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04x07 - Good Man, Cruel World

Posted: 03/09/23 07:28
by bunniefuu
[Joe] Previously on You:

This woman kidnapped me, then she tried
to carve up my arm and k*ll Jonathan.

- Phoebe, will you marry me? I need you.
- Me or my money? Sort your problems out.

My father is Tom Lockwood, he's really one
of the more powerful men on the planet.

I have a past too, Jonathan,
with another name.

All I want is to never be her again.

[Rhys] Find someone to frame for it.
Otherwise you're going down for all of it.

She's the Eat The Rich k*ller.

[Nadia] He's the kind of man
who knows more than he lets on.

- One last thing. Tom Lockwood.
- [Joe] Kate's father.

We're gonna have so much fun k*lling him.

[Joe] Things I've learned about Kate
on our first real date:

She's unpretentious,
just wanted to go for a walk in the city.

Doesn't take herself too seriously.

Really listens.

And has almost a psychic ability to call...

I can hear you thinking. Spit it out.

I'm just admiring the view.

Oh, God, you are a cliché.

- Do normal girls fall for that?
- You tell me, are you seduced?

Yes, of course,
because I'm the height of normalcy.

Jonathan, darling, is this it?

- [Joe] Is this what?
- Our future neighborhood.

Where we start our normal family.


After our normal wedding
and live our normal lives.

- Should we put an offer in on a house?
- I don't know.

It's a tough commute
from your thriving, independent gallery.


Uh, although, cycling distance
from the university.

- And my rare bookstore.
- Yes. Yes.

Which, against all expectations,
is also thriving.

This merely supports
our joint charity for...


- For?
- For orphans.

Orphans. Mm-hm.

Uh, we teach them to read.

And swim.

And make art.

- Lucky f*cking orphans.
- I've always thought so.

Underneath the jokes, the armor,
she's a romantic.

It's bittersweet
that this feels like our first real date

and our last night on earth.

Tomorrow, Kate's father comes to town.

[Rhys] Tom Lockwood, the devil.

We're gonna have so much fun k*lling him.


No, I am done.

I framed an innocent woman
for what you did.

Did you also frame her
for all of your Stateside oopsies, Joe?

You are the only reason to blame

for all of the leverage I have over you.


By any measure,
the world's better off without Lockwood.

He steals, destroys, causes cancer,

and he'd love to shove his fist
up the London infrastructure.

He is the breed of influence-peddling
corruption I'm trying to expunge.

- You can't m*rder your way into office.
- That's for the voters to decide.

- What does he have on you?
- Joe.

I have nothing to hide.

The man is untouchable.

- What am I supposed to do? Sink his yacht?
- You'll figure it out.

Rhys, it's a military opera... What?

I'll make you this promise,
this is the last thing I ever ask of you.

Let the black blood of Tom Lockwood wash
all the other blood from your hands.

You won't only make London a better place,
you'll be balancing your karmic scales.


[Joe] Aha.

All I want is to tell the world
the truth about you,

but you'd tell them about me.
So I need to know.

Why are you really afraid of Lockwood?

I need to get closer to Kate's dad
to find out how to take you down.

- Well?
- It's fine?

No, I'm sorry.
I mean, it's actually subpar at best.

All the Indian restaurants in London,
that's your regular haunt?

- Well...
- Crappy place around the corner from...

What is that? A condemned b*mb shelter?

Okay, all right, fine.

Take me somewhere better.
I'm a creature of habit.

- Take me somewhere better.
- Can't believe you're still eating that.

Okay. All right,
you pick the food forever, fine.

What are you doing tomorrow?

A really long pause,
traditionally not a great sign.

- What?
- Oh, I would really love to,

but I have to go out of London tomorrow.

[Joe] To visit her secret husband
she's about to tell me about?

My father's coming in.

[Joe] And here's my opening.
Cue the surgical precision.

Does that work?

Icing him out?

In that I avoid him. Yes.

Can I make a tiny suggestion?
Or I can shut up.

No, no, no. I mean,
I'm not exactly a Zen master about this.

What if...

you just went to dinner?

Show him you're secure...

and happy...

and past it all.

Use your fake boyfriend. He'll help
underscore the secure and happy bit,

and he can, you know, reach under
the table and hold your hand.

You'd do that for me?

I would do a lot for you.

I'm gonna need you
to change the subject by kissing me.

[Joe] I didn't know it would be like this.

We've barely grazed the surface.

Take me home,
you bland-palate'd white knight.

[Joe] So despite how complicated
her feelings about him are,

I really hope
I don't have to k*ll her father.

- [Edward] Do something to your hair?
- Um, no, same as it always is.

So much coverage
on this Eat The Rich k*ller,

but there's so little actual information.

Everyone just loves a crazy woman.

What more do you need? We were there.

I was there.

You, fuffing about by the open bar.

People draw hasty conclusions
in the name of a good story.

- I get the sense we're not going to lunch.
- Oh, shit.

No, no, it's fine.

Tell me what you're working on.
I know that face. Some puzzle.


Okay, right. Let's say
that I was writing a whodunit

based on a bunch
of celebrity-level socialites.

- Good idea.
- Right? So wouldn't the suspect

being an erotomaniac be
a little bit too obvious?

A better twist would be
an average Joe kind of...

Someone like Professor Moore?

I never said that, but...

Too bonkers to be plausible.

It's just, it's this nagging feeling
I have that he knows something.

It's annoying me
that it's distracting me so much.

- So theoretically...
- Theoretically.

...if... if I were to try and disprove
my own stupid conspiracy theory,

like, how would I get close
to Professor Moore?

You could shag him.

Theoretically. Sorry, I was joking.
I wasn't talking about...

It was a Freudian slip.

Glad I trusted you,
so you can just forget it.

- Wait. Wait, Nadia.
- Forget all of it.

Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Nadia.

[Joe] Tonight, I meet Tom Lockwood
face-to-face as Kate's boyfriend.

Classic rom-com setup.
Hopefully it doesn't end in death.

But to arm myself, I need a fuller
portrait of the ruthless, amoral CEO.

This is him?
He looks like a country-club golf pro.

Scholarship kid, athlete, first in
his class at everything. CEO at .

And once he came into his own, well,

Kate told me
some atrocities he's committed.

What's most terrifying is
how underreported all those things are

and the speed at which
I'm redirected to charity work.

Evidently the more foundations a man names
after himself, the more he has to hide.

I've never found so little
about a figure so public.

Does this guy control the Internet?

[knocking on door]

- Yeah?
- Hey, professor.

Um, I was wondering if you had a chance
to read my story.

[Joe] Shit. I never opened it.

I'm sorry it's been crazy. I started it
and then I got distracted, and...

Okay, no, it's fine.

I'm glad because I think
I still need another twist.

Um, so I've been riffing off
of what happened at Sundry House.

[Joe] I know where this is going.

You were in the room.
Did you get any sense

of Dawn Brown's motivation
for k*lling Malcolm or cutting him up?

[Joe] Shut it down. Shut it down.

- Or Simon. Why keep...?
- I don't wanna hurt your feelings,

but the reason I couldn't finish
your story is because,

by page , you'd already lost me.

It's too complicated.

Just figure out what you are trying to say
before you throw in any more plot twists.

Pains me to sting her, but I can't have my
smartest student asking smart questions.

Okay. Well, thanks for giving me a shot.


Could I just ask, did you get
why Miranda needed to leave home?

- Did that make sense?
- Of course.

No, your character work is great,
always, but just simplify.



[Joe] Dinner with Kate's dad,

moral support for her
while sizing him up for you.

Remember, he's pure evil
and you're going to love him.

[jazz piano music playing]


- Wow, it's been too long.
- Dad.

I forgot how you light up a room.

Dad, this is Jonathan.

He teaches literature at Darcy College,

we're seeing each other and it's serious.

So I thought he ought to meet
the infamous patriarch.

Shall we sit?

Serious, huh?

Well, looking forward
to getting to know you.


[Joe] No.

Thank you.

[Joe] Okay, he knows my real name.
So he knows about Madre Linda.

No guarantee he knows everything
about me. Not like you.

She's working to give him nothing,
but he's charming his way under her skin.

Well, how are you really, honey?
I know it's been tough.

So sorry about your losses.

You mean, my m*rder*d boyfriend?
Or my other dead friends?

Yeah, it's been tough.

Tragic is what I mean.


Sad, unfair, I'm just very sorry.

It's fine, Dad.
Talk about literally anything else.

[Joe] Kate was right.

He's deceptively down-to-earth,
likable even.

So, Jonathan...

what is it you teach?

- Light on interrogation, please.
- No, no, it's fine, it's fine.

Um, American short fiction currently.

Ah. I'm a nonfiction man myself.

I guess Roosevelt's Rough Riders
is my own personal bible.

[Joe] Manifest Destiny, white savior.

[Tom] But if I'm being honest,

yeah, a great work of fiction
exposes something deeper,

gets to the truth
of who a person really is. Right?

- Hmm.
- [Joe] Ouch.

Take Katherine.
I knew she'd be a true philanthropist.

She tell you about the time
she adopted every single pit bull

in a rescue in Los Angeles?

- No. No.
- [Tom laughs]

The lady's like, "Well, pits,
they can be a little harder to adopt."

Katherine, she's probably ,
she gets this look on her face.

She demands my phone,
proceeds to call every one of my contacts,

and tell them
that I'm personally giving them a dog.


I'm not surprised. She takes
very good care of everything she loves.

I'm still just knocked Barbra Streisand
turned that puppy down. Yes.

- [Tom] I think it's amazing...
- [Joe] No wonder she ran away

from a dad who's proud of her goodness
and a remorseless corporate vulture.

- Yes.
- Dinner, sir?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome, sir.


[Joe] What does he have on you, Rhys?

And on me?

Four courses later
and I still don't know Tom's game.

Or why you need him dead.

Ah. Time for dessert.

Thank you.

Presenting the Lockwood Museum.

As in Katherine Lockwood.

Oh, yeah, New York City,

Lower East Side, paperwork's all done,
endowments, the works.

[Joe] Wouldn't be a devil
without a classic temptation.

What are you playing at?

It's your dream, honey.

My collection's sitting
in a vault somewhere. Take it.

You can feature your emerging artists.

They profit. You shine.

I... Just think about it.

That's all I ask.

I will. In the loo.

So let's get down to brass tacks, Joseph.

What can you tell me about Love Quinn?

[Joe] And here we go.

My former wife was deeply troubled.

My greatest regret is
that I couldn't help her.

Did you k*ll her?

She k*lled herself and nearly... me.

You ever k*ll anyone?

[Joe] Okay, enough.

I understand
you worry about Kate. I do too.

I had some bad luck at one point.

But I'm a quiet guy,
and I only want a quiet, academic life.

Don't hurt Kate
or you'll meet the real me.

Ah. Thank you.

Hey, you know a Rhys Montrose?

Hangs out in Kate's circle?

[Joe] Jackpot.

We met, yeah.

Mm. What can you tell me about him?

Why? You're not a fan?

He's a threat to my interests.

I'm here to whip him,

politically speaking.

Press is running a story.

That memoir of his is...

It's an embellishment.

[Joe] Once a liar, always a liar.

- That sounds bad.
- Well, maybe not fatal.

So if you can tell me anything,
I'd be grateful.

[Joe] Maybe Joe Goldberg can't out you
as a serial k*ller, but...

Bring me something real, Joe.
I promise you, I'll protect you.

[Joe] The enemy of my enemy is my frenemy.

Sorry, Rhys,
I'm not gonna k*ll Tom Lockwood.

I'm going to use him to put you in prison.



You wanna come up?

Or say a word to me?

You know, no, I have to check on Phoebe.

She's texting me.

She's a bit dodgy
since the whole, you know...


Thank you for tonight.
You were a real support.

I'm sorry, I'll be myself when he's gone.

Just so you know, I saw through him.

The museum is too good to be true.

No, it's true.

It's exactly what I want. When I want it.

I almost said "yes" on the spot.

Ugh. Dinner was a... Was a bad idea.
He knows me like he knows himself.

Then he knows that you're not him
and you never will be.

Look at you right now.

You're foregoing mind-blowing sex to check
on your friend and that's who you are.

So this offer, take it or don't,

but it's what you do with it that matters
most and you would do good things.

Have a good night.

[Joe] Lockwood's been in town one night
and he's already doing damage.

I'm starting to see why you want him dead.

But I'm coming for you first.

[Phoebe] Sorry, I texted so late.
Sure I'm not intruding?

Don't be daft.
You can stay as long as you like.

The security company was supposed
to upgrade my flat,

but I caught one of them using the loo,
so I just fired them.

Could've done anything in there.

Like pinhole cameras, two-way mirrors.

Oh, God.

Given what you've been through,
some paranoia is reasonable.

Bella says I must be cursed.

She knows a psychic that can break
any curse for only , pounds.

Tell me you didn't.

No. I fired her. Fired everyone.

I might just sell the flat.

- What about Pembrokeshire?
- For...?

It's almost potato season.

Doesn't that sound lovely?

Smell of the earth, wind in my hair.

Maybe that's my calling.

Pheebs. Just take a breath.

I would like a trade, you know? I would...

I would like to be capable of something.

- You are capable of a great deal.
- I do nothing. I handle nothing.

I'm like this big, long baby.

- It's disgraceful.
- No.

Your friends were k*lled.
Phoebe, you were bloody kidnapped.

The most capable woman
on Earth would have PTSD.


Oh, no, I don't want that.
How do I get that out?

- No, well, I think...
- I hate this.

...maybe a mental health professional.

- Oh, I'm already taking all the pills.
- Maybe we take a look at those.

Just rebalance under observation.

You need rest.
Phoebe, there is no shame in it.

No, Kate. The press could find out.

I will handle it.
I mean, I've done it for others.

Famous artists.

I mean, f*ck,
I've done it for my own mother.

Just a discrete, brief stay.

We can go tonight. I'll make some calls.
All you have to do is pack.

Yes. And make sure you use a nom de plume.

We'll be there in .

[knocking on door]

Thank you.

- What are you doing here?
- Kate, I'm homeless.

- Ugh. This isn't a good time.
- Look, wait, just listen.

I was asleep on a bench
in Bloomsbury Square

and I was att*cked by crackheads.

They had a crack dog.
I swear, it was on crack.

- I... I have a bruise.
- No, you don't.

Okay. Is Phoebe still up?

You are the last thing she needs.
Adam, she's not well.

- What?
- I'm taking her to Welder Hill Hospital.

If you care about her,
let me get her the help she needs.

- I'll drive.
- I thought you were homeless.

- I have the Aston for one more day.
- Oh, my God.

Kate, look, look,
I know I was a little shit.

I know that I hurt her,
but this morning, when I lost everything...

- Not everything.
- Everything that matters.

My club,

my reputation, my girl.

I had an awakening, okay?

But, Kate, give me a chance
to do the right thing,

and I promise you, I will not hurt her.

I'm nothing without her.

[Phoebe] Okay.

It's only a drive.

I trust him.

I miss you.

I'm so glad you're okay.

[Joe] Jonathan Moore can't tell
the police you're a k*ller

because of the small issue
of being Joe Goldberg.

But if I can get a taped confession,
give it to Lockwood,

he can use his connections
to take you down.

So dangle some bait to get you here.

I can see why you want TL dead.
Given what he has on you.

[knocking on door]

I knew you'd bite.

All right, spill.

What does Lockwood claim he knows?

What do you think he knows?

Don't be coy.

[Joe] Watch me.

Was it about a book?

Who hasn't taken liberties
with their own story? It's called writing.

That's what you're most afraid of?
People finding out?

- What?
- [sniffing]

You smell that?

Smells like a f*cking rat.

[Joe] Shit.

You think I'm a f*cking idiot? Hmm?

When are you going to understand?
I'm smarter than you.

Look familiar?

Yes, Joe.

I found your old lover.

She's a feisty one.

- How...?
- Repeat after me.

I'm smarter than you.

Is she dead?

How would that be smart?
No one even knows she's gone.

I texted her babysitter friend
from her phone.

"Oops. I tripped and fell
on a heroin needle.

Please look after my daughter."

Whatever her name is.

Her name is Juliette
and she needs her mother!

Oh, easy. I'd stay right there, mate.

Driver's outside, campaign staff know
my whereabouts. Let's keep it civil.

- Shall we?
- Where is she?

She's tucked away. k*ll Lockwood
and I'll release her immediately.

if Lockwood isn't dead in hours,

I'll send you Marienne Bellamy's teeth
in a f*cking fruit basket.

[door slams]

[Joe] It's impossible.

Where are you holding her?

I watched her get on the train.


This is all my fault.

[cell phone buzzes]

Clock's ticking...

[cell phone buzzes]


Good morning to you too.

Why do you seem extra sadistic today?

And Tom Lockwood drops his b*mb.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

The people of London are shaken to learn

you fabricated parts
A Good Man In A Cruel World

to make yourself more good
and the world more cruel,

but not one accusation of m*rder.

You've got more super fans than Elon Musk.

Maybe your approval rating dips,
but my gut says you survive this.

"Requests for comment
have not been returned.

Montrose has fled his home in London."

Of course you vanish. Coward.

While you use an innocent woman
to force me to do your dirty work.

I have to k*ll Tom today...

to save Marienne.


[knocking on door]

You didn't sleep either.

[Joe] The last person I need right now
and the only one I want to see.

I was up all night thinking.

My stupid brain.



How great we are.

And how we've been doomed from the start.

We need to talk.

[Joe] Uh-oh. Did her dad say something?

Remember when I told you
how when I worked there,

my father gave a load of kids cancer
to get a pipeline built?

He didn't.

I did.

I was . They called me the Prodigy.

They said I was the best they'd ever seen
since, well, Tom Lockwood.

And it didn't even eat me alive.

I just compartmentalized

and I could have gone on
making compartments forever.

[Joe] So that's the truth.

Tom pushed her to be monstrous.

So she thinks she's a monster.

I'm not judging, I'm listening.

You should judge.

I'm not scared of being my dad.
I'm already worse.

I was so busy proving I was
the strongest girl alive

that I didn't care.

And that is still in me.

We all have something bad in us.

- Not this bad.
- You were a teenager.

Okay, stop trying to rationalize this.

I'm not, I'm not.

- I'm not.
- Look, let's be real.

You and I, we don't stand a chance

because I will never
not be Katherine Lockwood.

Look, if I thought
I was doomed to repeat my past,

we never would have even met.

You know
what my favorite thing about love is?

It gives you second chances.

You know, I had this fantasy last night...

that we could escape,
a different city every year,

eat amazing food,
have sex in exotic locales,

and do good work,

just change people's lives for the better.

What a stupid idea, right?

Never say never.

This was supposed to be
a one-night stand. During the day.


I do want this, Jonathan.

I just want to say...

let the fantasy continue.

[Joe] I wish.

Because the reality is no matter
how much Kate loathes her father,

k*lling him is only
gonna make everything worse for her.

But it's him or Marienne.

Thanks for meeting me. Do you mind
if he waits outside so we can have a word?

- Just be a minute.
- Sure. Meet you out in the car?

[Joe] You may be thinking I don't have

a good exit strategy here
and you'd be right.

I have a bad one.

Thanks to the misguided trust
of English academia,

no security or cameras here.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

- What's with the tarps?
- They're doing something with the molding.

Easy enough to get a body out,

giving me just enough time
to pray and run like hell.

First, are you by chance
a fan of Winston Churchill?

I thought you might be.

So we here at Darcy have
a rare first edition of My Early Life

notated by the man himself.

Well, I'll be.


That is incredible, Joe.

You okay?

You seem a little nervous.


I think I know why.

Rather, who.

Rhys Montrose.

- I don't know what you mean.
- You do.

Got a little hit
when I mentioned his name.

And I'd like for you to feel safe enough
to tell me everything.

[Joe] I wish,
but Marienne will be dead by morning.

I think you're scared
to tell me the truth, son.

[Joe] f*ck, this dad act really works.

- Not at... Not at all.
- That's okay.

I got an idea to deal
with all the fallout concerns.

What I do is assess a person to better
understand what they're capable of.

Now, I'm gonna take you, for example.

You seem like a nice guy,

thoughtful, caring,

and I think you did k*ll Love Quinn.

It's okay. She seemed like a maniac.
The point is, you did it.

When push comes to shove, you can do it

and do it well enough
to get off scot-f*cking-free.

I can help you.


Well, that news story and scandal
was not meant to ruin Montrose's run,

it was to drive him into hiding.

Part one.

- You know where he is.
- Yeah.

He's out in the country at his ex's.

He's trying

to broker support
to put his campaign back on wheels.

He's all alone.


[Joe] Somehow this IZOD-wearing warlock
is delivering me

the thing I want most in the world, you.

- Part two is you.
- Me?

You want me?

To k*ll Rhys Montrose. That's right.

I mean, we know you can.

I think you want to.

And the alternatives aren't great, right?

You're dating my daughter.

Living out there with some assumed name.
I'd take it all away, Joe.


Of course, now that I'm standing here,
I realize there is a third option.

You could just s*ab me.

Right through the heart.

But trust me,

the choice I'm offering you
is the best one.

This is where you'll find him.

Go be your best self.

[dramatic music playing]

[door opens]

Pheebs, when you get a chance,
can you let me know you're checked in?

You can text. Just let me know.

- "Kate."
- [door opens]

- [Phoebe laughing]
- [door closes]

[both] Surprise!

- We're engaged!
- You didn't.

- What?
- You had one f*cking job.

- No. Don't blame him.
- No one's allowed to be happy.

It was... It was my idea.


The f*ck even is this ring?

Some twine that I found
on the floor of the pub.

That's how much money
doesn't matter to me.

Yeah, same.

I got down on one knee
and I told her the truth,

we will never ever be equals
because I can't compete with perfection.


- I literally swooned.
- Of course you did. You're trolleyed.

You're not thinking clearly,
you're not stable.

Kate, Kate, Kate.

We appreciate your help so much. Right?

It's truly nothing short of a lot.

But there's nothing wrong
with Pheebs, okay?

A diamond's flaws
just make it sparkle even brighter.

- Catch me, Daddy, is that me again?
- Uh-oh.

[Phoebe] Oh, my God.

[Nadia] I lost the key
and I said I'd water his plants.

Oh, thank you so much.

Give my love to Uncle Dev.

- I can't believe I did that.
- Stay out of trouble, Nadia.

Oh, my God.

I have lost my bloody mind.

Okay. Um...

You seem like a rare book.


[cell phone buzzes]

[Edward on recording]
I'm a w*nk*r. I'm sorry, Nad. Forgive me.

As a peace offering,
I thought you'd wanna see this.

Maybe you were on to something
about Professor Moore.

These photos were leaked to my dad
from the crazy woman's flat.

For your eyes only!

[Joe] You're in there,
begging your ex-wife

to stand by you in the press?

I wonder how she'd feel to know
you kidnapped an innocent young mother.

Five minutes with you is all I need.

Here we go.

Emma, wait! What happened
was such a long time ago.

It doesn't matter. Why can't we talk
about this properly? Emma!

Please, why can't we just talk?

It doesn't f*cking matter!

f*ck off!

[dramatic music playing]

[knocking on door]

- Sorry, do I know you?
- Really?

Tom Lockwood wants you dead.

Did you know that? Despite
what either of you think, I'm not...

a k*ller,
so I'm not gonna k*ll you, but...

will I apply pressure?

Sadly, yes.
It's time for you to tell the truth, Rhys.

Do you know...

all the awful shit...

I had to read
to learn how to do this to you?

All because you had to go
and touch Marienne.

This won't be fun.

But I'm only interested
in getting what I need and being done.

So I hope you feel the same.

I'm gonna take this gag off.

And when I do, you're gonna
confess everything, starting with:

Where is Marienne?

I don't know anyone called Marienne.
I don't know what you're talking about.

I wish you would stop acting.

- [flesh ripping]
- [screaming]


Where is she?

- [flesh ripping]
- [screaming]

[Joe] Stop gaslighting me.

You know who I am.
You know what you've had me do for you!

I let her go.

I'd stepped away!

I was starting over!

- [gasping]
- Where is she?

Tell me where she is!
Tell me or I'll k*ll you!

You f*cking psychopath!

Tell me!

What did I do?

It was an accident. I lost it.

Marienne, I'm so sorry.
I'll find a way. I will find you.

Well, isn't this a pickle?



Okay. I'm hallucinating.

- I...
- k*lled me? Yes.

But not before a shocking amount
of military-grade ball t*rture.

He wasn't lying, Joe.

He didn't know you.

But then I wasn't lying either.

We really do have Marienne in a cage.

[dramatic music playing]

[theme music playing]