01x20 - The Graft in the Girl

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bones". Aired September 2005 - March 2017.*
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A forensic anthropologist and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes. And quite often, there isn't more to examine than rotten flesh or mere bones.
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01x20 - The Graft in the Girl

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Graft in the Girl"
Episode 1x20
Written By: Greg Ball and Laura Wolner
Directed by: Sanford Bookstaver
Transcribed by: Elo

Disclaimer: The characters, plotlines, quotes, etc. included here are owned by Hart Hanson, all rights reserved. This transcript is not authorized or endorsed by Hart Hanson or Fox.

(Cut to hospital corridor. Booth, Brennan and Angela are walking together.)

ANGELA: Uh, Agent Booth?

BOOTH: Yes, Angela?

ANGELA: This is the pediatric cancer floor of the hospital.

BOOTH: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

ANGELA: Right. Well, uh, what I'm about to show Deputy Director Cullen is kinda gruesome (pointing to her bag).

BRENNAN: (looking up from papers she's flipping through.) Why are we meeting Cullen here?

BOOTH: Because he's the deputy director of the FBI and this is where he wants us to show it to him. (Gets looks from both Angela and Brennan.) OK, listen. About a month ago his daughter Amy was diagnosed with cancer. Meso...

BRENNAN: (cuts in) Mesothelioma. Lung cancer.

BOOTH: Exactly. So she's not doing so well, so it's a lot easier for us to come to him right now.


BOOTH: (looks at her) Huh, what?

BRENNAN: Nothing. It's just that's an extremely rare form of lung cancer-odd for someone Amy's age to contract.

BOOTH: (stops walking and faces Brennan, holding out hand) No, no, no. No probing, OK? Not to Cullen, not to his family. (Drops his voice) This will take five minutes. We go in, do the show and tell relating to the case and then we're out of there. Is that clear? (Cullen walks outside of room 128) .

BRENNAN: I think it's peculiar.



BOOTH: (cuts in) No.

BRENNAN: You have to admit...

CULLEN: (cutting in) Booth. (Booth and Brennan looks over) Dr. Brennan. How appropriate, you two bickering in an adolescent wing.

BOOTH: (flustered) Uh, sir, yes. Um, is it OK if we come in, sir?

CULLEN: (turns and asks his daughter inside the room) What do you think, sweetheart?

AMY: (inside the hospital room, in bed with her mother at her side) Booth's cool, most of the time.

CULLEN: (outside the room) You heard the lady. You're cool.

BOOTH: (smiles) Mm-hmmm.

BRENNAN: (whispers) Yeah, right. (They walk inside).

(Cuts to inside Amy's hospital room. Angela has her laptop set up on a table as she sits next to Cullen to go over the evidence. Booth and Brennan are also in the room.)

ANGELA: (taking a deep breath) Are you sure it's all right for me to do this here?

AMY: (From the bed, while drawing) Nothing I haven't seen before.

CULLEN: Let's see what you got here, Angela.

BRENNAN: Note the estimated time of death is mid-June. Extreme humidity combined with insects and precipitation accelerated the rate of decomp (images shown on the computer).

CULLEN: So based on this the victim's body was not mutilated after death?

BRENNAN: The effects were totally environmental.

BOOTH: m*rder doesn't fit the suspect's profile, sir.

ANGELA: Yeah. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.

CULLEN: (gestures to the screen) I'd like to see this again.

BRENNAN: Knock yourself out, sir. Eighty-six times is our limit.

(Angela and Brennan walks over towards Amy's bed as Cullen looks at the computer some more.)

ANGELA: Can I see your drawings? (looks) Wow. These are beautiful.

MRS. CULLEN: Our artist in the making.

AMY: Right now I'm doing landscapes. I'm really into this French dude Rousseau.

ANGELA: (nods) Yeah. There's...uh...There's a lot of Rousseau in Paris. Have you ever been to the Louvre? (cuts to Angela flipping through Amy's drawings.)

AMY: No, not yet. But it's on my list. Right after "fall in love" and "learn to drive." (Shot of Cullen looking sad hearing his daughter talk)

ANGELA: Well, you've got a great eye.

AMY: Thanks. I think what you do is pretty awesome too. I mean, computers are not for me, but I get it.

ANGELA: (points) Can I see what you're working on? (Amy hands Angela her sketchpad)

BRENNAN: She's amazing.

MRS. CULLEN: Mm-hmmm. Amy's been very brave this week. They're trying an experimental viral chemotherapy, and we're very optimistic.

BRENNAN: Since asbestos exposure is the primary way people contract mesothelioma...how do you think...(Booth clears his throat loudly behind her) How do you think Amy got it?

CULLEN: Oh, we don't know, Dr. Brennan. The first place we looked after she was diagnosed was all her previous schools, the house we lived in...nothing.

BRENNAN: Has there been a history of illness? (Booth clears his throat in the back again)

MRS. CULLEN: Hardly. Apart from breaking her leg snowboarding a year ago I can't remember the last time she was sick.

BRENNAN: How bad was the break?

CULLEN: Compound fracture, left tibia.

AMY: I was boarding with some friends and I...I hit a tree. Pretty dumb, huh?

BRENNAN: And that required surgery?

MRS. CULLEN: A bone graft.

BOOTH: (standing up from the back, and walking towards Brennan, trying to usher her away) I hate to drag these lovely squints back to the lab, but, you see, we have another case.

BRENNAN: (trying to get out of his grasp) No we don't.

BOOTH: Oh, yes we do.

BRENNAN: Could I see Amy's graft X-ray?

BOOTH: Sir, I apologize.

CULLEN (standing up) Of course. (Hands Brennan the x-ray) If you think they'll tell us anything.

(Brennan holds up the x-ray and looks)

(Cut to the lab, Hodgins is looking at the same x-ray. Brennan and Zack are present too.)



HODGINS: Well, pardon the fromage reference, but what's with the moldy Gruyere in that leg?

BRENNAN: The lighter colour is evidence of demineralization.

HODGINS: I'm not the bone expert here, but...yuck.

ZACK: (looking at image) Osteoporosis.

BRENNAN: Basically. The bone has become porous, something that happens with age. (Pointing at image) Zack, see if you can isolate the grafted portion and enlarge it.

ZACK: Amy Cullen's file states the donor of the bone was 25 years old (enlarging image).

BRENNAN: (shaking head) Well, I don't buy it.

HODGINS: What about the aging disease?

ZACK: I've seen progerian skeletons. This isn't one of them.

BRENNAN: This bone is significantly less dense than a person in their twenties. That's for sure.

ZACK: How old do you think the donor really was?

BRENNAN: Judging from the reduction in bone mass...at least sixty.

(Looks exchanged between them).

(Cut to hospital, where a doctor is washing his hands and prepping for surgery. Brennan and Booth are talking to him.)

BRENNAN: Doctor, you performed Amy Cullen's graft, correct?

DOCTOR: Yes, But I just do the procedure, Ms. Brennan.

BOOTH: Dr. Brennan.



DOCTOR: Well, those who can't do, do research.

BOOTH: (stepping in) OK...

BRENNAN: (stops him) Booth...

BOOTH: OK, fine. If you're just the mechanic then who's responsible for all the parts that you install?

DOCTOR: You'll have to check with the hospital's transplant coordinator. Why? What's going on?

BRENNAN: There are indications the bone graft you implanted in Amy Cullen gave her cancer.

DOCTOR: No, that's impossible. Every graft we get has been tested and irradiated.

BRENNAN: There's one way to know for sure. Assuming significant remodeling hasn't occurred do a transiliac crest core biopsy on the donor bone. Then we'll have age and pathology.

DOCTOR: And who's going to perform that biopsy, Doctor?

BRENNAN: You are.

(Cut to the window outside of Amy's room. The doctors are performing the biopsy while Cullen and his wife look on. Booth and Brennan are watching through the window.)

BOOTH: It looks like it hurts.

BRENNAN: They use local anesthetic and make a small incision before inserting the needle into the bone. (Shows the procedure) A tiny core of bone is taken, a little more than a sixth of an inch in diameter using a ratchet-like device in the needle.

BOOTH: (grimacing) So it hurts?

BRENNAN: Amy's a tough kid. She's doing great.

BOOTH: It's not Amy I'm worried about (shot of Cullen holding Amy's hand tightly). Now let's go talk to the coordinator about the graft. Unlike Amy, he gets to go home tonight (they turn to leave).

(Cut to inside an office. Brennan and Booth are sitting in chairs talking to Dr. Ogden, who is behind the desk. His assistant Alexandra is standing next to him.)

BRENNAN: You're a popular man, Dr. Ogden.

OGDEN: Well, when you're responsible for finding body parts that save lives, you have no idea. I have one gentleman offer me his cattle ranch in Montana.

BOOTH: Well, people, they get desperate, right? Did you take him up on it?

OGDEN: That would be dishonest, Agent Booth. If anything, this office is built on the goodness of people.

ALEXANDRA: Cullen, Amy A. Bone graft number 4429 (handing over file).

OGDEN: (opening file and looking) All right. According to my report the bone that was donated was harvested from...um...a 25-year-old.

BRENNAN: Can you give us the name of the donor?

OGDEN: I can't provide you with that information (putting file down on desk).

BOOTH: What about other recipients? Any other patients here get a part from the same body?

OGDEN: When I said I couldn't tell you, it's because we have no way of knowing. You'd have to ask the tissue bank for that. (grabs pen to write down information) BioTech Tissue Services. We've been using them for a long time. Never had a problem.

BOOTH: Amy Cullen has a problem. She's dying.

OGDEN: Through no fault of this office, I'm sure. (hands paper over) If we can be of any further assistance, don't hesitate to call.

BOOTH: Thanks for being so sympathetic. We'll check into it.

(Cut to Angela's office in the Lab. She's working in front of her computer as Hodgins walks in.)

HODGINS: New osteologic scans to input, as requested.

ANGELA: Hey, check this out.

HODGINS: (screen shows Amy's artwork) Monet?

ANGELA: Amy Cullen.

HODGNS: You're kidding (looking closer).

ANGELA: No. I ran it through the digitizer. She's a good kid. I wanted to show her that computers don't have to be the enemy.

HODGINS: (smiles) Not bad for a certified member of the geek squad.

ANGELA: (smiles) Ah, I'll take that as a compliment.

HODGINS: Well, you should.

(Cut to platform in the lab, where everyone is working and looking at images of Amy's bone graft.)

BRENNAN: (reading a book) This is a cross section from Amy's bone graft. Zack, what's the ratio of primary to secondary osteons?

ZACK: I only see secondary. Exactly what you'd expect to see in an older decedent.

BRENNAN: (to Angela, who is typing) And accompanying data?

ANGELA (shot of information on the computer) Well, I'm no expert but I think it supports as well.

BRENNAN: So based on this one sample, it's clear that the donor bone came from someone in their sixties.

BOOTH: But how do we know that it's the bone that gave Amy cancer?

BRENNAN: Because of this. (Shot of the bone magnified on the computer screen) Magnify. The graft is riddled with cancer.

ZACK: Cancer consistent with morphology origin in the pleura, most likely mesothelioma.

BRENNAN: Whoever this is had terminal cancer. And no so does Amy.

ZACK: She went in for a broken leg and was poisoned.

ANGELA: (shaking head) She never even had a chance.

BRENNAN: Someone knew that bone was infected and they gave it to her anyway.

ZACK: This will k*ll Amy Cullen.

BOOTH: Well, in that case, it's m*rder.


(Cut to FBI building. Booth and Brennan are talking to Cullen in his office.)

BRENNAN: Your daughter's cancer originated in the bone graft. The test confirms it.

CULLEN: It was the operation?

BRENNAN: Not only was the bone contaminated by malignancy it was significantly older than documented.

CULLEN: It was expired or something?

BOOTH: No, sir. It just came from a much older donor.

BRENNAN: Someone in their sixties.

CULLEN: (scoffs) Hospital error.

BOOTH: The next step would be to find out where the graft came from and how it slipped through the system.

CULLEN: This is not FBI jurisdiction.

BOOTH: It's a question of justice.

CULLEN: Does this, in any way, change my daughter's prognosis?


CULLEN: So she's still gonna die of this cancer?

BRENNAN: Barring spontaneous remission the likelihood is significant.

CULLEN: (looking down) The FBI's not my personal police force. I appreciate what you discovered. Call Charlie Hammond, CDC. Tell him what happened...he'll continue the investigation (turns to leave).

BRENNAN: My team can still...

BOOTH: (cuts in) We'll notify CDC right away.

(Cut to inside the car. Booth is driving while Brennan is in the passenger seat.)

BRENNAN: So that's it? Whoever did this to Amy Cullen just gets away.

BOOTH: No. What we do now is we find out a way to make this a legitimate FBI case.

BRENNAN: If one graft is infected, there's no telling how many others are out there.

BOOTH: Geez, you know, I feel like I'm on a serial k*ller case just waiting for another victim to surface.

BRENNAN: You're not far off. What if BioTech makes a habit of selling diseased parts?

BOOTH: Well, then it becomes FBI business if one of those tainted grafts is sold across state line.

BRENNAN: Well, you can spit into four states from where we are right now.

BOOTH: What?

BRENNAN: Not literally.

BOOTH: OK, first we gotta find out if this tissue lab is servicing any other hospitals.

BRENNAN: See if they've k*lled anyone else.

BOOTH: Amy Cullen is not dead, Bones.

BRENNAN: I'm afraid there's a degree of inevitability. (Looks exchanged) Sorry.

(Cut to Amy's hospital room. Angela is showing her artwork projected on the wall.)

ANGELA: It's pretty excellent, huh?

AMY: (walking closer) Is that mine?

ANGELA: Uh huh.

AMY: (walking right up, and touching the projection) How'd you do that?

ANGELA: Most of the time I restore and enhance old bones, so this is a lot more fun.

AMY: (touching her drawing) It's hard, you know? One second I'm at school and I'm gonna be an artist and the next...My friends don't know what to say. My parents are scared. Things change, I guess.

ANGELA: (emotional) Yeah. Yeah, sometimes they do.

AMY: Angela? Is the Louvre just unbelievable?

ANGELA: It's the most beautiful place you'll ever see.

AMY: Maybe you can tell me about it sometime.

ANGELA: You'll go there yourself. I know you will.

(Cut to Booth and Brennan walking down a building's corridor, approaching a door.)

BOOTH: 270. Here's BioTech. We get in there, we sweat the head guy. (Knocks on door) Hello? F...(opens unlocked door into an empty office)...BI. (Walking into the empty office) OK, so this is BioTech.

(Cut to Booth talking to a man inside the empty office)

MAN: Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

BOOTH: (shaking his hand) Thanks. I appreciate it. (Walks over to Brennan) All right. Building manager says BioTech went belly-up two years ago. They couldn't even pay their last month's rent.

BRENNAN: Where did they go?

BOOTH: He doesn't know.

BRENNAN: What? Two years ago?

BOOTH: Exactly. I mean, Amy Cullen's graft was sold to Washington General twelve months ago.

BRENNAN: If BioTech doesn't exist, who sold the diseased bone to the hospital?

(Cut to hospital, Booth and Brennan are walking into Dr. Ogden's office.)

BOOTH: Where is he?

ALEXANDRA: Dr. Ogden had to oversee the transport of a liver to Baltimore. He won't be back until morning.

BOOTH: Oh, a liver? Where'd he get this one from, huh? An alcoholic at a corner bar?

ALEXANDRA: We've dealt with BioTech for years. They're very reputable.

BRENNAN: There's no such company as BioTech.

ALEXANDRA: That's not possible.

BOOTH: Well, you know what I think? I think Ogden's in on this whole thing. A little biomedical payloa. Buys third-rate parts in exchange for a condo in St. Croix.

ALEXANDRA: Dr. Ogden's a very a good man. I know there are problems in his past, but that's just...

BOOTH: (cutting in) Oh, you mean there are skeletons in his closet? Well, I can't wait to see this guy's record.

BRENNAN: Alexandra, is there any way to tell if a patient at Washington General received a graft from the same donor as Amy Cullen?

ALEXANDRA: Only the tissue lab knows for sure. But after you left, I was curious, and...

BRENNAN: Please. It's already too late for Amy but it might not be for someone else.

ALEXANDRA: (contemplating) A woman named Kelly DeMarco. (Booth gets on his cell phone) It was a car accident.

BOOTH: (into phone) This is Booth. I need a phone and address for a Kelly DeMarco in the Potomac area.

ALEXANDRA: Two grafts, same day as Amy. Both grafts came from BioTech.

BOOTH: (to phone still) When? You sure?

BRENNAN: What is it?

BOOTH: Thanks. (hangs up) Kelly DeMarco...she's dead.

ALEXANDRA: Oh, my god.

BRENNAN: We need to know for sure if she had the same kind of cancer. We have to exhume her.

(Cut to Lab. Brennan and Zack are working on remains while Booth watches.)

ZACK: Kelly DeMarco, age 32, dead of lung cancer two months ago.

BRENNAN: (places bone on dish) Take a biopsy of this ulna graft from Ms. DeMarco and compare it with the core sample from Amy's leg.

BOOTH: Look, I spoke to DeMarco's husband. She, uh, had the accident, she had all the operations. You know, she never smoked a cigarette in her whole life only to die of lung cancer eight months ago.

ZACK: (places dish under microscope) When your number's up, I guess, right? I never understood that saying 'when your number's up.' Numbers and equations are quantitative and predictable. (looks through lens) Everyone knows when a number's up.

BOOTH: (shakes heads) How do you listen to this all day?

BRENNAN: I find intelligence soothing.

ZACK: It's amazing how quickly this spread. (sh*ts of the graft on computer screen) The grafts went into this woman's body and within weeks, the cancer cells metastasized to her lungs. By then, the disease was unstoppable.

BRENNAN: Same bones, same donor, same disease.

BOOTH: Look, I got three agents out there right now searching for BioTech. But all we have to work on is this email address assigned to a fictitious name. OK, let's just...let's just say that Ogden and this, uh, fake tissue lab are in cahoots. How many other bones out there can be from the same donor?

ZACK: There are 206 bones in the human body, Agent Booth. Of those, any number of them are graftable.

BOOTH: Ok, you're saying that hundreds of people could still be out there with cancer time bombs in them and not even realize it?

BRENNAN: We need to call every hospital in the DC area. If they acquired BioTech grafts at the same time as Amy, those recipients need to be tracked down and tested immediately.

BOOTH: Fine, if you're right, then the Bureau can officially designate this a serial k*lling.

ZACK: (working on computer) Agent Booth, the records you've been waiting for.

BOOTH: (walks over to look at the screen, where a picture of Ogden come up next to text) Oh, look at this. Alexandra Combs...she wasn't lying. Background check turns up that Ogden was fired from a private hospital in Denver.

BRENNAN: Reason?

BOOTH: Accepting a bribe for bumping someone up in the donor lists. This guy is dirty.

(Cut to a room where Ogden is being interrogated by Booth and Brennan.)

OGDEN: Look, what I did in Denver was wrong, but I did it for a good reason.

BOOTH: To line your pockets.

OGDEN: The money went to keep a struggling clinic afloat. Besides, it came from a family that could afford it.

BRENNAN: So taking advantage of wealthy people is ok?

OGDEN: I'm not saying I'm proud of what I did, Dr. Brennan. But just because I took the brine doesn't mean I had anything to do with this.

BRENNAN: Why don't you tell us about your relationships with BioTech?

OGDEN: The same I have with every company I deal with...a virtual one.

BOOTH: Emails, online financial transactions.

OGDEN: My assistant sends out a country-wide search for the organ or bone that we're looking for. They respond back and we bid. If we can reach an agreement, the part is immediately transported for surgery.

BRENNAN: And in Amy Cullen's case?

OGDEN: Same protocol. I bid, I bought, I received. No conversations were had. We're not required to check out suppliers each and every time we take an order.

BOOTH: You know what Ogden? I'm gonna contact every bank you've done business with. If I find one deposit that's suspicious, you know what? You're mine.

OGDEN: I swear to you I'm not involved in this. I haven't hurt anybody.

(Cut to outside the hospital. Angela and Amy are sitting in a bench, looking at artwork.)

AMY: Your work is awesome.

ANGELA: Thanks.

AMY: There's so much going on, you know? So much to feel. I don't know if I'll ever be able to do something like this.

ANGELA: You will, just give it time.

AMY: Well, I may not have a lot of that. Your paintings and your sculpture...they're alive, you know? It's like you're showing me how you felt when you painted them, what you've experienced (flipping through Angela's work). I can't paint what I don't know.

ANGELA: Amy, you've been through more than most people.

AMY: You mean dying? (shakes head) It's not enough.

ANGELA: I really think it's best for you to stay positive.

AMY: Keep doing things, you mean?

ANGELA: With your art? Yeah. Absolutely.

AMY: What about guys?

ANGELA: Ah. Well, that totally goes without saying. What's his name? (smiles)

AMY: Aaron. His family just moved here from Maine.

ANGELA: Is he cute?

AMY: He's so cute.

ANGELA: Did you ask him out?

AMY: No. He asked me, but I don't know. I said no.

ANGELA: Why? (silence) Look, you haven't asked my advice so I'm just gonna give it to you, ok? (Amy nods) Just have fun. You know, every once in awhile, you...you might meet somebody who's worth it.

AMY: What if he's not?

ANGELA: Then you've got something else to paint about.

(Cut to Lab, Booth is walking up the platform to the rest of the team who are working)

BOOTH: Bureau's canvassed every hospital in the area. Four have been using BioTech bone grafts.

BRENNAN: (hanging up phone she was on) And three recipients from those hospitals have lunch cancer.

HODGINS: (on the phone) Here's another one. And this one died of lung cancer three months ago. I'm checking on a burial site.

ANGELA: That makes 13, including Amy and the DeMarco woman.

ZACK: Probably all from the same donor.

BRENNAN: We're still waiting on Bethesda Naval Hospital.

BOOTH: (pointing to screen) Can you ID these people?

ZACK: Got names and addresses on all of them. (faces appear on the computer screen with their location)

BRENNAN: I've already contacted Washington General to set up a biopsy testing facility.

BOOTH: (exhales, looking at the screen) Man. How did one dead guy do so much damage?

BRENNAN: That's a good idea.

BOOTH: What idea?

BRENNAN: Identify the donor and we might be able to find out how BioTech got his bones.

HODGINS: (hanging up) Got it. Second decedent's name is Ronald Lupo. I found him at a cemetery in Lynchburg.

BOOTH: Virginia?

HOGDINS: Yeah. Why?

BOOTH: Cause it means that this fraud just crossed state lines and became a legitimate case for the FBI. Looks like I don't have to use my sick days anymore, huh?

(Cut to Cullen's office, where Booth is talking to him.)

CULLEN: How many?

BOOTH: Sick or dead?


BOOTH: Two...that we know of. But that makes it a multiple homicide case and since it's not isolated to the district and the recipients are in multiple states...

CULLEN: (cutting in) This falls under FBI jurisdiction.

BOOTH: Yes, sir.

CULLEN: I should kick your ass.

BOOTH: Yeah.

CULLEN: (shaking head) What'd you do? Take sick time to work on this?

BOOTH: Yeah. Migraine. (smiles)

CULLEN: Thanks, Booth. Catch the son of a bitch that did this to my daughter.

BOOTH: That's absolutely my intention sir.

(Cut to a hospital room where Brennan, Booth, Dr. Ogden and Alexandra are watching various patients getting examined.)

BOOTH: (to Brennan) Results?

BRENNAN: So far there are three other early signs of cancer cells. Aggressive chemo and radiation treatments should be able to slow it down.

BOOTH: (to Ogden) Admiring your handiwork, Doctor? (he turns to leave)

ALEXANDRA: I'm sorry (turns to follow him out).

(Booth and Brennan leave the room, and see Amy standing outside watching.)

BOOTH: Amy...

BRENNAN: (cutting in) Let me.

BOOTH: Easy.

BRENNAN: Hey, you all right?

AMY: Did all these people get bones from the same donor I did? (cut to people waiting to be examined.)

BRENNAN: Uh huh.

AMY: Do they all have cancer?

BRENNAN: No, not all of them. But the sooner the ones who are infected know, the better.

AMY: (upset) Who would do a thing like that? If they knew they were sick, why make other people sick too?

BRENNAN: I don't know. It's terrible, but that's what we're trying to figure out.

AMY: So, if you take the bad grafts out will they be ok?

BRENNAN: Some of them.

AMY: But not me.

BRENNAN: (emotional) No.

AMY: I want this out of me.

BRENNAN: Sweetheart, you're not strong enough.

AMY: (pleading) Get them to take it out.

BRENNAN: Amy, you have to understand, all of these people...

AMY: (cutting in) I don't care.

BRENNAN: You're saving their lives.

(Amy turns and walks away, leaving Brennan who is obviously upset.)

(Cut to lab, where Brennan and Zack are examining the xrays of the various grafts.)

ZACK: We've traced all these grafts back to the donor and still know almost nothing.

BRENNAN: Not exactly nothing. Zack, look at the slope of the sciatic notch in the pelvis.

ZACK: (nodding) And the non-elevated auricular surface.

BRENNAN: He was definitely male.

ZACK: The osteon count in the femoral joint confirms the donor was over sixty.

BRENNAN: It's a solid start, but we need a lot more.

ZACK: Osteophytosis with narrowing of intervertebral spaces indicates consistent heavy lifting. Construction worker?

BRENNAN: It's hard to say exactly. Definitely a burly type. If we keep guessing about what he was like on the inside then Angela can hypothesize about his appearance, size, weight.

ZACK: I'm on it.

(Cut to Angela's office where she's working on her computer while Hodgins, Brennan and Booth look on.)

ANGELA: I scanned in the X-rays of all of the graft recipients as well as the pieces from the exhumed bodies.

BOOTH: Ok, now what? Connect the dots?

BRENNAN: More like connect the body parts.

ANGELA: Think of it as sculpting from the inside out. The more that I know about our donor, the better I can guess what he might have looked like.

BRENNAN: The fragments originated from nine sites on the donor's body. If we connect the grafts...(computer screen shows this). Now input all the anatomical factors and core anomalies.

ANGELA: (inputs the data) Guys, meet Donor X...the man who caused all this pain (image of an old man on the screen).

BRENNAN: So that's our serial k*ller.

BOOTH: God, he probably had no idea how much damage he was gonna cause. We have enough to track him down?

BRENNAN: Hodgins?

HODGINS: Maybe with LIBS.


HODGINS: Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. It'll give us an elemental analysis of the old bastard.

BRENNAN: Angela told us what he looked like, now Hodgins can tell us where he lived.

BOOTH: Well, we'll find him.

BRENNAN: We have to.

(Cut to another room in the lab, Hodgins is adjusting a machine while Booth, Brennan and Zack watch.)

HODGINS: Strontium isotope levels suggest Donor X lived the last twenty years on the east coast.

ZACK: Extremely low levels of fluoride in the cancellous bone.

BRENNAN: Unusual since most tap water is fluoridated except for parts of the Appalachian Mountains.

HODGINS: A few of the Hatfields and McCoys still have no teeth.

BRENNAN: So we're looking for someone from Tennessee, West Virginia or North Carolina.

BOOTH: Oh, great. That narrows it down.

HODGINS: (looking at data) High level of C8. That's a key ingredient of Teflon.

ZACK: There's a Teflon plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia.

BRENNAN: And minuscule traces of nuclear sub-particles.

ZACK: Wasn't there a problem about 15 years ago at Brant's Cliff Power Facility?

HODGINS: Yeah, just a little one. Employees there were growing a second head. Can you say cover up?

BOOTH: Ok, where's Brant's Cliff?

BRENNAN: West Virginia also.

BOOTH: Ok, fine. SO then we're trying to ID a guy who's 65 years of age, roughly 200 pounds lives in West Virginia, die of lung cancer within the last year, hmmm?

(Brennan and Zack smile and nod.)

(Cut to car, Booth and Brennan are inside.)

BOOTH: Hey, look. There are three potential West Virginia donors we could be talking about. (looking at paper pad while driving) There's Lester Blake out of Tague. There's Blair Simmons...(horn honking) Hey lady, watch where you're driving!! (Honks)

BRENNAN: (takes the paper away from him) I'd rather not be a donor myself. (looks down at paper and continues reading) Blair Simmons out of Dailey and William Hastings out of Beard's Fork. All three men died of mesothelioma last August.

BOOTH: Ok, we'll be in Beard's Fork within about an hour, ok? (Cell phone rings) You're sure Zack and Hodgins are on the other two, right?

BRENNAN: (into the phone) This is Brennan.

ZACK: (Cuts to him at a cemetery) Dr. Brennan, I'm at Lester Blake's exhumation. I've examined the remains.

BOOTH: (Back in the car, his cell phone rings) This is Booth.

HODGINS: (Cuts to him underground somewhere) Blair Simmons isn't dead.

BOOTH: What?

HODGINS: He's frozen in a cryogenics lab.

BOOTH: What do you mean frozen?

HODGINS: Like a supermarket turkey. Not a scratch on him. And I think he's wedged between Walt Disney and Ted Williams.

ZACK: (over the phone to Brennan) There's no sign of body tampering, and it's clear his casket hasn't been open since his burial.

BRENNAN: (into her phone) So if Blake isn't our donor...

BOOTH: (into his phone) So if Simmons isn't our donor...

(Cut to Booth and Brennan talking to Mrs. Hastings outside of her home/trailer.)

BOOTH: Mrs. Hastings, what did your husband do for a living?

HASTINGS: Ah, this and that. Bill worked in construction for a time did the night shift down at Brant's Cliff...opened a roofing business a few years back.

BRENNAN: Roofing?

HASTINGS: Shingling and fireproofing and such.

BRENNAN: So he handled asbestos?

HASTINGS: Doctors say that's what finally got him. Why are y'all so curious?

BOOTH: Uh, Mrs. Hastings, I mean, your husband did time for petty theft and fraud. I mean, you lost your home, your cars. He left you with nothing.

HASTINGS: Ah, Bill Hastings was an old fool who deserved what came to him.

BRENNAN: You needed money. Did anyone approach you about selling his parts after he died?

HASTINGS: Pardon? I'm afraid I don't follow.

BOOTH: Well, his family has a cemetery plot in Kincaid yet you cremated him. Are you hiding something?

HASTINGS: (scoffs) I did that because the guy at the funeral home said it was cheaper. We couldn't afford a proper burial.

BOOTH: What funeral home?

HASTINGS: Um, it was called Martin, I think.

BRENNAN: Where are the ashes?

HASTINGS: Out back in the yard.

BRENNAN: Do you mind if we take a sample?

HASTINGS: I sure as hell do. I don't like what y'all are accusing me of doing.

BOOTH: Well, we'll just come back with a warrant, that's all.

HASTINGS: You better bring some dogs. And bring those trigger-happy agents of yours too, cause this conversation is over.

BOOTH: Come on Bones, lets go. Have a nice day.

(Cut to the hospital, Booth and Brennan and talking to Cullen in the waiting area.)

BOOTH: Look, she insists that her husband wasn't the donor but the evidence is overwhelming.

BRENNAN: If I could get my hands on a soil sample I know there are bone fragments still intact that we can possibly identify him with.

CULLEN: Was there an insurance policy in place?

BOOTH: None. More reasons to sell the illegal grafts. But the funereal home had to have been in cahoots with her.

CULLEN: (Mrs. Cullen approaches with coffee) So all we have to do is connect the widow to the funeral home.

BRENNAN: Then the home to BioTech.

(A group of doctors approach them.)

DOCTOR: We need to speak to you and Amy's mother privately.

BOOTH: We'll go. Come on, Bones. (they leave)

(Cut to inside Amy's room. She is drawing a portrait of her parents as she looks at them through the window as they get news from the doctors. Angela is sitting next to her.)

AMY: She's telling them the treatment didn't work and they're nothing else they can do. (Shot of her parents upset.) I hate seeing them so sad. (grabs hold of Angela's hand)

(Cut to inside the funeral home where Booth and Brennan enter, at what appears to be the middle of a ceremony.)

BOOTH: (whispers) Bones...Bones...Bones, I know that you find dead people intriguing but just try to put on your sad face.

(He clears his throat to get the attention of Nick Martin, the funeral director in the front. He comes over when he sees Booth's badge.)

MARTIN: I'm sorry. I'm in the middle of a service.

BOOTH: Well, this will only take a minute. Uh, Mr. Jessup...he...he ain't going no where.

MARTIN: What's this about, exactly?

BRENNAN: William Hastings.

MARTIN: Uh, is he someone you've lost?

BOOTH: More like somebody we found.

BRENNAN: He passed away a year ago, you cremated him. But somehow his bones were illegally harvested prior to the procedure.

MARTIN: Well, not here.

BOOTH: What do you mean?

MARTIN: Well, this is my mortuary. I've been in business almost a decade and I have no recollection whatsoever of a Mr. Hastings.

BRENNAN: His wife mentioned this place specifically.

MARTIN: It's unfortunate, but the bereaved are often confused.

BRENNAN: In this case, I don't think so.

BOOTH: We don't think so.

MARTIN: If you'll excuse me, I have mourners waiting.

BOOTH: Well, maybe you can just double check your records and get back to me. (hands him his card)

MARTIN: I would, but my records are impeccable. There's nothing to double check.

BOOTH: Well...(Martin turns away) That was quick.

BRENNAN: I need to get those ashes from her yard.

BOOTH: You got 'em, all right. I'll get the warrant.

BRENNAN: And don't roget the dogs and the g*n-toting agents she asked for.

BOOTH: Oh, believe me. Trust me. I won't forget that. (they leave)

(Cut to the lab, Hodgins, Brennan and Booth are talking.)

BRENNAN: So I looked it up on the internet...you can get $10,000 for grafts on the black market these days.

BOOTH: (chuckles) Ten grand. Geez, my bones are worth more than that.

BRENNAN: What makes you so special?

BOOTH: Three glasses of milk a day, I work out and I eat right.

HODGINS: X-ray micro-fluorescence shows a high concentration of calcium carbonate.

BRENNAN: (sarcastically) Oh, that's a revelation. Seriously Hodgins is there anything that we can link to William Hastings' medical records?

HODGINS: Everything tracks. I mean, the cremains are consistent to those of William Hastings. The question I keep asking is, if the widow is guilty, why keep the remains so close to home?

BRENNAN: Well, what if she didn't know about it?

BOOTH: Oh, come on Bones. She hated the guy. My guess is she got 10 G's stuffed in her mattress back in Trailerville.

BRENNAN: No, I mean it. There are no unusual bank records, no deposits. What if they took the grafts, gave her back the ashes, and she was none the wiser.

HODGINS: Man, is she gonna be pissed.

BOOTH: Alright, if it's not the widow Hastings, I'm doubling down on the mortician. Everybody in? (to Hodgins) You in?

(Cut back to funeral home, Booth and Brennan enter as Martin is...doing what morticians do to bodies?)

BOOTH: Thank you. Aw, geeez.

MARTIN: Excuse me. This body is being prepped. What do you want?

BRENNAN: What we want is to know where you harvested Mr. Hastings' body.

MARTIN: I told you, I don't know who Hastings is.

BOOTH: Well, we think you're lying.

BRENNAN: We think you're selling bone and tissue grafts illegally.

MARTIN: And I think your accusations are outlandish and you should call my lawyer.

BOOTH: Yeah? Well, we have a warrant here to, uh, look around a little (holds out warrant).

(Cut to a room where coffins are displayed.)

BOOTH: What's this place?

BRENNAN: Casket showroom. They're having a sale.

BOOTH: Well, it looks like a sick department store. Alright, nobody would be cutting anybody up in this place. Let's go. (turns to lead Brennan out of the room.)

BRENNAN: Whoa. Wait, over there. (points)

BOOTH: What? It's a water line. What's the big deal?

BRENNAN: But the floor slopes towards the centre of the room. This wasn't always used for a showroom. I wonder what's under the carpet. Huh (takes out pocket knife). If body work was done in here, they'd need a drain. (cuts a piece of the carpet to reveal a drain.)

BOOTH: You're kidding me. It's a drain?

MARTIN: (enters the room) This is our sales office. There is nothing in here you need to see. The only thing in this room is caskets.

BRENNAN: I'm not so sure about that (looking at air vent on the wall).

MARTIN: No, what...you are making a mistake.

BRENNAN: Am I? (closes a casket and climbs up on it to look at the vent)

MARTIN: She's ruining my merchandise.

BOOTH: (chuckling) Come on, how much is that one?

MARTIN: $7,000

BOOTH: Bones, watch the scuff marks.

BRENNAN: (from on top of the casket) Mr. Martin, this room is designed to be washed clean. You've got drains in the floor. I think this is where you did the bone harvesting. When you thought we were coming back, you moved everything around.

MARTIN: That's absurd. I did no such thing.

BRENNAN: (grabbing mask and swab from her bag) You're an excellent house cleaner but in the carpeting and tidying up, you forgot about one thing. (Reaches up and opens the air vent, swabbing the inside) Bone dust. You forgot about airborne particles.

(Cut to the platform at the Lab. Zack is working in front of a machine while Booth, Brennan and Hodgins wait.)

BOOTH: Today Zack, I need something today.

BRENNAN: (steps in) Hey, don't harass my assistant.

HODGINS: That's right, that's our job.

ZACK: I sifted dust particles through a series of filters then separated the larger pieces and magnified them to compare the osteons (image on screen).

BRENNAN: The particles in the vent definitely came from cutting human skeletal remains.

BOOTH: William Hastings' remains?

ZACK: I am comparing particles to the biopsy we excised from Kelly DeMarco (holds out slide).

BOOTH: Compare. (Both images come up on the screen) So, is it him?

BRENNAN: It's him. (smiling) But here's the kickster...

BOOTH: Kicker Bones. Here's the kicker.

BRENNAN: (upset) Oh.

ZACK: There's bone dust from at least seven other bodies in that vent filter as well.

BOOTH: Seven?

BRENNAN: Cutting through periosteum for grafting purposes takes medical training.

ZACK: Except for the tainted samples, these bone grafts are expertly harvested.

BOOTH: Ok, so we're looking for someone who has medical training.

BRENNAN: Martin is a mortician, not a doctor. Let's say he's running a chop shop. Lets say he was selling illegal parts to tissue labs. Who was actually doing the cutting?

BOOTH: And who was selling to hospital as BioTech?

(Cut to FBI Building. Booth is interrogating Martin. Cullen and Brennan are watching through the glass.)

BOOTH: How much money have you made over the years doing this, Nick? Huh? Tens? Oh, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

MARTIN: I don't know what you're talking about.

BOOTH: William Hastings had an aggressive form of cancer that was very rare. You made some pocket change off his grafts, you didn't even tell his wife. Now a bunch of people are sick. Two died. You're looking at multiple counts of m*rder.

MARTIN: I didn't k*ll anybody.

BOOTH: No, no, you didn't k*ll anybody. I mean, they were already dead. You were just recycling.

MARTIN: I didn't do anything wrong.

BOOTH: Do you have any doctor training?


BOOTH: Spend any time in the service as a medic or a nurse?


BOOTH: No? Then who did the cutting? Who did the cutting of the grafts, huh? Somebody knew what they were doing. Your phone records show that during the months around Hastings' death you received dozen of calls from disposable cells. Four different ones, huh? (slams file down on table) What do you make of that?

(Cullen is watching through the glass, getting more agitated)

MARTIN: (looks at the file) I don't recall this.

BOOTH: You know what? The dust that we got off the vent in your showroom matched Hastings and seven other bodies. Who do you work with?

MARTIN: I don't know what you're talking about.

BOOTH: I think you do. I think you and your partners knew that the bones were cancerous, and you didn't...

CULLEN: (slams open the door and walks in, interrupting Booth) Who was it, huh? Who the hell did this to my daughter? (Grabs Martin and pushes him up against the wall) Huh??

BOOTH: (getting in between the two) Sir, sir, sir. I got him. I got him, sir. Please. (holding Cullen back) Bones, how long is it gonna take you to...(turns to talk to her, but she is gone.) Bones, come on! (looks around for her)

(Cut to the hospital, in an office, Brennan walks in on Alexandra, who just finished recharging a bunch of cell phones.)

ALEXANDRA: Oh, Dr. Brennan, you startled me.

BRENNAN: Mind if I come in?

ALEXANDRA: Not at all. I was just trying to keep things organized. What we do here is so important, we can't risk making any mistakes.

BRENNAN: Ms. Combs, tell me, what...what do you use these phones for? (looking at the cell phones)

ALEXANDRA: Recipients primarily. We never know when a donor organ is going to come in so it's imperative that they can be reached at all times.

BRENNAN: Ever use one yourself?

ALEXANDRA: (smiles) What can I do for you, Doctor?

BRENNAN: Have you always wanted to work in a hospital? I mean, it's incredibly rewarding, I know. But have you ever wanted to study medicine?

ALEXANDRA: I did at one time, yes.

BRENNAN: How do you fell, Ms. Combs? Have you been coughing at all? Do you feel a tightness in your chest?

ALEXANDRA: I feel fine actually.

BRENNAN: How often does Dr. Ogden write prescriptions?

ALEXANDRA: Rarely. As coordinator he doesn't practice.

BRENNAN: Yet, the pharmacy downstairs told the FBI that he wrote you a script for an expectorant for a cough.

ALEXANDRA: Well, there must be some mistake. He'd never...

BRENNAN: You wrote that prescription yourself, didn't you? (Alexandra chuckles and shakes her head) I know what you've been doing with Martin...to Hastings and the others. See, if you'd finished medical school, you'd know. Bone dust is very dangerous if inhaled. When you were taking those grafts, I doubt you were wearing a mask. You're sick Ms. Combs...and I, I don't just mean in a mentally disturbed way.

ALEXANDRA: (getting agitated) This is ridiculous. You can't prove anything.

BRENNAN: We're in a hospital. Why don't we go get a chest x-ray and find out? (Booth and Ogden enter the office)

BOOTH: I'd like to read you your rights.

OGDEN: Alexandra, what's going on?

(Cut to the lab, in the sitting area above...Angela, Brennan and Hodgins are talking.)

HODGINS: So the transplant assistant fancied herself a doctor?

BRENNAN: Not a doctor exactly but qualified enough to extricate bone grafts from a cadaver.

HODGINS: And what about BioTech Tissue Labs?

BRENNAN: Once it was a legitimate company...Combs kept it alive on the web and funneled the money into her own well-disguised bank account.

ANGELA: So where does that leave Amy?

BRENNAN: Same as where she started, just with answers...that's all.

ANGELA: (shakes head) Well, that is perfect (gets up and leaves).

BRENNAN: Angela...

HODGINS: That's ok, I got it.

(Cut to Angela's office, Hodgins enters.)



HODGINS: You all right?

ANGELA: Yeah...(Hodgins turns to leave) No, No I'm not. Look, we can solve hundred-year-old crimes...we can, we can track down serial K*llers and identify people when nothing is left of them but sludge. So, why can't we help a 15-year-old girl? All she wants to do is fall in love and visit the Louvre.

HODGINS: You can do that.

ANGELA: What do you mean?

HODGINS: You made a whole guy out of bone chips and lights. You can create the Louvre.

ANGELA: Well, what about love? What do you have to say about love?

HODGINS: It's overrated...most of the time. (smiles)

(Angela leaves.)

(Cut to the hospital, Angela has her computer set up in Amy's room as Brennan, Booth and her parents look on.)

ANGELA: Ok. Now tell me what you see. (Puts goggles on Amy).

AMY: (Cut to what she is seeing, which is a 3D representation of the Louvre.) Oh, wow. No way. (Cut back to the room, where you see Amy with the goggles and everyone watching her) Angela, this is unbelievable. (laughs)

ANGELA: Welcome to the Louvre.

AMY: I'm really there.

BOOTH: That's amazing.

CULLEN: Is this your doing, Dr. Brennan?

BRENNAN: No, sir. It's all Ms. Montenegro.

MRS. CULLEN: Thank you Angela.

ANGELA: You're welcome. So, what do you think?

AMY: I think it's like heaven. I don't know what to say.

ANGELA: Don't say anything, you don't have to.

(Cut to Amy walking around the Louvre.)

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