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04x19 - The Holy w*r Pact

Posted: 03/10/23 10:52
by bunniefuu
To prevent Meliodas
from becoming the Demon King,

Elizabeth fled Camelot Castle.

Meanwhile, Margaret and the others
rescued Gilthunder,

but in exchange, Margaret was possessed
by Ludociel, one of the Four Archangels.

Around that time,

Zeldris had been negotiating with Merlin,
but was suddenly consumed by a light.

That light was unleashed by Ludociel
from a faraway Celestial shrine.

What is this massive expl*si*n
of magical power?


Thank goodness you're safe!

What just happened?

That was an attack launched
by one of the Four Archangels

after they detected Zeldris.

The Four Archangels?

This is our chance to take action.

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

Meliodas has awakened as the leader
of the Ten Commandments,

the Demon Clan's elite troops.

To save Britannia,
now enveloped in darkness,

and to save her beloved from destruction,

a princess makes a decision.

The immortal order of knights,
the Seven Deadly Sins…

now rise again.

Just as I thought,
this vessel is of a high caliber.



It's truly a divine light!

With this person on our side,

the people will no longer have to live
in fear of the Demons' threat!

Hendrickson! Get a hold of yourself!

Do you still intend to allow them
to be used as sacrifices?

Why did it have to be Margaret
who was chosen?

Heroic of her, is it not?

This girl willingly offered herself to me
in order to save you.

Please! Return her to how she was!

Margaret, you can hear me, right?

Answer me! Margaret!

Those evil Four Archangels!

So you all have been revived, too?

Dies Irae!


Lady Margaret!

Sir Ludociel!

Margaret! Look out!

Can't I have a drink in peace?

Elizabeth, where did you go?

Damn it!

Get back here right now, Elizabeth!

This is the perfect chance
to get rid of that girl!

Young Master,
please don't hold this against me.

This is all for your sake!

Split Tama!

Find Elizabeth and k*ll her!

Merlin, where are we?

The royal capital, Camelot.

Everyone must be confused

now that they've been released from Piety
and have come to their senses.

Fortunately, as of now,

the Demons are still under orders
not to interfere with them.

But now that negotiations have failed,

it's only a matter of time
before Zeldris mobilizes the Demon Clan.

Let's hurry!

Everyone, please stop!

All right, you filthy swine! Stop!

-It's a Giant!
-Stop or I'll eat you!

You getting spooked isn't helping!

Lady Diane?

It's a monster!

That's it!

All right!

Let's keep this up
and send them back to Liones quickly!




No way! Elizabeth?

Look out!

How can you do that to a girl's face?


Elizabeth, are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Diane! We're withdrawing! Get on now!

Oh, okay!

Failed to k*ll her?

But at least she won't be
skulking around the young master anymore.

Elizabeth, Meliodas didn't do anything
weirder than usual to you, did he?

Little pig,
now is not the time to bring that up.

He's making his brothers
retrieve all the commandments right now.

I want to keep that from happening.

We're already aware of that situation.

Yes, but isn't the captain trying to
become the Demon King for you, Elizabeth?

Even so, we still have to stop him.

If he really does become the Demon King,

he'll never be able to see us again.

That's probably what will happen.


But if we don't do anything,
you're going to die!


I'm going to be reincarnated
over and over.

When that happens,
I hope you'll be my friend again.


Even if it costs me my life,
I'm definitely going to save him.

So please,
will all of you lend me your strength?

Hurry up!

Your Majesty!
Something major has happened!

What is it? Enter!

Is it an attack by the Demon Clan?

No. Actually…

The abducted Holy Knights
and residents of Liones have returned!


How did that happen?

According to witnesses,
they reappeared as if by magic.

-Daddy, you're back!

Sorry to worry you.

Really? Is that right?

So they came through for us, didn't they?

So it was them who…


I can't just stand here like this.

Let us welcome back Liones' heroes,
the Seven Deadly Sins,

as well as Princess Elizabeth!

Seven Deadly Sins…

and my daughter.

You did well to rescue the hostages.

But I see that
some of the members are missing.

Where's Meliodas?

Oh, actually…

Gowther has been critically wounded
and is still undergoing treatment.

The captain and Ban each had business
to attend to, so they're off on their own.

I see.

Elizabeth, your eyes…

Father, there's something
I'd like to talk to you about later.


Your Majesty!

What is it now?

Sir Gilthunder has returned!

And Princess Margaret is with him!


Your Majesty,
I have caused you so much trouble.

Not another word.
All that matters is you're safe.


Those people behind you…

Are they new servants of yours?

They're not, Father.

That's not Margaret.

Elizabeth, what are you talking about?

To be precise, someone else
is controlling my sister's body.

Well, now, it has been a while.

Lady Elizabeth,

I see the curse of Perpetual Reincarnation
cast on you by your mother

is still going strong.

It's you all, isn't it?

So that's really not Margaret?

Then who are you?

Ludociel of the Goddess Clan's
Four Archangels.

Tarmiel of the same.

Sariel of the same.


That absolutely horrible
member of the Goddess Clan?

I can't believe he would take over
Princess Margaret of all people!

Did they say the Goddess Clan?

They're so divine!

What do you intend to do
with my daughter Margaret?

Restore her this instant!

Your Majesty! Please, rest assured.

So long as Sir Ludociel dwells within her,

Lady Margaret's safety is guaranteed.

Yes, but still…

More than that, having the Four Archangels
on our side when the Holy w*r resumes--

-Come with me, Hendy!


-How cruel!
-Never mind! Just come!

What the heck is with those two?

The Holy w*r…

That's right.

That's your reason
for coming here, isn't it?


To prepare for the fierce battle
against the Demon Clan,

we have come to make a pact
with the kingdom of Humans,

and gain the strength
of the kingdom's Holy Knights,

as well as the Seven Deadly Sins.

Rumor has it

you have faced the Demon Clan and saved
this kingdom and its people many times.

Most surprising of all is the fact that
your captain is none other than Meliodas.

But why do I not see him here?

So he betrayed you
at the last moment after all?

He hasn't betrayed anyone!

Take that back!

You have not changed one bit
after all this time.

It is about time
that you stop living in a sweet dream.

What greater proof is there that,
even as we speak,

Meliodas is directing Zeldris
and Estarossa in some kind of scheme?

The Bloodline of Darkness and
the Guiding Hands of Light were destined

to destroy each other.

The Demon Clan's forces may be formidable,

but if Stigma and the Seven Deadly Sins
join forces, we will have nothing to fear.

Surely this proposition
is not unappealing to you?

Our objective is to stop Meliodas.

Not to k*ll him!

But I admit that, just as you say,

it won't be easy for us to subdue
Meliodas and the Demons on our own.

Right now,
Big Sis might as well be our captain.

we will follow Big Sis' decision.

All right, it is settled.

In the name of the Supreme Deity…

In the name of the one I love…

We hereby form an alliance
between the Seven Deadly Sins and Stigma.

Is it true that a Goddess
took over Lady Margaret's body?


I have absolutely no idea
how to return the princess to how she was.

As if that weren't enough,
even Hendy's gone a little crazy.

For a Druid, the Goddess Clan
is the very object of their faith,

so it can't be helped.

I've heard that on the b*ttlefield,
a lot of Holy Knights

were actually saved by the Goddess Clan.

Don't trust them too much.

Some higher-ranked members
of the Goddess Clan

have the ability to brainwash others.


That's according to Fraudrin.

He and I have shared the same memories.

What he felt for his comrades the Goddess
Clan m*rder*d is the same as our feelings.

Well, it's not that I have any sympathy
for the Demon Clan.

I won't agree to ally
with those untrustworthy Four Archangels!

It's not my decision alone!

It's the will of the Holy Knights!

The power of the Four Archangels is real!

We had no chance
in the w*r with the Demon Clan,

but they turned the tide in a second!

And you think
that's reason enough to trust them?

Damn it! Calm down a little!

Whether we trust them or not,

if the Demon Clan is the enemy
of both the Humans and the Goddess Clan,

then at the very least,
the Four Archangels aren't our enemies.

That's all there is to it.

But that doesn't mean I'm okay

with letting them use Princess Margaret
as a vessel for the Goddess Clan,

or with striking down your hero
just because he's one of the Demon Clan.

No matter what anyone says, all right?

Come on.

Stand up, Gil!


The true Holy w*r is about to start!

But never fear!

We Holy Knights are now members of Stigma,
under the Four Archangels' command!

Sir Ludociel, a few words, if you would.

We have awakened
from our , -year-long slumber

to decide the outcome of the Holy w*r.

We, the Four Archangels,
will lead Stigma to victory!

May I ask you something?

Let's hear it.

Where is the fourth Archangel right now?

Forgive us
for interrupting your conversation,

but we wish to greet the members
of the Goddess Clan

who are offering their aid.

I am Deathpierce,

a Holy Knight
of the Pleiades of the Azure Sky.

Waillo, Arden, and Deldry of the same.

Most of the Holy Knights have agreed
to work with this Stigma faction,

but we'd like you to be aware
that this isn't the case for some of us.


The way you're speaking is extremely rude!


It is all right.


Sir Deathpierce, in other words,
you are saying you cannot trust us?

It's true that many of the Holy Knights
here were saved by the Four Archangels.

However, it's also a fact
that our captain, Sir Denzel,

met a grisly demise
because he caused a Goddess to manifest!

You mean the Human
who Nerobasta inhabited.

If I remember correctly,
he was a blood relative of this vessel.

How unfortunate.

Is that all you have to say?

Is the Goddess Clan incapable
of shedding any blood or tear?

In the past,
we made too many sacrifices to count.

And we have also felt the wrenching agony
of bidding our loved ones farewell.

It must feel the same, whether you are
one of the Goddess Clan or a Human.

That is right. We are not gods.

We shed blood and tears, just like you.

If you still cannot bring yourselves
to trust us, I can accept that.

At least…


What a pleasant light this is!

This is…

I can feel power
flowing through my entire body!

Even if we cannot be friends, let me
bestow this gift as a good neighbor.

In a w*r against the Demons,
I am sure it cannot hurt.

It seems like we had the wrong idea
about the Goddess Clan.

Let's avenge the loved ones we've lost.


We no longer have anything to fear
from those Demons!

That's right!

There is no fourth.

That is the answer
to your earlier question.

The fourth Archangel.

His name was Mael.

He was k*lled
by one of the Ten Commandments.

Father, do you remember?

The day I climbed up this tree
when I was a child?

Yes, I actually felt
my blood run cold that day.

I could see Veronica doing that, but
I never dreamed you were such a tomboy!

Well, I thought
the view would be gorgeous.

Seeing you with your hair cut like this
makes it feel like old times, doesn't it?

It was when I tried to help you
after you fell from the tree

that my power activated
for the first time.

But then, when my right eye
was different from other people's…

No, different from my family's,
it was such a shock to me

that I started hiding it with my hair.

Even though I should've known

that neither you nor my sisters
would despise me for it,

I guess I didn't want to acknowledge
that I wasn't related to you all by blood.

I still can't believe it.

No, I don't want to believe it.

That you and Meliodas were cursed
by the gods in such a way.

Or that you don't have much time left.

When all you're doing is trying to live
for the sake of the one you love,

why would fate treat you two so cruelly?

I can't let Margaret get swept up
by that fate as well.

I promise to bring Margaret
back to you, Father.

All right.

And you come back with her, too.

Because you and I are father and daughter.

I'm sorry I'm such a disobedient daughter.


For two more days,

please let me
continue to be Father's daughter.


You guys are Arbus and Solaseed who we met

at the Vaizel Fighting Festival, right?

No! We're different people on the inside.

I'm one of the Four Archangels, Tarmiel!

Likewise! I'm Sariel.

I'm rather fond of this host body,

but maybe being a pig
wouldn't be bad, either!

Next time on
The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods,

"Child of Hope."

Stay back!