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03x21 - Certain Warmth

Posted: 03/09/23 19:11
by bunniefuu
After the Commandment of Love, Estarossa,

destroys all seven of his hearts,
Meliodas has died.

The Ten Commandments launch a full-scale
invasion that ravages Britannia,

with some Humans even starting
to offer living sacrifices to them.

Being chased by such people,

former member of the Weird Fangs,
Golgius, was sheltered at a certain place.

By the way, did you hear?

Those rumors
about the wandering Silver Knight?

You mean the ghost knight wearing shining
armor who's said to keep appearing lately?

Apple-ish Pie for our guests
at table number three!

Thanks for waiting!

Elizabeth has surely
become dependable lately.

We're fine!

That's right.

Don't worry. Just do your best!

Okay, I'll do my best!

Seriously, she's so dependable now!

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The ,-year-old seal has been broken.

The Demon Clan's elite troops,
the Ten Commandments, now awakened,

are about to bury Britannia
in blood and fear.

Rising up to counter this threat
is a group of great sinners,

a legendary order of knights.

They are called the Seven Deadly Sins.

Hey. So you're awake?


Princess Elizabeth…

and the talking pig!

-I see you're looking much better!
-He does!

Which means that man is also…

I must leave
before my identity is exposed.

-Let's go!
-So the exit is this way…

Oh, I am grateful to you for rescuing me.

I know it's abrupt,
but I'll be on my way now--

There you go!
This is my special homemade soup!

Thank you for the meal.

She has a different approach
than Meliodas,

but Elizabeth is a natural
at cooking up really bad tastes!

Well, please don't force yourself,
you can leave some.

Oh, I'm fine.

Now that I know it tastes bad, it's not
so bad I can't bring myself to eat it.

Man, how rude is that?

By the way, Golgius…

Hey! Don't spit in my face!

So you realized who I was?

I never forget the scent
of someone I've smelled even once!

Why did you rescue me?

I'm your enemy!

You'd better not utter some nonsense
about not forsaking someone in pain,

even if he's the enemy!

What are they trying to do?


I think that Sir Meliodas
would have done the same thing.

Even if I live, the only thing waiting
for me is another bad ending!

There's nothing more that we can do!

As long as you're alive,

not only can you continue to fight
to protect someone,

you can also share
that person's suffering and anguish.

This is beyond ridiculous.

You and I have completely
different ways of thinking.

The meal was unappetizing,
but I thank you.

Now then, farewell!

I'm sure we'll never see each other again.

Dear me.

For someone who's lived in the darkness,
that was too bright!

Sir Golgius was just here in the tavern.

He was alone, and seemed to be in anguish.

The other customers also seemed worried,

but they're hanging on
with all their might.

So please…

open your eyes.

Everybody's waiting…

for you, Sir Meliodas!

Me more than anyone else!

To live in a world without you…

I can't bear it!

All right! I've licked it all clean!

Now that's pristine! I'm amazing!

Hey, what's this smell reeking of iron?

Armor-clad footsteps?

Don't tell me it's…

What? What's this feeling of déjà vu?

Is this the Boar Hat tavern?

It's here!

It's the Ghost Knight!

Hawk! What's the matter?

Oh, Lady Elizabeth!

You've grown up to be a fine young lady!

When I caught sight of you in Vaizel,

I couldn't believe it was you,
and so I didn't approach you.


I haven't seen you
in more than ten years, after all.

No way!

Are you…

Grand Master Zaratras?

It's been a long time, Lady Elizabeth.

His Majesty must be overjoyed

that you've grown up to be
such a lovely young woman.

Is this a dream?

Sir Zaratras…



The former grand master
who got skewered like a pincushion

by the two grand masters ten years ago?


Yes, that's right!

If only Hendy hadn't offered me

a Yawn of the Black Cat Tavern's
fish pie as a snack.

I mean, it was piping hot,
rich and flaky, fresh out of the oven!

I couldn't ignore my empty stomach
after a night shift!

Think about it!

No one would suspect
that the pie was poisoned, right?

Even we grand masters
are Human, after all.

We get hungry, too!


Lady Elizabeth, are you familiar
with the Black Cat's fish pies?


They're quite delicious,

and are my father's
and sisters' most favorite food!

Of course, they are!

He has to be an imposter!


No, this is the real Zaratras.

He hasn't changed at all.


That was the biggest blunder of my life.

If I hadn't succumbed
to the temptation of that fish pie,

I could have saved Dreyfus and Hendy
from the darkness.

Sir Zaratras…

There you go.

I appreciate it.

Apparently, I've been resurrected,
if only temporarily.

Him, too?

Thanks to Melascula's magical power?

Then that means that Elaine is still…

Such an incredible magical power.

Bestowing a grudge and a physical body

on souls that still have regrets
in this world,

and then resurrecting them.

Does that mean

you were revived so you could get revenge
on the two grand masters who k*lled you?

That's right.

At least, if that were true,
it would make things easy!

To be honest, I guess you could say
the only grudge I have is towards myself,

for not seeing that Dreyfus and Hendy
were being controlled by a Demon.

That's my lingering regret for this world.

I'm so pathetic,
I can barely stand myself.

Elizabeth, can I hit this guy?

Well, he's a lot more dignified
when he's working.

Does Gil know about this?

What can I say to him
after everything that's happened?

If he suddenly sees his dead father,
he'll be more than just shocked!

And if, by any chance,
he's forgotten what I look like…

Gil was more attached to Sir Meliodas
than he ever was to me, after all!

Now I'm really starting to get angry.

Please let me see Sir Meliodas.

I would like to make a few complaints.

Looks pristine, right?

You've healed him to perfection.

No ordinary Druid
could have done this good a job.

This power is completely useless!

His hearts are still completely stopped.

Sir Meliodas will never again…

I don't know what to do!

Please tell me! Sir Zaratras!

How about this?

Why don't you ask Sir Meliodas directly?


Sir Meliodas is a truly mysterious man.

The true meaning
of his words and thoughts,

at the time, I couldn't understand.

When he would utter
those mysterious things,

it was like he was living far in the past
while grieving over the distant future.

Surprisingly, things that now
make perfect sense to me

keep coming up, one after the other.

Lady Elizabeth, please take my hand.

All right.

You, too, Lord Piglet.

We've succeeded.

Where are we?

Weren't we at the Boar Hat--

What is that?

Danafall, right after it was destroyed.

Where Sir Meliodas
used to live with Ms. Liz?

This is horrific.

I can't believe my eyes.


And you, too, Sir Zaratras?

It's a memory of the past.
They can neither see nor hear us.

But why were we sent
into a crazy scene like this?

It's most likely because it's where

Sir Meliodas, myself, and Lady Elizabeth
first came into contact.

Sir Meliodas and I?

Look! There's a young boy.

Hey! What happened in this country?

No… That's…


you as an infant…

and Sir Meliodas.

Why would the infant me
be with Sir Meliodas?

I don't know.

Regarding that, he never spoke a word.

Hey, those are serious injuries.

You should lie down for a bit.

Let me take the baby.

Don't touch her!

Don't touch my woman
in such a familiar way!


Sir Meliodas?

With his magical power called Vision,
which allows him to see into the future,

the king saw an omen the other day,

that the baby he met in Danafall's ruins
would become his third daughter.

-That means he wants to adopt Elizabeth?

Got you!

But only on the condition
that he hires me, okay?


I'm sorry, but we already have a nanny.

Don't get the wrong idea!

I mean as a Holy Knight.

I yield!

The murderous intent I sensed from him
was the essence of demonic.

But there wasn't
a hint of evil in his eyes.

I bet you wet yourself, Zara.

Well, a little.

On my recommendation,
he was appointed to the royal family.

Or to be more precise,
he was appointed to you as a Holy Knight.

I'm sure you don't remember,
but when you were a child,

you were very attached to Sir Meliodas.

I was?

It was right after that.

What did you say?

Seven sinners are destined to become
the protectors of Liones Kingdom?

How could something
so ludicrous come to be?

Please rest assured.

The research and selection process
regarding that omen is taken care of.


Who are you?

The king's omen
is quite impressive, Meliodas.

Locating the five of them without the omen
would've been close to impossible.

Which makes the remaining two…

Naturally, that would be you and me.

All right.

Then let's gather everyone right away.

It's time for the Deadly Sins
to defeat the Commandments!

For the Deadly Sins
to defeat the Commandments?

It can't be!

Exactly, Lady Elizabeth.

The Seven Deadly Sins were chosen
to defeat the Ten Commandments.

What's next?

Your face is red!

You never get drunk,
so it's rare for you to get hammered!


How much did you drink?

It's been , years.

I'm happy,
so, of course, I would get drunk.

I've been waiting , years
for the curse to be lifted.


, years?

Is there a Human like that?

Not even the Fairy Clan,
or the Giant Clan…

Not even the legendary
Goddess Clan or the Demon Clan

could possibly live , years,
could they?

Oh, what a bad drunk!

If that's really true,
then you're astounding, Sir Meliodas.

I mean, if it were me,
I'd never be able to stand it!

I'd either k*ll myself,
or have someone k*ll me!

I've tried everything.


But the curse won't allow it.

What does that mean?

Perhaps that the curse
won't allow him to die?

A storm is coming.

Back at the castle?

Hey, Elizabeth!

Sir Meliodas!

Can't sleep?

Can you actually see me?

There, there!

What a good girl you are, Ellie!

-You're going somewhere to work tomorrow?

Will you come back to me right away?


Is that what you were worrying about?

I believe.

That one day, you'll come back to me.

I'll make you a promise, okay?

No matter where I might be,
I'll always come back alive to you.

Looks like we're back.

Lady Elizabeth.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Sir Meliodas is definitely coming back!

After all, he promised me!

How does it feel
to have come to Purgatory?

You were beaten
quite spectacularly this time, Meliodas.

Peeping to pass the time…

That's quite the hobby you have!

Oh, please, my loyal Eye
showed me everything, that's all.

Is that right?

Even you were rendered helpless

before the Commandments of Piety and Love,

and could only wait for death.

Because of that,
the Commandments were lifted.

There are two ways
to dispel the Commandments I created.

Either defeat the Ten Commandments
on whom they were bestowed…

or die!

But I'm resurrected, over and over,
because of the curse you inflicted on me.

Pretty ironic, right?

Enough with the bravado!

Is it fear, or rage?

The fact that you're trembling
is clear to me.

Now then…

What are you talking about?

Still full of bluster?

Not only did you fail to end my life, but
it's already been , years since you,

the Demon renowned as the ultimate evil,

became a useless shell of yourself,
thanks to that woman.

Who do you have to thank
for being restored to your current state?

That's right.

It's only because
each time you chose death,

and made your way to Purgatory,
I fed on those budding emotions of yours!

Now then…

You may satiate
my hunger and thirst yet again.

I can use the nutrients of your emotions
to build up my lost power

while you can once again draw closer to
becoming the most powerful Demon of all.

Isn't this a joyous occasion, my son?

I would like to…

see you try it!

It appears the Ten Commandments
have advanced this far.

Don't worry, Brother.

I've dispatched my elite troops
to defend Liones Castle.

Ban will do something about this.


I have no strength in my sword hand!

Why is that?
I can't use my magical power, either!

What's going on, Gil?

Why are we powerless
before that blasted Demon?

I'll be the one to avenge Meliodas!

Let's stop now, Gil!

Quiet! Don't get in my way!

Anyone who stands before me
with hatred in his heart

loses the ability to hurt others.

I am Estarossa.

The one who was granted
the Commandment of Love.

Love? Don't give me that!

After murdering the captain,
how dare you spew crap like that?

Are we unable to grip our swords,
clench our fists,

or even walk towards him?

You poor things.

Let me save you from your suffering.

Why isn't the Commandment working on him?

Of course, it wouldn't.

Why should I bear any hatred
towards someone weaker than myself?

All I feel is pity.

So proud.

That's who I am.

The Sin of Pride…

Lion Sin, Escanor!


I came to school for the first time
in ages, and it's a day off.

I'm Golgius. What?

Nobody recognizes me without my armor?

I'm Golgius.

I'm Golgius…

Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins:
Revival of The Commandments,

"Return of the Sins."