03x28 - Dead at Eight

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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03x28 - Dead at Eight

Post by bunniefuu »

Looks like he's at it again.

Why does he waste his time?

You been building your water slide for six weeks.

You're never gonna ride it man.

Dudes, dudes, let me get real for a second.

This slide, is my life's work.

It's gotta be perfect.

Dude, dude, we dare you to ride it right now.

I'll ride it when its done.

I still need to add some support beams to the ramp.

So that I can clear my trailer and land in the lake.

Dude, its totally sturdy.

Yea but

- What?

You think just cause your yelling "BOO" Im gonna ignore

- Fine!

I'll do it!

I'm totally gonna do it, you know!

Sure you are man!

You think hes really gonna do it?

No, dude, he's never gonna do it.

He'll just wuss out like he did last week.

Yep, any second now he'll stop.

I can't believe it!

Dude, he did it!

- Go, dude!

- Go, man!

In yo face, suckers!


Oh, geez!

He could be all right.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm all good.

Did you see how cool I looked?

What do you mean you can't babysit tonight?

I know it's short notice.

I'll pay you double.

Wait, wait, don't hang up!

I'm in a bit of a rush today, so I'll just go ahead and take Muscle Man's soul and be off But I'm barely even hurt.

It's just a few broken


- Wait, stop!

It's all our fault, he didn't even want to slide!

Sorry, boys.

No exceptions.

Please, we'll do anything!

- Anything?

- Yeah!

Wait a sec.

Maybe we can make a deal.

If you two babysit my son Thomas, so I can take my wife out for our anniversary tonight, I'll let your friend go.

Sure, not a problem.

Very good.

Oh, no!

Help me, bros!

I'll be keeping your friend in this amulet until the wife and I return from dinner.

And one more thing, if Thomas isn't asleep by 8:00, Muscle Man's soul is mine for eternity.

Got it?


I'm home!

Who is that with you?

Wait, let me guess, the "babysitters" Well I must say, you two certainly don't much look like babysitters.

Course they are!

The best babysitters money can buy.

Yep, we're totally babysitters.

And how did my husband contact you a month ago?

- Phone.

- Email.

- Fax.

- Email.

- Fax.

- Phone.

All three naturally.

Wanted to be thorough.

And you've had experience with paranormal children?

Yeah, pairs, one on one, all sorts of normal kids.

Hey, so where is the little guy anyway?

Oy, Thomas.

Say hi to uncle Mordo and uncle Rigs.

Come on Thomas.

Come to mommy.

You know, Thomas can be quite a handful.

Make sure he's asleep when we get back.

If he isn't, I'll be most disappointed in you, All of you.

I will be disappointed also.

Get it?

So where is the reservation?

Er you know that.



extra fancy, extra valuable.



I can't believe this!

You losers better know what you're doing, Do you even know how to get a baby to sleep?

Dude, no problem.

Yeah man, he's just a kid.



OK, little dude, time to go to sleep.



What the?


Wait you can talk?

Of course I can, I'm over 300 years old.

Wait, do you parents know?


And let's keep it that way!

I wanna ride this baby thing out for a little while longer, and before I slumber, I demand that we play.

Well ok But you'd better go to sleep after that.

That was an excellent playtime!

OK, now you need to go to sleep!

In time!

But right now I hunger for food.

OK, let's see what we can find OK, soul juice, ghost feed Oooo Almond milk.

Oh, there it is.

Here you go, Thomas, warm milk.

Warm milk is nothing to me!

I want cookies.

I also love sugar!

It gave me power.

Ohh you two baxters are hopeless!

You couldn't put the kid to bed to save your lives!

Well it's a good thing it's your life at stake then.

You shut your face!

You're lucky I'm stocking in this ball!


Dinner went magnificently.

We're coming back now, and if Thomas isn't sleep Muscle Man will be a permenorm part of my wife's jewelry collection!

They're on their way home.

What do we do?

You get up then put that kid to bed, or I'll harm your terms for the rest of your lives!

- Thomas?

- Thomas!


Get down from there!

You promised you'll go to bed after you ate!

Dad always read me a story before I bed.

We deal me want a story!

Ok, errr once upon a time Not that book, that book.

I'm not sure that's a good idea It is a terrific idea.

Just read it, bros!

And it starts it smells like being odor here for some reasons.

"The hungry hungry soul

-sucking death worm".

" The soul

-sucking death worm was so so hungry.

" Pull the tab!

"He searched far and wide for souls to eat, but only got hungrier.

" This is the most boring part of the book.

It gets much better.

"And once all the souls are eaten, he takes a nice long nap.

" "The end.

" It's a pretty good book.

No wait, you forgot to pull the last tab.

Pull it, this is my favorite part!

What's the point?

The book is over, dude.

If you don't, I won't go to bed.

Don't be afraid, just feed it!

What we feed it?


Modecai, catch!

What are you doing?

Give him the fat man's soul!

Ah, now get off!

I got him!

A little help, Modecai!


Dude, we have to get the worm back in the book!

Take Muscle Man, I got a plan!


No no no!

This is not how it is written!

The worm must eat the soul!

No way, you bloodthirsty little jerk!

Modecai, throw Muscle Man over to Thomas!



That will just feed him to the worm!

Trust me!

You'd better not do it, man!

Sorry, Muscle man!

I'll feed myself if I need to.



It's not what I meant!

Dude, nice!


I think I'm gonna throw up D'oh!



That was an awful story time!

Hey, we read you the story, now go to sleep!

I could been k*lled!

I'm never going to sleep!



Look at the time!

Mommy and daddy will be back any minutes now, and when they see me wide awake, they'll go ballistic.

Dude, we're so dead He could be alright We're back!

What happened here?


Broken furniture all over the place!

Fire is everywhere!


My favorite harp, ruined!







And what about Thomas?



He's out cold.

Oh, thanks for a perfect anniversary, darling.

Right, you two.

are the best babysitters we've ever had!

You surely did better than the last few.

I'm impressed, I was sure you perish.

Yeah thanks, but you know what we want.

Bring Muscle Man back!

Alright fine, a deal is a deal.

You know it's not easy juggling a full

-time job, and raising a family.

So don't expect to be so easy to get one of your souls back next time.

which will be soon.

We'll wait Muscle Man entrance that hot dog eating contest.

Seriously, you gonna die at that hot dog eating contest.


Wait, how do we get home?
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