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03x23 - The Hero Rises!

Posted: 03/09/23 19:12
by bunniefuu

Thanks to Escanor, the threat posed
by Estarossa and Zeldris has been evaded.

But with the Ten Commandments
leading the Demon Clan's attack,

it's only a matter of time
before the royal capital, Liones, falls.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth is saved from
an attack by the Commandment Derieri by…

You might find this hard to believe,

but I went to see your past self.

You've been watching over me
all this time.

I'm sure…

I'm sure that explains it.

Why my heart is filled with nostalgia
and tenderness every time I look at you.

Thank you, Meliodas.

And also, welcome back.

But is your body really okay?

If you mean my hearts, look!

All back to normal!

Want to check for a heartbeat?

On closer inspection,
isn't that the new uniform?

Let's see…

Both the waistline and the tights
leave nothing to be desired!

And, of course, it's white on the inside!

Elizabeth, don't get the wrong idea.

All I'm doing here
is a wardrobe check, okay?

Touch me more.

It's not what you think, Meliodas!

I don't mean that in a weird way!

It's just that the warmth of your skin
makes me so happy, and…

Well… Okay?

Oh, dear. I can't believe I just…

Hey, Zaratras!

I'm surprised that we're both alive
to meet again in this world.

That's my line.

But you're still
the same monster as ever, I see.

Thank you, Hawk!

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The ,-year-old seal has been broken.

The Demon Clan's elite troops,
the Ten Commandments, now awakened,

are about to bury Britannia
in blood and fear.

Rising up to counter this threat
is a group of great sinners,

a legendary order of knights.

They are called the Seven Deadly Sins.

Lady Mother Pig!

Jump! Or we're going to
get caught up in it!


You lousy traitorous bastard!

If it's at all possible,
I'd rather not k*ll you guys.

Ash Dragon!


What did you say?

While I somehow draw his attention,

take all the available magical power…

and blast it at us.

I'll be fine.

Since I'm tougher than he is.

At least, that's what
the old me would have said.

Full Counter!

You bastard, get down here!

How dare you k*ll Sir Denzel!

Allow me to join you.

That body belongs to my friend.

Today's the day you're giving it back.


You fool! This is what I get
for letting you live?

Howzer. Slader.

Let's focus on protecting
His Majesty and the others.



All Humans inside the castle
have been captured!



What are you planning to do?

Grayroad is considered to be
of the queen caste,

one of the rarest of Demons.

She implants her eggs into
living creatures lacking magical power,

which turns them into her young.

Loyal soldiers
to protect their queen, that is!

We have to save them right away!

By the way, exposing the content of those
eggs to a set external temperature…

triggers rapid growth.

What a nightmare!

This is how the larvae of the countless
Demons you k*lled outside were born!

Sir Ban!

You don't need to tell me.

Fox Hunt!

What you tried to snatch was the bulbs.

Newly laid eggs are no bigger
than a sesame seed.

Out of my way, Mr. Hero.
I'll pound them to death!

Don't do it, Dogedo!

Boost Hammer!

Don't take it personally, okay?


What's going on?

I am the Commandment of Pacifism.

Anyone who commits m*rder before me shall
have all of their time taken from them.

Now then, make your choice.

Will you die k*lling these Demons
as they hatch,

or be k*lled by these Demons
after they're hatched?

Damn it!

Gil, don't worry about me.

Death doesn't frighten me,
as long as I'm with you.

-Margaret, I too--

I won't let Gil die!


It can't be!


Don't hold this against me!

Vivian, stop--


That was the smart thing to do!

But as you're talking,
more eggs are hatching.

Freezing Field!

They stopped hatching!

Gustaf, don't overdo it!

My little sister…

I can't let her die…

in a place like this.

I can't!

Jericho, I know you have it
in you to become…

a great…

Holy Knight.


It's a shame that, even after risking
his life, that was all he could do.

Damn it!

What's this?

This devastating magical power?

Everyone, I'm sorry I arrived so late.

No way!


All right, Ten Commandments,

as of this moment,
you're going to be my guinea pigs!

Lady Merlin!

Jeez, you're late!

Well, I was a bit absorbed
in my experiments.

This Human is extremely dangerous.

Breakable Bug!


Merlin! Stop!

Exterminate Ray!

And now, you're finished!

Anyone who defies
my Commandment of Pacifism

will be robbed of their time
and annihilated.

No way!

Robbed of their time?

In other words, you'd literally rob them
of their remaining lifespan?

That's an interesting Commandment.

But sorry, it has no effect on me.

Why isn't there any change?

Experiments are time-consuming, you know.

But even as I engage in them,

I find new interests,
new phenomena in the world,

and rather than quench my thirst
for knowledge, I only thirst for more.

But Human life is finite.

It's impossible to know everything
in the world.

Can you think of anything
more unjust or frustrating?

Let me assert…

There isn't!

And then it occurred to me.

If that's the case,
all I have to do is stop my own time.

Stop time?

Twisting the laws of the world requires
a massive amount of magical power.

And to continue to sustain that
is impossible!


That's my magical power.

No matter how difficult it may be
to sustain a spell,

all I need to do is activate it once.

And unless I disable it myself,
it will be sustained.

What's wrong, everyone?

You look like you want to say something.

-That's cheating.

Still, that doesn't explain how you freed
yourself from Galand's petrification!

Commandments aren't
just mere magical powers.

They're curses that we,
the Ten Commandments,

received from the Demon King!

They can't be broken!

I know it sounds silly,

but since it was so long ago,
I'd forgotten my true identity.

Daughter of Belialuin.

Surely you Ten Commandments are at least
somewhat familiar with that name?

-Daughter of Belialuin?

Why are they panicking?

It can't be.

You're spouting nonsense!

My true name is…

There can be no doubt!

What did you just say?


It's impossible for Humans to pronounce.

Now then, we've chatted long enough,

let's pick up where we left off.

Not good.

Not that way!


It broke apart!

Hold on now.

I can't let
my precious guinea pigs escape, can I?

Endless Whirl!




I'm being sucked in towards the center…

The castle!


Please save Zeal and the others!

Oh, that's right.

Hey! Dreyfus is gone!

We'll go after him!

Slader, you guard
His Majesty and the others!


What about Griamore?

I thought I told you…

that today's the day
you're giving Dreyfus back.

Overly persistent men aren't popular
with the ladies.

Acid Tower!

Have you forgotten?

That magical power doesn't work on me!

Silken Skewer!

Unnatural soul…



Flowing Strike!

This isn't worth my time.

Just die already.

Purge of the Thunder God!


No, it's not him.

This magical power is…

No way…

No way!

Let me fight by your side…


You were…

By our hands…

Right now,
our first priority is to save Dreyfus.

Okay, Hendy?

Yes, sir.

Then let's go!

Yes, sir!

Sword of the Thunder God!

Just what I would expect
of a former grand master!


I wonder if you two
will be able to k*ll Dreyfus?

If only I could find a way to catch him
off guard, and use Purge on him…

I tried that,
but was unable to exorcise him.

I see.

So we can't defeat the Ten Commandments
with our Purge attack.

In that case,
our only option is to end a life.

You don't mean Dreyfus?

I'm against it!

Keep your eyes on him!

-Piercing s*ab!
-Flash Movement of the Thunder God!

What's the matter?

You have no way of saving your brother,
so you're just going to dodge?

Looks like you're out of options!

What's this?


A pig?

It seems my luck hasn't run out just yet.

What are you doing?

If I offer up
all of my remaining life in exchange,

I can expel you out of my younger brother!



So bright…

Curse you!

So this is the true form
of the Ten Commandment, Fraudrin?

Dreyfus! Zaratras!

You fool!

Even if you expel me
in exchange for your life,

all I have to do
is reenter Dreyfus's body!

I won't let you!

If you're going to possess anyone,

it should be me!

I have no use for the body
of a pitiful Human like you.

Above all else, Dreyfus and I
were good partners for ten years!

Is that how you really feel?


In order to get revenge on Sir Meliodas
for defeating you,

you chose to use
Dreyfus's body as your vessel

until your powers were restored.

But Sir Meliodas is dead!

You no longer have any attachment
to Dreyfus's body, do you?




You have no right to say that name.



How could you do that
with only a mere Human's magical power?

There's no wavering or conflict
in my convictions.

there's nothing I cannot pierce!

You shouldn't underestimate
Humans that much!

Star Breaker!




It's you, Father!

For the day to come
where I can embrace you like this again…


Why do you look like such a small child?

A lot happened while he was in training.

I'll tell you about it later.

Welcome back, Dreyfus!


I've made you worry all this time.

Well, it's mutual, don't you think?

You really are powerful, Dreyfus.

I should have had you
take over for me a lot sooner.


Oh, man.

There's no more strength in my body.

Why were you so reckless?

Don't worry about it.

After all, it's as if I gained this life
so that I could save you two.


If only I had been stronger,
I never would have k*lled you,

and I never would have caused
innocent people to suffer!

You're wrong about that.

I'm the one to blame for everything!


If you two keep that up,
I'll never pass on!

If you're going to feel regret, then
you have to accept it all and live on.

That's how adults
take responsibility, right?


I have a message.

Tell Gilthunder that…

I'll always be watching over him.

Brother, I promise to deliver
your message to Gilthunder.

Please, rest in peace.

That's a promise that will never be kept.

No way!

I was sure I annihilated him
with my Star Breaker!

Actually, to be precise, you pierced me.

As expected of my partner.

I admit that in my previous form
I might have perished.

What do you think?

This is my true magical power.

Full Size!

Are you okay?

Yes. You saved my life.

What is that ridiculously huge monster?

That's the true form of the Demon
who was possessing Dreyfus.


Sorry, Hendrickson!

Both of us are fine!


So does that mean
he's back to being the grand master?


Seriously? That's great!

I'm going to crush you all
beneath my heel!

What was that?

What was that?


Why are you alive?

No way!

Sir Meliodas!

You're alive?

So you returned?


Be crushed!

Be crushed!

Not bad.

But in my current state,
I won't be outdone by you.

Let's pick up where we left off
years ago and see it to the end!


They're evenly matched!

That's odd.

The captain's Power Level, ,.

Compared to his previous numbers, that's…

Oh, so that's what's going on!

You did well against my clone.


The Sacred Treasure
Lostvayne's special ability,

Physical Clone.

Therefore, the captain's
current Power Level is…


What's the matter?

Say something, Fraudrin.

When the look on your face changes
from hope to despair…

That's the ultimate pleasure for me!

Sir Meliodas…


Is that really…

Sir Meliodas?


Well, I won't miss any of you
after you've graduated!

Mr. Hawk!

Thanks for everything!

You guys…

You're the best little piggies
anyone could ask for!

Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins:
Revival of The Commandments,

"So Long As You're Here."