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03x07 - The Heroes

Posted: 03/10/23 09:07
by bunniefuu

STARSKY: Look, I'm telling
you, it's the only way to go.

The way property is going
up now, double our money.

Yeah, what are you
going to invest with?

We'll take out a loan.

We will take out a loan? Yeah.

You know Yost in Homicide?
He did the same thing.

Bought a house, sat on it,

then he turned it over
and made a bundle.

We could do the same thing.

You asking me to live with you?

No, no, no, no, no, we're
not going to live there.

It's an investment. We get
ourselves a little fixer-upper.

Who's going to do the fixing?


Starsky, you can't
even drive a nail straight.

No, listen.

Get a little paint, a little
plaster, a few shrubs...

A roof, little
plumbing... Yeah, yeah.

How much you figure this little
venture is going to cost, huh?

I figure that, with a loan,

we could get it down for
about, uh, three grand.


No, pooled together. Oh.

Where are you going
to find this little house?

Uh, there are...
different places.

Three grand, huh? Yeah.

You can't even buy a
camper for three grand.

Oh, come on,
man, give it a cha...

Just got the coroner's
report on Wells.

Strychnine? Yeah.

That's the second
time this week.

Well, we better
get the word out.

Somebody's passing bad stuff.

Run that through R and
I, check it for similar MOs.

Wells used to work at
a meat market on Fifth.

Uh-huh. There's one more thing.

What's that? Come
on into my office.

Let's get it over with.

Hey! What?

Keep it under your hat. What?

The house.

Okay, captain, what is it?

When you check your
traps this afternoon,

you won't be alone.

You're going to have
company. BOTH: What?

C.D. Phelps, columnist
with the Dispatch,

is going to be with you.

What's he gonna do with us?

Writing a two-part
article on what he calls

the "Counter Culture
Cops: The New Breed."

Oh, boy.

Look, captain, we're involved in
a couple of possible homicides.

Things might get heavy.

So why don't you assign
this to somebody else, huh?

No way. He requested you.

He likes your track record.

Captain, we're
talking about the street.

We might have to some arm
wrestling, you know what I mean?

Hey, look, fellas,
give me a break, huh?

Give me that charming routine
for just a couple of days, huh?

The department
needs to start building

a good public relations.

Captain, we don't care
what the department needs.

Stick this Walter Cronkite in
somebody else's back seat.

Well put. [KNOCK AT DOOR]

Yeah, I'll be with
you in a minute.

No way, captain.
WOMAN: Captain Dobey.

This C.D. Phelps
character is out.

I'm C.D. Phelps.


How do you do, Miss Phelps?


Chris. Chris.

DOBEY: Well, I suppose
introductions would be in order.

This is Detective
Sergeant Hutchinson

Ken. Ken, hello.

And Detective Sergeant Starsky.

Hi. I'm Dave. CHRIS: Hello.

Dave, yes!

I'm looking so forward to
working with both of you.

Chris, we may have
to change those plans.

Uh, captain, might we
have a... word with you?

Yeah, okay.

Would you excuse
us a moment, please?

Oh, certainly.

Just make yourself
comfortable. Have a seat.

Oh, thank you. Yes.

All right, Starsky, what is it?

Well, captain, uh, I think
that if it's just for a few days,

I... I think we can manage it.

Don't you think so, Hutch?

Oh, yeah.

I-I don't see any reason why
we can't handle it, captain.

Boy, you guys are all heart.


All right, here's
what I'm going to do.

I'm going to take you off
everything but the dope.

I don't want you to
answer in-progress calls.

Don't concern yourself
about any case...

but this particular one.


Now, she's very important to us

because the department
needs a good image.

Oh, yeah.

Show her your
best. Okay, fellas?

You got it, captain.


You got something
for the breath?



It's a little gamy, isn't it?

Here, give me that.

Do you mind? What?

Get germs all over my freshener.

Here. Keep it.


I'm not out to do a hatchet
job, guys. I'm after a story.

Uh, either of you
familiar with my column?

Oh, yeah, sure. Oh, yeah.

The Dispatch? I
read it every morning.

Oh, that's good. Then
you know what I'm after.

There is a whole new
breed of cop out there.

And we're it.

I want my readers
to know about you.

I want them to know, uh,
how you perceive crime,

how you relate to each other.

I can only do this by
first-hand experience.

It's the only way
I can capture you.

Any time.

That goes for me too.
Good. That's good.

Well, then maybe you
can just fill me in here

and tell me what
you're working on.

Hutch. CHRIS: Okay, good.

Oh, yeah.

Uh, two pushers,
both dead, strychnine.

We're trying to
find out the supplier,

get the word out on the street.

Uh, they're sampling
their own stuff?


Well, a lot of
pushers are users.

That's how they
support their habit.

Isn't strychnine
hard to come by?

Uh, not in rat poison.

I see. But that was banned.

Oh, that's only
over the counter.


People's old storerooms,
garages, things like that.

I see.

units near Fifth and Mason,

drunk causing disturbance.

That's only a couple
of blocks from here.


Well, aren't you
going to answer that?

Oh, we'll, uh, let somebody
else take care of it.


Uh, so, Christine?

Chris. Chris?


Tell me about yourself.
Have you been writing long?


RADIO]: They're in the gate.

And they're off.
It's Expensive Girl

breaking out on top.

Uh, Tony?

You Tony?

Cool Jazz in fourth place...

Yeah, what can I do for you?

Oh, what do you want?

Hey, Tony.

Just a little information.

HUTCH: Know a man by the name
of Wells? He used to work here.

Never heard of him.

Cool Jazz,

Expensive Girl and King Ba...

You're really loaded with
personality, aren't you?

Can't you see I'm busy here?



Would you look at
the size of that thing?

Oh, the meat? No.

The fly.

HUTCH: Oh, yeah, look at that.

There's another one.

Well, catch this one over here.

He's a big one too.


Now, what do you think we ought
to tell the Health Department?

All right. So Wells
worked here a short time.

Our galloping gourmet
has got a tongue.

What do you know about him?

Oh, he was a hype.

Found out he was pushing
stuff on the side, so I let him go.


Two or three months back.

Where'd he get his stuff?

Hey, hey, no way am
I messed up in that.

What about friends?
He hang out any place?

TONY: Oh, there was some place.

I think they
called it O'Riley's.

He used to sh**t
pool down there.

Enough, huh? I got work to do.

Thanks, Tony.
You've been a big help.

Prime cut.

Coming around the park turn,

it's King Bangor by a
length, Foolish Pride by two,

an in third place Firefoot.

And heading for the stretch,

it's King Bangor by a length,

Foolish Pride coming
up on the outside.

It's King Bangor...

Anybody hungry?
You got to be kidding.

After that? Well, man's
got to feed himself.

Well, what did you have in mind?

Watch this. Well, you name it.

Chinese, Russian,
French, Italian, Japanese...

How about an apple?

How about I'm buying?

How about French?
How about a hamburger?

How about I'm dieting? Oh.

Uh, you're not really
hungry, are you?

Forget it, will you?
She's more my type.

Five dollars says she
isn't. You got yourself a bet.

Ah, let me help you, huh?

Oh, thanks.

Be careful with this.
Don't drop it. Right.

Okay? Fine.

Thank you.

You are coming?

Uh, shall I roll up the window?

Is it too much on
you? Too much wind?

No, no, I like it. Oh, so do I.

You know, you
have beautiful hair.

Thank you, thank you.

Your column's not bad either.

Who is it?

STARSKY: It's us,
Roxy. Starsky and Hutch.

HUTCH: Roxy?

Oh, it's okay. She's with us.

On assignment.

Oh, lucky lady.

Well, what are you standing
there for? Come on in.

Let's have a
party. Guys, ladies.


You know, you could
be bad for business.

Well, we don't want to
spoil your action, Roxy.

We just wanted to ask
you some questions.

Sorry, pal.


You know, I could do better.

Well, what can I get you?

Um, maybe some
coffee or some tea.

Oh, God, I don't have any
coffee. I don't have any tea.

Uh, how about a glass of water?

How about an aspirin?


Well, what can I
do you for, huh?

You had a friend,
didn't you, named Wells?

Jimmy? Yeah.

He used to hang out
downstairs. What about him?

He OD'd.

Well, lucky for me he
was an old customer.

A man is dead, you're
gonna joke about it?

Hey, look, we got to get our
laughs where we can get them.

And we all got
our own bad habits.

What are you coming to me for?

Wells got hold
of some bad stuff.

It was cut with strychnine.

Oh, yeah?

We thought you could
tell us who he bought from.

Well, uh, he used to,
uh, deal with Eddie Lobo.

Lobo's doing time.
You know that.

Well, then, after that, he
just started shopping around.

You know, everybody, anybody
who could ever supply him.

Then he just stopped coming in.

Well, look, you hear
anything, you contact us, huh?

Yeah, sure. Okay.

Pass the word. Hey, Hutch.


Business hasn't
been too good lately.


Here, get yourself
something pretty.

Hey, why don't you come
back sometime off duty.

It's on the house.

Well, I'm afraid my catechism
teacher would have a fit.


STARSKY: Hey, uh... HUTCH: Mmm?

Don't you think we
ought to start sharing

the driving responsibilities?

Why? Your car.

I'm just trying to figure out
what's going on in her head.

I don't know. Mmm.

But I sure like
where her legs are.

Oh, come on, Starsky,
what's the matter with you?

Here I am trying to
understand the core,

the complexity of a personality,

and all you can
talk about are legs?

Come on.

STARSKY: Did you notice
the way she slides into the car?

HUTCH: Pure...


CHRIS: What about this Roxy?

Well, what about her?

She's a hooker. Yeah.

You said she uses,
maybe even pushes.

That's right. Why do
you allow her to operate?

Well, same reason we allow...

Off the record,

it's the same reason we
allow a lot of people to operate.

We need them.

In other words,

it's okay to break the law
as long as you're useful?

Well, that's not exactly...

It's not exactly what he meant.

You can turn that back on.

We need our link to the street.

Look, today's informants

are tomorrow's
suspects and arrestees.

But right now,

they serve a better
purpose right where they are.



Oh, boy.

Oh, sorry.


There's always someone
to louse up your lunch.

No kidding.

Oh, my back. I can't move.
My leg, I think it's broken.

Oh, my God! I can't move it.

Oh! Ugh!

What shall I do? Uh, lady?

It's going to be all
right. Tell me what to do.

It's all right. I'm police.

Well, well, well...

Are you out of your mind?

Uh, lady? That man is in pain.

What do think you're doing?

Depositing my drink.

Now, this man is what's known as

an insurance swindler.

Now, he ran out in front of
your car on purpose. He's okay.

Larry the Fall Guy.

Takes a better dive
than The Flying Berninis.

Get up.

All right, all right.

All right, all right,
all right, I'm up.

Yeah, well, next time
you take a tumble,

make it the freeway.

It'd be a lot safer.

Yeah, probably would.


Okay, folks, you
can break it up.

Excitement's all over. Go
back about your business.

Everything's fine,
everything's cool.

Take it easy.

I don't believe it. I know.

He's an awful man, terrible man.

Uh, look, are you going
to be all right to drive?

Could you...? Yes.

Whoa. And, uh...

Your police department is
taking care of everything.

If you have any other problems,

you just give us a call
down at the station, huh?

I'm Det... I'm... Ah, Starsk?

What? Nothing.

See the way she's
checking me out?

No, she's looking at me.

You want to up that wager, huh?

CHRIS: These two think

that they are a
couple of real heroes.

Real heroes.

Hey, here, let me
give you a hand.


Ah, well, it certainly
has been interesting.

I may sort through this
and come up with a story.

Dry mouth.

Oh, yeah, I'm thirsty too.

I just had a good idea.

What's that?

Well, you know what
would be really scrumptious?

Would be one of those drinks
in the pineapple, you know,

with the umbrella on top.

With the straw. You
forgot the long straw.

With the long straw.
That sounds good.


Quenching. But,
listen, I'm sorry.

I've got work to do.

I'll just have to see
you in the morning.

Oh, that's a shame. Rain check.

Rain check. HUTCH:
That's a shame.

Oh, yeah. HUTCH: Sun's out.

STARSKY: I know.
HUTCH: Ha, ha, ha.

Wonder what she's going home to.

STARSKY: What do you mean?

HUTCH: Oh, nobody
works that hard.

You think she
lives with someone?

I don't know. Maybe.

Sure would like to
know more about her.

Me too.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Nine-seven-eight IJZ.


I've done a lot
of favors for you.

A lot.

And I'm... I'm just a
little short right now.

Well, then you've
got two bad habits.

You come up short too often.

Oh, please, Regan...

I've got to have it.

I've got to have it now!

Well, you don't
get what you need.

You get what you can pay for.

No money, no stuff.

Yeah, but I... Look, I...

I got some deals.

S-s-some people.

Some buyers.

You've been using more
than you've been selling.

No, wait, please. Look, I
swear I'll get the money.

I'm good for it. You know it.

Lately, you haven't
been good for anything.

MAN: Hey, Al, how about
a couple more beers?

AL: It's coming.


What do you think you're doing?

I swear, Al, nothing.
Nothing. I didn't take nothing.

Remember what I told you?!

Look, Regan just cut me off.

And I need the money.

Don't come to me for your fix!

Oh, please, Al, just a loan.

AL: Look at yourself.
You're a mess!

Oh, please.

I'm begging you.

I'm begging you.
Please, please, Al.

You know, customers
aren't asking for you

like they used to Roxy.

Straighten up,

or you're going to lose
the room upstairs too!



Oh, yeah?

Okay, I got it. Thanks a lot.


What did they say? Who?


Department of Motor Vehicles.

Oh, uh, not much.

She's married.

Hmm? Married?



Don't spill your coffee.

Born November th. Oh...

Oh? Scorpio.

Twenty-six years of age.

That's a beautiful age.


Not married.


That's what it says.


She's too sharp for you, anyway.

Put your money
where you mouth is.

I just don't want to
take advantage of you.

Oh? Well, look, why don't you
mark that up to about ?


Some people
never learn, do they?

Hmm. Huh?

Take good care of that. Mm-hm.

You guys still here?
Uh, paperwork, captain.


How's it going with Christine?

Fine. Fine.


Well, I'm going home.
Uh, by the way, Starsky.

A savings and loan company
called checking on your credit.

You going to buy something?

Yeah, Hutch and I

are going to buy
a house together.

Wait a second, he's
buying the house.

Well, anyway, talk to Yost.

He may be able to
give you some tips.

Good night, Starsky. Night, cap.

Good night, Hutch. Yeah.




CHRIS: Good morning.


I see you don't go
in for racing stripes.

Oh, you mean that little beauty?

No, I don't do car shows.


Good morning, Dave.

Good morning, Chris.

Oh, ooh!

Scorpio. Huh?

That's right. Ha, ha, ha.

That's amazing. That's
absolutely amazing.

Never miss.


HUTCH: Jive chump.


Um, I thought you
said it was a fixer-upper.

Well, it's got possibilities.

STARSKY: What do you think?


I, uh, I think we ought to
get out of this neighborhood

before we get mugged.


Rack 'em. It's my break.

Bottle of beer.

You see Roxy around?

Where is she?

Probably hiding. Her rent's due.

Roxy! Roxy!

Three, Zebra Three, come in, please.

Zebra Three. Go ahead.

Dead body, possible overdose.

O'Riley's, Third and Jefferson.

We are responding.


About :.


Looks like it.

It wasn't heroin.

The death was too violent.

There were signs of convulsions.

It's too bad.

She had a tough life.

Not very pretty, is it?

You know, maybe if you
pulled her in when you could've,

this wouldn't have happened.




Where are you
going? Stick around.

Four-ball in the side.

HUTCH: The shot is the
six-ball in the corner pocket.

I thought you were in
the slammer, Freddy.

I'm out on parole. Later, cop.

HUTCH: What do
you know about Roxy?

I don't know a thing.

Try to make a break.

Hey, take it easy, will you?

FREDDY: I already told
you I don't know nothing.

STARSKY: Hey, you
mind if I borrow that?


All right, boys and
girls, school's in session.

Take a seat.

Now, the name of the
game is show and tell.

You tell us what
we want to know,

and we show you
how we feel about it.

Come on out, Popeye.


Now, boys and girls,

I want you to lend your ears.

We want to know who
amongst you responsible citizens

has seen Roxy in the
past couple of days.

Knowing Roxy, it was
probably some kinky john.


You keep laughing,
you're going to eat it.

I'm talking about smack
cut with strychnine.

Now, look,

we're not saying that
anybody around here is dealing.

But we are saying

that one of you saw Roxy
with somebody yesterday.

Here, let me.

And it comes to this.

Either we get the
testimony we want

here and now...

or you can try to breathe
in a six-foot by eight-foot cell

with other dudes
with elephant breath.

You know those guys?

Everybody on the
streets know these punks.

CHRIS: Police
officers, aren't they?

They think they're a bunch
of kings or something.

Come here and try
to take over the joint.

What was that, Frankie?

Now, we know Roxy
was in here yesterday.

Who was she with?

All right, you got seconds.

And counting!

Nineteen, eighteen,
seventeen, sixteen, fifteen...

You name it, or
you'll wish you had!

When did you get out, Frankie?

Frankie, my partner's
talking to you.

Don't push me!

Oh, Frankie does not
want to be pushed, okay?

Maybe the people here would
like to know what you went in for.

Even this crowd
would call it low. Hutch?

Well, Frankie
was doing time f...

All right, all right!
So I saw Roxy.

She was with some
bimbo. Big deal.


He didn't tell me his name.

Al, you know everybody
who comes in here, don't you?

I'm no snitch and
you know it, Starsky.

You got enough violations to
close this place for six months.

And a year if I'm mean.

Who was she with, Al?

Come on, Al.

Regan. Now, get out!

Karl Regan? Yeah.

He cut her off. I caught her
with her hands in my register.


She scored somewhere.

Maybe Regan changed his mind.

Could you drop me at my
car? I have a deadline to meet.

Uh, sure.

You've all been
very cooperative.

We'll drop in another time.


Good morning.

Think so, huh?

Mm-hm. Bet's
off. She's all yours.

Oh. Dispatch.

Read it. It's lovely.

Popeye tactics, hot
dog car, long hair.

The nicest thing she had to
say about us was belligerent.

I don't believe it.

You don't believe it, huh?

You want to hear some
of the prize quotes?

I've got them
committed to memory.

"Does bravado and belligerence
hide behind the badge?"

"Two days now, I've
witnessed leisurely police work.

"Calls being ignored

"and literally seen
harassment of the innocent.

"This is the new breed?

Case in point..."

"Two undercover policemen,

who for the time
being we'll call..."

"Mutt and Jeff."


I know it.

I know that!

Look, there's a difference.

Well, she's trying
to sell newspapers

and we're trying
to close a case.

And don't try to tell me
how to run my office.

What's that, Internal Affairs?


Found out who Mutt and Jeff are.

"Don't answer any calls.
Stick to this one case."

Some image, huh? A
couple of screw-ups!

The problem is she's right.
It's exactly what she saw.

Look, I'm not any happier
about this than you are.

She's using us to
entertain her readers.

I want her out of
the car! You bet.

Then you're playing
right into her hands.

The column's syndicated.
She's got a large constituency.

Readers are just waiting for
the next article to come out.

Sure they are. For a good
laugh. She's got a great flair.

I've already spoken
to the commissioner.

There's nothing
I can do about it.

She's in until the
next article is out.

Then we're gonna show
her some real public relations.

Thanks for the hurrah.

You're really something, lady.

I just call them as I see them.

What you saw was censored.
Now you're gonna see the real thing.

Zebra Three, Zebra Three.

Suspect Karl Regan has
been spotted driving north

on Crestline Road.

Handle code three.




Spread them!

That stuff Roxy
got, it wasn't mine.

REGAN: Don't get
excited. I got nothing on me.

Look at that wad. Fancy that.

Good day, huh, Regan?

You guys got no
right to do this.

I'm not holding!

Now you're talking
about rights, huh?

Is that what you're
talking about?

What did you do?
Did you swallow it?

We got ways to find out...

No, I swear to you guys.

I swear I didn't give
Roxy nothing. Honest.

Look, she called. Told
me she had some buyers.

When I got there, she
didn't have the money.

Honest. You can ask Al.
He knows, he saw me there.

Word has it you're passing
down to high schools.

Now, you bend your ear,
Regan, and you listen real good!

If I catch you within five
miles of one of those places,

I'm gonna smear you and
your rights all over the street!

You understand?



That goes for me too.

You wanna get in?

Well, you like to be rough
on everyone, don't you?

Oh, that's great,
coming from you.

Look, can we just get this
out in the open now, okay?

Okay. sh**t.

You know, I write a
commentary on the times.

That does not exclude
the police department.

There were no names
mentioned in that article,

and there were no
lies written either.

It is all subjective
to my point of view.

Where do you get off
writing a commentary

about something you
know nothing about?

Look, I can defend
my actions. Can you?

I was there when
you ignored those calls

for absolutely no reason.

I mean, where do you get off?

You play games and
then you play cop.

And where do you get off

using needless v*olence
and harassing people

you don't have enough
evidence against to bring in?

Now she screams brutality.

You're out of your
field, Christine.

You see, we work on the
streets, not behind a by-line.

Maybe you don't understand
what's going on here.

There's a joker out there
that's playing with strychnine.

He's just waiting
for another victim.

He's probably making
a deal right now.

Now, you think that we
use excessive v*olence.

That's fine.

Why don't you tell us

just how much v*olence
is necessary to stop him?



WOMAN [ON RADIO]: All units,

all units in the vicinity
of Lincoln and Sobel,

woman being att*cked at
abandoned construction site.

Zebra Three. We are responding.




Oh, my God.



Are you all right?

you're gonna let him go?

We're not gonna
let him do anything.

She refuses to sign
the crime report.

You mean a r*pist is just
going to walk out of here?

Look, she insists
he didn't harm her.

Without the
victim's cooperation,

the DA probably
wouldn't even file.

It wouldn't stand up in court.

I was a witness.

I was a witness and so were you!

It doesn't work
that way, Christine.

It doesn't work that way?

You know, that is exactly
what I am talking about.

You guys throw
around some pool player

for information,

and you handle a
r*pist with kid gloves.

What is with you guys?

All you do is talk.

We're the ones that got
to work with these laws.

I am sick to death

of listening to you lay
your guilt trip on us!

What do you think, we enjoy it?

If the girl refuses
to press charges

there's nothing
we can do about it.

She is scared!

Let me talk to her.

We have a trained
staff for that, lady.

What do you want from us?

Maybe a little more sensitivity.

Just cool down,
will you, Starsk?

What is it with her?
What is her problem?

Just don't let her get to you!

She's only got one more day.

Besides that,

we've got more important
things to worry about, right?


Huh? Yeah.


Could I have a hamburger
and a cola, please?

What's happening?

What have you got?

I swear, it looks
like the word is out.

What do you mean?

A dope dealer, who prefers
to remain anonymous,

got sick from a buy he made.

He decided to
take a taste first.

Think he said he got his
goods from a guy named Rizzo.

Rizzo? Uh-huh.

Sounds familiar.

Yeah, what was that
homicide about a year ago?

What was the girl's name?

Lori Rizzo. Yeah.

A junkie. Her pusher's
doing time now.

Thanks, Hug. Let's check it out.

She packs a mean one, huh?

Yeah, made us into a
couple of real celebrities.

Take your time.
We're in no hurry.



Thanks a lot.

Lady, do you know how
long I've been on hold?


All right.

All right.

I don't believe this.

Hello, captain.


What you got?

Yes, I'm still here.

A guy named Rizzo. We're trying
to connect him with a homicide.

A girl by the same name.



Well, look, just get us a photo

and a current address
right away, please.

Thank you.

Lori Rizzo had a brother, Paul.

He's been in and out of mental
hospitals ever since her death.

He's out of one right now.

HUTCH: It should be
that building on the left.

STARSKY: Stay in the car.

CHRISTINE: I signed a
waver. You're not responsible.

Have it your way.

Just don't get in ours.


That's him. Look.

That's him!

Hold it!

Come on, let's go!

Stay away! Stay away!


I'll go around.



Rizzo, listen to me.

We don't want to hurt you.

We just want to help.

You leave me alone!

Rizzo, listen to me...

Just stay away! You're
just like the others.

What others?

The ones who hurt my sister.

They paid for it. I'm
glad they're dead!

We know why you did it.

We just wanna help.

They got her on that stuff,

then they k*lled her with it.


Don't do it!

sh**t him! sh**t him!

sh**t him!

sh**t him!

sh**t him! sh**t him!

sh**t him!!

You see?

I don't want to hurt you.

Why do you want to hurt me?

I have to.

Those people, somebody's
got to stop them.

They deserve to die.

Lori wouldn't have wanted that.

They k*lled her.

Those pushers...

they k*lled my little sister.

They k*lled...


I know.

Why...? Why didn't
you sh**t him?

It wasn't necessary.

So, what's new
with Mutt and Jeff?

Just give me a
second and I'll find it.

Oh, here it is.

Look at this. They got
pictures and everything.

"The Heroes."


"It's the story behind the story

"which is often
the most significant.

"So today I'm not writing
about Mutt and Jeff,

I'm writing about two men
named Starsky and Hutch."

Not bad.

"Though their methods
sometimes seemed unorthodox

"and their antics overzealous,

"they get results.

"That is not an easy task

having to work within
the confines of the law."


"So, after more observation,

"I've found this new breed
of cop to be educated,

caring and rational."

She liked me.

Oh... she liked you too.


Well, here we are.

Here we are where?

Our house.

This is it.

Some surprise, huh?


Let me get something
straight here.


You took our money... Uh-huh.

And you put a deposit on this?

We really got a deal. Yeah.

I thought you said
it was a fixer-upper.

It is.

The only way to fix
that up is tear it down.

Oh, now, come on,
don't be so negative.

Come on now. Take a look.

It's got potential. Where?

Well, use your imagination.

A coat of paint,
new shrubberies...

Uh, new set of steps.

I don't believe it.

I don't believe it.

You might as well
have bought a camper.


Oh, well...

it's nothing a little
nail wouldn't fix.

Or a back brace.


Starsky, so help me, if I
get up off this ground...

Wait, wait, wait a second.

Now, look...


Uh, I'll tell you what.

I'll throw in a lawn.