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04x08 - Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?

Posted: 03/09/23 07:29
by bunniefuu
[Joe] Previously on You:

There's something here.

- Then why are we wasting time?
- [Joe] We've barely grazed the surface.

[both] Surprise!

We're engaged!

You didn't.

- What?
- [Joe] When I followed you

to the art fair in London,
I felt you, Marienne.

The buttoned-up Madre Linda librarian
was gone.

[Joe] Goodbye, Marienne.

Look familiar?

Found your old lover.

Where is Marienne?

I don't know anyone called Marienne.

[Joe] Tell me!

Tell me where she is!

[Rhys] He wasn't lying, Joe.

He didn't know you.

But then I wasn't lying either.

We really do have Marienne in a cage.

[Marienne] Once upon a time,

a nightingale and her little chick
shared a nest

in a magical land called Paris, France.

[Juliette] It's not quite right yet.

More shading to the beak.

And more tail feathers.


They were so cozy in their little nest.

And bigger wings.


[Juliette] Wait.


She'll just fly away.

Baby, she'll come back.

Oh, baby.

She loves her little chick too much
to be gone for long.

[woman] Marienne, tea is on the table.

I'll always come back.

Okay? I promise.

And you'll have fun with Beatrice.

[mouthing] Thank you.

It's just a couple of days.

And when I get back
from the art fair, guess what.

I'm gonna have so many new ideas
to draw with you.


[Marienne] The nightingale and
little chick were so happy together.

I'm gonna dream about you
every night until I get back,

right, little chickadee? Hmm?

They had everything they could dream of.

[speaking French]

[whispers] Good night, baby.

- I love this.
- Thank you.

- Beautiful.
- Thanks.

[Marienne] But one terrible day...

the fox found the nightingale.

[woman] Watch where you're going!

[man] Bloody tourists!

[Marienne] She flew as fast
as her wings could go.

But the fox was too quick.

Juliette expects me home tomorrow.

Am I gonna make it home to my daughter?

Goodbye, Marienne.

[Marienne] He surprised her
by letting her go.

But foxes are sly.

It was a trick.

- Excuse me. Pardon me.
- Let me help you. Here.

Thank you.

He slipped a potion into her drink.

The potion made her sleep.

When she woke up...

[Rhys on TV] My name is Rhys Montrose.

[Marienne] ...she was somewhere strange.

[Rhys] In honor of the paperback
A Good Man in a Cruel World,

I'm gonna take you to some
of my favorite haunts in London.

[Joe] Good.

You're awake.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I'm so glad you're here...

so we can give our relationship
another chance.


Go ahead.

You must be starving.

And thirsty.

[Marienne]The nightingale knew
the fox was trying to trick her.

But she was so thirsty.

She couldn't help but drink the potion.

Thank you.

Juliette loves Indian food.

She thought:

"If I can say the right thing,
I can convince the fox to let me go."

[Rhys on video] This booth is mine.

If I catch any of you sitting in here,
we'll be having words.

I'm joking, of course.

My fighting days are over. Mostly.

- But don't get on the wrong side of me.
- Joe?

I need to talk to my daughter.

She'll be worried about me.

I was supposed to be home days ago.

The thing about getting money
when you've never had it

means you sort of never really feel
like you have it.



Don't ignore me.

Joe Goldberg!

I am gonna show you some of my favorite...

Have you heard of this writer?
Rhys Montrose?


I think everyone in Europe
has heard of him.

He's made some mistakes.

He's done some bad things, but he changed.

Now everybody wants him to run for mayor.

I'm just saying he kind of inspires me.

I need you to look at me.

I just need to talk to my daughter.

- I'm trying to fix...
- I need to speak to my daughter.

I need to speak to my daughter. Help!

- I am trying to... There's no one around.
- Somebody help!

- Please help me!
- Shh!

Joe, please.

[distorted] The only thing
I've been trying to do is help you.

[Marienne] The fox kept her there
all night and all the next day.

The nightingale knew
the fox had something planned.

It was her last chance to fly away.

Um, did you happen to get any naan?

I did, yeah. Let me grab it.

- Here.
- Thank you.

The nightingale pretended to sleep.

She prayed the fox couldn't feel
how fast her heart was beating.

[drill whirring]

She knew she had to stay calm.

[Joe] Wake up, Marienne.

[Marienne] She had to trick the trickster.

Do you think you can stand?


Okay, we're gonna have to walk
the rest of the way.

But I got you. Just be careful.

[Rhys] I was years old...

[Marienne] She heard the voice that
hypnotized him echoing below anew.

He was taking her to his den
where birds cannot fly.

This was her last chance.

She had to pick just the right moment.

[Joe] Just one more step.


[bone cracks]

[Marienne shouting]

- I think it's broken.
- I would never hurt you.

Need to get to my daughter.
Make this better.

I'm trying to make this better!
Please don't make this harder! Please!

No, please! Don't put me in there! Please!


[Marienne] He broke her wing
and locked her in a cage.

I didn't know you'd do this to me,

that you'd hurt me
and take me away from Juliette.

- I would never hurt Juliette.
- She's just a little girl, Joe.

- She needs her mother.
- I'd never hurt Juliette.

- If you do this, you're a monster!
- Quiet!

[Rhys] I was on the floor of my cell,
crying like a baby.

My mother was dead
and it felt like I was dying...

- [Joe] This isn't me.
- [Marienne] The spell had grown stronger.

I would never hurt her.

This isn't me.

- Joe.
- I'm not that man.

[Marienne] His eyes were empty,
like no one was there.

[Rhys] But I was determined
this wouldn't be the death of me.

This isn't me.

[Marienne] She tried to bring him back.

Joe, look at me.
If you keep me in here, I'll die.

- [Rhys] In that moment...
- She needs me.

Think about Henry.

- ...I decided...
- They need to be protected.

Please, Joe.

- Please.
- become newborn.

Joe, it's not too late, okay?
You can... You can still let me out.

Joe, please. Just let me out.

She knew the fox was in there somewhere.


I'm not Joe.

Oh, my God.

Joe, please!

[yelling] Please, no!
Don't leave me in here! Please!

[Marienne] Once upon a time,

the nightingale tried
to get back to Little Chick.

She searched every corner of her cage

to find a flaw
that would allow her to escape.

But the fox built the cage so well...

he didn't make a single mistake.

[Joe] Hello, Marienne.

You're still not feeling chatty, I see.

[Marienne] The nightingale refused
to look at the fox.

She didn't wanna give him
the satisfaction.

Maybe if you gave me a book or a pencil
or anything at all,

maybe I'd feel like chatting.

[Joe] On the other hand,
I could stop bringing you food.

How would that feel, princess?

[Marienne] The fox sounded different.

She didn't know who he was now.

Ask me how my broken arm feels,
you heartless piece of shit!

[door closes, then locks]

Oh, good. Saag paneer again.

Oh, no.


[Marienne] The nightingale was in pain.

She wanted to make the hurt go away.

Baby, I don't know what to do.
He's gonna break me.

He's gonna win.

- It's just medicine.
- It's bad for me.

I'll relapse.
That's how I lost you before.

He wants to keep us apart forever.


He will not win.

You're strong.

Change the story.

Okay, you're right.

I think he's mad
because you're mean to him.

Okay, new story.

Once upon a time,

the nightingale decided to k*ll the fox

with kindness.

Smells good.

You're unusually grateful today.

I know things aren't good between us now,

but I mean...

can't you remember when they were?

You wanted us to be a family.

You, me, Juliette, and Henry?

It's not too late.

That Joe I love is still in there.

You just...

You just got to let him out.

I'm not Joe.

I'm just keeping you here

until he finally comes back...

to k*ll you.

["Bells in Santa Fe" playing]

♪ Don't call me by my name ♪

♪ All of this is temporary ♪

♪ Well, maybe I could hold you
In the dark ♪

♪ You won't even notice me depart ♪

♪ Secondhand thread
In a secondhand bed ♪

♪ With a second man's head ♪

♪ Leaving through the door
Without a word ♪

♪ You won't even notice, little bird ♪

♪ Better off dead so I reckon
I'm headed to hell instead ♪

♪ So don't wait for me
Don't wait for me ♪

♪ Wait, ah ♪

♪ It's not a happy ending ♪

♪ Don't wait for me
Don't wait for me ♪

♪ Wait, ah ♪

♪ It's not a happy ending ♪

♪ Jesus needed a three day weekend ♪

♪ To sort out all his bullshit
Figure out the treason ♪

♪ I've been searching
For a fortified defense ♪

♪ Four to five reasons ♪

♪ Well, maybe I could hold you
In the dark ♪

♪ You won't even notice me depart ♪

♪ Secondhand thread
In a secondhand bed ♪

♪ With a second man's head ♪

♪ Leaving through the door
Without a word ♪

♪ You won't even notice, little bird ♪

♪ Better off dead so I reckon
I'm headed to hell instead ♪

♪ So don't wait for me
Don't wait for me ♪

♪ Wait, ah ♪

♪ It's not a happy ending ♪

♪ Don't wait for me
Don't wait for me ♪

♪ Wait, ah ♪

♪ It's not a happy ending ♪

♪ Don't wait for me
Don't wait for me ♪

♪ Wait, ah ♪

♪ It's not a happy ending ♪

♪ Don't wait for me
Don't wait for me ♪

♪ Wait, ah ♪

♪ All of this is temporary ♪

♪ All of this is temporary ♪

♪ All of this is temporary ♪

♪ All of this is temporary ♪

[Marienne] Once upon a time...


upon a...


Once upon a time...

Come on.



Once upon a time...

the nightingale realized
that no more food would come.

The fox had left her to starve to death.


I hate you!

You f*cking hear me? I hate you!

I hope you burn in hell, you mother...



[birds chirping]

[chirping continues]


Your brain is shutting down.

None of this is real.
This is a hallucination.

It's not real, it's not real.

[Juliette] Mama.

I need you.




Where are you, baby?


Come back!

[door opens]

[ominous music playing]

[Joe] No. No, this isn't happening.

I'm just having a moment.

This is stress.

The Eat The Rich k*ller is dead, and I'm...

Sorry to interrupt.
I am interrupting, aren't I?

You're staring straight ahead
and, I can only assume,

spiraling about me and him.


He's not there.
I'm going crazy for a second.

Uh, well, you've been going crazy
for quite a while.

Ever since you broke Marienne's arm
and banged your head.

Well, really,
ever since you kidnapped her,

then tried to insist
on a relationship chat.

Well, ever since you m*rder*d your wife
and abandoned your son.

This has been brewing for quite some time.

I didn't touch Marienne.
I would remember that.

You've got a body to bury.


[Joe] I'm in shock. That's all.

I need to get my shit together.

They say do anything enough
and you become an expert.

Darcy College could pay me
to teach Body Disposal .

You haven't forgotten
about Marienne, have you?

I just buried you.

You're not real.

We can do this all night.

It's an awful waste of time, though,
especially for Marienne.

I don't quite remember
when I fed her last.

- What kind of sick trick is this?
- Is what? Me?

Ask your brain.

I emanated directly bloody from it.

Here's the important bit.

Marienne is really in a cage.

Then tell me where she is.

You already know where
because you and I are the same person.



Wait a second.

Spill. What does Lockwood claim he knows?

I can prove this.

I'll prove it.

Do you think I'm a f*cking idiot?

No, this isn't...

You and Rhys Montrose,

the real Rhys Montrose, have never met.

Ah... Correction.

Once, when you zip-tied his bollocks
and k*lled him.

But I wouldn't exactly call that
a formal introduction.

Don't look at me like that.

If I'm amused,
it's only because there's some part of you

that finds all of this deeply hilarious.

I know who you are.

The night I met you at Sundry House.

- Good book.
- [Joe] Malcolm introduced us.

Did he though?

Malcolm commanded me to come and meet you.

For what it's worth,
I didn't find your book sordid.

Anyone walking past would've
seen you mumbling to a chair

and assumed you were just as high
as the rest of them.

But we've talked so many times
in public, with other people.

In public, yes. Other people?

They're party animals.

...give yourself too much of a hard time
if you made a cock-up.

The cock-up was bad.

Wasn't it always just us,
with other people sort of around?

Well, no, we were at dinner.

Mm-mm, mm-mm. Not all of us.

You all right, Jonathan? You look sick.

Oh, no. No, I'm fine.

What was that?

Didn't talk to anyone but you, did I?

Remember Phoebe's flat after Simon died?

I need some air.

Was I really in the conversation,

or was it more that I just said something
and no one responded but you?

Convenient how we had that heart-to-heart
on the balcony, innit? Alone?

- Simon's funeral...
- Right, that was Montrose.

He was a person.
He was friends with those twats,

but he was too busy to come around.

He never spoke to you.
You watched from afar.

He nodded lightly
because you were staring.

But all the texting...

You are imagining me.

You don't think
you can't imagine a few texts?

You are full fat, extra sugar,
deep-fried f*cking insane, Joe Goldberg.

- f*ck you.
- Whoa, I'm not the enemy here.

I'm just the part that broke away
to do the dirty work.

You're brilliant.


You poured all that darkness
you hated into this vessel you admired

because you knew that the endgame
was facing yourself, didn't you?

There you go,
all the worst bits in a little package

you don't mind having a pint with.
I hope it makes it easier.

- Nothing makes this easier.
- Can you at least admit they deserved it?

Malcolm insulted Marienne.

You're all loved up over some silly whore
who couldn't give two shits about you.

[Rhys] Simon abused young artists.

You gaslighting piece of shit!

Gemma was... She was bloody on to you.

People did start dying
around the time you showed up.

Right? Pity me. All the time
I had to spend trying to get you to admit

that I was doing exactly what you wanted.

I might be having some kind of break,
but you don't get to tell me who I am.

I am not some cold-blooded psycho.

No, no. Of course not.
It's much more complex than that.

But I had to overcompensate
for your redemption fetish

that went into overdrive.

You were trying to tell yourself
you were saving them, right?

A reformed man who was protecting
these inbred meat-suits

from some shadow k*ller.



But deep down...

the idea of any of them
being worth saving was bullshit.


Jonathan, you perv.
What are you doing here?

So Roald was right about everything.

Meet the Eat The Rich k*ller.

Thank you. Yes.

That's exactly why
I served him to you on a platter.

So I locked myself
in a burning basement because...

- Am I also suicidal?
- No. You're a master of denial,

and I can't get through
without dangling you over the sharks.

I'd love to be gentle,
but you won't listen when I tell you

how you are living is unsustainable.

You will end up in prison or worse.

You need to embrace your truth, Joe.


Marienne in a cage.

My grandest opus.

Our grandest opus.

Admit who you really are

and you'll remember
where you put her, Joe.

[dramatic music playing]

Oh, my God.
Did Professor Moore do this to you?

No, no. Goldberg.
His name is Joe Goldberg.

My name is Marienne Bellamy.

I'm Nadia.

Right, let me help you, okay?

No, don't.

You put in the wrong code,
he'll know. He'll get an alert.

Okay, I'm gonna call .

You can't call the police.

What? Listen, you are in shock, and...

No, I'm sane. I'm calm.

I'm telling you, do not call them.

He k*lled his wife. He faked his death.

That's not even close to everything.
He disappears. He comes back again.

You can't call them.

- Okay, but if we get him arrested, then...
- He always gets away with it.

Nadia, right?


Nadia, he stalked me
halfway across the world.

He'll find me again.



f*ck. I can't leave you in here.

I'm sorry. I can't... I can't do that.

I have a daughter.

Her name is Juliette.

She is the only thing keeping me alive.

I need to do this
in a way that keeps her safe,

that gets me back to her safely.

So you have to trust me, okay?

I trust you.

I trust you.

Do you have food?

Food? Yes, yes, yes. Of course.

Sorry, how can I get it to you?

- Yeah?
- Open it.

Okay. Well, there's
some water in there. Okay?

- And... All I have is that.
- Close it.


He hasn't been here to feed you, has he?


Take it.


I've got class with him tomorrow,

so I'll wait for him to leave his flat,
then I'll sneak in.

- I can be five minutes...
- Sneak in? No, that's crazy.

No, no. I have done it before.

How do you think I'm here?
How do you think that I found you?

I stole his house key, I made copies,

and I just need to return everything
before he notices.

How often does he come here?

It's been a while, so I don't know.

But he can't catch you down here.

- Yeah.
- Go!

I'm gonna be back tomorrow.

I'll be back and bring you some more food,

and I'll come back with some sort of plan.


Listen to me.

Do not let him find out
that you know about me, okay?

He will hurt you.

Be careful.

I'll be back before you know it.


[Joe] I was up all night, trying
to figure out where Marienne is.

Now, this morning,
Rhys Montrose's disappearance

is national news.

So the Montrose in my head is insisting
I act normal, go to class,

or he won't help me find her.

I'm trapped in hell.

Oh, sorry.

[Joe] Or am I?

Hello, you.

Rhys has been in my head,
stealing me from what...

no, who I should have been
focusing on all along.

Not some figment
of my wobbly mental state, no.

You, you should be what matters, Kate.

I was just heading to yours.

Pathetic or charming
that I bought you a croissant?

- Exactly what I need.
- I was just thinking of you.

I remembered you're not
on my list of problems,

and I wanted to reward you.

You look like shit.

I like her. She doesn't f*ck about.

Well, I barely slept.

- Same.
- What's wrong with you?

Didn't you get that invitation to Phoebe
and Adam's engagement party?

British Invasion-themed.

Who are we invading, ourselves?

Phoebe honestly needs psychiatric care.

This is the worst time
to get legally bound to a leech.

She's not returning my calls.
I think he's intercepting my messages.

He's desperate and he's horrible.

[Joe] I should be helping you,
not running around,

trying to save a woman I allegedly
Mr. Hyde'd while in a blackout.

Sorry, I needed to vent,
but I'll figure something out.

Hang on.

I've never seen Phoebe wear
the same outfit twice.

Any idea where she might be getting
a dress for this thing?

No, but her assistant will.

I'll call.

You are a sharp one.

You have to get to class,
and I have to find Phoebe.

Let's talk later?

Distract from our sorrows
with athletic sex?

Later can't come soon enough.

You two are adorable. Mm.

Clean up your mess and you can have her.

If you don't, you'll lose her forever.

It's quite a conundrum.

[Joe] I wouldn't say the Madonna-whore
complex is the engine of the story.

But it's part of it.

Any other thoughts here?

I think and refer
to the real-life m*rder victims.

The story was inspired by a real k*ller.

[student ]
No, the numbers are a dirty joke.

Thirty-three plus , plus , equals .

[student ] You're projecting. No way.

That's just silly.
Don't you think, professor?

Nadia, would you care
to settle this debate?

Deep significance or off-color joke?

- Um, I didn't read it. Sorry.
- [Joe] Nadia didn't do the homework?

I had a paper to write,
but it won't happen again.

Oh, she's trouble for us, Joe.

Tell her to stay.

Tell her to stay
if you wanna find Marienne alive.

Nadia, can you just hang back a second?

[Nadia] Sorry that I wasn't prepared.
It's bloody Tarkovsky.

I mean, I can barely watch his shit,
let alone write about it, so...


How are you doing?

I don't mean to pry, but...

To be honest, um...

[clears throat]


I've been feeling
very anxious around him lately.

[Joe] Is that all this is?

It's stupid, really,
because I can't shake it off.

Neither of us like labels.
I've got no idea what we are.

[Joe] She's off because she likes a boy.

Well, it's not my place to say,
but however you define it,

anyone can see that he's crazy about you.

Well, I wish he could say that to me.

He's as nervous around you
as you are around him.

He's just better at hiding it.

- Maybe you're right.
- Nadia. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

- Well, I have to meet somebody, so...
- Okay.

Why don't we catch up
during office hours, okay?

Yeah, I'll, um... I look forward to it.



They said that you'd stepped out
of the dressing room to get some air.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

I'm perfect.

Thank God the angels are protecting me.

Darling, you've been avoiding me.

No. Oh, I think my messages
must have gotten lost. Sorry.


I've got a car waiting at the front
to take you to get that rest we agreed on.

- I do think you need it.
- Can I tell you the most delicious secret?

- You know the engagement party?
- Yeah.

It's really my wedding.

So this, I think this is going
to be my wedding dress.

- What do you think? I love it, do you?
- Pheebs, it is gorge.

It really is.

You've been talking about
your wedding day since you were tiny.

You wanted to wear
your grandma's dress and a tiara.

It'd take too long to get out of storage,
and there isn't enough time.

What's the rush?


One day, she's here,

now she's ashes.

Why wait for anything?

He says he loves me
a thousand million times a day.

This should be enough, right?

Yes. Yes.

Just please do the done thing.

- What done thing?
- Prenup.

- Please tell me you've spoken to lawyers.
- Did you say lawyers?

What are we talking about, prenups?

Kate, don't worry.
Everything is taken care of, okay?

Everything is legal to the letter.


Why is it that every time you show up,
Phoebe ends up upset?

Do you care about her?

No, my love. She's just trying to help.

[sighs] Enough about her.
I have a surprise for you. Okay?

- Come on.
- Okay.

[Joe] Marienne is somewhere.

And the answer is hidden in this flat,
a map, a key, something,

but I can't f*cking find it,

and she's going to die.

[Rhys] There goes your security deposit.

Hope it felt good
tearing the place apart, at least.

So now that you got that
out of your system,

ah, may I suggest
that we start searching within?

[cell phone buzzing]

Hello, you.

[Kate] Cabin in the woods, fresh snow,

very strong drinks.

A zillion stars overhead
and no place else to be.

- Can we go now?
- Everything okay?

Phoebe's engagement party?

Not an engagement party.

A wedding.

- What are you gonna do?
- I don't know yet.

But promise you'll come with me.

I need the one sane person
in my life to be there.

I'm always happy
to be your one sane person.


Thank you, Jonathan.

See you later.

So a date with Kate, your belle du jour.

Does that mean you finally
accepted that Marienne will die?

Soon, I imagine, given the last time
I saw her was before we left for Hampsie.

Let's Google how long a woman can go
without food and water.

You're a f*cking monster.

I wonder how
that fake photographer woman's doing.

You know.

Lady Phoebe's number one fan?

She's in jail.

What does she have to do with any of this?

So convinced
that Lady Phoebe was her friend,

she tattooed her arm,
knew all the details of her life,

where she lived, her favorite restaurants.

Certain Phoebe was sending her messages.

Kidnapped her, tortured her,

accidentally k*lled...

I'm so sorry.
I've got it all mixed up, haven't I?

Cut the bullshit.
I don't know what you are saying.

The real Eat The Rich k*ller
is also an erotomaniac.

Do you see it yet, Joe?

Wonder what that's for.

Still just warm, though.

Keep at it, sunshine.


Nadia didn't realize she was giving
Rhys's book to his number one fan...

who had already read it quite a lot.

But you didn't know that either.

I did this?

No one else here.


- No, I'm not...
- Obsessed?

There's always a box.

The usual souvenirs.

Receipts, old chewing gum.

That's his sweaty gym towel.

In honor of the paperback edition
A Good Man in a Cruel World,

I'll show you some
of my favorite haunts in London,

starting with...

Tandoori Tradition.

I think you'll find Marienne in time,
after all.

You're getting warmer.

Very warm.

- That's your regular haunt?
- I'm a creature of habit.

Marienne, Marienne.

- I have a plan.
- Thank God 'cause I don't.

But it's insane.

It's so insane and it'll never work.

All right, let's hear it.

- Joe?
- I'm not Joe.


I'm proud of you.

[theme music playing]