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03x22 - Return of the Sins

Posted: 03/09/23 19:12
by bunniefuu
After his defeat by the Ten Commandments,
Elizabeth continues to patiently wait

for Meliodas to wake up.

And who should appear, but…

No way!

Are you…

Grand Master Zaratras?

Using Zaratras' powers,
Elizabeth enters Meliodas' memories.

There, she sees Meliodas promising
the young Elizabeth that no matter what,

he'll always come back alive to her.

Meanwhile, the royal capital, Liones,
is under attack by the Ten Commandments

and is on the brink of being wiped out.


The Sin of Pride…

Lion Sin, Escanor!

It's futile! We don't stand a chance!

For now, let's withdraw and regroup!

Zeldris of Piety
is certainly the one to fear.

Anyone who turns their back on you,
the surrogate of the Demon King,

is essentially betraying him,
and is forced into submission.

Starting now, we're the Demon King's…

….and Sir Zeldris' servants.

This is pathetic, Fraudrin.

How long is it going to take you
to conquer one country of mere Humans?

Give me a break.

Among those "mere Humans"
is an outrageous--

What's this extraordinary presence?

It's coming from the castle.

How come that person
is the only one of us who can move?

That person…

is the most powerful man
in the Seven Deadly Sins.

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The ,-year-old seal has been broken.

The Demon Clan's elite troops,
the Ten Commandments, now awakened,

are about to bury Britannia
in blood and fear.

Rising up to counter this threat
is a group of great sinners,

a legendary order of knights.

They are called the Seven Deadly Sins.

I get it.

You're the Human Melascula was babbling
about, the one who defeated Galand, right?

Please don't harbor any hatred towards me.

If you were to be stricken
by your own Commandment,

I'd be robbed of the fun of fighting you.

You're actually a nicer guy
than I thought.


So even he is no match for him?

Nice try.


Did you find a gold coin on the ground?

Estarossa has been brought to his knees?

By a single blow that he blocked?


Jeez! Don't give us a heart attack!

You know,
I can't get enough of the outside world!

This is what I've been waiting for.

If it's you, I can play seriously!

How impudent.

What just happened?

Could that be Meliodas'…

No, something's different.

That was pure strength,
without any magical power.

In other words, that was…

That surprised you a little, didn't it?

This is my magical power, Full Counter.

I can deflect back any physical attack
with more than double the power.

I see.

No wonder I actually felt pain just now.

I'm quite amazing.

Just how proud
and entertaining can you be?

I want to memorize it before I k*ll you.

So tell me your name.


Commit it to memory before you die.

How will this showdown end?

Whatever happens,
I'm sure it won't be pretty.

Now then, as a show of respect to you
for getting serious,

I will also get serious.

But don't think
that your death will be easy.

Jeez, you're one ruthless bastard.

If you use that kind of magical power,

the people behind you
will be charred to a crisp or worse!

What's this heat?

If it means I can avenge Meliodas,
then even if my body goes up in flames…

Ban, can I confirm that Lake Penace lies
in front of the south gate?

Yes. So what if it does?

At this rate,
we're all going to get fried!

All right then.

I told you, didn't I?

That your death wouldn't be easy?

Cruel Sun!

Pride Flare.

That monster!

To instantaneously evaporate that lake…

That was a pretty impressive attack.

I really felt it.

If I had released my Darkness any later,

I would've taken some serious damage.

All right.

I think it's time to settle this now.

That's the one thing
you and I can agree on.


It's over!

What are you talking about?

Full Counter!

My Darkness just swallowed up your Sun.

Meaning that in terms of magical powers,
I have the advantage.

Not to mention, Full Counter will deflect
all physical att*cks right back at you.

You understand what that means, don't you?

I had fun, Escanor.

It's almost noon, right?

How's the battle going?

My att*cks have no effect on you?

Who decided that?

You swallowed up my Sun?

Who decided that?

I didn't even see his attack coming.

Who is this guy?

His Power Level is soaring,
even higher than before.

Cruel Sun.

I am the one who shall decide.

Oh, no! Brother!




Now then, to return to Liones…

is what I would like to do,

but it's been a long time
since I had to hustle this much.

I won't be able to restrain myself,
even using Rhitta.

My only choice is to stay here
for a while.

Estarossa and Zeldris' magical powers
instantly vanished into the distance.

Because of the heat, our armor's useless.

Take it off and retreat to the castle!

You're running away? Howzer!

You idiot!

The Ten Commandments
sealed our ability to fight, remember?

But to protect the king and the princesses
inside the castle,

we can still put our lives on the line!

Am I wrong, Gilthunder?

Howzer is right.

We'll escort the civilians
and the Holy Knights here.

So look after the king and the princesses.

Oh, good!

The Holy Knights in the city
have led the civilians here!


As soon as you've evacuated everyone,
put up a magical barrier over the castle.

Leave it to me, Gil!

Everybody! Get inside quickly!

These guys are acting strange!

What do you think you're doing?

It's our mission as servants
to crack down on traitors

who refuse to obey the Demon King!

Sir Gilthunder, please die!

They're being controlled
by some kind of magical power.


For a magical power,
it has a different feel.

It's Zeldris' Commandment.

Take my advice.

Just surrender.

To be frank, your chances of winning
in these circumstances are…

Right, Derieri?

Bottom line, zero.

We do have a chance of winning.

I'll k*ll you, here and now.

Hey, Denzel! You can't bluff those two.

Fox Sin Ban.

Please look after
the king and his daughters.

Sir Denzel, do you really intend
to go through with this?

Perhaps now isn't the time to…

Now is the time.

To save the kingdom's future generations,

I will gladly offer the life
of this old man.

Is Sir Denzel going to be all right?

I thought I heard you say something
about k*lling us?

So your hearing is good, it seems.

But who? And how?

An old man whose Power Level
is a hair higher than a Red Demon's?

I'm not the one who will k*ll you two.

Inside the sword?

Something's coming!


Sir Denzel decided to manifest,
in his body in exchange for his life,

a member of the Goddess Clan.

Howzer, did you see that?


A winged woman was pulled
into Sir Denzel's body and vanished!

You're one of the Goddess Clan, I presume?

I am a Divine Lance Corporal
of the Goddess Clan, Nerobasta.

If I had a choice, I would've preferred
a slightly younger body.

So what do you want from me?

You must have a reason
for reviving me, didn't you?

What a surprising appearance.

I'll k*ll her.


the Commandment…

Derieri of Purity?

But why?

I know that the Goddess Clan
sealed you all away

in the Coffin of Eternal Darkness!

The Demons are too powerful!

Please, we beg of you,
lend us your strength!

Are you saying that
you Humans granted me this vessel

in order to fight the Ten Commandments?

That's correct, Lady Nerobasta.

So you could defeat the Demon Clan,
the owner of your vessel sacrificed his--

I decline.

Seriously? She ran off.

You're in my way! Move!


Be consumed by this divine light!

A power contrary to our Darkness.

The Goddess Clan's unique magical power,

able to disintegrate its target
with light particles.




You should have just let me go.

Bottom line…

I'll k*ll you.


Well, hold on.

I understand why you'd direct your rage
at the Goddess Clan.


About the way
we broke our treaty with you,

and about how we massacred
the women and children we'd captured…

We were only following
our leader's orders.

Derieri, I understand how you feel,
but you shouldn't overdo it.

Good thing she was a Divine Lance Corporal
rather than one of the Four Archangels,

or it would be a different story.

Let me fix your hair.

After all, it seems like this place
is as good as conquered now.

There was such a commotion
outside the castle,

but it's suddenly gone silent.

Is everything all right?

Your Majesty!

Please escape from the castle at once!

The Holy Knights and the people are
under a Ten Commandment's spell,

were turned to the Demon's side,
and have begun to rampage.

It's only a matter of time
before they reach here.

Wait a second!

Sir Denzel just went out there,
saying that he had a secret strategy…

Sir Denzel…

has been k*lled.

That damned fool.

I'll see to it
that you follow him soon enough.

The Goddess who unexpectedly joined in
has been dealt with.

It's only a matter of time before Fraudrin
and Grayroad take care of the rest.

And so…

All done.

What do you think?

Glad to hear it.

What are you looking at, Monspiet?

Oh, that's right.

Look at this!

I found it in this place,
and I think you'd look good in it.

Mess with me,
and I'll hit you with a combo.

Just kidding!

Not really.

But I apologize.

I couldn't help myself.

This is…

-Can you feel it, Derieri?

Mom, please go full speed!



Please be safe, all of you.

The rumors I heard in town

about the never-ending stream of evacuees
from the royal capital, Liones, were true.

An unheard-of amount of evil magical power
is concentrated in the royal capital.

I'm against the idea of taking you
into the heart of all this danger.

I'm going, no matter what you say.

Princess Elizabeth…

I made a promise.

That no matter what might happen to him,

I would go on fighting
to protect the people of the kingdom.

But you absolutely cannot let your guard
down with the Ten Commandments.

They're monsters above all monsters.

To start with, they can't be defeated
if you attack them head-on.


I know I could beat them
with one head-on blow!

Hey, don't worry, Elizabeth.

As long as I'm around,
you have the strength of a hundred pigs!

Well, that's quite reassuring.

Don't tell me they already noticed us?

Princess Elizabeth, please step back!

If we stand out this much,
of course, they would notice us.


Not bad, Zara!

It's not over yet, Lord Piglet.

Look ahead.

Oh, crap! They're here in hordes!

Lady Mother Pig!

Make a sharp turn!

As things stand,
we'll get caught in a barrage!

Mom! Dodge!

Such unbelievable power!

That was amazing!

Hawk, did you…

Lord Piglet, your appearance…

If Hawk eats any living creature
with magical powers, he transforms.

Here, spit it out.

Hawk, get a hold of yourself.

When we were rushing here,

I wasn't expecting
to find such a strange group.


What are you doing here?

Perhaps you've mistaken me
for someone else?

This isn't good!

You'd be wise not to try anything futile.

What's this overpowering,
incomparable pressure?

So these are the Ten Commandments!

What a nuisance.

Sir Zaratras!


It is you.


How can it be so easy
for you to take another's life?


There's no question.

It's you, after all!

Stop it…



Now then…

I wake up after a while,
and things are looking pretty grim.

I don't know what
you've been up to, pig punk.

Elizabeth, I know
I've kept you waiting for a while.


After all, I always believed
that you would definitely come back!



Hello, everyone. I'm Gilthunder.

I'm going away
on a foreign exchange for a while,

so I wanted to express my feelings
in a song.


Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins:
Revival of The Commandments,

"The Hero Rises!"