've trained hard enough,

but you're nowhere near the level
of those heroes from the past.

As proof of this, your body is unable
to withstand the burden, and is in shreds.

It's complete self-destruction.

And your second mistake.

You chose the wrong opponents to fight.

It's true that,

in the past, there was a Human hero
who was feared by the Demon Clan.

But that was only true
of the low-level Demons.

Remember this well.

The four of us are top-ranked Demons!


A mere Human can't hope to fight us
as an equal.

Take a look.

Even the heroes are cowering in fear.

All right, I'm done talking.

We'll have to decide how to deal with you.

Normally, anyone who acted rude to us
and the royal family

would be chopped up
and fed to the Induras of the Demon Realm,

but I wouldn't want
to subject Lord Zeldris to such a sight.

As a special favor,
I'll limit it to crushing your one heart.

Before you do that, I'll take him home.



You did well to survive, Arthur.

Was it you who spoke to me telepathically?

Thanks for the help.

Merlin, give me
the Commandment of Faith right now.

Just as you're trying to become
the Demon King so you can save Elizabeth,

don't forget your lover and friends are
risking their lives to save you, Meliodas.

Where did Merlin vanish to
all of a sudden?

Rummaging through the scraps, maybe?

She's back!

And someone's with her.

King Arthur?

Merlin, you really did
charge into Camelot?

Big Sis.

Sorry, but could you heal Arthur's wounds?


Cath, you have some serious wounds.

I'm fine. As long as Arthur is safe.

What a disgrace, Napping One.

First you get clobbered by a kid, and then
you let a girl slip through your fingers!

I was careless for a moment.
There won't be a next time.

And I'll dispose of that boy right now.


Sir Arthur?


Arthur, let go of the sword!

Big Sis! Please heal the wound quickly!

Keep your eyes open, Arthur!

No, Merlin. I can't heal it
unless the sword is removed!

Please, loosen your grip!


-Merlin, I'm sorry…

-I couldn't live up to your expectations.

How cruel!

This is way beyond cruel!

Arthur, you lied to me.


He was a boy of immeasurable talent
and unknown amounts of magical power.

When I first met him,
I sensed it was destiny.

Here I go!

In the end,
I couldn't draw out that hidden potential.


Weren't you going to show me
an unknown world?

Where is your soul right now?

Is it right in front of me?

Or still inside you?

Or perhaps…

has your soul and blood,
like all those other heroes,

been absorbed by the Holy Sword,

which is already preparing
to choose its next master?

You don't need that youngster,
I'll be the one to protect--


I'm sorry about King Arthur,
but you have me at your side.

Sir Arthur was someone
you can't replace, wasn't he?

The way Meliodas is for me.

Humans really shouldn't live this long.

What expression I should make
at a time like this,

what the state of my emotions are…

I've completely forgotten.

Right now, there's only darkness
enveloping everything before me.

Cath, don't be so down.

I know how you feel all too well.

I get it, but you have to cheer up.



Arthur, you lied to me.


Why would you?

What's wrong, Merlin?

Big Sis!

You've been crying all alone again,
haven't you?

Blessings to you, Merlin.

Big Sis.

Forgive me.

For not being able to help you.

This brings back memories.

No matter how lonely I felt,
those special words always saved me.


These are tears.

This is surprising.

It's been years.


I haven't shed any

since I tasted Meliodas' original
Demon Frog Liver Cake.

All right, Big Sis,
why don't we head to the castle?

We can't be remiss
about our next campaign in any way.

I'm no match for you, Big Sis.


I can't be affected
by a Goddess' brainwashing spells, yet…

Just don't overdo it.

No, even if it means overdoing it,

let's break your curse, and stop Meliodas
from becoming the Demon King!

I'll never forgive myself
if any more precious people are lost!

All right, please look at the map.

First, the defensive force, which will
defend our base, Liones, at all costs.

Second, the search and destroy force,

which will advance south to Camelot,
and mow down the Demon forces.

Finally, the as*ault force,
which will attack Camelot directly.

From the defensive force,
I, Dreyfus, will man the south gate.

Griamore will take the east gate.

Hendrickson the north gate,
and Jericho the west gate.

Gilthunder and I will command
the search and destroy force.

Tarmiel and Sariel will command the
search and destroy force on our behalf.

In addition,

allies from the Giant Clan's homeland
and the Fairy King's Forest will join us.

As for the as*ault force,
which will head directly to Camelot,

it will be me, Escanor, and Ludociel.

Oh, I was sure that Lady Elizabeth
would join the as*ault force.

The Seven Deadly Sins and I will join
the search and destroy force.

Perhaps you cannot bear to see
your evil lover k*lled before your eyes?

Stop it, Ludociel.

Searching for the remaining
Ten Commandments

and keeping their Commandments
from falling into Meliodas' hands

is also an important role.

Yes, and for that task,
Lady Elizabeth's help is necessary.

Thank you, Tarmiel, Sariel.

I would like to request a change as well.

I would like to have Hendrickson
accompany me as my guard.

Don't be ridiculous!

Hendrickson himself requested it.

That idiot!

I'm going, too.

-What? You too?


Hendrickson is going with you
in order to protect you, right?

Then I'm going so I can protect Margaret.

I would certainly welcome that.

After all, we are comrades
who should be fighting side-by-side.

Are you sure
you're okay with this, Zeldris?

Do you think I won't be able

to keep up with the Four Archangels
without my Commandment?

Anyway, don't forget the reason
I agreed to help you.

I'll keep that promise no matter what.

That is, once I've absorbed
all Ten Commandments

and become the Demon King.

I'll take your word for it.

Zeldris, I hope you can forgive
a brother like me.


I've made up my mind.

I'm going to release my true powers!

Once that happens,

I'll likely not only wipe the Demon forces
off the map, but Britannia as well.

That's right!

It's not an exaggeration to say everything
rests on Sir Hawk's roast shoulders!

So when the time comes,
you have to hold me back, Mom!

These outfits that Merlin made for us…

are so easy to move around in!

The clothes I make aren't this amazing.

Of course, I'm holding onto
the precious clothes you made me.

They're my treasure!

Diane, I promise you.

This time, whatever happens,
I'll protect you!



And, well…

When it's all over, you know…

Diane, will you ma…

"Ma"? What's that?

You know! Well…

At a time like this, when we are
about to clash with the Demon Clan,

how can you be flirting?

Escanor! You were there?

You two came to where I was, that is all.

No, the first ones here were…

Escanor, why are you so grumpy?

That voice…



Secret skill! Voice Mimicry!


Upgraded and back in action!

Hey, Big Sis.

After we lost to Galand,
do you remember me saying,

"For this battle,

it will be imperative that Arthur's
and your magical powers are awakened"?


What happened to Arthur
was really unfortunate.

I didn't really mean it
about you, Big Sis.

Because if your true powers were awakened,

then your curse would activate.


But now that it's come to this,
I'm depending on your help.

Please survive this, no matter what.

Thank you.

-Avenge us, no matter what!
-Wipe out the Demon Clan!

Make sure you come back alive!

-Destroy those monsters!
-They shouldn't exist in this world!

Sir Deathpierce!

-Please be careful.
-You're in my way.

Are you okay?

What's his problem?

It's all right.

He must be on edge since
he's about to go into battle, and I…


-k*ll those Demons.

That Ludociel really engulfed them
with Breath of Blessing.

Well, I'm sure he wanted

as many competent pawns with fighting
power as possible to obey his orders.

But if that's the case,

why did he choose someone
not under his spell to serve him?

Who knows?

Are you sure about this, Hendrickson?

You can stay behind with your friend.

These are the paths we've chosen to take.

I have no regrets.

Gil, make sure you bring Margaret back
safe and sound.

You be safe, too, Howzer, Griamore.

You bet.

I'll protect Princess Veronica,
the kingdom, and everything!

Now, after , years,
the Holy w*r is about to begin again.

I am sure you have people
who are dear to you!

Friends and family who cannot be replaced.

No one wants to suffer
any further loss or bloodshed.

Yes, this is the fervent desire
of every living race!

Members of Stigma! I promise you!

We will win this w*r!

The Guiding Hands of Light
will sever the Bloodline of Darkness,

and your swords and spears
will save Britannia!

That is quite enough boasting.

Grand Master Howzer, give us your orders.

This should be interesting!

Let's all live to meet again!



My magical power, Resonant,

allows me to enter my victim's mind

and control their actions!

What? Seriously?

Let me show you!

See? Like this!

And this!

Next time on
The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods,

"w*r-torn Britannia."

Like this!