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03x14 - Master of the Sun

Posted: 03/09/23 19:07
by bunniefuu
After battling Galand and Melascula
of the Ten Commandments,

Ban escapes the dilemma.

But Galand and Melascula give chase
to keep him in their clutches.

Meanwhile, Deldry and her comrades
from the Pleiades of the Azure Sky

capture Dreyfus, whose body was taken over
by the Ten Commandment, Fraudrin.

But watching from the shadows is…

Damn it!

I won't run out of steam
in a place like this!

I swear…

I'm going to protect you two, no matter…


Are you okay?

I'm so sorry.

I know I've done
some truly terrible things to you.

What's with that, all of a sudden?

What's that?



Oh, crap!

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The ,-year-old seal has been broken.

The Demon Clan's elite troops,
the Ten Commandments, now awakened,

are about to bury Britannia
in blood and fear.

Rising up to counter this threat
is a group of great sinners,

a legendary order of knights.

They are called the Seven Deadly Sins.

Those damn monsters,
they're toying with us!

Well, did I hit them?

Too bad. You missed.

Then next is a curveball!

Nice shot.

Another one!

That was close!

It's got backspin!


Don't ever underestimate…

a Holy Knight apprentice!

Are you all right?

Damn it.

All right…

Let's go!

That's enough.

I'm the one those guys are after.

Hurry and run!

Sure, I'll do that.

And I'll take both of you with me!


Please run!

Don't say that!

If you two give up that easily,

I'll never be able to give up myself.

Thank you!

Imperial Wrath of Zephyr!

Let's hide here.

Is this a mine or something?

What is this?


Welcome to My Sweet Gluttony.

A tavern?

Inside a cave like this?

Although I must say,
the place is always deserted.

Sorry, but we're not customers.

These guys are wounded.

Could you shelter us here for a little--


Those are grave injuries.

I'm okay.

Help these guys…


You look familiar.

That scar on your cheek…

That extremely evil countenance…

Could it be?

Hey! You're…

Ban the Fox Sin of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Then does that make you the Holy Knight
of Liones who captured him?

Don't tell me you're here
to arrest me next?

Did you do something wrong, mister?

The Sins have been cleared
of all suspicion.

Then there's no longer any need
for the Seven Deadly Sins to hide, right?


These days they're being hailed
as heroes of the land.


Thank goodness!

Mr. Ban!

-Ms. Merlin…

Ms. Merlin is safe, too, right?

She's with the captain.

Is that right?

Look at you, growing that
mini mustache since I last saw you!

Well, I thought it would
add a bit of style.

You two know each other?

Anyway, we're being chased right now.

Being chased?

By whom?

There's no time to explain!

Mister, please!

Very well!

All right, please hide in the pantry.

We owe you one.

Found you!

What's this?


They're not here!

That's strange.

I'm sure this was their location.

I smell…

There's a delicious smell!

That's good!

Who would have thought that alcohol
had progressed this far in , years?

Galand, our goal is
to conquer Britannia, remember?

Don't be such a stiff! Here.


Who would have thought that alcohol
had progressed this far in , years?

That's what I just said.

I think I especially like this one.

That's Vanya Ale, which is particularly
rich and sweet among all ales.

It's quite popular among the ladies
for its apple-like aroma.

My, you certainly know
your alcohol, don't you?

Well, I do run a tavern.

You pass!

When I wipe out humanity,
I'm going to spare you!

Thank you very--

What? Wipe out humanity?

Very soon, Britannia will be conquered
by the Demon Clan.

Demon Clan?

That legendary race,
sealed away , years ago?

And we are members
of the Demon race's elite forces,

the Ten Commandments!

Ten Commandments?

I think I've heard
Ms. Merlin mention that name before.

Who knew they really existed?

And as for that little punk who destroyed
both our honor and our hearts,

we must k*ll him at all costs.

Along with that Fairy and Human girl
who interrupted my meal.

We know, Barkeep.

That they're hiding
beyond that door behind you.


All three of them seem to be
at death's door now.

It would be so easy to k*ll them.

At any rate,
after guzzling all this delicious alcohol,

I'm in a very good mood!

So now…

Galand Game!



Did you say, "game"?

That's right!

If you win this game,

I'll let you
and those three back there escape!

You will? Really?

I'm Galand of Truth,
so a promise is a promise!

I'm hopeless when it comes to a fight,

but I'm rather skilled at games, you know.

I'm good at both cards and dice!

The rules are simple.

A one-on-one fight to the death.

After determining who goes first,
we take turns delivering one blow apiece,

and whoever dies first loses.

Today is your lucky day.
I'll let you go first.

By the way,
what happens if I decline to play?

Then I'll k*ll you all immediately.

Now then, decide!

Are you going to play or die?

I'll play!

Good for you!

Just one thing!

Once you've sworn to play this game,
you're forbidden to back out or escape.

If you break that vow,

you'll be turned to stone
by the curse of the Commandment of Truth.

Naturally, the same applies to me.


He's not listening.


I thought I just clapped him lightly
on the shoulder.

Half a day's gone by already!

He's not even close to waking up.
Is he dead, maybe?

Still, it's gotten a bit hot,
don't you think?

So hot.

Man, it's hot!

Is it morning now?

What an enchanting,
gorgeous-looking battle-axe!

It's heavy!

What's this?

This battle-axe's design is flawed!

For a two-handed axe,
the hilt is too short.

Of course, it is.

Because it's a one-handed axe.

Sacred Treasure Rhitta.

A battle-axe adored by the sun,
bearing a maiden's name.

A mere Demon who writhes in the darkness
isn't worthy of touching it.

Still, you two are not only foolish,
but you're also unlucky.

Seeing as you've come
to this remote tavern just to die.

Can you believe this guy?
I mean, who is he?

He's so cocky!

Are you that barkeep?

You're acting totally different
than before.

Hey, you're not a Human, are you?

I am a Human.


I'm also the one who stands
at the pinnacle of all races.

I'm the Seven Deadly Sins' Sin of Pride,

Lion Sin Escanor!

I'm the Seven Deadly Sins' Sin of Pride,

Lion Sin Escanor!

He's another one of the Seven Deadly Sins?

It's bold of you to claim you're "the one
who stands at the pinnacle of all races."

I've never seen a Human
with such arrogance!

That's the sin of pride.

With a single blow, Galand was…

A Human like this
didn't exist , years ago.

But you'd better not
get too full of yourself.

The game isn't over yet.

We Demons rank above all others,

so don't think
you can k*ll us that easily!

Of course, I'm aware of that.

Otherwise, the game wouldn't be
at all exciting for me.

You make it sound like
you intentionally held back.

You really are an arrogant,
idiotic Human who doesn't know his place!

Let's assume that
what you're saying is true.

You're still going to regret it.

The fact that you didn't bury me
with that first blow!

You're using your magical power?

Melascula, you'd better step away.

What's he up to?

Critical Over!

I've been saving this
for my rematch with Meliodas,

but my instincts tell me
that I must eliminate you here and now!

Critical Over increases
Galand's Strength to its limit.

A magical power that's both simple
and so powerful it's without equal.

In this state, Galand's Power Level…

is ,.

Sorry, but I can't hold back!

Damn it!


I just located him.

-You're sure?

His current Power Level is ,…


His Power Level is rising
with every moment.

There's no question…

It's Escanor!

So this is the real you?



Galand, you need to withdraw for now.

I am Galand of Truth,
so a promise is a promise!

Come on, let's keep trying
to k*ll each other until the end!

All right, then. It's my turn, right?

What a pity.

I was going to show him
a glimpse of the real me.


Game over.

If you break that vow,

you'll be turned to stone
by the curse of the Commandment of Truth.

The same applies
to the Commandment's host.

If he violates it,
he's helpless to resist.

Apparently, even that ancient Demon
couldn't help but be terrified of death.

Well, not that I blame him,
since he was up against me.

Now then…

As a special favor,
I'm going to let you choose for yourself.

Escape, or death?

You should decide
while I'm still a feminist.

Thank you.

I'm indebted to you for getting rid
of that loud-mouthed geezer!

As a token of thanks…

I'm going to k*ll you right now.


Watch out for her abilities!

Power alone won't be--

Cocoon of Darkness!

After I went out of my way
to give you a chance….

Your every utterance is so arrogant.

Now be silent for all eternity.

Thank you for the meal!



No, it's on a completely different level!

What is this?
How can he wield this much power?

What is this power of yours?


That is my glorious magical power.


He defeated both
of those monsters by himself?


There are various things
I'd like to ask you to do.

However, it's almost noon.

We shall resume this conversation
after nightfall.

Wait here until then.

That's an order.

We're too exhausted to move, anyway!


You miserable bastard.
This is for Zhivago!

You're not in pain, are you, Elaine?

I'm so happy right now.

Me too.

To be cradled in your arms like this
is like a dream!

That's why even if I die again,
I won't be scared.

Don't be ridiculous.

Ban's right, you know.

You guys will figure it out.

Remember what that Demon woman said?

That she revived the dead
by amplifying their regrets, or something?

Even if your rage towards me is gone now,

you're still oozing
with affection for Ban, right?

In other words,

I think you're going to be fine, okay?


I like you a lot!

Let me introduce you!

This is the Seven Deadly Sins'
Lion Sin of Pride, Escanor!


Once again, it's very nice to meet you!

He's a giant of a man when the sun's up,

but as you see, the most powerful
becomes the weakest once the sun sets,

making him a wacky guy.

Mister, you're that huge man
we saw earlier?

I apologize!

The Seven Deadly Sins' Lion Sin?

Please forgive me for ever being born!

So what's this favor you wanted from me
as soon as we reunited?

Is it about Merlin?



Where are the captain and the others now?

Sorry, I haven't seen them
since we parted ways in Liones.

Considering that those Demons showed up,

the captain and the others
could be making a move, too.

Is that right?

Is that all you wanted?

Actually, while I'm glad to know
I can now return to the Seven Deadly Sins,

I made a promise to deliver some alcohol
to a certain place the day after tomorrow.

Mr. Ban, do you think
you could help me out, please?

What a pain in the ass. Forget about it!

This is my final task as a tavern owner!

I must keep my promise, no matter what!

-Are you serious?
-Are you serious?

Excuse me!

I may not look it,
but I, too, am a Holy Knight!

It's so cold!

At this rate, I'm going to catch a cold!

This is the most powerful
Holy Knight of all?




That was so beautiful, Matrona!

It's a dance that's passed on
only to the leader of the Giant Clan.

Are you sure you should be up?

Oh, I'm fine now!

But really, that's such a wonderful dance!

I think I would've enjoyed studying dance
a lot more than fighting!

Then you don't have to be
a warrior anymore.

Diane, starting today, become a dancer!



Today is about the Lion's Sin of Pride
of the Seven Deadly Sins, Escanor!

I'll answer any questions you have!

Well, just how strong are you?

Meliodas and the others really struggled
against those Ten Commandments

and you beat them both!

But of course.

I stand above anyone from any race.

Oh, Merlin!

Where is Ms. Merlin?

Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins:
Revival of The Commandments,

"A Bloodcurdling Confession."

Where is Ms. Merlin?

You're surprisingly pure.