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04x06 - Best of Friends

Posted: 03/09/23 07:26
by bunniefuu
[Joe] Charles Bukowski once wrote:

"Find what you love...

and let it k*ll you."

I found Marienne in London...

and it did just about k*ll me.

You're a m*rder*r, Joe.

[Joe] Well, k*lled Joe Goldberg anyway.

Professor Jonathan Moore stayed
in the city to heal his broken heart

and enjoy a quiet holiday.

Would have been nice,
if things stayed quiet.

You saved Kate's life,
you'll come along with us tonight.

[Joe] Unfortunately, rich douchebags exist
in every major city on Earth,

living without consequences.

Give it to me.

[Joe] Those consequences always fall
on the little guy.

Add a little bend to it.

[Joe] And staying out of their way
is deceptively tricky.

They're dancing while the world burns.

- [Joe] I should have tried harder.
- Drink!


Malcolm? Wait, did I...?

Turned out I was in an even worse circle
of hell than I thought.

"I thought when I left him on your table,

you'd go down for my sins."

I didn't do it.

They're calling him
the Eat The Rich k*ller.

[Joe] That I couldn't solve fast enough.

And in the middle of it all,
one person worth saving.

- I did my best to find the k*ller.
- Did you k*ll Malcolm

- because you're in love with Kate?
- No, did you?

I thought I had it.

[Rhys] Must be wondering where you are.

[Joe] I know, don't quit my day job.

We're gonna pin all the murders on him.

Grab on!

[Joe] I know who you are now, Rhys.

You have taken so much from me.

Your past doesn't scare me.

- I can't.
- Captain f*cking America.

[Joe] You think you're getting started.
You're wrong.

I, Rhys Montrose,

officially announce my candidacy
for the mayor of London.

[Joe] Because I am going to stop you.

I grew up in a council estate in Lewisham.

I saw over and over again

how not everybody's getting
the same chances.

If I become mayor,

I wanna do more
for the working class of London.

[Joe] You're one clever psychopath,
I'll give you that.

Who would believe
a would-be mayor is a serial k*ller?

Perfect disguise.

What if we young people aren't
all that interested in work?

[Joe] But I know the real you,
a cruel man in his own immoral universe.

What I don't know is why.

What about these rich friends
of yours being offed?

- [Joe] Yes, why did you k*ll them?
- I understand people are curious.

The Met police will find whoever it is
and catch them, I have every faith.

[Joe] But who will the police catch?

They think I'm a hero
for saving Roald now.

How long until you turn the tables
and try to pin it all on me?

[crowd applauding]

- Thanks for coming again. Nice to see you.
- [man] Nice to see you.

[Joe] I can't turn you in,
no one would believe me.

But I can catch you
and get the irrefutable evidence I need

to stop you forever.

[dramatic music playing]

[Joe] First up, find where you live.

Following your amicable divorce,

you bought a bright, airy, three-bedroom.

Nice but not pretentious.

Hmm. Breaking into Henderson's was tricky.
This one is worse.

I need some other way to get to you.

[Kate] Let's just get this over with.
Thanks for helping me with this.

If these Bureau twats insist
on making me clear out Malcolm's office,

the least they can do is unlock the door.

[Joe] I had to push her away
because of you.

No surprise that tapeworm in Tom Ford
has latched on to her again.

I have too much to do today
with this fundraiser.

I received your very kind invitation,
but I'm unable to make the event.

I'm gonna escape for a few months.

Take the family to St. Barts
and unwind my nerves.

Let everything here cool off.

Come with me.

We can take a breath
while they catch this psycho,

and then you can throw
all the charity events you like.

I appreciate it, I do.
I'm not scared of this nutter.

We'll have more than enough security...

No one's going to stop you
from doing what you want to do.

Bring me back a trinket
or a bottle of rum.

[Joe] Good riddance, he doesn't
deserve her or her very kind invitation.

If it wasn't for you,

she would have invited me too.

[Adam] Steve, I'm not selling you
the Maybach, the Rolls,

and my Aston for less than they're worth.

The way I hear it, you're not
in the strongest negotiating position.

- What?
- Verge of bankruptcy.

Staff walking out.

I assume Phoebe doesn't know.

But, hey, why not put a ring on it?
That'd keep your club open.

See, this is why you are single.

You talk about proposing like it's lunch.

That shit needs to be perfect.

- You are the diamond guy, you know.
- I do. They cost a kingdom.

I tell you what,

I'll get you a diamond that will more
than pay for your car collection.

If Phoebe says yes, you get a wife
and unlimited money bags.

- You win.
- And if she says no?

You return the stone
and I keep the car collection.

- Steve. Why would I risk that?
- Because you're desperate.

Or you're a soulless shit-burger

who can't resist trying to f*ck me
with your micro d*ck.

Fine. Don't take the bet.

I'm sure Phoebe will be happy to marry
a financial and emotional black hole.

f*ck it.

You're on.

You inbred Chelsea anus.

- Prepare to eat shit.
- Okay.

- Phoebe.
- Hi, Stevie, darling.

Nice to see you.

- And you. Have a good day.
- And you.

Uh-oh. What's wrong, my pretty peanut?

Uh, when you promised
we'd work through our issues,

I assumed you meant in the same room.

Of course. But I told you
I had a very important meeting today.

I didn't sleep again.

Every time I close my eyes,
I see the fire ripping through Hampsie.

This morning, I went for a stroll
to hear the birdies.

- That's great.
- No, it's not.

I feel like I'm being followed.

You're famous.
When are you not being followed?

You have your security.
It wasn't Zarek? Hi, Zarek.

- Mm. I miss Vic.
- I know.

Come on, breathe. Come here.

It's okay. It's okay.

You have not slept in days
and it's no wonder

you're feeling so paranoid.

No. No, Adam, you're not getting it.

I feel like someone is watching me.

You don't believe me?

No, I believe what you need is me.

I'm moving you in here
until you're feeling more like yourself.


- That could help.
- Mm-hmm.

I want the penthouse.

Of course.

[Joe] Your house is a no-go.

So I need you out
in the world alone, unguarded.

Thankfully, you're a narcissist.
You've done a billion interviews.

[man on podcast] What is a typical day
in the life of Rhys Montrose?

[Rhys] Oh, God, it'd be so boring.

[Joe] Only if you leave out the m*rder.

You write at home,

you'd rather eat at home than go out,
your vice is online poker at home.

When you do leave the house,
it's to volunteer at a hospital.

You're safe at home
or surrounded in public.

How can I get you
if I can't get close to you?

Professor. Hi.
Office hours. Did you forget?

[Joe] Oh, shit.

- You all right? You look knackered.
- I'm sorry. I'm swamped. Research.

Is this about Rhys Montrose?

[Joe] Oh, shit.

I'm thinking about using his past

as a modern Dickensian,
rags-to-riches story.

You don't have to be ashamed.

You got a thing for Rhys Montrose
like the rest of London.

Even I have to admit, his heart does seem
to be in the right place,

as far as politicians go.

[Joe] You've even fooled Nadia.

One of the girls saw him shirtless
on his morning jog

round Regent's Park last Saturday.

- [Joe] Regent's Park.
- He's training for the London marathon.

[Joe] Lucky for me, tomorrow is Saturday,
which means we have a date in the park.

A few issues to solve.

How to get you back here.

[Rhys] Well, if it isn't the hero
of the Hampsie house fire.

One of the perks of growing up
on a council estate,

- you know how to pick a lock.
- What do you want?

Isn't it obvious?

I want a friend.

Someone who shares my interests, relates.

Someone I can tell all my secrets to.

Like why you've been k*lling these people?

Now, you're smart, why would I,

aspiring mayor of London, k*ll them?

Because they all became
a liability to your campaign in some way.

See, now you're getting it.

Malcolm was blackmailing me
over my not-so-little gambling habit.

Simon's exploitation of women was
about to leak. Couldn't be associated.


Drunken shag, or four,
back when I was still married.

She was bound to open
that big hole in her face,

embarrass me, f*ck my image,
ruin my campaign.

You're sick.

I prefer practical.

They were in my way,
and now that they're not,

I need this eat-the-rich story over.

It's become a distraction from the good
I'm trying to do for this city.

You don't care about this city.

I love London.

Well, I love power.

Only because it'd be a complete sin
if I didn't use my strengths

on the grandest possible scale.

I care about you, Joe.

If I weren't, don't you think
you'd be dead by now?

What we have in common is rare.

I don't take it for granted.

We could be talking books
over a pint right now

if only you'd k*lled Roald
and pinned it on him like I asked.

I know your strengths too,
and when you fail to live up to them,

oh, it's so disappointing.

One chance to make it up to me.

Find someone to frame for it all.

Rhys, how...?

I'll take care of the how,
you take care of the who.

you're going down for all of it.

[door opens]

[door closes]

So big event tonight.

We are so grateful
that you could start on short notice.

Payroll lady,
she's on a little break right now,

so there might be a delay,
but we'll get you.

Will you fix that tie?

[dramatic music playing]

The police are coming
to the event tonight.

They're eager to watch over us.

It'll be very safe and orderly.

[jazz music playing over speakers]

f*ck. Did you invite him here?

I feel safe with him around.

He's like my bottle of human Valium.

And he's a hero.

How quickly people have forgotten
it was me who pulled him

from a burning building.

Hmm. You know what they say:
"Colder the stare, the warmer the heart."

- Do they say that?
- I've never seen her so smitten.

Come, sit down. I need to talk to you.

Adam says I'm paranoid,

but I think I'm being followed.

- Have you seen someone?
- No. I just have this feeling.

I've even begun questioning my friends.

[Joe] As much as I hate seeing her upset,
I am looking for someone to frame.

Well, sure, they're a little wild,
but are any that terrible?

Sweet Jonathan.

You have no idea, do you?

This must stay between us.

First, Sophie.

Love her. She's heavenly. Cherub.

But slightly too overmedicated
and her priorities in regards to career,

sorry, give me pause.

[Joe] Translation: fame-seeking pillhead
more vapid than evil.

I can't imagine her ever
doing anything bad, of course.

Now, Blessing.

Absolute gem. Iconic, tall, skinny legend.

But not the most loving little lamb.

[Joe] Heartless, self-centered,
even a soupçon sociopathic.

Her businesses can be unconventional.

[Joe] Pyramid schemes.

Unsuspecting elderly people get in
a bit over their heads.

[Joe] Cons Grandma out
of her retirement fund. That's up there.

I can see why you might think that they...

Oh, God, no, I'm just gossiping, darling.

I can't see either of them hurting a fly.

Connie, on the other hand...

- [Joe] Go on.
- Oh, I'm so concerned.

He's untethered.

Drinking in the morning.
Drugged up to his eyeballs. Erratic.

The police are even suspicious
because he has no alibi.

- [Joe] I can work with that.
- [man] Well, hello, darling.

Jonathan, do not look.

[Joe] Who the f*ck is that?

Why is he touching her like that?

[Phoebe] That's Niko Leandros.

Shipping heir, bachelor,

sex on a stick.

What is he doing in London?

[Niko] It's been ages. Since Mykonos?

Your event is quite the hot ticket.

[Joe] Nope, can't get distracted.
She's a free woman.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I tell myself Simon would have
much preferred to die young.

His work will live on.

Speaking of which,

I was hoping I'd charm you
into giving a private showing.

It's not ready and, Niko,

I have serious collectors coming tonight.

Mm. And I'm just a charming f*ck-boy
using daddy's money to buy trendy art.

- Is that what you think?
- Well...

Worth mentioning, I don't work
for my dad anymore. I know.

For most of my life,

that man dictated every thought,

feeling, and decision.

It wasn't easy to get free, but I did.
I'm chasing my own passions.

Art included.

And since I noticed you're not using
the Lockwood name,

I thought you might get it.

I tell you what.

You make an offer
and I'll need guarantees.

But I'll take it seriously.
I think that's fair.

See you tonight.

[Joe] I asked Connie to lunch
to assess him for frame-ability.

I was surprised by how happy
he sounded to hear from me.

You probably think I deserve this.

- [Joe] It's like he knows why I'm here.
- No. No.

- What happened?
- Fell over in the loo.

As you can see, I'm not doing very well.

I'm glad you called, actually.

I owe you a massive apology
for everything that happened at Hampsie.

- Emotions were running high.
- Just say it.

Gloat. You're a hero.

I'm a twat.

The police think it could be me.
Do you know that?


That's absurd.

Absurdly helpful.

I don't have a single alibi.

Not because I'm a k*ller, I just...

I have so little memory of anything.

I'm so off my tits, I barely remember
my own name sometimes.

And the truth is, this and the blow,

are the only things I get up for
in the morning.

I'm sorry.

- You can't do coke with a broken nose.
- I know.

So I asked my maid to give me
a booty bump this morning and she quit.

When someone blows cocaine
up your bum through a straw.

[Joe] This might be the saddest.

Help me, Jonathan.

The night you met Phoebe,
she said your words had

a profound effect on her.

What were they?

- We talked about so much...
- What do I do?

[Joe] Be a better person.

Do something with all that money
besides reenact
Leaving Las Vegas.

Or am I beyond help?

[Joe] If I frame him,

- I could be saving his life.
- [cell phone buzzing]

Once you find someone,
check your freezer.

[cell phone buzzing]

Do it tonight, or it's on you tomorrow.

Oh, so no pressure, then.

[indie rock music playing]

[Joe] A busy event, oblivious guests,
strong drinks...

the perfect place for a frame J-O-B.

The Soo collection is mixed in
with several artists

whom the foundation aims to nurture.

Look around, enjoy,
and if you have any questions,

don't hesitate to ask.

[Joe] I want this to go well for Kate.

I have to do this quietly.

Oh, great, my detective friends.

Where's Connie?

[inaudible dialogue]

I'm doing it, buddy.

[Joe] "Buddy"? Thought
I was a calculating snake.

- Adam...
- I said some things in Hampsie,

but I was on a bunch of shit
and I am sober as a pope now.

And I forgive you for everything.
Truly. Okay, listen.

I am proposing to Phoebe.

I got a sick diamond,
I'm chartering a jet,

I'm gonna do the fairy-tale proposal.

- Congrats.
- Thank you.

Listen, she values your opinion,

so when you see her,
maybe say something nice

about how I swallowed my pride
and apologized to you.

[Joe] He did?


You're the best.

I have to go finalize the whole proposal,

but will you look after her
while I'm gone?

She's been, you know, a lot.
Say nice things, okay?

- Adam, I'm busy.
- Say nice things.

Professor Moore?

Nadia... Edward. Hello.

I'm confused. Are you rich?
No offense, it's just...

I have friends here.
I could ask the same of you two.

My mother wanted me to absorb culture.

And Nadia is my...

- What are we saying?
- I'm his date.

Could you get me another drink?

[Joe] I f*cking called this, day one.

I'm a little surprised.

Never repeat this,
but I think I might have been wrong.

No, I misjudged. Edward might be cool.

It's not his fault that his parents are
like evil newspaper vipers.

He is actively trying
not to be a prick, so...

Shit. Oh, my...

That's Lady Phoebe.
Do you think she'd take a selfie with me?

Ironically, obvs, but...

- She's quite friendly.
- You know her?

Uh, introduce me.

[Joe] Love to, but I have to plant
a decomposing ear on a train wreck.

I will, later.

I have to find somebody
and give them something.

I'll be back, okay?
I'll see you later. Okay?

Don't engage, can't engage.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You look great.

Everything looks great.

- We don't have to do this.
- No, you're right.

But let me just say,

I know it must have been hard
to pull together, not...

Not logistically but everything...

You're giving mixed messages.

I am.

You say you don't want to pursue anything
and then you come to my event.

You say sweet things, it's nice.

And it makes me feel worse.


- Kate...
- Do you...?

Do you really know what you want?

Excuse me.

[Joe] I want to go after her, fix this.

I want to be by her side, helping
as she tries to make something good

out of all the bad that's happened.

I want to be anything
but your severed-ear errand boy.

[suspenseful music playing]

Wow, making it too easy.

- Oh. Johnny Boy.
- Hi.

Oh, my... God, I've missed you.
Can I get you a drink?

I'm abstaining,
but it doesn't mean you have to.

Our conversation was a real wake-up call.

- It was?
- Seeing your face,

the look of pure pity when I told you
about the whole booty-bump debacle.

Made me realize I need to change.

I want to do something good with my money.

You know, instead of reenacting
Leaving Las Vegas.

- [Joe] This can't be happening.
- I look at you, Jonathan.

No money, dressed like a drab librarian,

but you don't let it stop you
being a good person.

And I want to be like that. Like you.

[Joe] He picks today, of all days,
to have a spiritual awakening.

I've booked myself into rehab.


I know, but I go tomorrow.

[Joe] It's like you said, the more time
you spend with someone,

the more cursed you are
to see them as human.

Hang on.

I'm thanking my higher power for you.

Go on. Meditate with me.

Got to start with deep breaths.

[exhales sharply] Oh, yeah, that's it.


[Joe] But you've got a g*n to my head
and I'm out of options.


Come in, I'm sure Kate's around.

- Lady Borehall-Blaxworth?
- Yes?

The police have asked me
to escort you to the safe room.

- Okay. Yes.
- We need to leave now.


What's happening?

I can tell you more
when we're inside the room.


[Nadia] I... Sorry.

Lady Phoebe, would I be able
to get a selfie with you?

I'm a really big fan.

- Oh, bless you.
- No, I'm sorry, not the moment.

Oh, I'm so sorry, darling.

The police need to speak to me urgently.

[crowd applauding]

What did I miss?

Kate's foundation just got
a serious head start.

Niko bought Simon's entire art collection.

My brother's art breaking new records...
He's bigger than he ever was in life.

Booze. Now.

[Kate] Niko, what the f*ck?

I couldn't decide which I love the most,
so I bought them all.

Well, assuming I approve
this lavish purchase...

Come on. I plan to loan most of them
to the National Gallery in Athens.

A few I'll keep at home.

Perhaps you could advise me
in a more private setting.

I don't come with the art.

[Niko] I understand entirely.

[whispering] You come separately.

If I'm still standing here,
it means I'm listening.

Cards on the table.
You're f*cking hot, Kate.

And you're smart and powerful,
and that's so sexy.

Truth is, I just love f*cking so much,

I'd think it was a curse
if I wasn't so good at it.

My place.


Bring wine.

I'll get the champagne.

[woman] Kate, darling!

[Joe] I'm not jealous
because I'm not with Kate, I can't be.

So I'm not.

Hey. Is there something going on?

I asked Lady Phoebe for a selfie.

She's been dragged out
by some really rude waitress.

The police need to speak to her.

If we're in danger,
I should really warn my friends.

My phone's missing.

Don't worry about your friends.
They'll be looked after.

Situation is being handled
this very moment.

So just sit down, take a deep breath.

All right? It's all been taken care of,
don't worry.

You said the police wanted to talk to me.

I feel you can handle the truth.

The police aren't doing their jobs.

Someone needs to protect you.

This was my idea.

To bring you to a safe room.

A safe room?

From the k*ller.

I've adapted the door specially.

[bag unzips]

Oh, don't be scared.

You know me.

I do know you.

I've seen you, you're a photographer.

No, I'm your friend.

[Dawn laughs]

Oh, it's okay.

You've been through so much.
I'm going to take care of you.

It's going to be all right.

Thank you so much.

I know you went to all this effort,

but I think I'd like to go now.

Must insist that we unlock that door.

No, absolutely not.

We're not going anywhere.

Right, okay. Thank you.

So none of our officers have asked
a waitress to communicate

with Lady Phoebe.

Why are we waiting?
They couldn't have gone far.

Check the street and any vehicles.
You take the back, I'll take the front.

And get someone on the security cameras.

- I'll look too.
- Stay here. You keep calm.

- We will handle this.
- But...

Kate, keep this thing going.
Don't raise any alarms.

Neither one of us can afford
to have this night go nuclear. I got it.

- Think it's the Eat The Rich k*ller?
- [Joe] No, you said you want this over.

Phoebe told me
that she thought she had a stalker.

I assumed she was overreacting,
but maybe...

Or the most obvious answer is the answer.

k*ller's been targeting her friends,
now Phoebe gets taken.

It's not the k*ller.
At least, it might not be.

If she tells me that she has a stalker,
I have to believe her.


Where would you take Phoebe
if you were her stalker?

I'd know the first thing they do
is check the cameras,

- thinking I left with her.
- She's still in the building?

Assuming there's no time
to build anything in the basement.

She's in one of the hotel rooms,
one with few or no adjoining walls,

in case she screams.

Isolated near a fire escape
would be smart.

- There can't be many in the building.
- Tell the cops.

- I'm gonna check a floor plan.
- Okay.

[Phoebe] I so appreciate
that you care, Dawn.

My best friend Kate,
it's her big event tonight

and I should be there cheering her on.

Come, we'll go together.

Phoebe, you do so much for everyone,

but I cannot let you put yourself
in harm's way.

I'm going to hide you here
until the police find this k*ller.

I'm gonna text your friends,
tell them you went to bed early.

Then tomorrow, early, we will sneak out.

I've got a flat.

Oh, I know you love throw cushions.

I bought you a ton.

Don't be scared.

You'll be safe there.
There are big locks on the doors.

I'm not gonna let anything happen
to my soul sister.

Remember the tattoos we got together?

Show me yours.

Did it heal over?

Can't have been deep enough.

We will give you another one.

We can use this. It'll be fine.

It's not so much about what it looks like,

it's more about the deep intent behind it.

Help! Somebody help me, I'm in here!

- Help!
- I told you, it's not safe! Come on.

It's not safe. Shh!

There is a crazy person out there.

[indistinct chatter]


How silly I'm being.

I've just been so jumpy lately, Dawn.

I'm so grateful
you're always looking out for me.

Of course. What are friends for?

You are a good friend, aren't you?

I'm your best friend, Phoebe,
and you're mine.

I try to be a good friend, I do.

I know. All those years watching you
on the telly,

following your social media,
I could feel the connection between us.

When you went to Bora Bora
and you tweeted about the sunrise,

I knew you were telling me
that I was the light to your life.

I only wish you'd been there.

Why don't we leave this wretched city
and go there tonight?

- Really?
- Yes! Yes!

Just let me text Adam
and he'll book us a flight.

Oh, no.

Um, this is gonna be hard for you,
but Adam is not the man you think he is.

- Meaning what?
- He's broke.

He's using you as a meal ticket.

No, Dawn, that's not true.

Adam has plenty of money.

No, he's behind on all his leases!

It's all the staff are talking about,
people are walking out

'cause they don't think
he's gonna pay them.

Rumor has it that he's just sold
his collection of cars.

His cars?

No, Adam would never sell his cars.

- He loves his cars, he wouldn't...
- Adam Pratt is a man of secrets.

They also say he's been unfaithful.

Perhaps you're looking the other way.

My mom did the same.

Head over heels for a man...

who treated her like Princess Di in public

and was humiliating her in private.

Eventually, everyone knew.

How awful.

To be made a fool of like that.

I begged her to leave him,
to have some self-respect.

But you can't command love
if you don't love yourself anymore.

- Oh, I didn't mean to upset you.
- No.

No, no.

It's good that you told me.

No one has ever looked out
for me this way before.

[elevator bell dings]

So tell me more about your mom.


It's not a good time.

We've got a leak in the room below,
so I need to come in.

Jonathan! Is that you?

[Joe] Yes.

Is everything all right?

[Phoebe] I'm with my friend, Dawn.

Told you all about her.

You have?

Yes, the paparazzi lady
I only speak to through the television.

Of course, I remember Dawn.

Why don't you let me in
so we can talk face-to-face?

Not in this lifetime.

- He could be the k*ller.
- [Phoebe] Oh, he's not.

He's a hero, he saved my friend's life.

Then why is he pretending
to be maintenance?

Um, probably because he thought
something had happened to me.

- Isn't that right, Jonathan?
- Yeah.

Listen, I don't want you to panic.

You are both in danger,
the k*ller is here.

And if you let me in,
I can explain everything.

I don't believe him.

Jonathan's the most honest person I know.

And he shouldn't be out there
with the k*ller.

If something happens to him,
I'll never forgive you.

[door unlocking]

Hi, Dawn.

You can trust me.

I'm a friend.

Lock the door.

What have you got
to tell us about the k*ller?

Wait, I know you.

I've been watching you
since you shoved in with Phoebe.

I followed you to that political speech.

You were acting strange,
like you didn't want anyone to see you.

[Joe] She was following me
while I was following you.

I tried to look him up,
but there's nothing.

This man isn't what he says he is.
He's either a con man or worse.

I won't hear of this.

- Jonathan's one of my best friends.
- How's that?

When's Phoebe's birthday?

August rd. Favorite song?
"Gimme More," Britney Spears.

Name her childhood dog.
Punky Spunky Sparkle.

This one doesn't care about you.
He's another user, hanger-on.

What do you want with Lady Phoebe?
Tell me the truth.


This is the truth.

Whatever relationship you think
you have with this woman, you don't.

It's a figment of your imagination.

- You're trying to confuse me.
- You care. That part is real, I know.

- But look at her. She's scared.
- I don't believe that.

- Tell him.
- [Phoebe] Dawn, it's okay.

I know you're a good person,
but you need help.

- You're not well.
- Nothing's wrong with me. I'm fine.

A German postal worker thought
he knew my friend Madonna.

He was suffering from something
called erotomania, sweetheart.

- It's a delusion.
- You're cross with me.

You think you know someone you don't.

He thought Madge
was proposing through traffic lights.

That's not happening to me.
I know what's real.

We can still be friends.
Starting today, a new friendship.

Put the knife down.

Unlock the door.

Let her go.

But she's not safe.

If somebody k*lled her,
I would never forgive myself.

I would never forgive you!

Drop the knife.

You're crazy! Get...

I have tried to be nice, you crazy bitch.

But enough is enough!

I am sick of being manipulated

and underestimated and fake protected.

You think you know me, Dawn?

What am I gonna do next?

Come on, tell me!

Freeze! Stay where you are!

- Put the knife down!
- Happily. Happily.

This woman kidnapped me,
and then she tried to carve up my arm

and k*ll Jonathan.

Phoebe, I didn't do that.

- I was trying to help her.
- [Sunday] Andrews, look inside the bag.

[Dawn] Phoebe, I did this to help you.

[man] Oh, my God. That's disgusting.

[Joe] Unlike Connie
who was only hurting himself,

Dawn was endangering Phoebe.
A better choice.

That's Simon's earring.

- She's the Eat The Rich k*ller.
- No.

You are being arrested on suspicion
for the murders of Malcolm Harding,

- Simon Soo, and Gemma Graham-Greene.
- I didn't do it.

- You have the right to remain silent...
- Phoebe. Are you all right?


- It's all right, pumpkin. Okay?
- Adam.

A hero, again.

[Joe] It's over.

I did what you asked.

The k*ller, in quotes, was caught.

Dawn will get psychiatric help

and eventually be exonerated
once I've exposed the real k*ller,


Of course, you found a way
to spin this in your favor.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

I should be jealous.

The man h*jacked my date
and enlisted her to catch

an infamous m*rder*r.

Do you not think it's weird
that a few weeks ago

he knew bugger all about detective stories
and now suddenly he's Hercule Poirot?

Clearly you do.

Lady Phoebe said something
about him being the hero again.

It just seems weird.

When's the last time you read something
where the outsider kept being the hero

but had no deeper connection
whatsoever to the story?

- What are you saying?
- I don't know.

Just seems like he's the kind of man
who knows more than he lets on.

Hello, my love.

This seems a lot for two people.


Nothing is too much
when it comes to you, darling.

Sit, sit, sit.

- Nice.
- What is this about, Adam?

It's about you. Actually, it's about us.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.



Why don't you open that up?

Phoebe, will you marry me?

- Oh, my... Adam...
- I've chartered a jet

and it's gonna take us
straight to the Hotel du Cap.

Where we first met?

I need you.

Almost losing you made me realize that.

Or was it almost losing something else?


Your club,
your reputation, your lifestyle...

I know about your money problems.

I found out from my stalker,
of all people.

How sad and humiliating is that, Adam?

I can't do it again.

Be made a fool of.

- Phoebe, come on.
- I have been incredibly kind in the past,

had so many dear little lambs
who were, in actuality, cruel wolves.

That's not me.

I want someone who loves me.

Really, truly loves me.

Because that is the one thing
I've never had.

Don't say that. Okay, I love you.

I love you more than anything.

Me or my money?

Money? It's not about money.

Well, if that's true,

then you will sort your problems out
and come back to me, won't you?

Then I'll know you mean it.


[pop music playing softly over speakers]

To independence.


[cell phone buzzes]

What the...?

Tom Lockwood?


Katherine. Kate.

- I can explain.
- Katherine? You...

Oh, my...

Oh, my God.

You're working for him?

- You're working for my father?
- It's not what you think. I'm just...

He had you buy the art, didn't he?

He wanted to do something nice,
help you start your foundation,

but knew you were doing
this independent woman thing.

I don't know
what makes my blood boil more,

that comment or the fact
that you've been lying this whole time.

I wasn't. I have stepped away
from my family.

Yes, to work for mine.
It's infinitely worse.

He really is trying to help.


I know... I know you believe that

because you're not smart enough
to see you're being played.

By helping Tom give
your foundation millions?

By sending me a message
that he is ever present,

ever controlling,

no matter how I try
to get out of his shadow.

You can leave now.


[door closes]

[Joe] Well, she wasn't wrong
when she called me out

for sending mixed messages.

[knocking on door]

[door closes]

So, what the hell do I say?

There's something here.

Then why are we wasting time?

[Joe] Because even if I get rid of you,
there's the issue of Joe Goldberg.

Because what I told you is real.

My past is not great.
Otherwise, I wouldn't waste a second.

I think about you, I see who you are,
how you take care of people.

The good you're trying to do.

I got jealous the moment I saw
that prick touch you,

and I have zero right.

Believe me, I know.

But I see you.

- I just...
- Are you trying to say you want me?

Kate, of course, I want you.

But I can't have you.

Do I have this straight?

You ran away from who you were

and what you did, or both,
and you don't want me to know.


Your desire is to be honest,
but you can't.

So your only choice is
to run away from this too.

No. Yeah.

Yeah, well, I have a past too, Jonathan.

In another place with another name.

All I want is to never be her again.

Well, for what it's worth,
all I see is Kate.

I know you do.

So I will never ask your name,
who you were, what you did.

I don't need to know. Ever.

If you are honest with me from now forward

and I'm honest with you, then...

- Yes.
- That's what matters.

If you let me leave her in the past,

then the least I can do
is the same for you.

We are trying.

So do the same thing.

I don't have to ice you out
and you don't have to run away.

We can just...

- We can be this.
- Whatever the f*ck this is.

[Joe] Best reason yet

to get you out of the picture permanently.

Sofa or bed?

I don't care.

["Thrills and Chills"
playing over speakers]

Hello, Joe.

You know, there's nothing quite
like a nice cold, crisp lager after sex.

Your hair, mate. Oh, and the window.

I hope you're not gonna give me
a lecture about watching people.

- No, no, no, don't turn it off, Joe.
- [music stops]

- I did what you asked.
- And a stellar job of it, mate.

- Pinning it all on that woman.
- Yeah.

Opportunity fell in my lap, didn't it?

You thought on your feet.

Erotomania, f*ck, it's brilliant.

You know, I had to google it.

The whole "voices in my head thing
made me do it" is very hard to disprove.


What now?

- This is over, right?
- Over?


We're done dealing with the little people,
if that's what you mean.

One last thing. The biggest and greatest.

Our main event.

[Joe] Of course.

- No.
- But you're gonna love it.

So he's a man
who represents everything we hate.

Capitalist greed, hypocrisy.

He's also backing my political opponent

and he's a massive thorn
in the side of your girlfriend.

Kate's father.

Tom Lockwood. The devil.

We're gonna have so much fun k*lling him.

[eerie music playing]