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02x01 - The Dark Dream Begins

Posted: 03/09/23 16:46
by bunniefuu
What's going on, Elizabeth?

Sir Meliodas.


I was told the people have been liberated,

and those suffering under forced labor
are starting to return to their homes.

It will take a long time
to rebuild after all this.

The celebration of Liones' founding
festival is all thanks to you, and…

It's all thanks to you
for bringing us together, right?

It's all over now, isn't it?

No. My journey isn't quite over yet.


This is a tale of ancient times,

when the human and non-human worlds
had not yet split.

Hendrickson. Dreyfus.

The battle to reclaim the capital
oppressively ruled

by the two Holy Knight grand masters
has ended.

But the signs of Holy w*r
have yet to be eliminated.

Once again,
a new battle is about to break out.

And that's why they proclaim,
"You have us!"

"You have the Seven Deadly Sins!"

What a lovely morning!

Thank you for the meal!

-I'll be back by dinner, okay?

-For crying out loud…
-Shall I bring her back?

I guess a little change
of scenery won't hurt.

Good work!


Was that Princess Elizabeth just now?

Good morning!

Please stop by the Boar Hat!

Already, it feels like it was so long ago.

In order to free the kingdom
from the clutches of the Holy Knights,

I set off on a journey

to search for the legendary order
of knights, the Seven Deadly Sins.

I had my fateful encounter
with its captain, Sir Meliodas,

and after overcoming many ordeals
with the help of my dependable comrades,

we finally crushed the ambitions
of the two Holy Knight grand masters.

And so our journey came to an end.

But Sir Meliodas seems
to have some unfinished business.

My head is going to explode.

I feel so sick.

I can't drink anymore.


I can knock back at least ten more!

Hey! Elizabeth!

Cleaning up so early in the morning…

You're a breed apart
from those other employees!

Hawk! Good morning!


Over here!


I'm so sorry, Hawk.

I just can't get used to
seeing you this size.

Well, it's a small price to pay for saving
the kingdom and those scoundrels!

And besides,
being this size has its merits!

For one thing,
my bowl of scraps feels ten times bigger!

-So it's not all bad!
-Oh, Hawk.

Promise me you'll never do
anything so reckless again, okay?

Well, that's up to
those scoundrels in there!


It's dangerous,
so don't ever leave my side.


Listen, Hawk.

What's up?

Do you happen to know
where Sir Meliodas is heading next?

That, I don't know.

-Actually, where is he now?

He doesn't seem to be inside the tavern.

Here I am.

Can't you ever show up
like a normal person?

-For me, this is normal.
-What standard is that?

Were you sleeping here, too, Sir Meliodas?

No. I wasn't sleeping at all!

This is our new dish!

A meat pie that
looks amazingly like a whole roasted pig!

What do you say, you two?

I made this without any pork.
Just leftovers and vegetable scraps.

It's one of my best!

Visually, it's a bit…

Leftovers and vegetable scraps?

Isn't that just plain old scraps?

Do you want to try it?

I already had breakfast, so…

-Eat it yourself!
-Jeez. You won't eat it either, Hawk?

No, because I have
Ban's yummy food to look forward to!

Where is Sir Ban?

Little Gil! Howzer! Breakfast time!

What a headache!

Good morning, Meliodas.

-Thank you for this meal!
-Thank you for this meal!

That was a totally unexpected taste.

It was exactly as expected!

Hey! Howzer, you seem
to have taken a liking to it--

He died mid-bite!

How gross was that thing?

I think he's fainted.

I think you took Hendrickson out
with your cooking.

But what did I do
to make it taste so horrible?

Just the same old thing!

So I guess it won't be any good
unless I use real pork for the roast pig!

You've got to be kidding me!

Hawk! It's dangerous out there!

Oh, well, he'll be back soon enough.

What are you planning to do with it, Ban?

You know what.

I can't have you arbitrarily destroy it.
It's a valuable research specimen.

This is my revenge!

I'm going to wipe out the Demon Clan!

That's my research specimen.

Damn you!

If you would care to explain yourself,
I might be inclined to listen.

I see.

So he really did get out of Dodge.

But, no…

If something were to happen
to him at that tiny size…

All right!

The little porker…

-…has gone missing?

Starting now, we're all going
to search for Hawk together!

I'm ordering you as your captain!

But shouldn't you be the one
to look for him?

I'm still so sleepy.

Hey! Diane's asleep on my Chastiefol!

All right!

Whoever's the first to capture Hawk

will get to tell me
what to do for a whole day!

I'll do it!

What? Then me, too!

Count me in, too!


Are you sure you're well enough now?

I felt better after I vomited.
You'll be joining the search, too, right?



Now then, let's go!

Operation Snag Piglet, start!




It's "Hawk," Gilthunder.



He's not in here.

Hawk. I wonder where he could be.

Well, he's tiny,
so he couldn't have gotten very far.

Hey, if we go on a Scraps Tour,
we'll find him soon enough!

Don't worry.

I vow to locate Pork before anyone else!

Darn, somebody's been talking about me!

Elizabeth, what do you want
Meliodas to do for you?


What about you, Gilthunder?

I'm glad you asked!

I'm going to ask Meliodas to team up
with me in next year's Fighting Festival!

I see.

That's why you're helping us look for him?

And also,

because I treated Pork horribly
in the Forest of White Dreams.

-Hawk doesn't seem to mind at all.


He's a good guy, that one.

Elizabeth, I was awful to you, too.

I think you're amazing, Gilthunder.

After all, for ten long years,

you endured all that pain
for my sister Margaret's sake.

My sister told me about it.

Are you really going to leave the capital?

What about my sister?

There are many other Holy Knights
who can take my place.

There's no replacement for you!

How can anyone replace the one you love?

Little Gil! Behind you!

-Sir Meliodas! Please let me go!

As if I'd allow myself
to be roasted whole just like that!

-Little Gil! Don't let him get away!


Thunderbolt Execution!

Checkmate, Pork!

It's not "Pork," it's "Hawk!"

Super Roast Illusion!

What are you doing, Little Gil?

Sir Meliodas! Please put me down!

Oh, I forgot!

Hey, Hawk! Come on out, will you?

We won't do anything, so don't be afraid!

Why are you tagging along?

I have some business here, that's all.

-What's your problem?

Come on!
Start looking in earnest, both of you!


Little piggy!

By the way, Diane,

are you sure your injuries are all healed?

I'm totally fine now!
What about you, Howzer? Are you okay?

Hey, you better believe it!

I mean, I wouldn't even count that
as an injury!

Even though you were
on the brink of death?


If it hadn't been for you two,
I probably wouldn't be here right now!

Thank you so much!



Okay! I'm going to catch Hawk
before anyone else

and ask the captain
to go on a date with me!


-Found him!

-Found him!
-Grab him!

Where do you think you're going, Hawk?

King, get him out!

I'm on it!

You missed!


-I'm so jealous I can't see straight!
-So long!

You're not getting away!

Quick Wind!

What's up with this whirlwind?

My body's getting sucked toward it!

-I'm getting dizzy!
-Now then, come here, little Pork!

Combined Technique,
Quick Rolling Ham Attack!


I told you, my name's not Pork!

No way.

He actually added more spin to my wind

and converted it into an attack.

Hawk, come back here!

There's no way I am going to
get turned into grilled pork!

Damn. Get your butt back here!

Like peaches…

Come back here!

You're not going anywhere!

Super Cyclone!


I won't let you have Pork.

Is that right?

There he goes!

It sure feels like I ran around
even more than usual today.

I'm so hungry.

I wonder if I can find any fallen scraps.

What's this?

What's this godly scent of scraps?

Why don't we head back
to the tavern for now?

But where did he go?

Sir Meliodas…

Hey, don't worry about a thing!

We'll go look for him again later on!

All right.

Like peaches…

So yummy!


Hey, Captain!

You were awfully late.


Nothing beats the scraps Ban makes!

Hawk, why did you come back here
on your own?

You don't really think my olfactory system
would miss this heavenly aroma, do you?

So anyway, this makes me
the winner of this contest, right?

I got him! I win!



Those were my words, right?

Whoever captures him first wins!

-Hey! That's bush-league, Captain!
-That doesn't count!

-Captain, that's not fair!

Oh, boy. All that effort for nothing!

I had a good time!

After all, it's been a while
since things were so chaotic!

I guess you're right.

I had no idea you had joined in, too, Ban.

Hey, what was it that you wanted
the captain to do for you?

Or was it something you wanted to do?

What does it matter, anyway?

The captain just cheated his way to a win.

"Cheated"? I don't like the sound of that.

-Well, you did cheat!



Here! Drink up!

-Sorry to make you do this.

-Do you want me to make something?
-A home-cooked meal by you?

You can rest easy, Ban.

I haven't forgotten our promise.

Tomorrow morning,
at the top of the mountain behind us.


When this is all over,
let's settle things once and for all.


I wonder if Bartra is mad.

About what you were talking
to Sir Ban about…

Yes. My promise to him.

It's not something dangerous, is it?

Hey, I wouldn't be that reckless.

Never mind that.

What were you going
to ask me to do for you?


I'll do anything you want.

Sir Meliodas, are you going off
on another journey?


You don't think I could be
of some use on that trip?

I guess not.

There's no need for you
to expose yourself to any more danger.

But I do need you.


Because you're my purpose in life.

Purpose in life?

You mean…

It's to protect you!


So that's the captain of
the legendary Seven Deadly Sins.


I see that he failed
to k*ll you, Meliodas.


Long time no see!

Unchanged since I last saw you
, years ago.

How amusing.

What in the world are you doing here?

If you've come here to resume that battle
we waged , years ago…

I'm sorry, but I no longer have
a physical body--

That's not why I'm here!

I want you to stop filling
my friend's head with lies!


Never have we Goddesses,

let alone the Humans, the Giants,
or the Fairies been your friends.

You don't have a single ally in the world,
least of all among your own Demon kinsmen!

Such a pitiful, cursed child…

Those who adore you,
those who believe in you,

and those whom you yourself love
will surely leave you.

When they find out
what heinous sin you've considered…

Even if that's true,

there's something
that I have to protect with my life.

And to do that, I…

will fight even if I have
to turn everyone against me!

Hey, come on! You're going to get soaked!

What is that?

A bird?

Dad! An arm!

I saw a flying arm!

Little boy.

Would you mind telling me…

what it was that you just saw?


I was worried, so I secretly followed you!

I didn't notice you at all!

Next time on
The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy w*r,

"Our Fighting Festival."

That's because I was hiding
under your clothes the whole time!
