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03x12 - Where Love is Found

Posted: 03/09/23 19:06
by bunniefuu
Listen up.

Don't hold it in. Let it all out.

And then beg for forgiveness
with all your heart.

Those are the last words

that I can leave my son…

as your father.

Leaving Ban with some fatherly advice,
Zhivago quietly passes away.

Meanwhile, after completing his training,

Meliodas boldly appears before the
Ten Commandments alone and provokes them.

This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The ,-year-old seal has been broken.

The Demon Clan's elite troops,
the Ten Commandments, now awakened,

are about to bury Britannia
in blood and fear.

Rising up to counter this threat
is a group of great sinners,

a legendary order of knights.

They are called the Seven Deadly Sins.

Curse you!

Curse you, Meliodas!

How dare you humiliate me like that!

Find him immediately, Melascula!

If we don't stop him now, he'll become a
threat to the Ten Commandments once more!

You want to lose to him again?

What did you say?

Melascula is right.
You're currently no match for him.

Take a second to calm down, Galand.

Our goal is to conquer Britannia.

From this point on, we're splitting up.

In teams of two or more, do what's
necessary to restore your magical power,

and get it done quickly.

As for how to confront
and eradicate the other races,

you're free to do as you like.

Are you declaring w*r on Meliodas?


This is no w*r.

It's annihilation.

But we can't let our guard down.

Meliodas is one obvious reason,

but he also has
the Seven Deadly Sins on his side.

You've mentioned that name before.

Who are they, anyway?

Who gives a damn about any of that?

You say I'm no match for Meliodas?

In that last battle, if I had
really wanted to, that little bastard…


Lying is wrong.

Even we aren't immune to being cursed
if we break our own Commandments,

or have you forgotten?

All right, as of this moment,
in the name of our Demon King,

our subjugation of Britannia begins!

Older Brother, what should we do?

It's the first time in , years
that we've been outside.

I want to enjoy this fresh air
for a while.

That's fine.

There's something
I need to take care of nearby.

You're too noisy.

Wow! This is really tasty!

That's because it's my special
pulled rabbit soup I stewed for two days!

There seems to be a lot
of delicious-looking food here.

Good eye there, mister!

And the lovely lady at your side
should have some, too!


Okay, guys, we're running out of time!

I've got plenty of food and ale
for you all!

So eat, drink,
and build that thing at top speed!

As expected of you, Mr. Taizoo!

Well, yes!

Carving into the boulder that
flattened Vaizel to build a huge coliseum!

Yes! And it'll be called
the Taizoo Fighting Coliseum!

The money is going to come pouring in!

The name's pretty lame,
but it looks interesting.

What the…


As we anticipated, he's there!

Holy Knight Grand Master Dreyfus!

Look at him. Those eyes and that mark.
There's no way they belong to a Human.

Who knew that both of the guys who
drove us to this outpost were monsters?

I hear that his sidekick Hendrickson
was defeated by the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins?

Well, we can't lose
to a geriatric order of knights, can we?


If you take things into your own hands
and ruin Sir Denzel's operation,

you know what will happen, right?

Yes! Deldry!

That's a good boy!

You're not my type though.

All right, in the name of the Pleiades
of the Azure Sky, let's start the mission.


Sir Meliodas!

I'm glad you're okay!

Didn't I tell you?

I only went over there
to say hi, remember?

But listen, you! How did you greet them?


I just warned them that if they did
something stupid, we'd beat them up!

You're the one who did something stupid!
What you did was pick a fight with them!

Well, I guess that's true.

You intentionally went out of your way
to wake a sleeping giant! You moron!

Do you have to get that mad?

-How can we not get mad?
-How can we not get mad?

Why, you--

Right now, Britannia is teeming
with nations and towns.

They can raid them more efficiently
if they split up.

That thought will definitely
cross their minds.

As long as the Ten Commandments
are all in one place,

frankly, we don't stand a chance,
myself included.

So we're going to separate them,
and crush them one or two at a time!

I see!

Sounds good to me.
It makes my snout tingle!

I see that you're done
with your training, too…


Hey, Zaneri.

If you're here, then
is Elizabeth done with her trial, too?


Are you ignoring me?

Hey, it looks like
the others have emerged, too.

Arthur, what's that
bizarre object on your head?

A mystery.

A mystery…

-I'm scared!
-Yes. There, there. Such a good boy!

-…more? Is that you?

Sir Meliodas!

There you are, Elizabeth!

I'm sorry.

It took me a while to get changed.

Lady Zaneri said that what I was wearing
before would be hard to move around in.

What do you think?

I like it!

We can't have her hindering you
any more than she already does.

So I thought her outfit, at least,
should be easy to move around in.

What a sight for sore eyes!

Disciplinary action.

I can see that you were able
to power up, too, Elizabeth!


Has your power been restored,
Sir Meliodas?

-Are you ignoring me?

So, Elizabeth, how did your training go?


I failed!

You failed?

I failed.



Jenna, Zaneri, thanks for everything.

Next time, come for a leisurely visit.
And bring Ban with you, too.

Sure! Hey, where did Theo go?

He's taking a nap.

A nap? Jeez, what a baby!


What's wrong, Zaneri?

No, never mind.

I know exactly how you feel, okay?

So don't let it get you down, Elizabeth.

But at this rate, I feel like I'll never
be useful to you, to everybody.


It's an undeniable fact that you saved us
during the battle in the kingdom, right?

I guarantee that you've got some
unbelievably latent magical power in you!

What's one or two failures?

Look at how many thousands of times
I've failed to control my wrath.


Since you have faith in someone like me,

I'm never going to complain again!

You're acting strange, Harlequin.

What happened inside that cave?


The road to atonement will be grueling,
but don't ever discard who you are!


Thank you very much.

Thank you, Lady Jenna!


Now go out there and save the world!

So long, little runts!

I'm sure you're going to
miss me big time, but--

-That hurts!
-Hurry up, fake pig bastard.

Who are you calling fake?
That hurts! My ear!

Hey, Zaneri, that trial you gave
to the princess,

to make the seed in the goblet bloom?

You intentionally left out the seed,
didn't you?

I'm sure that I sensed Druid-like magical
power emanating from that princess.

And you should have
picked up on that, too.

So why did you do it, Zaneri?

Zaneri, you don't still care
for Meliodas--

That has nothing to do with it!

I already know that
Meliodas will never have feelings for me!

Meliodas is a really earnest man.

And that's why I want to
distance the princess from Meliodas.

If anything should happen to the princess,
Meliodas will once again--

That pains me, more than I can bear.

You know what I'm talking about!

Why Meliodas will protect the princess,
even if it means laying down his life.

There's only one reason.

It's because Elizabeth
is the reincarnation of Liz!

What I wouldn't give for a quick drink!

Oh, Sir Meliodas!


Is it true that you fought
a battle with the Ten Commandments?

Yes, just some light sparring.

Little Gil, Howzer.
Looks like you guys powered up, too.

Did you hear that, Howzer?

Yes, but the thing is,
it doesn't feel real to me.

Then allow me to take a look!


Little Gil, your Power Level went up
from , to ,.

Howzer, your Power Level went up
from , to ,.

I can't believe
you remember their previous levels.

Well, yes.

You can call me Power Level Maniac Hawk!

Still, that new look of yours…

How and why did you
end up like that, exactly?

It's a long story, but in a nutshell…

I was fighting a Tyrant Dragon,

and it swallowed me whole,
so I devoured it back.

And I ended up like this!

You mean you ate your way
out of its stomach to escape?

Hawk, is your stomach okay?

Whether it's burned or raw,

the captain of the Order of
Scraps Disposal isn't allowed to be picky!


And that's how
I got this invincible power!

Breathing fire from my nose--


With my ears transformed into wings,
I can soar across the sky!

Well, I can see that
everyone's been through a lot.

Such a good boy, Griamore.

There, there, don't you cry!

Oh, god! Be gentler, Sir Gowther!

It's quite stubborn.

Let's hear about it along the way.

The thing that made me happiest
was seeing that you hadn't changed at all,

even with your power restored.

Right! I haven't changed one bit!

That's not what I meant!

By the way, Sir Hawk!
What's Meliodas's Power Level?

Oh, so you're curious about that, my boy?

Actually, I am, too!

Let's see…

Power Level ,!

Meliodas is incredible
after all, isn't he?

-Isn't he?
-Well, yes.

But we can catch up
to that level in no time!

Hey, Meliodas!

For someone whose power was restored,
your Power Level went down from ,!

You forgot to add an extra zero, Hawk.


His Power Level's ,?


Now then…

Our next order of business will be…

to look for Escanor!

The final member of the Deadly Sins?

What good would it do to look for him now?

Won't you be enough?

Escanor is more powerful than me.

What's wrong, Mom?

Your dad…

But that's not… No way!

I thought we buried your dad
in that grave!

Stay away!

What's the matter?

You two supposedly loved me so much.

My dear is dead!

Go back to the other world! Damn it!

You monster!

My eyes!

O souls who wander purgatory.

O souls who still have regrets
in this world.

I shall grant you the opportunity
to seek revenge on those

who have forgotten you
and continue to enjoy life.


That rage will become
the source of your new power.

I knew you were doing something in secret
ever since the seal was broken.

So this is what you were busy doing!

What was that chill just now?


What's going to happen in this forest?

What's this indescribable
uneasiness I'm feeling?

Lady Gerheade!

You're being noisy, Puora!

Behind you!

No way.


Is that you, Elaine?

But how? You're supposed to be dead.

It's Lady Elaine!

-Lady Elaine's been brought back to life!
-It's a miracle!


You had a long conversation
with Ban, didn't you?


And the rest of you…

surrounding Ban,
looking like you were having so much fun.

Imperial Wrath of Great Wind.

That's not fair.

Ban belongs to me.

And then you wounded Ban.

What are you doing, Elaine?

Imperial Wrath of Zephyr.


Wait for me.


Come to me, Oslo.

What's wrong, Oslo?

You're being called? By who, exactly?


Don't do it! Don't let him go!

Wait, Oslo!

Helbram! Who's called Oslo?

Apparently, a portal's opened up
between this world and the next.

The next world?
You mean the land of the dead?


Someone's bringing the dead back to life.

Not only that,
but their souls are corrupted.


Souls that still have regrets
in this world are being revived all over.

Could it be that the one who summoned Oslo
is one of the dead brought back to life?

It can't be.

No way!

You're going off on your own?
Are you going to search for Diane?

That's one reason.

But now I've got another reason
for needing to go.

-Then the rest of us will--
-I don't intend to ask for your help.

Didn't I tell you?

I don't trust you.

Now then, that's not good.

King! That's a bit much.

What is it about Meliodas
that you can't trust?


I don't know how you can trust him.

Someone whose identity is unknown,
and won't tell us their background!

Well, you can say the same about me!

I have no idea who my real parents are,
or who I really am.

Even so,
both you and Sir Meliodas came to my aid.

Sorry, I'm in a rush.

Zhivago, rest in peace.

What a good guy.

Yes. If Zhivago hadn't been around,
I would've been dead long ago.

-I'm talking about you!

Jeez! You're so thick!



I hate women.

All women should just die!


Always betraying me.

Die. I'll k*ll you.

So this is one of the resurrected corpses
we've been hearing about.


I see, superhuman strength.

So you're not like the ones
who were merely brought back to life.

I hate women--


I don't know what your deal is, but
you seem to have a grudge against women.

Hey! Are you all right?

Yes, were you hurt--


Ban! Get away from her right now!


I've missed you, Ban!

It seems that an unsettling air
is swirling outside.

Heaven forbid!


Finally, my era has come!


When I eat a monster that has Magic,

its abilities become mine!

Truly, the ultimate power!


Tell me about it!

If I keep eating monsters like this,

the day I reign supreme
in this world can't be far off!


Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins:
Revival of The Commandments,

"Farewell, Beloved Thief."

I'll take them down again next time, baby!