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03x11 - Father and Son

Posted: 03/09/23 19:05
by bunniefuu
Meliodas and the others
are in the Druids' Holy Land, Istar,

undergoing intense training to prepare for
their battle against the Ten Commandments.


Meanwhile, Ban and Jericho
have encountered a Werefox.


I hear a Werefox cub
was spotted in the mountains!




I'm sorry!

I'm sorry, Ban!

I'm the most vile man there is.

I never hated you, not once.

To me, you were the ideal father.



When did you get so damned big?


Are you really our ally?

What is this?

They started fighting all of a sudden!

What's going on, Lady Jenna?

-Why would they--
-How should I know?

Answer me, Meliodas.

That depends on
what you'd define as an "ally."

If you ever turn on Elizabeth
or my teammates,

then I'm your enemy.

Don't dodge the question!

Tell me what your goal is!

What are you going to do now?

Your w*apon is out of commission!

Status Promotion!


This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

The ,-year-old seal has been broken.

The Demon Clan's elite troops,
the Ten Commandments, now awakened,

are about to bury Britannia
in blood and fear.

Rising up to counter this threat
is a group of great sinners,

a legendary order of knights.

They are called the Seven Deadly Sins.


It's really you, right?

You sure got old, Zhivago.

I can't believe it.

Who knew that I would be
reunited with you like this?

Why didn't you tell me
you were a Beastman?

Because I was afraid.

That you would never look at me
the same way.

Sorry about that.

I'm not really sure what's going on,
but I'm so glad for you two!

If you're not sure what's going on,
why are you crying?

Don't tell me that girl's your girlfriend?

-She's not.
-Don't answer so fast!

Then what am I to you, Ban?


My wallet. Or a little sister.

Little sister?
Do you even have a little sister?

She was like you, always following me
around every single day.

Ban! Wait!

But she died when she was four.

But still… Ban.

You must be over by now,

but you don't look a day over to me.

How is that possible?

Zhivago, I drank the water
from the fountain you told me about.


So I won't die, or even grow old anymore.

Are you serious?

The Fountain of Youth?


See, there's this huge, towering tree
in the Fairy King's Forest up north.

And I hear that at the top,
there's the Fountain of Youth,

this treasure guarded by a saint.

They say whoever drinks from it
is granted eternal life,

so you can bet a lot of people
want to get their hands on it.

Eternal life?

That's awesome!
Okay, I'm going to go steal it!


You would be up against a scary saint
who has wiped out entire armies.

-You wouldn't last long.
-How would you know that unless I tried?

I know! You don't have to try
for me to know that.

Then come with me, Zhivago.

Come on, give me a break.

It takes four days
to get to the Fairy King's Forest.

I'm amazed.

Who would've thought that
the Fountain of Youth actually existed?

I thought it was just a fairy tale
when I told you about it.

Then there really was a saint
guarding the fountain, too?

She died.

I want to bring her back to life.


Mom. Come on, let's go.

Sitting here crying
isn't going to bring dad back.

What's going on?

An indescribable, ominous air
is beginning to gather in this area.

It can't be.

Are we about to witness the overturning
of the foundation of the world's logic,

a situation that should never occur?

It's been one surprise after another
for me today.

Who knew that you were a member

of the renowned Seven Deadly Sins
I've heard so much about,

and on top of that, your girlfriend
is a saint from the Fairy Clan?

You're something else!

Hey, don't tease.

The dead being brought back to life?

True, I've heard rumors like that
in the last few days.

But I'm sorry, I don't know anything else.

It's all right.
I'll try to find another source.

It must be painful.


You don't discover
how to resurrect the dead every day.

But even if you wanted to follow
your girlfriend in death,

you can't die anymore, right?

Sure, it's painful.

But crying and moaning
about how much it hurts

isn't going to bring her back to life.

Well, I'm glad.

About what?

The fact that you've found something
you value more than yourself.

You never opened up
to any other Human but me.

Well, that's still true now.

I don't think I can get along with Humans.

Hey, Joriko!

What do you want?

A cockroach.

Just kidding!

Don't mess with me! Damn it!

You might be the first, you know.

The first what?

The first Human I can tolerate.

I'm the first? That you don't mind?

In other words, you like me?

I'll k*ll you.

Ban, there's still something else.

What do you mean, something else?

Don't forget I'm your dad.

I can tell when my son
has something on his mind.

Since back then,

I have found both a lover
and a friend that I cherish.

And yet I…

had to decide
between my lover and my friend,

and I chose to k*ll my friend.

Did you k*ll him?

He's an unbelievably good guy.

No matter how much I joke around,
he always smiles and forgives me.

So I've come to depend on that.

I don't know what your circumstances were,

but I chose between you and Selion,
and abandoned you.

But you've forgiven me.

But I…

tried to k*ll him!

Even so,

instead of being mad at me,
he smiled and was willing to forgive me.

He didn't even reject me
for trying to k*ll him.

He's an unbelievable do-gooder!


I see.

And the thought of depending on him
makes you sick?

Yes! I'm a piece of crap
who's beyond salvation!

He sounds like a great friend.

Listen up.

No matter how much
you regret it deep down,

it's meaningless
if you can't get through to your friend.

Just like with me, you know.

Don't hold it in. Let it all out.

And then beg for forgiveness
with all your heart.

Those are the last words

that I can leave my son…

as your father.


Come on, answer me.
Tell me what your goal is.

To gallantly protect the peace of
the kingdom as the captain of our order?

No, that's not it.

Okay, then is it to live a drunken
everyday life as the owner of a tavern?

Wrong again.

You've got that sinister,
negative magical power,

and you look the same
despite so many years passing.

And on top of that,
you seem to know those monsters

who have been sealed for , years.

Hey, you, aren't you actually
one of the Ten Commandments?

Meliodas of the Demon Clan.

Merlin, what did King do to Meliodas?

It was just a scratch,
but it's quickly getting worse!

Turning toxins into deadly poison,
causing one small tumor to spread.

This is King's
true magical power, Disaster.

On one hand, allowing trees and plants
to flourish and proliferate,

and on the other, culling them
to maintain balance, and rule the forest.

It's a very fitting magical power
for the Fairy King.

Keeping quiet isn't fair.

And you call yourself the captain
of the Seven Deadly Sins?

Then here I come again.

Status Promotion!

Full Counter!

Too bad. It didn't work on me.

It seems your attack
didn't even scratch me.

Hey, what about you, King?
Are you really the Fairy King?


Both the previous Fairy King Dahlia,

and his predecessor,
the First Fairy King had splendid wings,

so why don't you have any wings?

Shut up!

I'm the one asking questions!

Condense Power!

A water droplet?

No, this isn't an ordinary droplet.

You take the minute amount of moisture
left in the ash wood,

and instantly condense it to a point
to create a water droplet.

More like an iron droplet.

Instantly condense it to a point?

I see.

Instantly condense it to a point!

I did it!

Is that a lump of Darkness?

Would you stop it already?
Both of you, come out of there right now!

Oh, what should we do?

Diane and Ban trust you
with all their hearts.

If you ever betray that trust,
I'll never forgive you.

I can't tell you everything right now.

Even if I did tell you,
I doubt you'd believe me.

If that's your answer, then I'm going to
keep an eye on you from now on.

Until the moment I'm sure
you're a man worthy of my trust.



Do you remember what you said to me
the first day we met?

No, it's nothing.

Hey, they came out!


Hey, Little Gil!

You idiots!
What was the reason for that fight?

We were debating whether we liked boobs
or butts more, and it got out of hand.


What was that pain just now?

Now then…

Can you restore my power now?


To be honest,
I want to tell you, "No way!"

But I have no choice.

No way. Is that a Goddess Amber, too?

It's huge!

Sir Meliodas's power is inside that?

It was really difficult
to get it in there!

Everyone else, step back.

-All right. Here we go, Meliodas.

What? It's nighttime all of a sudden!

This isn't the darkness of night.

It's Meliodas's power,
released from the Amber.

There's no doubt. It's him.

This is it!

My power has definitely been returned!


Is anyone else getting an ominous vibe?

Just kidding!

Thank goodness!

Jeez, he's exactly the same
as he was before!

Do you really think
he's the same as before?

There… we go.

Merlin, can you send me over
to the Ten Commandments?

It's not that I can't…

Are you serious?

Entering enemy territory like that
would be suicidal!

So it is possible, right?

There's just one thing.

Once I teleport you,

there'll be a slight delay
before you can be teleported back.

In other words, Captain, you must survive
for more than ten seconds on your own.

Otherwise, by the time you return,
you'll be reduced to a lump of meat.

Do you still wish to do it?

Yes, let's do it!

Very well.

Meliodas! Why don't you take
a little more time before--

I'm only going over there to say hi!




Don't any of you lift a finger!

That's the prey I failed to k*ll.

I'll be the one to deal the k*lling blow!


Are you a little different from last time?

Chaotic Judgment!

Just a little bit came back.

Still, was Meliodas really able
to abandon his emotions?

He didn't really seem any different.

How strange.

No. He hasn't abandoned them.


What do you mean,
he hasn't abandoned his emotions?

Are you saying there's a chance he might
get consumed by rage again and go berserk?

Right now, what exists inside him
isn't the blazing wrath

that sends him on a rampage,
destroying everything in his sight,

but wrath that will consume
everything silently, like a deep sea.

Meliodas has complete control
over his rage now.

This is how it should be…

This is how it should be,
or things would get dull!

Did you see that?

He's a handful.

Don't glare at me like that.

After all these years,
I just wanted to say hi and have a chat.

There's nothing for us to talk about.

Except for our rage towards you,
and thirst for revenge on the four races.

How cold, Zeldris.
We're brothers, aren't we?

Fifteen seconds
until you're teleported back.

If you guys want to continue
from where we left off , years ago,

the Seven Deadly Sins and I
will do anything to demolish you.

I told you, there's nothing to talk about.

This isn't talk.

It's a warning!


So that's the power of the Accursed Demon.

Oh, it's so very delightful.

The hell it is!


I'm glad you got your power back,

but just what is this power of yours

that was sealed away?

You want to know? Then I'll tell you!

I can't wait!

First, a nose to sniff out Elizabeth
no matter where she is!

Second, eyes that can always tell
what Elizabeth's three sizes are!

Well? Pretty amazing, right?

Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins:
Revival of The Commandments,

"Where Love Is Found."

It doesn't look like
Elizabeth's woes will ever end.