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03x15 - A Bloodcurdling Confession

Posted: 03/09/23 19:08
by bunniefuu
Pursued by Galand and Melascula,

Jericho, Ban, and Elaine escape
into a certain tavern.

There, they find the final member
of the Seven Deadly Sins,

the Lion Sin of Pride, Escanor.

His power is so overwhelming that
he easily defeats the two Commandments.


Meanwhile, Diane,
who's been losing her memories…

Diane, starting today, become a dancer!


So you finally showed up?

Captain of the Pleiades of the Azure Sky…


You look like Dreyfus, but you're not.

This is a research building
built inside Zeldon.

The remote land to which you expelled us.

Does that sound familiar?

Having predicted the Holy w*r,
King Bartra secretly had this place built

so that even after being sent away
from the kingdom,

I could continue my research
on the Demon Clan.

I see.

So what is it you want to ask me,

you, the younger brother of Bartra?

It doesn't matter.

You bastard!

A sword that's been purified by Druid
prayers for several years is effective.

This body belongs to one
of your own comrades!

It seems you're determined
to have me k*ll you.

What I want to prove today is that
even a Human can defeat an ancient Demon.

This is all for the greater good.

I'm sure that inside you,
Dreyfus would also gladly give his life.

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The ,-year-old seal has been broken.

The Demon Clan's elite troops,
the Ten Commandments, now awakened,

are about to bury Britannia
in blood and fear.

Rising up to counter this threat
is a group of great sinners,

a legendary order of knights.

They are called the Seven Deadly Sins.

Something like this?



What was different than yours, Matrona?

All of it.

Hey! You really stink!

Mom's dance was way better than yours!

Be quiet!

We made her mad!


Forgive them. It's just how kids are.

Yes, but you sure surprised me!

I couldn't believe you were still alive,
let alone have kids too!

Zol and Della
are his late wife's children.

I love them like my own now.

What is it?

You've changed, Matrona.

Until yesterday,
you did nothing but fight,

but now you're like a different person!

Not yesterday.

It was years ago.

Oh, that's right.

That day, you were barely alive,

and Zalpa came to your rescue, right?


After administering the proper treatment,

he nursed me for three days and nights
without sleep.


The reason I was saved, Diane,

was also thanks to you.

A few days earlier,
during a battle against the barbarians,

do you remember how you spared several
and allowed them to escape?


Zalpa was one of them.

If not for your leniency that I scorned…

No, if not for your kindness,

I never would've lived to meet Zalpa,
or to be reunited with you.

Thank you.


You say that you've lost
all your memories of the past years?

What happened?

Even if you ask me,
I really don't know anything.

Including why you were being att*cked
by those monsters yesterday?

No! I'm so scared!

Who were those guys?

Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

Diane, let's not talk about this anymore.

And let's resume
your dancing lessons later.

It's okay.

I love dancing, you know!

It's way more fun to smile and dance
than to shed blood and fight, isn't it?

According to legend, this dance,
created by the founder of the Giant Clan,

was so glorious and beautiful
that the earth shook with joy,

and all who witnessed it were overwhelmed.

Listen, Diane. This is a sacred dance.

It's not a matter of simply moving
your arms and legs and leaping around.

The dancer must communicate
with the earth through this dance.

Listen carefully, and calm your soul.
Feel the earth with your entire body.

The whisper of the insects,

the murmur of the plants and trees,
the radiance of life…

The essence of this dance lies
in making all of those things one.

You understand, don't you, Diane?

I don't have a clue!

Listen carefully. Calm my soul.
Feel the earth with my entire body.

I can't hear a thing.

Something's not right, I think.

This dreadful presence!

It can't be!

No. It's smaller than that.

What's this?

"In the coming days,

a Great Fighting Festival
will be held in Vaizel."

"The winner will be given the right
to have any wish granted."

Isn't Vaizel the town
Diane totally flattened?

Can't ask for a more tempting prize!

Maybe I'll expand the tavern.

Oh, come on! It has to be a scam!

So you think
the Ten Commandments are behind this?

Can you think of anyone else
who would do something crazy

like using Demons to hand out flyers?

Meliodas, no matter how you look at it--

No matter how you look at it, it's a trap.

Don't take the words out of my mouth!

Great Fighting Festival?

Even if it is a trap,
I want to be in it with Meliodas.

But there's no way I can come out and--


-Do you want to be in it?

I mean, you just had
this excited look on your face.

Now then…

We've lost all signs of Escanor,
so why don't we stop by?

Are you serious?

Or do you have some kind of plan?

No! It just sounds like fun!


Okay, you guys.
Thanks for passing out those flyers.

One, two, three.

What? I'm missing one.

I can understand wanting to run wild
in the outside world,

but I wish
he'd take his job a little more seriously.

It's the death penalty for him
when he gets back.

When it comes to festivals,
preparation is key!

Festivals, you say?

So you still have a fondness
for doing things the Human way.

It's so much more efficient
than wandering around,

collecting inferior souls, you know.

No other race is
as greedy as the Humans, after all.

Not only that,
but Meliodas is sure to come!

I mean, we're really old friends!

Sorry I startled you!

What Matrona said to me
was complicated and confusing,

but it's fun to dance
without a thought in my head!

I can feel my heart pounding and skipping.

It feels so good!

The plants and the trees
seem to be rustling with joy!

Look! The deer and foxes are watching me!

A bud sprouted from a seed!

What? How come?

Even though my eyes are closed, I can
see the scenery around me so clearly!

It's like I've become part of the earth.

Like I'm being swallowed up
into the earth.

Don't you dare…

touch my kids!

If only…

If only I had stayed by their side…

Then this never would have…

The same could be said of me.

I've never seen a monster like that one.

This might be some kind of grim sign.

Zalpa, Zol and Della
will be okay, won't they?

These are terrible wounds.

I'm not sure how long they can hang on.

Oh, no!

Zalpa, I'm leaving the kids in your hands.


Where are you going?

I'm going to Vaizel.


This isn't about that strange flyer
from yesterday, is it?

Granting any wish the winner desires…

No matter how you look at it,
it's too suspicious!

It's like Diane says.

Nothing can make that happen
except for a god…

or a miracle.

I know that.

But right now, all we can do
is rely on that god or miracle!

Don't go, Matrona!

I have a bad feeling about this.

To me and the children,
you're a precious member of our family.

Don't go!

A woman like me isn't worthy
of such words.

Thank you.

Matrona! Wait!


Take that battle hammer with you!

Look after Matrona for me.

Make sure you both come back!


I can feel them coming!

A flood of powerful souls
are on their way here.

That's what you call
effective advertising.

Grant me strength,
and protect my children.

God of the Earth
and founder of the Giant Clan Drole!

Isn't this exciting?


Standing guard is tiresome!

I wish I could go in there
and battle the Demon, too!

Sir Denzel ordered us to wait outside
until he gave the signal, remember?

Also, stop playing
with the Incantation Orb!

Yes. You don't have to tell me--


That's our Waillo!



You moron! Klutz! If this had shattered,
there would've been serious consequences!

-My bad.
-Little squirt! Brat!

I'm so envious.

Dead Man Revenge.

What is this?

You guys are…

the Roars of Dawn!

But how can this be?

I'm certain I k*lled you all!

Who was it you just saw?

How many dead men did you see?

Whoever receives that holy symbol

is possessed by the ghosts
of those he's m*rder*d,

who will keep targeting him
until his death.

What a tacky magical power!

In that case,
let me add you to the line of dead men!

Silken Skewer!

The activation was delayed?

Magical power is like music.

Dynamics, tempo, range…

Since I can control these,

any magical attack
in my presence is nonsense.

You're Deathpierce!


This is…

Perfect Cube!

Only my subordinates outside
can break this spell.

Hey, I hear there's going to be
a Great Fighting Festival in Vaizel,

so we should all go!

There might be some hot guys there, too.
How about it, Deldry?

I guess it can't be helped.

Okay, but not until
we're done with guard duty.

If you want, head out now.


Are you already done reporting
to the king?

Yes, so I can take over for you.

Here, hand over the Incantation Orb.

Cracks in the Perfect Cube…

We haven't given the signal yet!


Why did you cast Absolute Cancel
without permission?

Wait. Something's wrong.


What are you doing in a place like this?

A tower built on the rising earth… No.

Rather than the earth, a giant tree that
has turned to coal after many long years.

Two sources of feeble magical power…


I'm sensing something unpleasant
from one of them.

It's so unpleasant.


This excessive level of magical power…

It can't be any ordinary Demon.

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine.

This is Grayroad of Pacifism
of the Ten Commandments.

But are you sure you didn't need
to tell Sir Denzel in person?

Dogedo will tell him for us!


Are you guys done
guarding the research building?

Now then…

Why don't we start over
and fight two against two?

I'll let you escape this time.

Sir Denzel! Why?

They're within range of my magical power,
so I've essentially sealed theirs!

This is our only chance to defeat them!

Calm down, Deathpierce.

We may have a way of k*lling them,
but no way of capturing them.

You said that Commandment was Pacifism.

If we were to k*ll Dreyfus,

it's clear that we would be subjected
to its Commandment curse.

You quick-witted geezers
sure are something else!

More importantly,
you're still hiding something.

See you later.

Deathpierce, you seem to think
that you can fight us as equals

simply by suppressing our magical powers.

Am I wrong?

Next time,
I'll fight you without holding back.


How is he able to come out of there?

More importantly,
what's that monster behind him?

What happened to Sir Denzel
and Deathpierce?


How dare you come out without my order--

Apparently, your vulgar spell was broken

when Absolute Cancel was cast
on that Incantation Orb you activated.

Ms. Deldry!

By the way, here's a message
from the Dreyfus inside me.

Don't ever do anything like that
unless they're worthy.

I'll share one last thing with you.

I'm not one of the true Ten Commandments.

More precisely, I'm a substitute.

The true Commandment is somewhere else.

He once reigned as a member
of the Ten Commandments

before the Great w*r , years ago.

But due to certain circumstances, he
vanished from the Ten Commandments' sight

and went missing.


I detected his existence during the battle
in the royal capital the other day!

The moment I saw him,
although I didn't say a thing,

honestly, my heart
gave a tiny leap inside me!

He doesn't remember who he is,
or anything about us.

As a result
of his own Commandment's curse,

he lost all of his memories and emotions.


Listen closely.

That Commandment's name is…

And now,
to the Vaizel Great Fighting Festival…

Seeking what I've lost, I shall go forth!

Sir Gowther, is something wrong?

Don't worry.

There's always something wrong with him.

That's a phrase from a book
called The Lost Hidden Treasure.

It's quite interesting.
I'll lend it to you later.


Well, certainly.

…Gowther of Selflessness.


Denzel, have you adjusted
to life in Zeldon?

Yes, it's nice and quiet. I like it.

But, Brother,

when are you going to call us
back home to Liones?

Oh, well, my magical power, Vision,

has already shown me the answer to that.

Be patient and wait.

Well, if you say so.

-Be patient and wait.

Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins:
Revival of The Commandments,

"Death-Trap Maze."

I've seen it with my Vision.

He's never coming home, is he?