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03x13 - The Heavyweight

Posted: 03/10/23 09:10
by bunniefuu

Hey, Jake.

Still here, eh, Spense?

Everybody else has gone home.

Yeah, just stretching
out the hours a bit.

Need all the overtime I can get.

Hey, why aren't you
sleeping in your car?

You're gonna
catch cold out here.

That's a good idea.



Get the invoice.

MAN: Yes, Mr. Gavin.

MAN: A cop?

Get him out of here.

STARSKY: You should have seen

this chick I was
with last night.

HUTCH: Yeah?

Flies L.A. to Honolulu. Uh-huh.

She don't even need a plane.

I'm telling you,
Hutch, she's an angel.

I think I'm in love.



You ought to try sleeping.

Just put it down
there. All right.

You know, if you're gonna
hoot with the owls all night,

you got to be up to soar
with the eagles in the morning.

Yeah, well, this turkey's
wings are worn down to stubs.

I just left Burglary.

STARSKY: Welcome back.

Theft of goods in
the warehouse district

is running into millions.

They think Haley
Gavin's behind it.


HUTCH: Shipping,
warehousing, trucking.

Got himself kicked
out of the unions.

Thinks of himself
as a sportsman.

Yeah, he did that waltz routine

with the Senate
anti-crime subcommittee.

Well, that's a Burglary
Division problem.

Not anymore.

Detective Frank Marchetti.

He was working
undercover down there

and they found his
body this morning.

He was married and had two kids.

Hey, let's take five. I'm
going to get some water.

All right.

Oh... Ohh!


You got any idea what
this is doing to my love life?

Making your body
firm and irresistible?

Last night I had Sharon
over for a candlelight dinner.


Nice bottle of Beaujolais
wine, soft music.

You know what happened?

Food poisoning?

Fell asleep on the couch.

Why don't you fellas
break for the afternoon?

We'll finish the job.

We're old hands at this.

You must be three
angels of mercy.

I was just telling my partner
how sore my back was.

Yeah, but we don't
need any help, do we?

We've almost got this
thing half-loaded as it is.

That's the idea, pal.

Just think of all the
trouble you saved us.

Why don't we all
work together, hmm?

You know, a happy
brotherhood of labor.

Happy hands, busy feet.

Take a hike.


Oh, I don't know. I
kinda like it around here.

Don't you like it here?

Well, it's not exactly
Palm Springs.

But it'll do.

Didn't you new
guys get the word?

What's that? What word?

We work wherever
we want to work.

And whenever we want.

Hey, just leave them alone, huh?

They're working with me.

Hey, I didn't know you
were working here, Spense.

Well, I am, huh?

We're going to finish up.

See you around.

Take care, Spense.

You got some pretty
nice moves there.

Ever do any fight...

Spense? Jimmy Spenser?

Yeah, that's me.

Jimmy Spenser?

Hey, I saw you fight
down at the Sports Arena!

Yeah, I've been around
a while, you know.

Nothing big lately, but I got
a nice warm-up tonight, huh?

No wonder these guys
give you some room!

Hey, I appreciate that.

I wasn't about to go
around with those turkeys.

Yeah, just forget it, huh?

Listen, listen. I'm just
saving my pay check, huh?

Come here. I got to
tell you something.

See these two guys,
this Berl and Cruiser?

Yeah? I'd steer clear of them.

They work for a guy named Gavin.

They play real rough.

How rough?

Well, just take my advice.

Keep your mouth shut,
mind your own business,

everything will be fine.

Let's go.

HUGGY: Hey, Spense,
didn't you take Billy Coyle

at the Garden
about six years ago?

Eighth round knockout.
The kid was really something.

Of course, he was
fighting middleweight then.

Yeah, a few thousand beers ago.

Yeah, you were really
up there, weren't you?

There was some talk about
a title fight or something?

Ranked number three.

They said he was
another Tony Zale.

And the kid's still got a
lot of good fight left in him.

Got my number one fan club.

He's the only guy I know
who still calls me "kid."

You two been
together a long time?

Ever since I seen him lay
three guys out on a loading dock

twelve years ago.

"Pro" written all over him.

Like I said to Gavin...


Haley Gavin?

What's he got to do with Spense?

Uh... he's sort of
Spense's angel.

You know, he keeps him
working in between fights

and helps get him a match
or two every now and then.

Heard a lot of
stories about Gavin.

Is it true that he's...
in with the mob?


Hey, look, we can't
be sitting around here

sucking up beer all day.

We gotta get down to the
gym and work the heavy bag.

Come on, let's go.

See you guys tonight.

Your fight? Wouldn't miss it.

Hey, that's a nice guy.

But in my day, I
didn't train on beer.

Oh, come on. You never fought.

Golden Gloves.

You think I was born
with my nose this way?

No. Your mother would
have refused delivery.


Shh, shh, shh.

Ha, ha. Go!

Now, listen.

Now, this Wayne kid is tough,

but you can get over
his left lead, all right?

A body combination,
then over. You got it?

I got it. I'm into it.

And look out for his right.

And don't box him.

And don't let him wear you out.

I got you. I remember.
Get to him early.

Right! All right.

Hey, Spense! How you feeling?

I'm feeling great,
Mr. Gavin. I'm feeling great!

The kid is really
sharp, Mr. Gavin.

He's going to give Booker
Wayne the course tonight!

Listen, this Wayne
kid's on the way up.

The eastern boys think
he's got a shot at the title.

Well, after tonight,

they'll be talking about Jimmy
Spenser for title shot, eh?

Now, look, Spense.

There's been a lot of
money put down on this fight.

And a lot of it's mine.

I won't let you down, Mr. Gavin.

You don't understand!

We don't want Booker
Wayne to lose tonight.

You let him work you
over a couple of rounds

and go down in the third.

Hey... come on, I can
take this bum, you know?

Of course you could, Spense!

But that ain't the way
it's going to happen.

I've given my associates
certain assurances.

Now, we're counting
on you, Spense.

Don't let us down.

Don't do anything stupid.

Maybe you'll win next time.

The third round.

I hold you responsible, Jeeter.

I... I could take him.

You know that. I could take him.

No, no, no.

I could have... I
could have taken him.

Come on, Jeet. I
could have taken him!


Come on, Spense!

The left! The left!

Oh, this is so exciting!

I've never seen a
real live prize fight.

Watch Spense.

Come on, keep your hands
up, keep your hands up!

Booker can take a punch. Yeah.

What's the matter? You blind?

He slipped!

All right?

All right, let's go!


All right, let's go! Keep your
hands up, keep your hands up!

Come on, Spense!


It's okay, Spense!
You're gonna be okay!

Oh, that was terrific!

Who won?


Hey, shut up!

Keep your gloves
up! Keep them up!

Come on, Spense!


All right, all right.

You all right there, kid?

I think I'm gonna be sick.

Boy, Spenser's getting k*lled.

Oh, that one's Spenser.

This is the third.

Don't let him hurt you, kid.

Just lay there a few
seconds after the count.


Come on, Spense! Go!

Get up!

Get up, Pop!

Get up!

Get up, Pop!



Come on, get up!

Get up! Get up!

Get up!

Six, seven...

eight, nine...

Okay, let's go. Let's go!

All right! All right!

That's it!

That's my dad!

What? That's my pop!

Spenser's your old man?

Yeah, ain't he terrific? Hey!

Nine, ten. You're out!


The champ! Right here!

Here's your fighter, boy.

PA]: In the third round,

the winner by knockout,
Jimmy Spenser!

Spense, you really blew it.

Do you know what
you did? I did it, didn't I?

Well, you...

Let me ask you something.

Would you let your kid
see you quit like that?

They're gonna be looking
for you. You better get out...

I don't care!

Pop! Hey, Stevie!

Oh, I was so excited
when I saw you there.

You know you
shouldn't have come.

Your mom's gonna be mad at you.

STARSKY: Congratulations, champ.

I thought he had you,

but you came through
when the chips were down.

Say hello to Sharon.



Oh, please, everybody. Spense
has gotta get dressed and...

Can you please leave
him? You too, Stevie.

Come on. Give him a break.

HUTCH: You okay?

Yeah. Look, I'm
in kind of a hurry.

You guys do me a
favor, take Stevie home?

He'll tell you where.

Yeah, no trouble.

You sure you're all right?


Look, I really appreciate you
two guys stopping by, huh?

You mind your mom, huh?



It was a good fight.

Yeah, thanks.


This whole fighting
trip really turns me on.

It's so animal.

Speaking of which...

Hutch, could you
drop Sharon and I off?

I promised her I'd show
her my Ventures collection.



Did you notice that Spenser

was in such a hurry
to get out of here

he didn't even bother
taking a shower?

Well, he probably
didn't have a date.

Yeah. Uh, Sharon? Excuse me.

Would you mind
taking Stevie home?

I got some business
with Starsky.

Hey, Sharon's going to
Honolulu in the morning.

Have a nice trip.

You keep this up and you'll be
back in the bullpen before long.

Goodnight, Stevie. Goodnight.

I smelled something back in
there more than stale sweat.

More like fear.

Yeah, well, I smell
something right here.

It's called frustration.

Spenser's is our
best lead to Gavin

and he did stand up with us.

For crying out loud,
Spense, will you hurry up?

These guys don't fool around!

All right.


Hey, wait a minute, guys.
Can't we talk this over?

You should have
taken the fall, Spense.

Because now you're
going to take one for good.

HUTCH: With love
from the boys at work.

Five'll get you ten one
Haley Gavin was behind that.

How you doing, champ?

Some kind of night, huh?

You mind telling us
what that was all about?

I don't know.

It was just a
misunderstanding, I guess.

Oh, come off it, Spense.

Gavin just knocked
your head. We can help.

You can help.

I got you.

Now, we think Gavin
has something to do

with the m*rder of a cop.

Maybe you can help us.

Didn't know that guy was a cop.

Yeah, he worked in the
warehouse district undercover.

I didn't know he was dead.

What's that supposed to mean?

Okay, look. You
guys are real handy.

I mean, you're real
good with what you do.

And I appreciate
you helping me out.

But I don't know nothing.
Just leave me alone, okay?

And I thank you.

You're welcome!

Don't remember
you on the bill tonight.

What happened tonight?
The wrong guy win?

Hey, who are you guys?

Let's just say we've
got a vested interest.

So Spenser was supposed
to play the dive routine, eh?

Only, he didn't
follow the script, right?

I don't know what
you're talking about.


Well, somebody tried to
put Spense in a box tonight.

We think it might
be Haley Gavin.

Look, if you're really
friends of Spense,

just stay out of it.

He's in enough trouble already.

I'm Detective Starsky and
this is Detective Hutchinson.

Can we come in and talk to you

for a couple of
minutes, Mrs. Spenser?

Of course. Come in.

If it's about Stevie, he's never
been in any kind of trouble.

No, no. It's not about Stevie.
It's about your husband.

I haven't seen James in
two years. We're separated.

Your husband's in
some kind of trouble.

He may be hiding somewhere.

We'd like to talk to him.

But we can't find him.
He won't come here.

I can't help you.

Maybe you don't understand.

Some people want
to hurt your husband.

You do care what
happens to him, don't you?

I used to care very much.

I stopped going to his fights.

Couldn't bear it.

Watching the man that I loved

getting brutally beaten
and calling it a profession.


Well, if he calls you,

will you let us know?

Thank you.

Thanks for your time.

Well, Spenser didn't show
up, but his two friends did.

I find that very interesting.

They got awful tight awful fast.

Spense has been at the
warehouse a long time.

If he ever decided to
talk to the wrong people...

You think maybe they're cops?

I think Jimmy Spenser

is a liability we can
no longer afford.

We read you, boss.


Just checking to
be sure you're alive.

Boy, you look a mess.

You don't get points to
neatness when you're undercover.

Besides, I overslept.


So young Lochinvar

went dashing after the beautiful
princess again last night?

I called her.

She'd washed her hair.

She was already asleep.

Mr. Excitement.

I think you're losing
your touch there.

She's crazy about me.

I can tell.

It's just that...

She's going through a very heavy
experience with her ex-fiancé.

She needs space, that's all.

Why don't you leave town?

Well... Hey, Huggy.

What's happening?

Has your intelligence
network down on flophouse row

come up with anything
on Jimmy Spenser?

Look, it ain't
easy finding a guy

who looks like
he's been in a fight.

Fits half the clientele
in that part of town.

If it was easy, we wouldn't
need a man with your expertise.

In that case...

A dude fitting
Spenser's description

checked into the
Dolphin Hotel last night.

What are we doing here?

Pit stop.

Oh, yeah.

How'd you guys find me?

We're good at what we do.

It's just a matter of time

till Gavin talks to the
same people that we did.

Look, Spenser, help us
put Gavin on ice, please.

You guys know
what you're tying into?

I mean, they already
k*lled one of you cops.

I saw it.

You see, I didn't know
Marchetti was a cop,

I thought it was some
turkey they caught stealing.

Who's they?

Gavin and his monkeys.

They hit Marchetti
over the head.

Remember I told you guys

I didn't know the guy was dead.

Looks like we got a case
we could take to the DA.

There's no way.

They already want a piece
of me for not taking the dive,

and if they thought I
knew about the cop,

my life wouldn't be
worth a cup of coffee.

What would happen
if I took the stand?

They'd go after
Jeeter or my kid.

Hey, hold it.

Look, I know you guys are cops,

but you can't fight
a guy like Gavin.

All right, you want
protection, you got it.

For you and your family.

Let me tell you something.

I learned the rules
a long time ago.

You keep your mouth
shut and you stay in line,

and that's the way it is.

We could always haul you in.

We could hold you
as a material witness.

You'd rot before I
said a damn thing.

Look, Spense, we know
you're afraid for your family.

But if we could get Gavin,

if we could lock him up,

lock him up real good,
that'd be the end of it.

Uh-uh. Just get out of
here. Just leave me alone!

I ain't gonna say nothing.
I ain't gonna be no hero.

Just get out of here.

And if you guys come
back looking for me,

I ain't gonna be any place.

I guess we just had
you figured wrong.

Thought you were a
bigger man than that.

See you around.


See you around.

Booker Wayne?

We saw your fight last night.

Beat it. Can't you
see I'm working?

After last night,
I'd say you need it.

Lucky shot.

I had him all the way.

Only Spenser forgot his cue.

Hey, Ralph. Take five, man.

What are you guys talking about?

The fix was in, Booker, my man.

Don't tell me you
didn't know about it.

Hey, man, look.

I don't need no fix

to take a bum like that.

And don't write no
checks with your mouth

that you can't
cash with the real...

Somebody paid a visit to
Jimmy Spenser last night

with bats and pipes.

Almost put him in cold storage.

Well, that's his problem.

That's cold, man.

Hey, you listen up.

All my life I've been down
with the world on my back

and nobody ever gave me nothing!

Everything that I got,
I took... with these.

So don't tell me nothing
about Jimmy Spenser,

because I don't want to hear it.

See, he just another piece of
meat between me and the title.

give you a flash, Booker.

You ain't the first one that
clawed his way out of the slime.

Come to think of it,

you ain't out of it yet.

You don't want to know
about Jimmy Spenser?

Well, maybe you
ought to find out.

Because Jimmy Spenser
is you years from now.

Think about it.

Where's Spense, Jeeter?

What's with you guys?

You're cops, aren't you?

You get the kewpie doll, Jeeter.

We're working on the m*rder of
another cop down at the docks.

Well, what's Spense
got to do with this?

He saw it happen.

He's just afraid to
stand up and be counted.

He trusts you. You could tell
him it was a smart thing to do.

He's worried about you.

If you told him to, he
might cooperate with us.

If he's smart, I hope
he's out of town already.

I hope he don't even call me.

I don't even want
to talk to him.

We thought you
two went way back.


I helped him get
a couple of fights,

but we're not really that close.

As a fighter, he's
all washed up.


Look, I gotta go.


At least there's one good
thing about crossing Gavin.

You find out who
your friends are.

Hey, Jeeter.

Where's Spense, Jeeter?

I don't know, I don't know.

I swear, I haven't seen him.

We want him, Jeeter.

He may have compounded
his error by talking to the police.


Well, a... A coup...

A couple of plain clothes cops

been trying to get
something out of Spense

about the m*rder of another cop,

but he ain't talking, honest!


I know you're gonna
do the smart thing.

Now, Spense is going to
come to you sooner or later,

and when he does,

we want to hear
from you, Jeeter.

You do understand that,

don't you, Jeeter?

Mr. Gavin.

Booker! You feeling okay?

That was a lucky punch
Spenser landed last night.

You had him all the way.

Some guys were saying that
Spense laid down last night.

That the fight was
fixed for me to win.

That's not true, is it?

You're a smart boy, Booker.

Spenser was stupid.
He let his friends down.

Well, it wasn't true, was it?

Booker, you lost last night.

The next fight won't
be that easy to set up.

But I could help you. Who knows?

You take care of your friends

and you might still
get a shot at the title.

Come down and see
Berl at the warehouse.

We'll keep you going till
the right fight comes along.

Maybe you win next time.

DOBEY: The Commissioner
wants a report every afternoon.

But how am I gonna tell him

my guys got a
witness who won't talk?

You can't hold a g*n
at his head. He's scared.

With friends like he's
got, who needs enemies?

What's the matter
with you, Starsky?

Hmm? You look whipped.

Well, he was out
chasing grouse all night.

What did you say?

I said we were out casing
a warehouse last night.

Very good.

Yeah. Now, listen.

Marchetti had just about
put the cap on this theft angle.

But Gavin's got guys working
all over the district down there.

Yeah, when the right kind
of merchandise comes in,

his guys unload it,

a good part of it
always disappears.

DOBEY: I'll tell you where.

He's got one
warehouse down there

buried under three layers
of corporate ownership.

He lays the stolen
goods in there,

later trucks them out of state.

Marchetti had that much,

but he was trying
to find invoices

to tie it into
Gavin's truck line.

And Gavin got wise
and blew away Marchetti.

Which brings us to your
witness, Jimmy Spenser.

Now, look,

the department's got
to have that testimony.

I'm not going to tell you
how to get it, just get it!

Jeet! Jeet!

What are you doing here?

If anybody sees you...

Look, I went by
your place last night,

but a couple of Gavin's
guys was watching.

I gotta get out of town.
I need some bread.

How much do you need?

Oh, four or five
hundred will help.

Spense, I ain't got
that kind of money!

Hey, we won that fight. My
cut oughta be at least that much.

Sure. Sure, kid.

Trouble is I
haven't collected it.

But I'll get it.

Where are you staying?

Where am I staying? Come on.

I'm just out walking around.

Hey, Jeet,

they're looking for me.

Okay, okay, I'll try and get it.

You check back here,

tonight, say about :.

Okay, Jeet. Thanks a million.

You know, I don't know
what I'd do without you.

Forget it, kid. Forget
it. Just get out of here.

And I'll see you at nine.

Mr. Gavin?

This is Jeeter.

Yeah, Jimmy
Spenser just left here.

He needs some
money and I told him

to meet me back
here about : tonight.

No, the gym's
not the right place.

There's too many
people hanging around.

I tell you what, Jeeter.

When he checks back,

you tell him you don't
have the money yet.

Tell him to meet you at
the warehouse on Lot Three.

And Jeeter, there's
five grand in this for you.

Yes, sir.

The... The warehouse

on Lot Three.

STARSKY: Look, we've
covered every flea bag in town.

Either he's already left
town or he's on the street.

Yeah, it looks like
Huggy's grapevine

is just about juiced out.

Why don't you go home and
get some sleep for a change?

Are you kidding? Sharon's
due in from Honolulu tonight.

You know something?

You keep this pace up, one of
these days you're gonna wake up,

you're gonna look in the mirror
and see a -year-old prune.

Well, that's part of my plan.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, Sharon happens to dig
older prunes... men. Seriously.

Her ex-fiancé was a
sexy, mature airline...


Well, I'll tell you
what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna go see
Jeeter one more time.


Sharon. Right.

Call you in the morning, prune.


I'll go too.

Hey, you got the money?

Yeah. I mean, I got it,
but I ain't got it with me.

What do you mean?

I have to... I have
to go pick it up.

Okay, I'll go with you.


I... I mean, you see, I think
they might be watching me.

So I tell you what.

I'll meet you at the
warehouse on Lot Three.

He sold you, Spenser.

out of this, Booker!

This is no concern of yours.

Yeah? Well, maybe not.

But if I don't say something,

I'm just as much of
a lowdown nothing

as you, Jeeter.

As soon as you
left, he called Gavin.

So it's going to be Gavin
waiting for you at the warehouse

and not your bus ticket.

That's a lie!

Don't listen to him!

I wouldn't do that
to you, Spense.


Jeeter, man. That's years.

I mean, you...
You started me out.

I mean, you brought me along.


I mean, that's the warehouse
where they dusted the cop!

There is no way you would
have known about that place

if Gavin hadn't
have gotten to you!

What are you going to do, man?

What am I going to do?

What do you do?

I mean, there's nothing left.

I mean, your best
friend ate you up.

I'm going to go
see this guy Gavin.

I'm going to settle
this once and for all.

I was just headed home, Jeeter.

I thought I'd stop by

and see if you'd
heard from Spenser.

Well, tell him what
you did, Jeeter.

What did you do?

He narked to Gavin.

And last but not least...

he set Spenser up.

Where is he?

Damn it, Jeeter, where is he?!

Gavin's waiting for him at
a warehouse on Lot Three.

And I told Spenser
Jeeter set him up,

but he just went on anyway.

I guess the boy just
don't care about nothing.

You're getting a
little involved here,

aren't you, Booker, my man?

Well, like you told
me before, Ace,

one day it just could be me.

And you'd stick your neck out

for a piece of meat
like Jimmy Spenser?

Well, some things stick
in a proud man's throat,

but this one about choked me.

Welcome to the
human race, Booker.

Wouldn't we be more
comfortable in the other room?


I love to be comfortable.


Aren't you gonna
answer your phone?

What phone?

That phone.

That's next door.

The walls here are paper thin.

Dave, that's your phone.

I'm on standby.

I left your number.



Come on, come on, come on.


[COMICAL VOICE] I'm sorry, the
number you have reached is out of service.


Jimmy Spenser's on his
way to Gavin's warehouse.

Gavin's waiting
for him. It's a setup.

Yeah, you're closer.
I'm on my way.


Yeah, I'll call for
a backup. Check.



I got to go.


Don't go.

I don't have much choice.

What now?

Look, don't move, huh?

Uh, I'll be back in minutes.

Uh, half an hour. Okay?

Mmm. Mmm.


Mmm, mmm!




Over here!

All right, Gavin, I'm here.

SPENSER: Let's get it over with.

Hit the deck, Spense!

Right there, big boy.

Now, slowly, on the crate.

Take a seat.

With your help, we can
put him away for good.

How about it, Spense?
You ready to go on record?

Well, after what you
guys have done for me,

it's the least I could do.

HUTCH: So you're going to give
up the fight game, huh, Spense?

Yeah, yeah. I'm through
with the docks too.

Listen, we're, uh... We're
thinking of heading up north.

Maybe Oregon. Oh, yeah?

Yeah. We're together,
and that's what counts.

LILLIAN: We're gonna make it.

You know it. Cheers.


I'll drink to that.

So your dad went after
all three of them alone.

His bare hands
against those g*ns.

No kidding?!

I'm gonna get me
one more of these.

STARSKY: So Hutch and me got
there at the end, but he didn't need us.

Wow! Pop's really a tough guy.

You'd better
believe it, short stop.

Dave? Hmm? Oh!

Sorry I'm late. I had to pick
a bag up. I'm going to Maui.

Hi there. Hi.

Uh, for how long?

Just a quickie. Oh.

Oh, Dave.


I don't know how to thank you.

I don't think I could've made

these past few
weeks without you.

Oh, well...

all you needed was a little
care and understanding.

You're not mad about
last night, are you?

Oh, no!

See, when you didn't come back,

well, I was a little restless.

So when I got
home I couldn't sleep

and I called George.


My ex-fiancé.

And he came over and
we're engaged again.

Isn't that wonderful?!



You didn't have to do that.
