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03x19 - Foxy Lady

Posted: 03/10/23 09:14
by bunniefuu

He just got off the bus.

Very good. Very good.

You know what to do.

Got you.

CABBIE: Hey, come on!

What's the matter with you?
[MUFFLED g*nshots]

What's the...? Oh!

Okay, a guy catches
two slugs in broad daylight

in front of a small crowd

and nobody saw who did it?

Come on.

I was just coming
out of the terminal.

I saw this guy laying
there and that's all I saw.



Move them back, will you?

Look what we've got
on the victim's body here.

Bus ticket, or a stub,
from San Francisco

and a first-class
airline ticket to Algiers.


Isn't that the country
with no extradition treaty?


MAN: Yeah, another
urban terror in broad daylight

and as usual, the
police haven't arrived.

Well, if it isn't Brenda Starr.

Are you still paying off
the ambulance drivers

to tip you to the juicy action?

BASSET: I was here to
see my kid off to school.

But then, it's not unusual
for a good reporter

to show up before the
police arrive these days.

Yeah, well, thanks for
stopping by, Brenda.

Listen, you guys
can't shag me off.

Listen, this is a public place.

You ever hear of
the First Amendment?

Yeah, and nowhere does it say

we have to be nice to
reporters with bad breath.

Mac, take care of him, will you?

You operate this cab? Yeah.

Were you here when it happened?

Yeah, I practically
rear-ended the guy's car.

What car?

Well, I was pulling in

to pick up a fare,

the dead guy,

when this guy pulls
over and cuts me off.

I tell you, people
drive like animals!

Yeah, just tell us what
happened, all right?

Well, I was yelling
at the driver,

and then I saw this other
guy get out of the car

and grab this guy's suitcase.

For a second I thought maybe
he was picking him up, you know?

Then I see the guy laying there.

And the other guy gets
in the car with the suitcase

and... thewp!

They take off.

Can you tell us
anything about the car?

Oh, are you kidding?

I got his license number.

They ought to take
away his driver's license.



Got any idea what
the driver looked like?

I don't know.

I was too busy taking
down license numbers.

Why don't you ask her?

It happened right
in front of her.

I'm sorry. I just don't
recognize anybody.

Look, just take your
time. Try to relax.

Well, it all happened so fast.

I was in shock. I...
I understand that.

But, please,
just try. All right?


Uh, may I have a
glass of water, please?

Oh, sure. Sure.

Um, just keep
trying, yeah? All right.

I'll be right back.



All right, run it down to me.

Well, the, uh, license number
turned out to be a rented car.

Stolen credit card.

Beautiful. Yeah.

What about the lady?

Well, it, uh, happened
right in front of her.

She's still a little shook up,
but she saw it all happen.

Is she all we've got?


Well, maybe you better

hold her hand for a while.

She may give you
something solid.

That's the kind of
duty I like, captain.

Pay dirt. What's that?

Spoke to Phil Grogan,
San Francisco Homicide.


The victim was one Kevin Mackey.

Seems he was a runner
for a Bay City mobster

by the name of Clay Zachary.

DOBEY: Zachary? Yeah.

Isn't he suspected

of masterminding a $
million bank job last month?


Hey, remember
what the cabbie said?

About what?

The suitcase.

Oh, yeah. The k*ller got it.

Right. Right.

Are you saying

Mackey might have
had the laundry list?

Well, he wasn't k*lled
for his dirty shirts.

I found a one-way ticket
to Algiers in his coat pocket.

You don't suppose somebody
was trying to rip Zachary off?

I'll buy that.

In the meantime,

your ticket to the DA's office

is that lady over there.

Oh, I'll keep a good
eye on her, captain.

Yeah, and while you watch
her, I'll finish questioning her.

Why you?

Well, I can tell just
by looking at her

that she's a fragile,
vulnerable, frightened...

I repeat, why you?

Because women
like that react to me.

They respond to my masculinity.
To my aura. To my charm.

Your cheap aftershave lotion.

Hey, captain, it's already
made the late... Jeez, I'm sorry.

DOBEY: Watch yourself!
Made the late editions already.

Gee, I'm sorry, Hutch.

DOBEY: Hey, wait a minute.

That's all right.

Look at this.

time I see that bastard,

I'm going to take his camera

and stick it in
the sports section.

DOBEY: Now, we
have to play it safe.

I want you to take her to
an out-of-the-way hotel,

someplace that's nice.

In the meantime,

be sure you keep
a low profile on her.


I'll finish questioning her.

Great. Great.

While you're writing the report,

I'll take her to the hotel.

That's not necessary.

Look, I can take
her back to the hotel

after I finish questioning her.

I don't mind. I... I do!

Hi. Here. Oh, thank you.



Uh, what are you doing here?

Do you promise you
won't laugh at me?

Oh, me? No. Of course not.

Come on in.

Oh, thank you.

Uh, why don't I just sort of
straighten up the place a bit?

Well, I was so lonely
at the hotel and, uh...

Well, maybe it's what
happened at the terminal

and maybe it's being
in a strange town

and not knowing anybody,

but I just didn't
want to be alone.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Well, I can certainly
understand that.

Oh, uh... Oh.

And I'm glad you came by
here and you thought of me.

Well, I hope you don't
get the wrong idea.

Idea? I mean, uh...

What I meant to say
is that, uh, I thought,

if it wasn't too much
of an inconvenience,

maybe I could sleep
in your spare room

or on the sofa.

Inconvenience? Oh, of
course not. Come here.

Are you absolutely
sure? Absolutely.

Are you really positive?
Because I don't want to put you out.

You can just, uh,
sleep on that bed

and I'll... sleep
here on the couch.

Oh, I am inconveniencing you!

Oh, no way. Listen,
I didn't want to...

You're not
inconveniencing me at all.

Not in the least, really.

Are you sure? Absolutely.

I want you in my bed.

I... I... I mean, I'll
sleep on the sofa here.

Listen, this is really crazy.
Maybe I shouldn't have come...

Oh, not at all! Look,
uh, are you hungry?


I'm starving.

Yeah, well, I just put a
pizza in the oven here.

Oh! There must be a bottle of
Chianti around here somewhere.

Oh, that sounds great.

You know, but first I'd
like to freshen up a little bit,

if you don't mind.

Oh, no. Not at all.

Uh, it's right there,
through that door.

Oh, okay.








Oh, am I glad you're still up.

Well, it's a little
late, don't you think?

I was just about ready to crash.

Yeah, I got to...
It's out of order.

What? It's broken.

Out of water. Oh...

So, uh, what's up?

Wait a second.


Uh, well, I tried
to call Lisa's hotel.


There was no
answer. Are you sure?

Oh, yeah, yeah. I've got a, uh,
plumber coming in the morning.

So you called Lisa's hotel
and she wasn't in, right?


Well, she's probably down at
the snack bar having a snack.

Kind of late for
a snack, isn't it?

I got it!

She was probably
taking a shower, huh?

I tell you what I'm going to do.

As soon as you're gone,

I'll just give her a
call back at the hotel

and if she's not in,

well, I'll give you a
call at home then.

Now that you mention it,

maybe it's not too
late for a snack.

Is that pizza I smell, huh?



You ought to be arrested
for doing that to a pizza.

You can get your own
pizza on the way home.


Do you have any extra...?

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
know you were here.

Uh, excuse me.


Some buddy.

Trust him with your life
and look what he tries to do.

Now, look! Starsky,
it's not at all like it looks.

Yeah? No. No.

came to the front door

in this nervous state, see,

and I told her that she
could sleep in my bed.

Well, I was going
to sleep on the sofa.

It doesn't work, huh?

"She was probably in the
shower when you called, Starsky."

Huh? You didn't tell
me which shower.

You weren't even
gonna tell me about her.

I was going to tell you,

I just didn't want you
to get the wrong picture.

Oh, I got the picture all right.

I think you both have
the wrong picture!

I can imagine what
you must think of me.

Now look what you've done.

You're trying to make
something sordid out of this.

It was a perfectly generous gift

of human compassion
and kindness.

I'm sorry.

I feel foolish of being alone.

Excuse me. I'm
going back to the hotel.

No, Lisa, you're already here.

Look, we can
order out for pizza.

Besides, I happen to know

that there is a great movie
on the late show tonight.

Come on.

You're making a big
deal out of nothing.

The three of us can watch it.

Come on.

That's right. Okay?

HUTCH: Lisa...

you know you're perfectly
welcome to stay here.

I tell you, I'm beat.
I've had a rough day.

I'm gonna grab myself a shower.

So whatever you decide
is perfectly okay by me.

Huh? Sit down, relax.
I'll be about minutes.



Look, I'm sorry. I
didn't mean to, uh...

I can imagine what
you must think.

I mean, it must look like, uh...


You mean, uh, it
wasn't really, um...?

No. It never entered my mind.

I mean, I guess I just wanted
somebody big and strong around

so I could sleep.

Well, you know, actually, Hutch
might not be the right person

to, uh... To look
for for protection.

I might not?

No. You see, he
sleeps like a rock.

You could chop down the door
and he wouldn't even wake up.

And he snores.

Snores? Yeah.

Snores. Yeah.

Neighbors are
complaining all the time.

You wouldn't catch a wink.

Well, I, uh... I feel
like such a fool.

Oh, no, no, no.

Look, the galloping gourmet

has already made
a mess of the pizza.

Why don't the two of us

grab a bite to eat on the
way back to your hotel.

I happen to know this great
shish kebab place nearby.

And they give
free palm readings.

You mean right now? Yeah.

Oh, you heard what he said.

He's very tired.

He's trying to be nice about it,

but sleeping on that sofa
is m*rder on his bad back.

Well, I guess so,

but, uh, shouldn't we
at least say goodnight?

Oh, no, no.

He'd only insist that we stay,

out of sheer politeness.

Oh, okay.

That was the best
shish kebab I ever tasted.

How did you like
that palm reader

telling you to beware
of strange hotels?


Oh, that awful place.

I'm so glad you talked
me out of staying there.

Are you sure you don't
mind sleeping on the sofa?

No. You can come
in and tuck me in later.


How would you like
a nightcap right now?


I can dig up a bottle
of Chianti somewhere.

That sounds heavenly.

But first I'd like to,
uh, powder my nose.

Your nose? Mmm.


Oh, uh, do you mind
if I use your shower?

Be my guest.

Thank you.



Mr. Springer?

You don't have to know my
name. Only Kevin Mackey's.

I want the same deal
you offered Mackey.

Twenty-five cents on the dollar.

I have half of it.

One million dollars.

And the best bodyguard
money can buy.


CARELLI: Well, I'm
sorry you had to fly

all the way down
here, Mr. Zachary,

but how was I supposed to know

that Mackey was
traveling with his old lady?

Because that's what I
pay you for, Mr. Carelli.

Due to your oversight, I
only have half my cash.

His "old lady," as you call her,

is running around
with the other half.

What I don't understand

is why she's stepping
forward as a witness.

Hey, if she's a witness,

then the cops must have
her stashed somewhere.

Quick thinking, Carelli.

And there is the cop that's
gonna show us where.


Hey, that's like a
beacon in the night.



Rise and shine, Lochinvar!


You missed reveille.

That was a real class
act you pulled last night.


I figured it made us even.




Well, I see you did just
about as well as I did, huh?

Hey, you can't read my mail!




"I couldn't sleep so I went
back to the hotel. Lisa."

Well, lover boy, you must have
made some impression on her.

She didn't even
get your name right.

Why, good morning!

If you say so.

Uh, you sleep well?

Very well, thank you.

Well, anybody for breakfast?

Well, some coffee might help.

Why not?

Coffee shop?

Oh, that sounds terrific.

Let's go. Thank you.

Well, I guess your jitters
have subsided, huh?

Oh, I feel fine now, thank you.


I guess I was just,
um, afraid of the dark.


Oh, would you care for my toast?

Thank you.

Waste not, want not.

I think I'm a little bit chilly.

I think I'll go back
up and get a sweater.

Oh! Okay?

Will you excuse me? Sure.


Uh, you forgot the check.

No, I didn't. You got it.

Just get a receipt, huh?


It won't open.

It's locked from the inside.


STARSKY: Police! Stop!


The garbage can's
not your enemy.

It is now.

What do they leave
these things here for?

Would you like some
cream and sugar?

Oh, no. Black's fine, thanks.

Hutchinson. Excuse me.

This just arrived
from San Francisco.

Some of Zachary's
known associates.

What's this?

That's the guy
on the fire escape.

HUTCH: Carelli? STARSKY: Yeah.

Warm your coffee for you?

No, it's fine. Thanks.

[QUIETLY] Are you
getting the feeling

that this is starting
to smell kind of fishy?

Like a three-week-old carp.

These guys find the
hotel where she's staying...

And shred her room.

How much do you
figure $ million is?

It's a lot of money.

I mean in bulk.

Well, that depends on
the denominations, dummy.

I mean... Yeah.

Yeah, I want a direct line

to the San Francisco
Police Department.

I want to speak
to a Phil Grogan.

No, I believe I told
them everything I know.

I wish I could do more, though.

Yeah, give me Reservations.

Phil, Starsky.

About that bank haul. You
got the serial numbers, right?

How much space would
million bucks take up?

Uh, do you have
a passenger there

listed or ticketed to Algeria

by the name of Lisa... Kendrick?


Look, you got anything
new on this Mackey guy?

I'll hold.

He did?

You got a name?



Ticket's still open?

Yeah. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Well, according to Phil,

the bank haul would take
up more than one suitcase

and Mackey had
himself a roommate.

Lisa Kendrick, who also
has an open ticket to Algiers.

Thank you very much.

Look at her.

Like the face of an
angel. Heart of a con.

Do you recognize
any of these people?


LISA: Yeah.

That's him!

Him. We know.

We also know that you're
friends with Kevin Mackey.

HUTCH: And that you were
carrying around that suitcase.

How much money did
you have in that thing?

I don't know.

I mean, when I found it, I was
too shook up to even count it.

When you found it?

When I opened up my suitcase.

You don't think I knew that
the money was in there, do you?

Come on.

You were a little more
than pen pals with Mackey.

HUTCH: And you had a
mutual interest in travel.

North Africa.

That's exactly why I
couldn't tell you guys the truth.

I knew you'd never believe me.

Try us.

Kevin Mackey and I
were living together.

I mean, he was a
very exciting guy.

And all of a sudden, one day,

he came to me and said,

"How would you
like to go to Algiers?"

He said he'd earned
some big kind of bonus.

And you had no idea
where that came from?

Well, no!

And then he was k*lled

and then I opened the suitcase

and I found the money.

He must have put it in
there after I finished packing.

Oh, uh...

Why wouldn't you
have told us that before?

Well, it's pretty
obvious, isn't it?

You were just
policemen to me and I...

I mean, I had the money
and I knew it looked bad

and I didn't want to get
into any kind of trouble.

Where's the money now?

Those men must have
found it at the hotel.

Uh, lady, they weren't
carrying satchels.

I don't know!

There wasn't that much money.

Maybe... Maybe they
had it in their pockets.


Hey, Grover. GROVER: Huh?

Come here.

You believe that?

I don't want to,
but... Me neither.

What do you need?

[QUIETLY] Check the lady
out down at the end of the table.

Keep an eye on her, will you?

Now, that's the kind of
assignment I really enjoy.


We'll be right back.
Don't go away.

I've got nowhere to go.


Excuse me. Could you tell me
where I could powder my nose?

Ah, yeah. Come
on. I'll show you.

Thank you.

Right out that door there.


Thank you very much.

That door right
there on the right.

Thank you.

It's just possible she
might be telling the truth.

Maybe not. But possible.

Come on, captain. Don't
tell me she got to you too?

More than likely she was
in on it from square one.

I know a lady when I see one.


You might be right.

But you're gonna need
a lot more evidence

than you guys have here.

HUTCH: Grover, I don't believe
you let her walk out of here.

I never thought she'd
pull a stunt like that.

Besides, she seemed
like such a nice girl.

MAGGIE: You can say that again.

Maggie, you ought to
be ashamed of yourself.

What did you think, Maggie, when
she asked you to change clothes?

When somebody offers
me a hundred bucks

for two dirty shirts
and a pair of jeans,

I just put a smile on my face

and the cash in my pocket.

ZACHARY: I don't know what
kind of game you're playing.

But you've lost.

Kevin Mackey was no knight
in shining armor, granted.

But I never dreamed
he'd be dumb enough

to do something like this.

Anyway, when he got
k*lled at the terminal,

the heat was all over
me like a bad smell.

I was a witness.

And then I found the money in
my suitcase where Kevin had put it.

Well, I knew he'd
done something dumb,

and that the money
belonged to someone,

and I knew that they'd
come looking for it.

And then when I saw my
picture in the newspaper,

I knew that sooner or
later you'd contact me.


And, uh, you were
just going to give us

a suitcase full of money?

Is that correct?

Well, of course.

I thought that
you'd be grateful.

And then maybe there'd
be something in it for me.

So that's why I told the cops
I couldn't identify the k*ller.

So you're in the clear.

Well, uh, we're very
grateful, you understand,

but there was no
money in the hotel room.

Where is it?

Cops have it.

CARELLI: I knew it.

I told you we should have
snuffed her. She's a witness.

LISA: Wait a minute.

They don't know they've got it.

The cops have the money
but they don't know it?


I'm not dumb.

I knew I couldn't carry
a million dollars around

in my suitcase,

so I went to visit one of the
romantic cops in his apartment,

and I stashed it there.

I don't believe this.

If you're lying,

it will be the biggest
mistake you've ever made.


I want to work with you.

All I want is a few grand
to get out of this town.

Which one of them has it?


She did say the
closet, didn't she?

Yeah, I already
checked that closet.

I'm telling you,
that chick lied to us!


Unless he already found it.

The carrots.


Tie him up...


if you think you can
handle that by yourself.

Well, did you get the money?


And we're not gonna play
hide-and-go-seek any longer.

Look, we did everything
but tear up the floorboards.

There's no money. [YELPS]

Ooh, let me just work
on her for a little bit.

In minutes I'll
have her begging

to tell us where that money is.

Listen, it was at his place.

Maybe Hutchinson found
it. Maybe he turned it in.

You don't really
believe that, do you?

It's the truth!

I'm going to call your bluff.

Somebody has that money.

Don't they?

Okay, cowboy.

Now, this little lady says
the money was at your place.

It ain't.

CARELLI: What do you say?

She told you it
was my place, huh?

Thank you very much.

Where did you get him?

Well, he walked in while we
were playing hide-and-go-seek.

Not him. I told you. The
other one. Hutchinson.

Uh, no, no. I'm Hutchinson.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I never could get
their names straight.

Um, it's at the
other one's place.

Uh... Starsky.

Starsky, yeah. Right.
I spent the night there.

ZACHARY: Carelli.

What do you think, Mr. Zachary?

I think that little...

lady is as slick
as a greased eel.

I think she was in
with Mackey all along.

You're a dangerous lady.

Oh, Dave, I'm so
sorry. I feel so badly...

Ken. Ken.

Well... Ken.

I was hoping that you'd get them

and learn that they
were holding me.

I was... I was just
playing for time.

What did you do with the money?

Where do you
suppose the money is?

Probably right
where she says it is.

I did hide it at Dave's place
while he was asleep. You see...

Well, I was confused
and I was so scared,

and I didn't want to keep it.

I figured that what I'd
do is I'd go out of town,

then call you and
tell you where it was.

Oh, I don't like
it, Mr. Zachary.

We grab a girl. Now we've
got a cop on our hands.

I don't want to go
after another cop...

No. We don't have to do that.

We use the telephone.

What are we going
to do with those two?

Once we get the money,
we don't need them anymore.

I'm going to give
you one last chance.

Well, we got an APB out.
We got all terminals covered.

What else can I tell you?

That you've found the
lady and she's gonna testify.


And where's
Hutchinson? I don't know.

Starsky here.

I'm going to make this brief.

I've got the girl.
I've got your partner.

Wait a second. Who is this?

Don't stall for a trace.
We want that money.

What money? We
don't have any money.

The girl says she hid
it in your apartment.

Where did you put it?

I told you. In the laundry bag.

ZACHARY: The laundry
bag. Look in your laundry bag.

Just get the money.

I'll call you back in an
hour with instructions.

Look, I don't care
about the money,

but we ain't going to
trade for any corpses.

You want that money,

you'd better have two healthy
bodies to trade, do you hear me?

I hear you. Now you hear me.

If you've got any idea of
setting us up at the drop,

you'd better buy two coffins.

Let me ask...


No luck.

Starsky, you're crazy!

I can't allow you to go out
there alone without backup.

They got Hutch and the girl.

At the first sniff of trouble,
they're gonna blow them away!

As soon as you hand the
satchel over, they're gonna k*ll you!

Nope, I can't allow it.

Look, captain,
they're very smart.

The way they've
got this thing set up,

there's no way you can cover
me without tipping them off.

Now, I'm going in there
whether you approve it or not.

The hell you are!

At least you're
gonna wear a wire.

This way, um, we may not
be there to hold your hand,

but we can come in
and clean up the mess.

Raise your shirt.


Raise your shirt!


I was thinking you could
put it on the inside...

Would you raise your shirt?

Here. Hold that.

Your hands are colder
than a dead trout's.

Turning right on th.

On the left, we have the
historic Jiffy Car Wash.

STARSKY: Sorry, folks. No
homes of the stars on the tour today.

Where's the other units?

They're all over
the area, fanned out.

Look, I want to stay off
those radio communications

as much as possible.

We'll use it only for emergency.

They may be tuned
in on a police band.


What's that?

Oh, this tape really itches.

I just had a terrible
thought, folks.

This thing's really gonna
smart when I pull it off.

Turning left on Broadway.


I'm stopped. Hold back.

You'd better pull over there.
We don't want to get too close.


Let's wait a minute.

Make sure I'm
not being followed.



ZACHARY: You have the money?

I got the money.

If you want it, you're
gonna have to turn over

Hutch and Lisa... alive.

ZACHARY: Just relax.
That's exactly the way it will be.

But you and I have a
little private business

to take care of first.

Get rid of the wire.

What wire?

I'm not stupid, Starsky.

You're not going to be out
here alone without a wire.

And by the way, I'm
watching you right now.

So if you'd like to step
out of that phone booth,

take your clothes off and
prove to me you're not wired,

I'm all eyes.

This concludes the conducted
portion of this broadcast.



so much for the wire.

He's all by his lonely now.

Where do you want to meet?

I've arranged
transportation for you.

Right directly across
the street from you

is a green sedan.

The keys are in it.

Get the money,
get in it, and go.

And go where?

From where you are now,

go north straight miles

till you come to a
deserted gas station.

Go two miles to the first
dirt road on your right,

follow that road
until you see me.

I'm taking a shortcut.

I'll be waiting for you.

I'll bet.

Look, Zachary...

I want Hutch and
the girl turned loose

before I turn over the money.


Don't worry. It will be
like a family reunion.


Why doesn't he
use the car radio?

Just drive the car, Grover.

Well, he's really
on his own now.

Let's go.


See? They're both
perfectly healthy.

May I have the money, please?

Turn them loose.

After I see the money.


I'll bring it over.

ZACHARY: No, no. You stay there.


May I just take that off you?

All right. Where's the key?

Well, I don't got it.

They're Hutch's
cuffs. He's got the key.

A little insurance.

No Hutch, no money.

He's locked himself
to the money.

The other one has the key.

are you trying to pull?

STARSKY: A little protection.

Nobody gets the money
until I get Hutch and Lisa.

Hiya. How are you doing?

Got an aspirin?

Come on, come
on. Where's the key?

Well, if you untie me, I can
find it for you in a second.

In my left coat pocket.

It was fun having
you as a houseguest.

Next time, don't leave
such a big tip for the maid.

Look, Mr. Zachary, you got
the money. I helped you get it.

So just give me ,.

I'll go to North Africa
and forget the whole thing.

Believe me.

I knew you'd have the
bottom line figured out.



LISA: Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!


Bet you were
really worried, huh?

What are you talking about?

I just saved your life.
Untie me, will you?



Just untie me, will you?

At least she doesn't
have the money.

Neither do we.

What? What's in the suitcase?

My dirty laundry.

Can you untie me?

MAN [OVER PA]: Flight
to New York, Lisbon and Algiers

will be boarding in
five minutes at Gate .

Hi. Ciao.

Dave, Ken, what a nice surprise.

Yeah, ain't it? Nice try, kid.

Let's take a look at
this suitcase, huh?

Do you think I'd leave the
country with stolen evidence?

That's illegal. Right.

Do you think I'd do
something like that?

Don't you believe me?

MAN: Miss Kendrick.

Looks like I got
here just in time.

Oh, Mr. Cavanaugh. Your check.

Courtesy of Pacific
Insurance Company.

Fifty thousand dollars.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Cavanaugh.

Bon voyage!

I'm sorry I didn't
have time to tell you,

but I contacted the
bank's insurance company,

and they were offering
five percent reward

for the stolen money.


Where did you hide it?

Now, you wouldn't
want me to tell

all a girl's secrets,
now, would you?

is the final boarding call

for flight to New York...

Oh! There's my plane.

I have got to go. I will,
uh, see you at the trial.

I guess I can afford
new ones now.




