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03x40 - Bad Kiss

Posted: 03/09/23 08:45
by bunniefuu
So, what did you guys think?

Yeah, you know, it was pretty good.

I think I'm gonna like the remake better.

They don't call it Crime Town for nothing, baby.

Well, I'm glad you liked it.

I missed all the best parts, cause you were trying to talk to me.

Dude, I still don't know what you're talking about.

Like I said, it wasn't me.

- Whatever.

- So, what's next?

Who's down for some of my famous home made Morde


- Ok!

- Sounds good!

- Alright sure!

So, what's in a Morde

-shake again?

It's a surprise.

It's just a regular milkshake.

You're really gonna load up on desserts after that Chili

-dog incident?

- Yeah, so gross!

- Don't remind me What?

There's always room for dessert, especially when the dessert is Morde


Oh sh**t, I forgot something in the car.

I'll be right back.

What's up?

I can't find my wallet.

Oh, let's see Did you check the glove compartment?

Yeah, I checked there already.

Oh sorry, I shouldn't


- No, it's fine.

- It's just


- What?

Your breath is really bad.


Oh my gosh.

- Wait, no!




- I'm sorry!

I'm sorry!


Yeah, you know, I came up with the name Morde


- So technically


- Morde

-shakes are canceled.

Good night Eileen.

Wait, what?

I need to talk to you.

Come on!


good night?

Oh man, this is bad.

This is really bad.

Dude, what is it?

I kissed Margaret.

Whoa, I own Muscle Man so much money.

I'm such an idiot.

But that's what you wanted, what's the problem?

Did you have bad breath, or something?

I did!


You didn't check first?

I was in the moment.

You gotta pack a mint, bro.

That was our first kiss, and I blew it.

I'm never gonna be able to face her again.

I wish I could just take it back.

Sounds like you need a Time Machine.

Ha, yeah, I wish.

Wait, you mean you still have it?

Oh, you mean the Time Machine you said was a scam, and a waste of money.

Well yeah, who sells a Time Machine for $15?

It was on sale.

So, can I still use it?

Only if you admit you actually think it's really cool.

Dude, quit messing around.

My life is on the line.

Okay okay geez.

That's it?

It looks kinda junky.

Oh, so I guess you don't wanna use it then.

No no, I'm sorry.

How does it work?

I don't know.

I never used it before.


Where's the on switch?

Dude, you're gonna break it.

I just wanna go back to 15 minutes ago.

Where are we?

This thing just sent us outside.

No dude, look.

There we are.

Your really gonna load up on desert after that Chili

-dog incident.

Whoa, this is weird.


Here I come.

Well, do something.

- Like what?

- I don't know.

I can't just barge in there.

Well, here comes Margaret.

Look at how nervous you look.

Hey baby, can you help me find what I'm looking for?


Dude, quit it.

What happened?

I didn't touch it.

- Man, must be kinda glitchy.

- That's what you get for $15.

Hey, but it worked!

I can't believe it!

Let me see for a sec.

Go back two months ago.


Dude, Quit fooling around!

Ok, so what's a fast way we would can fix my bad breath in the past?

So when I'll kiss Margaret it's not bad.

I told you man, Mints.

Okay, yeah.

We'll go back earlier in the night, and give my past self a mint.

Two hours ago.

You got those mints?

I gotta get out of that place!

I gotta get out of that crime town!

What the?

Dude, this not gonna work.

Well, I don't want me to see me.

- Here.

- Rigby, wait!

Psst, hey, Mordecai.

- Dude, you want some mints?

- What?

No dude.


C'mon, they're really good.

Here, take a couple.

- Dude, Quit it!

- Just take 'em!



Dude, we're trying to watch the movie!

Yeah, then you stop trying to wait.

Why wouldn't I just take a mint?

I don't know man.

But you wouldn't need a mint, if you haven't eaten that Chili

-Dog earlier.

That's it!

I'll just stop myself from eating it.


I'm about to order.

Ugh, if only that truck wasn't there.

You got it.

Follow me.

You know what you want?

Yeah, let me get a sloppy dan dog, with extra onions.

- Extra?

You sure?

- Yeah.

Pile 'em on.

One sloopy dan with



What the





-second rule.

That was really gross.

See, I told you.

What's wrong with me?

Yeah man, I can't believe Margaret let you kiss her.


If only I eaten something earlier, I wouldn't even wanted that dumb Chili


Seven hours ago.

Hey, saved you guys the last piece of apple pie.

No thanks.

Yeah, we're saving room for Chili

-Dogs tonight.


Margaret, we'll take that pie after all.


Here you go.


We said no.

Yeah Chili

-Dogs tonight, remember?

Sorry, its been a long day.

Margaret, where's the pie.

Can we get some sandwiches too, with fries?

Sure thing.

Here's your food.

The fries will be out in a minute.

Uh, are you feeling alright?

Come on guys, if you're messing with me, it's not funny.

We're not!

I swear!


Now Margaret's mad at me.

I guess you're just desit to ruin your chances with her.

I'm not giving up.

There's got to be a way to fix my bad breath.

Aw yeah.

That's what the ladies like.

Grab the mouthwash!




It's for your own good!

What the heck?

Get off man!

Oh man This can't be good.


Who are you guys?

We're from the future.

Oh no.

Where am I?

What year is this?

Relax, it's the same day, just later at night.

Well, take me back.

I don't want to cease to exist or something.

Wait, if we remove me from the past, does that me I'm gonna disappear?

I don't know.

I'm not an expert on time travel.

Just tell him what's up?

Okay, look, we finally kiss Margaret tonight.


No way.

No really, but it's bad.

We had bad breath, and she pushed us away, and it was really embarrassing.

So Rigby, and I were traveling back in time to fix it.

Wait, don't tell me your actually trying to use that "time machine" Rigby was scamming to buying.

It wasn't a scam, it really works.


All I know is guys from the future lie.

Remember that lip syncing fiasco?

But this is different.

And what's this "we" kiss Margaret business?

I haven't kissed Margaret yet.

Just because you messed up, doesn't mean I'm gonna.

Dude, that's not how it works.

No dude, just stop trying to block my lip


Gimme that piece of junk.


Don't worry.

He's not gonna figure out how to use it.

Take me back to this morning.

Well, I guess he's smarter than you somehow.

Agh, great.

Well that's it then.

We lost the time machine.

I can't believe I have to live with this kiss.

Never say never, man.

I didn't say never.

Who's your best friend?

What are you talking about?

What, how?

Dude, remember when I sent myself back two months ago?

You thought I was fooling around, but I went back and bought a second time machine.

Rigby, you're a genius.

Yeah, I saved three bucks with the double order.

All right, come on.

We got to stop me before it's to late.

Back to this morning.



We're trying to help you!

Yeah right.

You can't keep me from kissing Margaret.

Whatever dude, It's not like your never figure out I kissed her in the car at 11:55.

Dude, what are you doing?

I have a plan.

sh**t, I can't believe I just gave that away.

I'm such an idiot.

Hey sorry man, but you ain't getting my kiss tonight.

Oh, hey Margaret, what's up?

Just stay away from me!

Okay Rigby quick, go back to the present, and remember to destroy the Time machine.

Yeah, fine.

But you own me 27 bucks.

Well, you will own me I guess.

Back to the present.

What's up?

I, uh, I can't find my wallet.

Oh, let's see Did you check the glove compartment?

Yeah I checked there already.

Oh, found it.

Oh, great.

That's great.

- I'm glad you



- So, anyway do you


- What to head inside?


Who's ready for Morde


Yeah, took you long enough.

You have no idea.

Come on.

You know, I came up with the name Morde


