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03x27 - Busted Cart

Posted: 03/09/23 08:30
by bunniefuu
Alright dude, are you ready?

I finished digging the pit, and the cones are all set up!

Extreme cartin'?

Extreme cartin'!

Hold it, hold it!

I'm holding, I'm holding!


Hahaha, we did it, we did it!

Yup, the groundkeep on the grounds looks excellent!

This park is really coming together.

Well done, Benson!



What have I told you about messing with the cart?

If you think


- My office, now!

Do you have any idea how much those cars cost?


I'm not paying park money to fix your mistakes!

- But sir



- But nothing!

I could find a new park manager right this second if I wanted to!

Don't worry, sir.

The warranty will take care of everythng.

That expires tomorrow afternoon!

But the dealership's too far away!

I'll have to drive all day and night!

Sounds like a personal problem!

Get that car fixed or you're FIRED!

Benson, we're sorry.

We'll make it up to you.

Yeah, we can help you get to the dealership!


You two only screw things up!

I am getting that car fixed by myself, so stay here!

But that drive is way too long for one person to handle!

I'll take my chances.

Alright, Benson.

You're making great time.

As long as you don't stop, you can get to the dealership with time to spare.

And then, as soon as you get back to the park, you can fire Mordecai and RIGBY!

I can't believe this!

I thought I told you idiots not to come!

Does the word "not" not process into your thick skulls?


Of course not!

Wait, uh Look, Benson, we just wanted to help you make it across the country!

Shut up!

Just shut up and let me think for a second.


Ideally, you guys would be a million miles away from me now.

But since I don't have time to turn around and take you back, you're gonna come with me!

And you're gonna do exactly what I say.





No napkins!

No napkins!

Benson, we're sorry.

- Yeah, the bag wouldn't open and the napkins



- No, no more.

Here's what you guys are gonna to for the rest of the trip: Nothing!

Absolutely nothing!

Don't say anything, don't do anything.

Just stop messing things up!

Benson, why do you hate us so much?

I don't hate you guys, I just hate some of the things you do.

Okay, I really hate some of the things you do.

I know you don't mean them, but I'm your boss and it's my job to push you to do better.

Is that why Maellard yells at you?

You guys don't know how easy you have it.

Let's just say, his yelling is way worse than mine.

But is it worse than his face?

Hey, do you guys want to listen to some electropop music?

Whoa, you listen to that?

Just on long car trips.

It helps keep me awake.


Hey, Benson.

Huh, what?

Dude, you look pretty tired.

How about I drive for a little while?

No, no, I'm perfectly fine.

Come on, man.

You've been driving all day, it's not safe.


I don't wanna sleep for too long, so wake me up in two hours.

Only two hours, got it?

Don't worry, dude.

You can trust us.

Check the map to see how much further is.

Where are we now?




Dude, we're really close to the dealership!

It's like only two inches away.

Dude, look, dude.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Video game pit stop!

All right, let's do this.

But only for thirty minutes,

- Benson's job is on the line.

- Right.


Turn it off!

How long were we in there?


You were in there for HOURS!

Now we're never gonna make it to the DEALERSHIP in time!

It closes in THIRTY MINUTES!

We're sorry.

We didn't know it was daytime, there aren't any windows in the arcade.

Excuses, excuses!

How am I supposed to trust you, when all you give me are EXCUSES?


When are you two gonna learn, that your actions have consequences?


Consequences that affect other people!

Like me!

Don't you two understand?

I'm about to lose my job!

You may not care about keeping your jobs, but I care about keeping mine!

Cause if I lose my job, I have nothing!

Do you hear me?

I have nothing!

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take my last bathroom break as an employed man.

Dude, we really messed up.


Hey you!

There were two guys with a truck that were just here.

Do you know where they went?

Oh yeah.

They're taking a shortcut out to Highway 13 to the car dealership.



Most dangerous highway in the country.

How much do you want for that bike?


You idiots!

That is the most dangerous highway in the country!

But it's the only way to make it to the dealership in time.

Get out of that driver seat!

I am turning this thing around.

Guys, I don't think we can turn around.

Step on it!

Step on it!

Benson, watch out!


We're all gonna die!

No we're not.

We can fix this, Benson.

Rigby, you ready for some extreme cartin'?

Extreme cartin'!

Hold on.

Take the wheel.

Hang on, Benson!

Hold it, hold it!

Oh, no

- Look the dealership

- We're almost there Dude, its closing time, dude.


Dude, Countdown!


We're gonna crash!

Pull the parking brake!

Parking brake!

Hey are you guys still open?

Let me guess, last day on the warranty?

Well Benson, at least we got the car to the dealership.

Yeah, but the truck is totaled.

When does the warranty on the truck expire?