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03x06 - The Crying Child

Posted: 03/10/23 09:06
by bunniefuu

Hi. How are you doing?

I just don't believe it.

Well, it's not the end
of the world, you know.

This guy says he's
been here years.

Starsky, there are
other toy stores.

Not like Uncle Elmo's.

Even when I was a kid,
Elmo had everything.

cars, dancing mice,

ventriloquist dummies.

One year, he even had
these tiny, little singing goldfish.

Yeah? They probably grew
up and their voices changed.

You know, I'll bet

old Uncle Elmo was
like a second father

to all you kids here
in this neighborhood.

Yeah. How'd you know?

Because you've
been talking about him

for three hours now.

Starsky, kids grow up,

Uncle Elmos retire
and move away,

the world marches on.

Toy shops close up.

Listen, look.

There's this nice
little toy shop I know of

over by Lisa's place.

At least over there
the owner can tell us

what some of her friends
have gotten her for her birthday.

You're like a man
without a heart, you know?

Why don't you ask me to s*ab
my own mother in the back?

Look, there is a
thing called loyalty.

Elmo's probably a
very old man right now.

He probably needs our business.

RADIO]: All units,

all units in the vicinity
of Elder and Second.

A - in progress at the
Laundromat at that address.

That's just around
the corner from here.


Where are you going?


That's probably gone too.

Zebra Three, we are responding.

I think we should go around
the front, see what's happening.

What do you wanna do?

Oh, we bust straight in there,

those women are
liable to end up dead.

Yeah. Give me your
shirt and jacket, will you?

Huh? Huh?

Expect me to go into a
Laundromat without my laundry?

Come on.

Well, of all the
highfalutin ideas.

About Uncle Elmo,
looks like he grew up too.

You know what they say.
You never can go home again.

That's not big enough, Starsk.

What do you mean,
it's not big enough?

It's not big enough.



Be with you in a second, buddy.

Hey, I'm... I'm talking to you!

Hey, what the
hell's going on here?

Just get back against
those machines now!

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Now.



Hold it! Hold it.


Who are you? Put her down.

You ain't going anywhere.


Come on, back off or
the old lady gets hurt.

Let her go.


Lady, will you stop screaming?
Do something. Bite his arm.

I can't! I don't have any teeth!

Well, step on his toe!


Ha, gotcha!

All right, sweetheart.
Up against the wall.

No, no, no, dummy. Not him.

Get these two turkeys
outta here, will you?

Go ahead. Go ahead.

HOOD: What are
you? The tooth fairy?

COP: What about the report?

HUTCH: Later, later, later.

You ladies all right?

Madam, are you all
right? Be back in a minute.

Hey, Hutch. Yeah?

Where are my clothes?

That's a great-looking
diaper. Where'd you get that?

Off a clothesline.
Where are my clothes?

When in Rome, do
as the Romans do.

What's that supposed to mean?

Walk into a Laundromat,
guy's pointing a g*n at me,

what am I supposed to do?

You put my clothes
in a washing machine?

It'll only take
minutes to spin dry.

Don't get angry with me.

Hey, look at that. Look at that.

Now, ladies.

Want to tell me
what happened here?

Ma'am, are you all right?

STARSKY: It's a good thing
we had our costumes in the trunk.

We're already running
late for rehearsal.

Attention, all units

in the vicinity of
Ocean and th.

A in progress.

Zebra Three, we're on our way.

Wait a second, we're
gonna be late for rehearsal.

It's just around the corner.

We can't go to a
robbery dressed like this.

Would you rather I pull over

so you can slip into
something less formal?

Very funny.


MANAGER: That's him! That's him!

Okay, fella, hold it.

MANAGER: That's him!
Don't sh**t, I'm a family man!

You're also a
walking delicatessen.

You must be nuts.

It's degrees out.

You're trying to pull a job
wearing a four-ply woolen tent?

I mean, look at you.

You ought to talk.

You must be desperate.

Hey, you would be too if
you had a couple of kids

who've had nothing to
eat for the past week.

Now, wait a second. Come here.

Come on.

And where are they
now? With their mother?

No, they're not
with their mother.

They don't have a mom.

They're only and .
They're home all alone.

Had to ask, didn't you?

Did you catch their eyes when
we pulled out those chiliburgers?

Yeah, and the shakes.
Yeah, and the French fries.

And the chilidogs. Hmm!

Hutch, the chilidogs
were for me.


STARSKY: Come on, man.

My stomach's gonna growl
all the way through rehearsal.

No way. We're
already an hour late.

Besides that, when's
the last chance you had

to star in a third-grade
variety show?

Not since the third grade.

You know, I think
we're pretty fortunate

that we found a bail bondsman
for our walking delicatessen.


Hate to think what's
gonna happen to those kids

if the old man gets sent up.

We'll have to stock
up on groceries.

Probably have a couple
kids on our doorstep.

Okay, Guy, come on.
You've gotta get going.

Your sister's going
to be waiting for you.

I'm almost finished, Miss Wade.

That is very good.

Here, come on,
let's put these away.


Oh. Thank you.

Hi, nuts. Hi there.

Hi there!

Guy, I'd like you to
meet two friends of mine,

Kenneth and Dave.

BOTH: Hi, Guy. Hi.

They're really policemen.


Yeah! Yeah, we're really cops.

You look like clowns!

Hmm, well...

you see, we're really

undercover cops.

Wow! Undercover cops!


You ready for rehearsal?

Uh-huh. I just have
to walk him out front.

His sister is waiting.
I'll be back in a minute.

Well, you take just as
much time as you need,

because he needs all
the rehearsal he can get.

[CLEARS THROAT] So long, buddy.

Hey, Ken. Give me a ride
in your cop car some time?


To a ball game, maybe.

A double header. It's my car.

Get out!

Hi, Vikki.

Hope you haven't
been waiting too long.

Oh, no, Miss Wade.

Besides, I like being
here after school.

Well, you should be
very proud of your brother.

He did really well on
the math test today.

Miss Wade thinks I'm smart.

And messy.


Come here, Guy. Let
me... Let me tuck you in.

Well, um...

You go straight home now, okay?

Bye. Bye.




What, Stanley?

What's that?

What's what?

What's that over there?

What are you doing?

I'm waxing my shoe.

Give me that!


What is it now, Stanley?

Your vest.

What about my vest?

It's unbuttoned.

I know that!

Well, don't you think
you ought to button it?

Just a minute, Carol.

Will you please...?

Will you stop that?


Come on in here,
have a look at this.

STARSKY: Want to see this?

What's the matter?

What's wrong, honey?


You remember a
couple of weeks ago

when I told you about that kid

who had been beaten?

Oh, yeah.

Well, that was Guy.

You mean that kid
that was just here?

Yeah, I thought
maybe I was wrong

or it was only going
to happen once,

but I just saw his back again.

And, Ken, if you could see
those marks, they're just horrible.

Did you report it? No.

Are you gonna report it?

Yeah, I am, to you.

I mean, can't you

check into it for me?

Well, Ken, I'm scared.

It's not easy accusing a
parent of beating their child.

No, it isn't.

And what if I'm wrong, huh?

I mean, there is
a teacher up North

who got in a lot of trouble
over a case just like this

and lost her job.

And I love teaching kids
too much to take that chance.

Well, Carol, sometimes
you've just gotta jump in.

Okay, we'll take a look into it.

I guess we'll, um, call
rehearsal for a while.

Looking for Sergeant Peterson.

WOMAN: I'm Sergeant
Peterson. What can I do for you?


We'd like to report a
probable child abuse.

Take this, fill it out, put
it in that pile over there.

Bottom? That pile?

That's what I said. We
take them as we get them.

Whoa, you're a little behind.

A little? You see
those cards over there?

Each one of those
cards represents a child

who's waiting to be saved
from child abuse or worse.

Each one waiting
for help from us,

and what do we have?

Look at this unit.
It's... It's a joke!

How many men do you think

the police department
has in this city?

Four or five thousand.

How many men do you
think we have in this unit?

We have .

Ten men to cover the
entire city in this unit,

and you wanna
know why I'm behind.

Well, isn't there something
you can do about it?

Look, see this report?

Well, I'm taking this report
before the commission next week.

I'm gonna get
more people in here.

Right now, this is more
important that anything else.

Sorry, lady. Just trying
to help out somebody.

Look, if you're that concerned,

why don't you
follow it up yourself?

Yeah, but the...

Oh, yeah, okay.

Well, um, just fill them
out and bring it back

and we'll get to it as
soon as we can, okay?


Oh, you know those cops

I was telling you about?


They only have time
for the homicides.

What do you think?

I think we just got
two new recruits.

How much would you say
an -year-old boy weighs?

I don't know. Whatever
it is, it's not much.

No, it's not much.

DOBEY: Well, my Leisure
Twins are working overtime.

I thought you wanted
to get an early start

on that two-day leave in Tahoe.

Maybe next month, huh? Mm-hm.

Whatever happened
to rule numero uno?

What's that?

The one about
emotional involvement.

Sixty pounds.

To hell with the rules.


Mrs. Mayer?


Can we talk to you for a second?

Yes, come in.

I just now got back from work.

Um, would you like to sit down?

No. No, thank you.

Are your children in?

No, they're not.

Why? You said you
wanted to talk to me.

Well, Mrs. Mayer,
the reason we're here

is that we've
gotten a report, um...

What kind of report?
About your son Guy.


Has something happened?
Has he been hurt?

Why didn't you tell
me when you...?

No, no, it's nothing like
that. Your son is fine.

Then what?

Well, we got a report

that your son might be
the victim of child abuse,

and we wanted to check it out.


That is the word
you used, isn't it?


My child?

Why, that's the most vile
thing I've ever heard in my life.

Who could've told
you such a thing?

Mrs. Mayer, you
haven't been accused.

We had a report,

and we're checking
if it's valid or not.

Well, it's not.

We're glad to hear that.

We had a report that...

there were marks
on your son's back.

Oh, that.

Well, he got into a fight with
one of the neighborhood boys,

something about riding his bike.

That's how he got those marks.

Oh, I see.

Look, I love my children.

I work part-time
as a bookkeeper.

I have to. I'm alone.

It's hard raising two children.

I'm divorced.

But why would I work

so I don't have to put
them in a daycare center

if I were abusing them?

I don't know how you
could possibly think

such a terrible thing.



Oh, hello, darling.

Hi, Guy. Hello, Guy.

Hey, you gonna take
me to the ball game?

Not today, but soon.

Vikki, why don't you
take Guy outside and play

while I talk to these gentlemen?

Yes, Mother.

But I want to tell you
about my drawing.

It's really pretty.

Well, I'll tell you
what we'll do.

You go on outside with Vikki,

and then when you come in

you can show me,

and we'll have some
special time together.

Okay? Okay.

Guy, could I see
you for a second?

Wonder if you'd do me a favor.

Before you go outside, can I
take a quick look at your back?

It won't take a second.

Well, that does not
look like the result

of a fight between
two -year-olds.

Don't cry, Mommy.

Don't cry.

It's all right, Guy.

Mommy's gonna be just fine.

I-I guess...

I guess I lied to you.

Who did it?

His father.

Why didn't you report it?

I was afraid to.

I was afraid that he'd come back

and do the same thing to me.



Can I ask you another favor?

I guess so.

How did you get those
marks on your back?

Daddy did it.

I'm sorry.

Mrs. Mayer. Yep.



HUTCH: What do you mean we're
not gonna get our warrant approved?

Just what I said. We've
got two witnesses.

Oh, do you now?

What about the mother? Will
she swear out a complaint?

The mother is afraid of
him, but the children will.

Guy says it's his father.

Today maybe. What
about tomorrow?

He could change his
mind, but why would he?

How do I know?

All I know is that sometimes
when the child finds out

what can happen to the parent
because of what they know,

they change their story.

I'm sorry, Hutch, you
just don't have enough

for a felony child abuse.

Okay, thanks.

Franklin goes to
court on Tuesday.


Franklin Jones,
the walking deli.

Well, it's his first offense.

Gets a good job,
he's on probation.

That's terrific, but
what about Guy?

What about Guy?

Look, we'll let the courts
decide who did what to whom.

Our main concern is for
the welfare of the child.

You brought him in, didn't you?

You mean, you left him at home?

He's with his mother. He's safe.

But what about the father?
You said they were divorced.

Two years.

Well, that means the father has

reasonable visitation rights
guaranteed him by the court.

How are you gonna stop him?

We were gonna talk to
the father in the morning.

And the child?

He's better off with his mother

than in a foster
home for the night.

Well, it's your case.

I only hope you're right.

I hope you can stop him
before he gets to that child.

I hope so too.

Hey, Dad. Do you think I'll
grow up to be just like you?

Well, I don't know,
son. Do you want to?

Mom says you're a sinner.

I, uh... I think it's time
you got ready for bed, Guy.

But the bases are loaded.

All right, five more minutes.

Ball one.

I didn't mean it. It
was an accident.

I told you to be careful.

STARSKY: Where's Mayer now?

MAN: I don't know. Ballet class.

Why? Who cares?

I do. Want to come out of
there and talk to me, funny man?

Oh, I'd love to come
out and talk to you,

but listen, I'm working on

this drive shaft linkage,

and it's about pounds now.

And if I drop this, my mother
would never recognize me.

Well, what do you
know about Mayer?

I don't know.
He's a good driver.

Bad drunk, though, you
know what I'm saying?

It's that black Irish temper.

I tell you, he's got a way
with the ladies, though.

Temper, huh? Oh!

But, you know, maybe
that's what the ladies like.

He got a steady girl?

Yeah. Yeah, a real doll.

You ever meet her?

Well, you know, I
was never introduced.

He drove her car
into work today.

That Mustang over there.

Well, that ought to do it.

Hey, give me a pull
outta here, will you?



Boy, you really
had a rough night.

Yeah, I tell you,

that's the last time I'm
going out drinking with Mayer.

I can't...

I mean, that dude
really ties one on!

Then he starts
hitting on his friends.

Guy says Mayer usually
stops by his girlfriend's for lunch.

Let's go meet him.

We got another stop first. Yeah?

Carol called. Wants us to
stop by the school right away.

Guy? Yeah.


Carol, we got your message.

What is it?

I thought you were
going to take care of it.

Take care of what?

Guy. I thought you were
going to report it for me.

We did. What happened?

Well, his father must've
gotten to him again.

Take a look for yourself.

Hey, Vikki. Hi.


Guy. Hi.

How's the fishing?

Where's your pole?

Do you mind if we take
a look at your back?


Well, it's kind of important.

Please? Hmm?

I want to make
sure you're all right.

All right.

Hey, I'll be right back, okay?

I thought I'd seen everything.

You know?


I guess through all the years

you get used to all the
killings and the murders

and the r*pes and the junkies.

But this...

Nothing compares to this.

I know, Starsk. I
know, I got eyes.

What's worse, did
you see that kid?

It seems like it doesn't
even bother him.

It's almost as if he accepts it.

Carol's got a theory on that.

The kid thinks it's normal.

He doesn't like what's
happening to him,

but it's all he's ever known.

Now, you figure that one out.

We've got a lot to learn.

Come on.

We've gotta keep those
kids away from their father

till we can get a court order
to stop him from seeing them.

Yeah, until then?


Carol, would you consider...?


No, I can't.

You mean you won't.

They know you.

STARSKY: They love you.

Look, I'm only their teacher.

Yeah, but that's why you'd...

Wait a second. Wait a second.

The only other alternative

is juvenile hall, you know that.

Look, even if I
made that decision,

I'd have to have their
mother's permission,

and she's not gonna give that.

So, what do you want to do?

Just fold up the tents
and hope it goes away?

You're not being fair.

I don't have the authority.

Neither do we.

Okay, we're not being fair.

But somebody's got
to take the chance,

and right now, we need the time.

They love you.

I guess sometimes
you just have to jump in.


Thanks. Yeah.

Vikki and Guy.

Bye. Bye.

Hey, fellas?

Drop in on us later?

You can count on it. Yeah.


HUTCH: Let's hope that Mayer
likes long lunches with his girlfriend.

No, you just missed him.
He left about minutes ago.


Hey, is this about the fight
that he, uh, had at work?

With Coop? You hear about that?

Uh-huh. He felt pretty
bad about the whole thing.

The man's got a temper.

That's what everybody says,

but you couldn't prove it by me.

In all the time that
I've known him,

he's never lost his cool,

and that's almost two years now.

Hey, would you guys mind
if I continue what I'm doing?

STARSKY: No, not at all.

I've got three more to do.

go right ahead. Oh.

Ha. There's a rag
right over there.

Thank you. What is all this?

It's pretty good, huh?
Eddie's fantastic with clay.

Eddie makes this?

In his spare time
and then I paint them,

and on weekends we sell
them out at swap meets.

The extra money
comes in real handy.

You were talking about the fact

that Eddie doesn't
have a temper.

That's what I said.

He never struck you?

Of course not. You
just don't know Eddie.

He'd never hit a woman.

How about a kid? A kid?

Eddie would never hurt a child.

That's my little girl.

I'm a widow, you know.

Eddie's been like
a father to her.

He never laid a hand on her?

Of course not.

Hey, what's this all about?


Hey, how are Carol
and the kids doing?

Having a great time.
What are you reading?

The want ads.

Having a hell of a time
trying to find Franklin a job.

Only experience he's
had is as a sushi chef

and a go-cart mechanic.

Let's take care of one thing
at a time. What did you get?

Oh, I went down to
the child abuse center...

Suppose you could
talk while you drive?

You can do that, right? Yeah.

Mayer's gonna be coming
in from his run any minute.

So Sheila figures that if
the mother won't testify

we're gonna have to give
Mayer a polygram test.

It's not admissible in court.

It is in child abuse.

It is? Yeah.

But only to determine
the child's welfare.

If the court wants to
prosecute the parent

for felony child abuse,

the polygram is not
admissible in court as evidence.

The parent goes free.

Chances are he will.

But if he wants
to see the child,

he'll have to receive
permission of the court.

You know something? What?

That stinks.

It's all we got.

Hey, that's a possibility.

HUTCH: For Franklin?

Yeah, he's good with his hands.

First things first, huh?

COOP: That's his
rig that just pulled in.

Hey, take care of yourself.
He's got a vicious right.


Eddie Mayer?

Who wants to know?

We do.

Police. So what?

So we want to ask
you some questions.

About what?

You got a kid? Named
Guy? Yeah, I got a kid.

You had a field day
on his back, didn't you?


I knew I should've stopped it.

Stopped what? Beating your kid?

You go to hell.

I don't need two punk cops
telling me how to run my family.

Okay, we're pulling you in.

Like hell you are!

Okay, Ed, let's
go over it again.

You got nothing on me, man,
and you can't keep me here!

You've got two choices here.

We can either book
you for resisting arrest,

throw you in the can, you
can find yourself a lawyer,

or you can cooperate
and tell us the truth!

What truth? Your truth?

I don't need any lawyers.

It's my family. I'll
take care of my own.

You've been doing that
real well, haven't you?

I can't get anything out of him.

Something strange going on here.

I just got these trip
sheets from City Trucking.


Well, the first time
that Guy was beaten,

Eddie was on his way to Phoenix.

He couldn't have done it.

Well, who else?

Oh, yeah.

It's the mother, isn't it?

What are you talking about?

Leave her out of this.


we know now it isn't you.

So please,

cooperate with us.

For your son's sake, huh?


I tried to get custody of
them when we broke up,

but she wouldn't allow it.

I know I should've reported it,

but then she would've
been put away.

I thought I could
handle it myself.

HUTCH: Sometimes we all
need a little help, don't we?

are the children now?

They're with their
teacher. They're okay.


Do you have any
idea why she did this?

She's a sick woman.

She needs help.

Her whole childhood
was a nightmare.

Her... Her mother was...

Died when she was very young,

and her...

Her father was sent up
for child abuse and incest.

I don't believe this.

that is the pattern.

You would think if they
were beaten as children

they wouldn't do it to
their own, but they do.

EDDIE: After I left her
for Gwen, she got worse.

But it's... It's really...

I don't think it's me.

I mean, she hates all men.

And you know
something, I think she's...

I think she's taking it
all out on a little boy.

And the kids say
their father does it.

SHEILA: Yeah, but
often the child will lie

for the parent
they're living with

out of love, sometimes fear.


Hello. Sergeant
Peterson, Child Abuse Unit.

HUTCH: Eddie, I'm sorry.

Yeah, just a moment.



CAROL: Hutch, it's Carol.

Guy's mother came
by and picked them up.

She said I had no
right to keep them here.

I just wanted to let you know.

Uh, thanks, Carol.
We'll take care of it.

Mrs. Mayer just picked
up the kids from Carol.

Eddie, we'll take care of this.

It's going to be all right.

You're just like your father.
You always have been!

Just garbage!


What do you think you're doing?
You can't come busting in here!

We just did. I don't
care what you...

Where's Guy?

You have to have a
search wa... Where's Guy?!

Now, look. You look, lady.

I asked a question.
I want an answer.

He's outside! Where?

I don't know, playing on the...

No, you can't go in there!

Come on, lady.

Take it easy!

Come on.


Okay, got it.


Tell me where your brother is.


Nothing. You see?

Oh, I'm going to sue you both.

You can't break into my home!


Handcuff me!

STARSKY: We don't
need a warrant for this, lady.


What now? Well,
he's here. I know it.


Let's go work on the mother.

Mommy? Hey.

GUY: It was dark in there.

You're gonna be all right now.

The glass broke.

I told you he wasn't here!

GUY: Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.

Mommy, Mommy.

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.

I see you found him. Mommy.

Well, are you satisfied?

I don't believe you.

You're gonna take him away now.


Well, I never wanted him anyway.

He looks too
much like his father.


Come on. Come on, son.

Come on.

We'll take a little ride,

Mommy will come with us.


We're gonna take
Guy away from you,

and we're going
to take Vikki away.

Probably to be
with their father.

And you,

you're under arrest

for felony child abuse.

Attempted m*rder.


What do you want?

I'm sorry I made you do it.

Oh, God!


You guys still here, huh?

What's happening?

Well, Eddie Mayer and his woman
just came in and took Guy home.

Now what?

You don't want to know.

STARSKY: Yeah, sure
we do. I want to know.

The case is closed.

What are you so
bummed out about?

Okay, I'll tell you.

The mother gets
to see a psychiatrist

who is overworked,
underpaid, just like we are.

So who knows what kind
of help she's going to get?

Well, at least the kid isn't gonna
get kicked around anymore.

Yeah, the brave knights came
in and think everything is okay.

So hooray for the good guys.

Well, there was nothing
more we could do.

Was there?

Look, don't you guys understand?

Now, the scars on
Guy's back will heal,

but it's going to take a
lot of professional help

to make him understand that
love does not have to mean pain.

Well, can't this department
assign professional help?

That's what I've
been trying to tell you.

We don't have enough funds.

A fireman puts out a fire,

they rebuild the
place, clean it up.

A kid goes through the
worst possible trauma...

I'm sorry, I'm just tired.

There's too many cases.

Look, you guys did okay.

It's just that if more
people were aware

of the fact that child
abuse is a disease

and can't be swept under a rug,

maybe a kid like Guy
would have a chance

to be as beautiful as
he really is, you know?

And with people like
you who really care,

it's going to happen.

Yeah, okay.

It is, Peterson.

In our time.

Do you really believe that?

I have to. Don't you?


I guess I'm...

When it gets right down to
it, I guess I'm a romantic too.

Take it easy.

Take it any way you can get it.
